North Halton posties1 obey leaders, stay out' Slriliîng membrs olthe in Milon, Posmaster Wal- sholdome may ast bfor Caada Union ofPostal tercBelond a sperisor seVr l ûntlhSmîfth h lilorliersaiross Northi ftaloan ere al aloor on the large sdes dug tto esablished siood blind t d lire Iaders onblidng. posi=inad showing littr Modiiand ce ied to joli And "t's allquiet here' a nli tuoo1compromise. lie aiainepecil 'trn lo as the report rom the Aclon orkaa tlietpsa.lafficeinlipos aliceaIfl , 460 fiCoadians dled thie anca A drci.îoîo li manv strliog o plmooary lobrrcuoois. Spalieloen foi the poslipotli orkrrs Io returo 10 Fine eors lofer io 1973, Ihal offici, i tr i il ;iagelon ork oas prompîrd bliy the figure mas cedoced 10 252. andA iaaiaiaiil aiiiddav union eecoive lasI oneh Christmas Oral dollars fighi t at litlaie iikel' had agreeig nollnohae a vote loerelonl andlthe olher shaaaedaupiatri, rk aniog theran andlfile on long crappleen, chirlly lv oi aapacioll a doico lin ledecal goiecnent'schrome bronchifis. poslailiii iii ver o dolla iieili'naoafec. ni ulin 'pinai couple in Soetrsupport (lakvi le, and minY i ,ai AdPhd lin on Salarday. potofci i 0 Iln a Ind mrae Ilan 4a0o0 Melea Mis iuga iTrono slaiiîilirefuasedoaia M., lie meeig o vote confidence in "il haîn'tI padI illits ar Iliîr unions aional enero- vet * Lon tela postaIl ic. and Ihere wm orti ofanilogetoii liai apoîforca retrnlo work ra>tl hou ll uni art Tleccarcclroing ears comig bckliai thelir ieeoerliold mail Top Priority Anything more im- l# portant than Voar fami- ly's future? Pt first things first witli common nonnne le losurance. Caîf me today.q Brian D. Wolkomîki Offie, 41 George St., lOtaînnlon .151 6031 Illia'.loîîOO Metropolitan Lite Where the futureis now Mavor faces McKeough -The Royal Agriroltorat Wlnler Foie is Non. 14 to 22 and mn local exhihilors oveàr faulty assessment factor Wendtmraus A solotion 10 ahat appears edonatlon ill. reasarers meelo each year One eaherman saitl a 380 10 he an injustice that Nassa- "t mml 10 sec yoo in 1970 and amards rehates from pear record mon hrohen. gameya orna rolepayers liane ahootldio and 700 blid me il eaeh commuoity 10 the tomo- lîned ilh store 1970 ma would he fised the net pear ship ratepayers.F W NE 500 e i the offing. a ndIenIeorIyar aller MKoohddoAffra CinS tam e on Mon Man o n d 1h01Iselhe a t ae otenlmtaeogor reastosfor an enlmn res Mac u artoJ Proincial hm ahIr glanlîg oh onct, bol proo'ooed ml i ah ekgo Treasorer Daec MKeouh donc aho t t bfol . te CanIneh oldak ihal assekgo Iensa hat the tomnshp "Eoch yeor me go 10 1he Minister of Rene Arthur oriahle laems. For had Ieen pegged mllh a falty m un icipal treasorers 1in Mecs 10 leh lotoonhehmaeler facormwhen assesmoent as Halon wihlbalinhband. We Me ssokaote rter rte J. J.Lambert Real frozen seneral ycors 000. Be- donI moant 10 have 10 do McKeoogh mas visiling Estate Ltd.,Pealtor. 2893 cause of Ihal factor, tomnship Ilial." Ihe manor rsplaioed. Ballon Reginoal Coonicil 10 Lawrenne Pue. E. ralepayers have bren Ieaîreooonallc dincoss prolems one Sarboroagra. Ont.. or c; charged mîlh more Ihas Iheir P board o arhîlratos com- egonalization ond aeswer 1ollent Toronto a66 4aa8. lir shace o the cegoni posed ail Ballons muncipal question ouriOOillors har]. POPPY DAY Salorday was a sonny une for the M ilton Legion, Karen Tius of the Miltonl Girls' Pipe Band, a studenl ai W.f. Dîck uchool pinned a poppy on Ken James. a veleran of the Dieppe raid. He lives 0inforolis' Dogs, fence don~t stop snowmobile thieves; five machines stolen ruoe ce. di li l i a , i i T ial i ilai il lecccandllgaicilstoplliiu iialacl andiiliiiîi ir. aialg ioiilAal lia%,(,aiiiaiilaiaiiala-îii'cil l.alnand Gardencip'îlilienti c Cýentei inligliaai 2.,'ai flcccy Rdl liidaYiighuithc, THE CANADIAN dhroîrg1ha li, S adlii CHAMPION Ih egla ilic l iol l fl . cla o n imaohedliioi(jllciaal ' ' 0il lic camil, a h , l a eaa onciaig anid liai' ( a i worthal toaloo Gua 'dldoap lepi .a ngii'cp inilhcfcont shiiiîiom1li L îee biuildap lciing l'li'ren't I.. i Tluh i preli fic let a encil a opiallal lîifil the biolding iol'ciiga a5 i l il al, pcaced iii l ' lic aioai l i ring"li hieii'i"i'aalahall ECETOOLE The iin uders didnltialhlaaialI H takig oher altabl lfuip ian prool fon cassaroles mehniiile inlith'all ait onaealosernanoaîalfor 969Aoet appe suce..... TWO HANDLED BEAN BEAOT O *.,s I* dp s.. h ý1 o h mre 15 VARETIES E-y COQShg ad E cors he m t lali o a le * cslw le hao o e t 86 OC CcSea le outlad HE EPO TI In CHA RGEX. rd-i,1 avnpr - daifr h NORTH HALTON FORD-MERCURY 361 Guefph Street (3eorgetooso 877-6928 TRUCKS! *~TRUCKS! TRUCKS! 25-BRAND NEW '76's F100 STYLESIDE Ranger PLT, lu lone bloc and owhite. aulomatin, powec oinonag, los moe enlîas Stnifdo.8593. JIU F-150 STYLESIDE1 RagerPacage. Tu ocebhow SUPER-CAS mwn and ginger, honx c o lin c S to c k N o .f5 7 . 1 E150 WINDOW VAN 3i1 VI aulomaiadio, poae'steceicg.adio, uirnr la. iadang suIe aooc Stock No8000 F-150 STYLESIDE SUPER-CAB laîldI aXiLT ,PackaoePolomalan cpowet' stting di ,ii lIiilp c toîliNoý 1975 F-150 STYLESIDE PICKUP Bhm le360 V8, pOer sleerlng, radIo, front end rear shonlis, utomatin. Retaled af $5500. Speclal tale Pine. $4,195 IT'S EASY & IT'S FUN, JUST SHOP DOWNTOWN MILTON, FROM NOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS. FILL OUI A LUCKY DRAW COUPON AVAILABLE FROM ANY PARTICIPATING MERCHANT. ENTER TODAY.. EVERYDAY, IN FACI YOU CAN FILL OUI A CHRISTMAS LUCKY DRAW COUPON EVERY lIME YOU MAKE A PURCHASE 0F ANY KIND, LARGE Ol SMALL. ENTER NOW, ENTER OFIEN. LUCKY WINNER WILL RECEIVE $50.OO CASH PLUS AN OLYM PIC LOTTERY TICKET A GROUP 0F MERCHANTS DEDICATED TO GIVING YOU A BETTER PLACE TO SHOP For Value, For Service, Let's Ail Go ý"Downtown"' 1 . uonu@h