Springbank ... Cotînued ram page 1 "Bu," e said, "Spring- Tie nrilersrolte wouid ianchoebse tu disregard i." see granel trucks rasel soalis Baises sad CF Rail as oneb Second Lice tai Fine said tise rail sidinq osnlthe Sideroad, ceai 10 lise Firsl qarry site ls easîble, and Lise, sotso10 15Sideraad, saggestedbhe raiiidea comn easioGuelphLUne and soib pared t10thlise o itrucbs 10 ligisway 401. wouid save fuel, lessec polu- os Tesday, engineer RO10 tions lesses noise aedin- eri Biey aiflie ires ni McCor- crease eaînîy. minis Rasiin and Assciates Baises ecvsagrd aone or esimaied road reonesiran-tlob trans per day as beg ions ems for lie cortiers suilcieci 10 serrer lie qarry. rolte ai$953,0005 for 3,000 leel "-caup de frac" domo lise Second Lice, acd Wat about grasel irocise $450.000 forlie ialance îae lîc boogistise illage Tise oly road alernatise i Capbelcle ai lie aleci fr lie truckse 1 rombie ertosine every tionor iree min long Fise idroad acd oies? tbrougis lie illage 10 401, for Tbe illocîcg are reeren- lise Miislry ni Transporta- taise commeclo ieard yliseth lion and Commications ne e se MB members' 1974 adslsed Miloc tiai no Mlon lawyer Baices:" sprahoa-op rcadS wocld sggeslibhallis would be th beprîîdbetwec lise cop de grace ferlise village qoarry and Higisoay 401. iiprmied." Earlier be aid Wial about a pecial eoad"lise qualiy and enioymenof linis the qoarry ils liseIlle in Campbelvleltrcide Gueph a,îeîoust souofnIlieciter." 401 intercagr'. asbed lie Haîone lacyer Non BRaies: loue. Tise MTC replied uai "-Wal e is e csl of accm- lise speiai esad woold acc codaief' Wiat do people 10 bitlise GuettpisLice no Ies gel bacis obec tibigs ldo n- uas 700 fei osais oi tie ioomeci arr laise away" nercbacge A branccioni lie Wlal arr tie beceils 10 lie Bank oNova Scnliastands ai commocily? Tiece are lise 000.0001 maris nne'I Users onfine Acdcisal dîd some cuer el tie rail raceter ni a g cîleesses thisicifciCampbell- gergale remaice a psibilily, ille? and Me. undi, lie conulant Campbell Tiompeon. Mil- nibo eeiird Moncdap. said on drpat-ly nrci "lis a liere serr etrîgitimajor agideeacpie ofiruralisamlrl gregale ses Inaird on lie sellemeci uai bas epi up CP Rail lice le Mero Toron- cis tie imes." to. Bob Zadacyl. Milon Plan- Miltone iacyer Trry sec "Il (trucks raffi c old aices, ic is summalion Fri- deslroy lie ecircemeci and day, irsilid uai "rail ial lise type of serllemeni patere age le compeiise if suffi' eeisioced by te formee e is olume le losolved" and tccnship ci Nassagaceya. peaised lise "nisiouse Prneî Mrs. Mlcu Ericisece. mol ci ibsorc ni ran-iouecîle, Fîce bîderoad: wpelaion" as a cr-edible "We love it! ils super' We'd solution 10 tie dlemma. ale 10 sec il cage' Province shifts.. Conineud fropaer1 ssii about irer fer cr01 a ise-year prrod 19700-79 year. esen iiougb local speedico by local goece' goeromeel speedîso cn cectinîcrrased by 70 per creased bY 70per cetinthbe crn. Tiai s 10say. cuni- sace period. cipalilies, scisool boarde and "Thiss s obosîcly nu1lishe local agencies iceasrd ieir ice 10 icîiale cosly nec spendicg roc $36 billon 10 progracems, ocecer incocu- $6. Ibillioc," Wellissaid. ice iisey cigisi bs, aniess "*Asverylargeparlofiliss lose ca cofselhycokiig lcrase as boe iîanced reducices elsen ere ie ud- dîecly by greally incrrased gris Nr s il ice o be aie provîccial gracie ciicb caigioondsforsec prnjrcLs iase doobîrd roc $14 billion aid aclîilies ciîci cay be 10 $2.0 blbleoi îse eyeare i<ieecd as relaivrly recole Beiereservices rmctheaciuaiileareingpro- "Tbe resit oi iis bas bee cris enlise classrwmc." Wels ubaI local goeremeel bas suîd. beeabe 10 acisie s eceBusiso pressur e panded acd improsrd local Tise Mnisers annouece servces cils oly coderale iceae i0lclliirales cenci s expecird 10 cause lc cber ilcordl ctim lseaddtîonal pressures on tbe provine porico more acd shourlo bn us seiod ee l core mcnery ic local spcis als n le rgc csr goereneni. cucicipalilies spc cacibe aie adin cuaise properîs incmacyparts oilthe eefio acesoly cîeîmally scoocs are acîg crocded "Tisefigures bear iis out codiios andi groclis proie hier lie 100-75 priod. local tis indcale uai pressures niliiratecincrûasrs aseragedr,<suhnis inthse areas ciii A CANADA CORD, highest honor in Guiding and the culmination cf lhree vears of wîrb. was preseîtrd l week lu Valerie Johnson of 2nd Mlton Guide Co. Her parents Mr. and Mrs. Cec Rowley hoid some of ber gîf 1, lett and Mrs. Yvonne Andress, Vaeries irsi Brnwn Owl wnhen sbc jcîned Broninies seven years ago is piclured uit rîght afler mabîng the presentation. Valerie collected 41 badges on her way te the top and aI 14 s one o the youngest lu ever receive the honor. The presentation was made folowing a pot luck dinner organized by ber company for thie girls and their mothers. Division Commissioner Mrs. Joy Coxe, ber Depoty Mrs. J. McBride, District Commissioner Mrs. Thornlon. Camp Adviscr Mrs. B. Ginger. Captain Mrs. Jean Greig, Lt. Mrs. Mary Jane Stevens and St. Pauls Mînister Rev. W. L. Brownu atso altended the ceremolîl lieuse becarelui i cîburges 5uur Mitoni ire Duffs s pliL ire osir the biiiday seasun iii'parlmnto Tsi'cearly Sreetsv'ilre goals foceud tbe Milto111n iiece cid- Chrstma gel Dullerîns tocon rm bebînd lu aie 6-2 enSississ- asga alsrday nîgisi Dosl drcopid a 54 drcisiiicie (iolpbSdunday ecrcîcg aller 4 <.4!" I1 iaking a 42 lead, Dan Nadalie aid flot) Cbunpoeacb scciedlawicr 4 «<i j( ,iw «« 1r the DîjfsinleSreelîcîlli culli Dace harndec and Cari 7<11< ý(iii(r,« "(' Capueacb scrieoce.i I dl îîlllindci'fil I l Randy MacDoinad and Kccii Smicthbeai'lipicedp aniis < Penaliesîrs 'ctllb uila ihe wn i Guelpb aller oai. bhy 4< MacDlcad, Ndalir, Lyces acd ileeliPalltecsîîe Milon '~<1î1 '< ast eedîstiîbulrîl ais ong Billicz reliig Orpen acd bibe EPlus îî< <<' lIchert Balduwini chucl iii Miloce s a primue ciacple »'.<I d.<<" Tbal scbul s cr' e dîl 1- faills modvbing sil- sido thîî at leslead f beîîîg able lt D nzlLw o r w lk i iBadwin, îcucgsiers IzilLaw enc cccing lto1te ae l bae clîb ssedto Stew'art tocccacd Pîieuewere AE.LFPAGE lOINEO CErE grculb pessures dîîî 't isl SERVIE hU BETTEI<' and ciassiccnispac e s<îil able The Canadia Champion, Tues. December 23, 1975 13 Choose Rev. Lewis Il ring bel A Presbylerian iueiler eacrd .. h.onarary ceseber worbs as achaplainiat the ail slatioeed on the seconedfluor chose commUeity service niflise local club chaiecan and is alfrnueel siu i of tuhe tcnbhall and pulthe grs far beyond hîs oce mcc ester Wood. ballon Manor anid Miltce Dis- rope Eilat activatrs lise nid c iurcbes. Rer. W. R. "Rod" "We asbed bima tu do the trietl ospital tccer bell on the sirnise of lecis bas been nansed Mili oos.Ir eontino L The honor of ringing ibe nidnighi. toilnsoffiiaiNewsh'eai"s EveIr i isiOccoityserviiceinea bell usually Igues lu sonne Kinsmeoa'ilserve cofre beli-riner'mulitude ofareas" he said, cii' icindedcitizen. indiionois. The ecen is Ilr The NewcVears Ece cere- Bennerybhoser The'Newo Year's ceremnicy iedolnit) al ny. a tradition in Milice Reides serving Bostoniand is a irieioe The crcudowili since Canada 's celencial linagb Presbylerian Chur- galber ai the tonhallIl ii 'irrnic are slippers cus rang inuonlbhe eveof1967,dieLawis rrcenlly beaded Main SI lelceen Il 30 and divei.aieluliy nier the boiti s iponoird by the MilIcn upiccs'versiiini of Mltl I' l mnicel Thursdai' a, and District Kinsme Cli'iiSnta Clau.iParadelielis al- tirs:il ad 'Auld Iang ThlociiliidIeiis ilsua rmi saactiely coriet un a re Occe ilii eSu ng 011ithe b'eChiobn ffc iercili e Kiismnand rececily aas ceres buselfor icobc ics sielaiitheeîidiigiiiicouiit Wcciiliîs'.iiiuc2 io2E orithe diîui evIciliis ciiliiLebîloilay As the story of Christmas -~ <" ~unfolds may ail the blessinga îîîîr lîîîîtones, of yiaithis hoiy sdiae th (e season be yours. Iorfiîî er e tih ile -Sic r 7 E3tOu r tha îks and thl i _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ th a n k s to a ll. l1cC SS( cîshiliinsu i LI^ýE Bob Cross ANNETTE CHUCHMACH cA 001 Doc Gowland D. GODDARD REAL ESTATE LTD. S Lewin Sales JOyous ChIRiS'CMAS M ay Vvon h li Jy )e t lied Ithpeace andi centy: the quiet contente ent whch cone t n w (4 .,pcia htikS for tting thir trustltLS TAN HOMSTREL !R]T "1' ced qkw t 51 oukindIe Ile lire n of mb-1itmi il«-.i il N eemam he.aeroe I amail htbmge. 1<> ur Mmmd lrie'nds. u a ro hol iduluu Mreet i n gsk Best Realty & Insurance Ltdi. andl staff Sbiey s- v-MiSe -A i uni Maiq -Iiccîîa Ros l'îi l'o. <i"iii Les' Ronker Rrlly Bradîîg Rcily icqin Macager Edia Joei Roc Rocrigaci M= --ý ý ýýÂýt 4 ý ý ï ýê ýlý ýà " ý , ý ; ý . ý