.Mr. J. Shea By Lnd Rsi,Gr. 7 Mr. J. Shea, one of Martin teee'sgrade 7 leachero, ld us tmesbackground ino- inatOooabout hIoel Ihafs bateresting ta koow. For in- sanceehe ta very ioierested in montorcycles. Ho lihes ridog ilong cow troilsono his 175 Kawasaki. Mr. Sheoos mot aeoso hobby o astique col- ecting, and he loves to reod Mr. Shea woo bortsin Nia- -gaoFalls. Ho lived there un- li19. He wet 1a chool in jIgiagaro Folio aod ai A. N. jlayesoec onds% chool. He *a be eas asd b nag~ f r 10 P ,anbs agt all sb- ta eoxcept French) lx gedes 4, 5, 6 and noo 7. ."Wlat Mr. Shea liet bet liand their attitude. 7Chidren lbbc hs mahe TEACHER J. SHEA Photo by Don Wllllamo csesilig ta seboon thUemse ig areatteeat':saysà Shea. Outdoor education By Ka thy Rhlbsg. Grade 8 This year maoy nese electivon have boens aîired and Wo -hion one of the monf funsand edocattooa1lao the 0usd. Ed.a ti Eleclive. In Ue 12 eeh etective Ue groap af have haemcontdnrs every day escep once. Tbey have be on bibis, oriesleerieg teips ai chool atsd Kebo tripse la onarey and saitsg.T ha main eceol sa lar has bE ILdog thUe Palamiso stables. We wilt be giog crons cat try liq gyel. ForUe ltday aI Ue elecldve Ue cass iS ha ga fcboggiassisg ai Kelso and Uen goitsgIfor bot dogs and1 chocoats ai Miss Micelals lame Miss E. MuchaI, Ue t cher, bobs the idsonas Ueir trips every Wedesday al on. lsashs is tebb gives te Ms. Gadlrey, Ms. Willoni by, Ms. Goenez, aod Miss Mitcee for drivitsg Ue studeots ansd rces Ueir dstinations. Stamp elective By Robin Wlson, Grade O Every Wedesday ram 2.20 p.m uotl t340 pm. i action] las elecives. One elective la for stasep collectars ai peoplembho montd ltibe bosiart a colections In tis eleebive% do sacb lbosgs as rade, scaa, dry, mmints, and sort stami 2Petholscalections cao mrk aos thir ow o attri bile Ue aibees mach os Uigs lac Mr. Sadler, mr stan luacher. Eacb eb Mr Sadler boes 20-25 minse 1tlacb sbomp calecbing vocablary. Tmo ords rom the stas votablary are "borse" micb oa a samp aaclîoo a 'jllalelics" micb is the collectisg aI pstage stamps. Sos sees ae pay binoata is priar pacels xf tamps sappîsi by Mr. Sadler. IlIlere a sfîsesent iobrest in samps Mc. Sadler mig alrta stamp club mbîcb mitI bcheld ateracheal. Martin St. ath/etic council By Evelyn Thomsoo, Grade O The Ailetir Cooncîl, micb la appaîated by Use staf, i rides on Ue acisities UaI Maclan Street Middle Scbmit cz dolasr Ue pbysicat edacaliox classes. Thixycar se arlac l .lavesold choni ribbams. T-shirts and a hatsdy ltte gym bý lor bt bys yaandgirls. . They lave decided on Ue follisg activities for it ýOnlrasprts; fball for Ue boys, fuildhockey fr the gir vIl hall for girls atsd boys, atsd fbar bacbey lac boUs gi Membors if Ue astheic conxicil tis ear are: Grade Msary Jane Hassard, Steve Marshal, Aileex Raigcab, Frai Shmidt, Carnie Bodreaa, Colix Crombie; Grade 7, et Noie, Kevix Houldcrof, Szanne Eodermicb, Roi Be Terri-Atss MacDonald, Stax Fav. Debbie Sowdex. JefI Gi has, e, ias rs, Joe OGrady, Grade , Kelly MaDonxi -Joery Raab, Toni Carter, JeIl Elslev, Mchelle Ravier, F Roberts, Mchelle Knoales, Peler Sclmimdt. Radio station starts By Ellen Kernso, Grade t L inW a Ast aetedy read wewere planningoaradio sta lasWelDe.lMr. Shea's ctasswason the air, tley did a m very good job. One reaoo for lihe radio station was, Sa that - Martn Street student ouldotsle bored wit the saineold anoauocemeobo. Nom tbey laugb atolfl the jokes onthtie sta- Aooocemetsaolsrt ai .45.Pop records, poeoo, sories and jobes are tld aver lise speaker. Teachers and classes are Mss Mitceel 73, 7-4, M. Sbea 7-1,72, Mes. Davidsots8-t, 8- 2 Mr. Vider 8-3, 8-4. Good tucb ta the stodeola miso stiti hase to do il Wlld game of voile ybal lty Kaliryn Dossto, Grade 8 The grade six girto ptayed a witd game of voteybatt againsm tbe 1aciers, ite gm on Wed, Dec. 2 The large crowd mbcb sbowed ap for the gome via susrprioed wbes in soe ofhe men teaeers pton qoite anase. Tey dressed up inofoy cosume omabe the game more ivety. Me.For ir- boa, Mr Shea, Mr. Travis atsd Mr. Hatey ere the masques- M. aders. r. The teacbers woaa the icol gamne 15-13, but al, tisenmd oI lie second game, te score as 15-12 for lise stadenls. The bochers ooed some straoae tecbniques to send the batt over the et. Finsure ttat this isa gume wich ilite remeober- ei by aIt wo attended. We hope 10 have more intecexlitsg games ibe sis dariog thse yeac. l'nChristmas table centres 18 By Km sleFrest Gade 8 set One of Martins Streets eectives is Chrstmas table cea- the tes The iosleuctor is Mrs. L. Robertson.In this eeclîve stu- bot ta ~ 5iy hiaverees ptacediiii Ue beatiul diaplay inoumi er- We e decided that eacb sudet willcotrihate 50 ýst h uftspe lcie h arrangement will thseslbe raf- greatly enjayed by tbe studevîs atoog swih te otre elerives tias oece off ered. School dance Our By Chris Hutre.GradeS8 med ODec. 4 e badla coot dance. Masystudeols acrd Ps oil lac sis danice atoag itb some of Ue leachers aod a Ira on parentsofa somne oI the stadeoto Tbe Stdeat Coaxil elped mp in variosmwayssrving refresbimesst, operating therecord- cvtape talbdbhe soogscrecocded on tbm and ceaoîvg up us aller tbe dance as ovec. ai Getting l ae itci, ltarted aIt at 3.30 and codevi an i53.Temusic and d e eegoomb l oartrdof oe 'lwy hnatrbu 0mntstegym oas cochisig. Adthe tied teachers vvrolhome, alongmwithmany wornoutl hI sadeol. A special Ianksis vgvr o thie staf and Ithe lu- dn1 Cooscl o Matin Sreet Midde Sclîool, te- ley 3ag rls, e 6. ohk cil, Martin St. School News STUDENTS from Milton District High School are preparing a "Guide 10 Milton for thc Handicapped" which will advise the dîsahled where they cao and cannot go in town due ta architectural harrîers, Jerry Fritzley is shown measuring how long a ramp would have to be xv a person in a wheechair could easily enter this Main St law office. Survey organizer Patty Holmes jota down figures on her cliphoard. CIll«STAIAS -v * OPEN MON. FR 1. 9:30 -9:00 * SATURDAY 9:30 -5:00 STOCKIN' STUIFERS0 * . RONI DISPOSABLE: MITTS LIGNIERS : * ** Ai0169 BOYIS ~100',N YLO N S59 v e MEN'S SOCKS: * 2/99c NOE* LADESOUALIT >e .PPR NYLON PANTYe * HOSE $1.66 3~1OO * ee GYAMSAR $3.3 SK eAT *M K e GI $19 eTl CADIAN $8 8 * 8 ELE E OIOOI0W$99 Ni--- RECLINERS NOTEXACLY SILO i LLiîXiirDL PHILLIPS H V eDT e Light Univers Garbago RNTU EBulbs Candies Bags e ICHARD! Ofl'J' * TELEVISION .:2 P 4 4 4 $%I H A D -0 f*I1,A'PPLIANCES e 5E RESFRVE THE RIGHT 201 MAIN ST., MILTON 878-2336 WALL TO WALL BARGAINS: 33f3h age~j~ Wed. December S, 9 75 B15 Pi< * ~ ~ ~DP8' BARGAIN: I O EMPORIUM: I 158 Mill St. Milton : m-il