RO B ss site ~ ~ ~ ~ ý nCR1m hs oomsnnomb n pclo ligan îîotnmfmlic marge homesoon te o apperovla eo Eneoacre bathi-om on'toanh 01000, benodlnom, p i Inestmont aI $96,900.00. plus, only 65000.00. $150000 GOVERNMENT G RANT STI LL AVAl LABLE FOR ABOVE HOMES Bob Cross Real Estate & Insurance Ltd. 3287 Main St. W. 878-2888 Milton n~BEST REALTY AND mINSURANCE LID. Trafalgar Square 310 Main St. Milton POUR BEDROO3M,'2 soueno, hrick limone.central lmie lion. This homo s an olde Mme ln excellent condition. $6950000 PI-LEVEL BRICK HOMIE-4 hedi-oons, 2 tiroplases, malkot famlly ron-on10 acrs.s Otll shed and tonndatioe toc 200x030barn, oplit iail corral .0129,9W000 10 0000.0olde brick homoeoon n t-a lai-golot. Tis hme as eatitol lmes and ili make one of the obomplacsofo Mltono. $6,00000. non,ý 3 BEDROOM,ianhltype, lapboa-d bongalnm. Lioen m las, the ouoantey and cl in tomn, onlo minutes roon thoee. ai-ea ne shopping plaza. eatitally lreend loi. Ominer tiaestei-ed and is anxiloos In oeIl. Make an 011e 569.900.00. PESTORED BRICK tipien on quiet reidenlial strenof Veey gnedoaiale and ptotCoionall y t-nated, 3 BEDROOM, aluminmim ciad back 501t onea 12ar 86,n33 country lut. Completelo reeinistoed. A Poolt" bay et ______________________________________________________3 BEDIROOM, brick and alaninam baskSi-lit in Doreist Park near the Badin scoiol. Piicei lclodos a beauaah ful 16 n 32 ingi-ond, sonreto pool ih mat-hilitn finish. Ncely doratod and clean as a Pin .069,500.00 h l APlIRSTCLASS duplexnmith 2bedi-noms ineai-h epart FV O B E R T mont. Poautitol Colonial design,, ail 4iaminum ex- Imîner, lai-go tieed lot on a quiett Hi-ml Hîghly ci-con, mended at $54900.00. H. F BER REA ES ATE TD.3 BEDROOM, stocco home- lai-goliving oom anid H FOB RT R AL E TATE LTD.kitchi-n, centrai aie conditioning -non an i-ot-a lai-gi- 22 Ontauio St. S.,Mlton (Across from Plaza) 00litta as emn approve ortoi he sepacation of 9 & aotherlot. Th- mholi- Ihing foi- $84,900.00. FOBEIRT FOBERT BEST REALTY & INSURANCE LTD. 229. i.S. lOo 20nieîî - S S, III - ITrafalgai- Square, 3100Main Sti-eet, 8792365 W I S E B U Y S 878-2365 MloOtro nos 878-4118 Totonto LUne 826-4915 Affero-h oses c al fNke Ledifli880083 Jm Baileo- 878-6506 Oi-s Cassidy 889143 Ross Cscone g7t-27s5 S'ai-g -'oaci-n 7R2749 Donna Mui-ray 878-9744 Ai opi-acock 7 6447 MEMORO OF THECOAKVI E REAL ESTATE BOARD ~iPAGE JOINEO TOGETHER To Charming aider brick; barn; backs onto pond; good condition .. .. $84900. Prime area o Dorset Park; excellent boy; crescent location . . . . $59900. The Canadîan Champion, h 1 86. REA HAVE YOU ALWAYS WAI A 3 bi-roombu n galnm heoking on f0 at wi ha 3x 16i ng-ountd pool plas oqipmn fhioaghout, fini she-d i-ic coom nlda fie fae-one- aailahli foi- yoc anod possos! ate Aokii- ag 430000 341Tei-iy Sam COME IN AND MAKE Ar Sifoted i Dosef Pao-k, les a3 bdrooi bunogaom aailing oaely Ni-m Yoae i hme haoi-fany dde-d lataooc and on ig 6090000. Cali Ti-ci-l Saedi-rsooo 10 ACRE BUILDING1 Sfaated ast soathfmisf of Acton. $3400000. Cali Toi-iy Sandoroon. MUST BF SOLO immidiate possessionnithevacanff 4 fi-y hcngainm n ovnec a hait an acre i pacesheroadioofhi-ot and manye) $09900.000 Cali jne Wai-nec F. PENNEY REAL ESTAI 476 Steeles Avynue, Mi For More Details Ca iMAanagei- 85329218 Mai-a i-ila. 3 bedroom backspît; wmou bult home; Lve meI-buy iey; compare this 3 paaed drive . . . . $59900. bedroom brick bungalown on Kingsleigh court; near parks and schoots -.... $54,900. OWNEN ITRANSI~FRRED in Milono, 3 bedi-nnm raised ranch, tamily kitchon oaith patio doneston denk, L3 shaped liing-dining ronm, fl ba emenf-alI tlnished. HoUse hoadlonmed thcoogh OUI. Lai-go gaage, side yardtfencecd Baotltol home, Must el Asking $57,500 OWNERS TRANSFERREO (Acton) i-a hndroon, bhic k aised rai-ch, large livcing i-oom, sepaae diningroom, kifchei-acOh a lot foOcupbad spaci- Fafishoil eroi-on, fi-l haci-rn-n arlo- ail fîo-sheo-OThis ho- -s b.It onfaaio-i-iol lotitih lots of frees. as a qood Il o ,rigaOi ai loi , pi-o-ci-t. Akiiog S54 MO 878-8188 Country Cor 1 86. REAL ESTA Milton loancîl i-i-i ilon day s expei-ood o ss tNIFO ccc4oipi-d lyaa oenn itra nci-ni oar-o c chi ch park, complie aoilonyrease o- 001- rooîo $100 ienihi-nadion, heOli- ofcalicerncelori-scnie 'cedlo 10 eo. o neîs-ccing a bu4iisine'ss in dieson. lic aid 19180 ýl,100 61000 monsra-O icc4hs paiclia laoi occapanco 10he foidn hiin,,i sthbesmen 055 lic-anc loy s alily dei000d la oi-s buinessOltaxes ouilil il And She $20011 s ccdilcsl tu LOT the -nirchtoraconiiyoas A bai-gain ai futi-e as bills Co-ci Jacki di-Oacih esplaoni-d t004f 1thloi- la, ddn'l 0xist. a lic Oc ighl bconm coan nrcli.oslcoid selapcshapîin boastîng 2 lice a vacant storeon MainomSi.. ni-ras. Lisedoaf selgaolforconc moisio 4nd ilencse heshol-p and l2040e aihonl pocîsg anybuinesosc louncillors (c ic i-eno TL LTO ý1500cr ilotally fbu iiisled Oc bc -aolci-5i 1-46005ý lton raebu Mcloii-c' i-led Try5re- aoi-c Othe -hakrs ,and yod i-ocr S12d9c fieres- alo-scl daci- dîoor Fullaer B0 S uci- hi-loch 40101 82-iar7 c p0 idia soosmnandoithe lîko 21 106 must boaaa $5(1 licence-Sclai- 0s6oo 33 tiycai icgalil pap-c in N6liin SApprove budget .. ,iiiicandliîghiosg 41i11004gh mner 1Park In helire lo-y lpailiscuit gl-ihe ouaisiil 0as ippoed Ile- constlrucionc(ifi ai las 41 anlîiaicoil Si-elaludaling lIdo-audgetlcn,o ibllo-s Ia- lo cs dohcol'bat diex ocooreied Sbudgetclso11 - ' -o.s o ditire-ociciplaiedo bo lhe luirai-sboarif0$5IoSi ia Promises; promises, ail fulfiied rîght here; an utteriy ioveny home; 1 acre ...$79,900. Bargain huntersl look liere a aeltgnmfuu 2 storey home; very reaonabe'.. $39900. Gary Thomas, Mgr. 878-236 Muriol Dubien 877 6281 Audrey Newnl 878-5339 Warren Crawford 878-7487 Shhhhh ..If s a quiet country bungalown on 1 acre ...$59,900. Sneak-a-peek at 8h10 0000 lIstinig; partitionIs for rec. roOm 4bedrooms....- $63900. OPEN 9 'TIL 9 WE HAVE MANY OTHERS FOR MORE DETAILS CALE 818-2365 Tor. Lîne 826-1030 Ken Newell Joan Jaonto Bill Carib SOUTH 0F MILTON 2 ai-o-s God barn siitabii-for horses. Pond ,asoci- aord oiimming pool. a bedrononraisedoai-oh, coac-o-'o sie kitchen, liins roim with 5 06to irace- laogercroom.'moth bao- 'oectrîclfii-ipiace. Loatod on quitfpavedi-oad.Have ohoaght -Rdcodîfor-qaicli sali- f0 $97,5W00,00. STARTER HOME (ACton) Ga-i-icnti oGrao-fs end DecenOilr ai 100 ACRES Ail oorka1blo, hîghlo- productivi- lai-O 3 miles eot of 87-53 a, 0500,00n.gonM ii,, 0004 lte . 00n877-7210 FOR LISTINGS OsANSFE: i- SALES 8784944 PROM COST TOCOA00 FOR PRIPSOLO INFORMATION5 ANO REAL ESTATE SERVICE 9 DENZIL LAWRENCE 878-9543 Oakvlle 845-4267 368-4121 8&n3,1bu HOBBY FARM Si-afod oi-25 scei-ori-a-ci -hi-o- 1ureo-oo-ies aidp-O yogio-d mond, thon mopeic2or, o-lyaadi-oan h co-me i-ai--s 4lai-ge bercoams,-, l ci-ooo syai-ai durin 'w-fanîl y ro-anan od 1i ac ,ai- ,acCaoadîao- k cheo Be atflliy k eifwmifh al the o g al c i-Oaneiiîoan-d piri iýr i-i- hioaghouit.Snali sfoer caio-,1 0o-ces) and-4 c il ooaar ,Lacafedcf n s, nutes fo-i-i-401 ai-O15 1-1- 4-e co-i-f0i-O-oc iraoferrA ihon 01-$129,000 NATUREL LOERS i)ý te,.si sîiehu, 60 . i h- îîcîao-i.11,1 WA NIE crri-ao-f-H50, fao-n, airngos, lois ai-Oseial coutryh 'meson10ft 00ai-esi-5for 10,tinq09 coioiFo- a oiofi do-tal eaii-iaion fiathoaf obligation, 0iaecOll u Forcfiri-o-fi-normtio-na on fOOsepo pOyi laoC ial loge .W. STONE, REALTOR Oakville, Ont. 4-313 MoaM0i4 a s.... a .... CHýE 'eRISTIm0ef & _OD f--îi - - ,.îo '1îaP COUNTRY 10 parfiallo mnoded ars pco acyiît hoa t isoolalionn. beautifialssinic hilltop 010,0 Closeton 401 ineri-shan ge, deai foi- a connafoc SAsking J, acre building lot, close to fomn. sking $26,0MO CALL 878-2095 TOR. 826-747 86 M033 ýmmw.TîIH; g!lýý 1 86. REAL ES j 86. REAL EST REALTOR EXCLUSIVE LEASING AGENTS FOR DORSET PARK PLAZA GEORGETOWN GO TRAIN SPECIAL Foost timo home omners aoc nom lenClone foi- the govenenft grant. $300000 dome ilii move you nto this 3 bedi-oon bungalow nenar sonpping and schools. Qo.ahito- heodlom, nc idoand shoes in liing rc plus oas tango and do-ero-ar-e alli ncdd in the list priceofotS43500.00. Oil Juno Warner. ROOM FOR IN LAWS 8 room family home,mwith fnced yard and f010 shed. Akng $540900 nifh gond 1lO/,percennt mortgago C3il Jane Wrner. DORSET PARK 3 hedroom sicle plit on a largo lot. Finished r o-om nn coeopleto ifh bar. Otoadiono nlng onom makes this homo an ensoptional boy fo the asloong pri-io f $559000 Coat-y Vila ACTON SEMI 3 bodrnom, 2 storey, compiotely broadioomod, and 2 boihs. Tilb twiooo --aeol a-JoaObe soid, A.loîa $42,900.00. Cail Mair, Villa. HEY' LOOK ME OVER 1 4a lage 4bedoom homethat has been iclyde coatodand lmnnan oersioilot on a quiet crscemt, loon to schonis and shopping in Aton. I am a reai bar- gain ai $40,000. no plase don't oass mnon P aOl Pied., Decemnber 10, 1975 13 No garbage pickup for townhouses Multon's Coonmonty Se- vice Committee doniwnt in hc involved in pikop of gai-bage on a dnor tn oime oasis 40 condomi nimm developonents i on Carirentliy condonoiniumn homeownrn alie Omir gor- hoge oacentra ol lln aidon Oie deseloponi-ni for pickup bh ownosso J. Hendersonnoonagiig agent for- White Oak(Jolis10 hoses. asked Ot a he soncil considieindividoai pilup lai- residents. Ail mii mont 10 Woi-ks Sa yreiinndei'o Bruce MoKi-r and ISlayoii Anne Ma cAi-thur dicrd coureillors hat the precedoii omldhbc adaogi-i-osone-and sel thi-ctage or li-imila- requests f rom condoniniu ms ihi-oglout Oie 00,00 Condominiumnorpi-orationsc genei-aIly Oamers sihilily loi- mainioiong igabg depismani-o an0e0of inti-ioi-i-ds wthîs Business licence cost to double