Legion Notes Banch 136 would lke to tenided th, Remnembrance take sonne pace in iis Dnner and Dance ai the Leg clrn o showo our apprec- ion on Saurday- 01100 6by ayng a snncere -To theiladies othe fire- ihank yoo 10 the folooing: i ghters who erced the -To the Ointario Jockey dmnee. Club for allow ing fou rof our To telitiz llenoiho pan- o-cocers to oier poppies foc iicîpaied inethe secvice of saleoallhe rackforltoohoors reeoemhcance ai the eo o- Fciay eccning. Il oas aph on Sunday aiieennon and ve vgrotifiyngo hace had so Io say lhank yoo loithose who mnoy peope conlebueto the wore a pppy ln ern Poppy Fond an ihatlimoe, o-once. To the people oho ai To the Milon Go-ls Pip Band and the Lorne Bconis Band, led by Pipe Major D. MeNeili oho proided matiailo-usic ior the parade ni theifoiioing unins, Branch 136 Velecans and seleran riends ro- nher branchns, the Ladies Aasiiiary, Milton Fireli g hiers, 1he Town onclrepresentllllcs, the 8lnso-rn. liplîmis and Lions organizations, and the Co6s, Bcouts, Brolonies and Gsidesoa i Mlon and hese leaders. Wcrcleodlthaekslco 00 on or00erparticpation in the srie -Tianks are also in order onroroc o-cocers o-ho aîrked tomalle Ibese e ntos porlray 10 1he public ahal is truly o-ranIhy Rnmemn brane" ieme-o-rance Week, 1075, oas a hsy ime ionror o-nobers. Wr had people at the rack on Frnday, and on Sairday sonne o o o-roiern bers wo-nout01oiiering pop- pnsand lbey acere assisîrd ne aocae ineo-hec andoe ounîg lady 10cm 16e ppe band lin haiurday ee ing the annoal dinner and daneas hnid. and Bondav mo-îring a 930 a.o- arcaibo. wnnilaid a theoinumoent al i-lirrencnennryrand the Pa rade wa., eld ini lhe ni Ai 1he Rneo-rance Ilinner and Dance on Salon- da a large crcand oas on bandlcohearan address from Hec Worship Mayor Mac- ArîhaUr and an addcns roo-1 Cano Maoan, 00e iianch1 FadreIn berrernoarks. 16et Mayor sadîthai "il 100 coolt reenbüe the bol ,lwon, orld1 Wlans. 16mk bouhole war on1 inflaion i ahich Canada is1 addrnessd the gaibecing about the greed which ialle ialntin11111esocie n natioîn laday lth oddresis gaveils ailsoeliin tothînk about veey ercunsly om- code Bill (1eeeniinld bas Maste of Cereoonieand the poppy Chainnoan Jack (hanl ton also spoke c 1the gaher- 106, T'hc ldino ,hiiioci Feesident, Ponicade Frie: Duancancpcceeicd a c beqor (iehaisl)f hoeSooiiori 11, th, Poppi (bosco-an ()ac iiconchb1)csidenl. [tob i ýggletc I -lîimied ll .,ranch 'the hil,- 111,li- oir Li n rîc anib -iilîhi- 50 r ns r, 1ii t i t ()Il >li Man.iisc-ri- aIs, mrdc IT ooccessoand a geat tio-e oas hadt by ai] This dioner and dance oas held don 10 the aiors f he chairo-ar Com- i adn Betty Irving and the iricocb noends o ii o-rade licliilthocks foi a ii, %oeil 16e ilanch taI hod 1e pipccs, o- the Miltio Girls (lance ricSunaior ss,.00ai ilia- eni-alsaylsSI oegreen 01,Si oîn i a Oîsssî,c the 1,gon it1 w1)t-o, ed y he «'il accloin 11001 18) Canadian Champion, Wnd., Noono-her 12, 1075 9 Gare Sios UT eO PEEDNTR EVC G.C.ST. DENIS Charte rd Accntnant bue 3111 Maien, Mlton phon e 878-6542 Cordon and Lomax Caered Accooaeants il MainSt.,Milon 878-725 1 ALU MI NIUM Windows & Doors iL SS andOREPA IOS s50PE F00NTS WlJ. KOSKI E IMITE O lisýej 'sîcîiAvec 8/809521 KAISER ALUMINUM SIDING SufitîlFaoîa, Wnosaca Dar s AwidsOCarport and Poro E ncts,s rn iR.îlnsosE aaestecoughiO Federal Industries of Canada F c a of r sytbe St 845 0318 CSBCRNE & SONS Solic '-, , n dooi 8 CoussAwoingî,Ca aroni 5 c,,u F,,,ccls,cnces ,,000 No j eF asiniîq F-cc coicales 827 0593 Jack Reeves AisLini mIL; tS Free Estfîmales CALL 854 9817 dt AUTMOIL BILIL'S AUTD BDDY COE5LIS ION EXPEOP s DAN'S AUTD BDDY Copînie sIIliso ork la 601 lB TOW INGE Sowmobile repaîrs 8/8_51 45 MILTON 0651 PRUCEINCE * Rsiprooiing b ail Trinsand noisof cars andi trucks e Lilefimri Guaranlen Caii Daoe Mogford Hili's Bookkeepîng & Income Tax Service (Estin cMitn ince 1965) 8Ma,c5i W Al poases on bokkeeping for hasinies 000-dc0sadoals Fa anoS i Acýoocols O n ,00b InýonocoTe> FeancoalStNaincneis, n6 nq Photo Copesco Caîl 878-9762 di BF AST VAO F NTF B 10 S Ph ESENTS SIEAM VALET 01, VsCi ANINE, R, de-sisal Vssn B R CA Artîsi Bert Casson * ihsgner a Lay osai ABissi a Oeaaibcî aens a 878-2886 DENURESER/IC AT ILCCM & INT 88110 FLCCRINGWM s i Muids b Open Sairdays Milon, Dnari 878-4178-79 carpenaanCuon Eoar i saance Repois Res te nich ng FREE ESPIMATES 888 0 887716302 dt 50)5VJ a BRICK-BLOCK & STONEWORK Chimnens. Ficepianes, Aleatians, Repairs & Additions Phone AL COULSON Cal lCon A25-73 - nect Afeoo-p.m serigmitn, o Addon ians acîi Asenoveîvcns FOr ail yOur dRpeW 1y orka * ichep ndCapacaîda Mon and akvnil 878 /503 BLAKELCCK CARTACE a a88 22 7S PR ECA ST SUNIT STEPS Rac Id epsl s Lthesi Concr sassa MolirSi ,Mîitol 878 6853 NEW lVCNLREILWOvRC FRESORFACINO a pe c a I s 1 CAIHEACNCREIE RESTCRA)CNo LIC )soOMARTIN S TR EET 3 EU RU P AN DR FSSMAKE6R For pescialied slOlcO ad perleel fit Cou Lyda Deys 878-3234 McP HA 1L EL UT RIC . COMME RCiAL *FARM, & HOMES *FLECTRIC OEV5ING NOPALs VI IONS 6s Classe SIt M ,lo n78 9513 877 5795 BRUSH ELECTRIF iLs ,îslsl 878 6706 ExcCacaing, grading, Ioading, iccnchsing, snow removal. 878 7634 FARM BUILCING lu Plowing, 0 Discîsîg 0 Sneding, *Coo-binîng Cocn and Grain BRUCE STE VENSON R.R. 1, Burlinog 634 69201 e Plowiscg a [DSVO Il . Raling 0*Comiiss 0 Wccd CVti 50 P 1 RS LUSTCM FARMING Corn ûsîFsoscq o854 2681 Fi V I NU ,s'0 - -- 1--- ijob lo r iali. 5 do,,ioi-k PFoils,, 3 878 8624 878-5919 ' ' ' ' n~MVKERSI PACON I ,1 Dead SIBEA Reriuil ldI Ia MocSt LIMTED mi ioc 0i dead or dsahînd Caille OuGirsa-d prar ofi Oni and orsen oeos service Phone (45160 2 0021 Oiirork Lic N0oOC71 BAILES FUELS 21 H..rsSe,. 878 4821 5555, 4 55 al, S 878 5492 ACTON DRY WALL sP ,qsîr Fa. îî, il Lis NssIi i/s 853 2216 CCCCES CCNTRACTING " Rnnoaocns * Additions * New CCcnstruction * Custco- Cabîneiry 878 3032 Toronto- 654 5421 CsiaI sdTa ' .1100 -EPI 0/ MILTNC 688 86-46 -1B BpCHN P -,....O .... 70/MainStretE Milon Ot 8782351 MILTC LAWN 878-9070 ils E l s B AI1N BT0Vs M IL t1CN *F,1 , r g bANS HANSEN MI LN CE bRA L 1 S) s y 0709080 87 TOWN CF MILTON TELEPHONE NUMBERS Plice 855 11 Fpire87 62 Amb la 88-22 KEN SNATEIRAL CAS BP Canada Ltd (EORGE B FHOk)NBORRV's 8ï8 6538 HOU SE 0F 6885923 Hý CLERK MATHER C ýperris g Opticians I r.493088263103 ,NA DA i - M ILTUN oiV VS) DI PLNi-1I iii 'PVý. WIL VAN1 CELEN PAlINTI NG CDNTRACTDR 878 6137 Pia ,,eng & Stuccn O "'311 îg Riî a 1 r Os, m INSI TV0NDsTERI 7 4 9 WATER 8/8-2452 'FOE E - ____________ LOWEST--- [ANC PRINTINC O b-y ~ D Ri is-sDC Is, 5-5 sN ,I5 s M -s, .... ...... Pbane 878 7819 Mîtch s Rooting and qe'erasepa io FrenEsmaies WAV RFNB 878 5286 (liOS1ETU er ap! os, ,i ilio Spu J Kin rir ,, s qaid l n/ri vat ii 17bs, slr Sew ng Machines -Dr. Arthur A. Johnsonsl i,5 W ri111 A S LA R R C W L TD . ar.L, A.LaughrenaW oSiqL and Pnossacaî BokkOrecco 1 3OMa,ni SI EF, MaýaîoqrscnsiSci- GRANIFTMME AD Cacs c Pr s s I1 ssei5 Sr--n Eoq Appo""niscc iiî - 878 7176 islactison A-t-,ic p is k781 BLNwterriEi i V 94L)1 W-sARH iS WELD ING PEVK 'D 5 ,, S s26407 &0. docl CATHEACNCRETE RESTCRATICNS ETC, 388 853 çxECTORy _____________ 878-6853 The C iginB ACTCN P8EklA AepStean , CCNCRFIE UiPPLil) E olsacîon ~ - *Sepfi sSa ROicers Cossisli P-,l CaipeiClnaing scrioOd icsi * Plasis-,ScnsIpe ',noocscsndnd aî saipel * PssclslîoSes,, e The ijiate lo- ion 853 1529 878 969lill9 p BRU ART STUDIO i e m du