16 The Canoîiar Champion, Oeil Navembere12, 1975 Speyside Where's our identity? rural people wonder Bs 'o,ainetdosî Fit gop oiec piannive on careingofaibe Aviona oI> dane Pool, in ployeal thne siegnieaedesol îbcOe Mnda' N,cale I Oret e OI il y v ,a la l' laderayin Ioînveet nI tlî' If o ,InaîaiîIvgo, bot ne ride. col lt ria 1e B o ' al 853-0171 anidnhe nîlitnvval n'hon vadînîsf fenha itleîva\, vaa'd aceeptîn tbe(î'nîsel v Ig Oeial Gna, valietamlv ii111f iaiiasîsag îIfv"aa LIs Ibe Fîvt bvlsîîf iialfîîî vv aîdiced aliti% oi ) about , mne oute If l 'fsstvsii.îffvnv erig lleo Toke n s' 'nItI 1fi , nl , I Pheavîb il lînînf fla nu lle Ion A tof I usif lcîsvg vnrualîfI.îta lv îî il i'e bî v fvt nnnlfnnl litnleevnvvtv Blia lnîle bIII vîvlit' l B'eaecsvlvihereîAhti) n abîpnî" mle,cvvvfs al In' ondogovlaî,sneîinvvhîîf1 yhpod îîi lîî i, i v t fi t' andlcvîîf' fslarve fi laeha eavfAbon> htvvvvîîvl 'aîfgi. Gaoif >.L l> ogia)gae f vîsîl t lerfîvv îclnbîd 0ns ' 4nnfîc aobolv gi sas cal SeîlaeoevAel d> bengnîecinIc "th 'arn anosîicn.ocredeepi> invîla b sîf bolhe baby'v blddle niîncelaga faaîî maton f toîf ousd ee effed inîbheNnclbhondnarc] v n55' haine fil pcv de an pi- -1 îcntinue tInsaa paîî , >1eniv fore agolîl o i0cvvis Aef oaibe lpe' aniiioad novi loiv esîlb. 10f, nyokînaiGrade 1v'iOav 'vîlIilapan lbcnneives tesin ,.,î'vfîfîf as ofniespinnngîno ri,fofefbaclî fhecneananan ,.fHienabeance [loy fingre hîfîfeho ectd s abC_ vov(ýiaove asortoenaeeoloce f îch ar hebavae sldccv horellaîf vs haf,n'hbn ve aîslIfîîv ' nd iOn' voava Ný\neae1I i lvvlvfîintu lîvia fs' va1,old li>iafe' nil osaItvaocîbhiace. n tl'a n" hv volv'. lvof ('11e Report from Queen l ! I11 ",1 i 1111 as ,eiii il I' v it ii l' lv' 't' vl o O >Oe I gnlObu Iiv thO - 7'Il I lv panfi1l, i ,,I t $291) per iP lveo ea alcaIr n vi-sidv vols"a i-cnt 1vîppîslvtflp-1I) bpcd li -i t" parkid tati-Il' rtoav i - I , i 1 leai v a g a m t tai i 'ý ifita ffl i l v. i cenicll i1 b' v,,OO li sIýhai', Ot fot, i ï ', 01. J' l I;ii' l 1 1 ITIIh ta btlvi'Iid liî lvii v i i t ivt v vitl vi v' i lii ivlîvi i vii y' ' i i' i' Iý th.lo vaa vi.lv I la II, il- aviv a lv.'it l pae nt v l*ava 01vcv'a,ing alîvi abia coor oicece OC'he0p barratides lace 'Icasbfe Ahidg feca oul DnaLae c lPberaan ccail f bce Siaca- f the f'ppyý WhOîcO 55aillanved bla feittosofaI n Floode'a Fialdsba iocbcarklrsrog. fesslaefafeil h han1e nonce> doaoed fa 1e Poppy fond*ts seoad rnld f lNg coada eaatrcsoyetiled The LofltahIe Btoffefîeil Ma fhc braercofait1e sdiera an ef11 îs'hee ond for> foie laoid theeifidees about the \leînol Serviceefield eîecca n 'Nonecî11at Thbs' veablv eoded wadO the vîngaîg aiof 0Canaodoaoand îodîfsooî i hec aerecgaîen a concepi f ai cl s emafe lii flese Nfanag people. tbe baaseaîbflv wsnteneywl çioienaeofbheileaooi nonne -oaavnîacedio alf1 fiasoil asttaff> inolOg capecleoce ble as oaaeWs'aonoo prinecipaf 'sacel onnefi ent homaeaoafnefle(e aohîg fat aoaubeeaofcaiosfeeenaiho woaod bcailhog tunyhanc voout sioherpyrentson soaNen fbcechani Ionda outg tbcsebîfai bcr ni hec'îafîfsnari ec nvîîîîîîfd vo'uîaîfth s Park fi'ir v ifi ai ,(t' i >tvf 'NfI,'iit lii l'a fvaucn a nten bei c thou s'euMI , Il, t;aj i ' ui ,iaaaavi , titi >iMe, tit'i tl gvua'vvn'l, f e t h f vin a tuc'gaOiteaOvvtu hftil i va gi nrei ndtu in f,1)lc Ihîvh11n OnJedovv love io Incvitp t, a uavau s'avnvg ion ici i ,Il Vte l c u mftuni v ond nve fo la v'vi.aSlii vtrntiivpo i' Oîvvifgaav' v1i' liii a tisin l'il aforctuairvgeilvialti ai vî,,teti lo taf i n iii' v i t l acvi' e o I fi, $ 1 () iss ntning J ~uî a uau'19(;Tis t iva, p pie o lieîvastr' nfbh o 'I fluor h , vfvvî aendvm rtua n tit0' vîýe1t euiv tail pa e vît' vît ccr 'v lb'i avhnava o landl te hg iofaanonek h11a[lve oesfIl 111hcnnsn ige aah pavv1saava'd n,v avi tvîexemtionsav wiv ea o, ufiv s ubi atniha; fat' po'hda"Ontro'budvban îot aaavhvfsvvievvhe ,vvipaaa'c lokb P l h,,eet, enrc I '-;illlgIIris fl Vfar , 1',J'W i- - LIBRARY IS FUN for the kindergarten and grade one classes of Perey Merry Scbool. Chldens librarian Julie PeImer o Milton Central Library helpo fthe chldren fa select cOuir om boouks. They are Lynne Cle, Robert McHagh, Sera Stînnon, Marco GuidoRti and Drryle Vivîan. SERVICE 0F remembrance mas heîd Sunday conducted by membera af tha Acton and ditrict affernoon aI the Soldiers' Memorial at Brook- Legion braneh. Rev. Paul Moare mas miniter in vflle onder fthe auspices ni Mlton councîl and charge ai the service. Sex role stereotyping lecture onsacad ov. ' ,na heOib ntvmeinIgolibte Maple lvnearv Wsmne'aCluasaof LeaiflReseacavbClenlie. mdaisosami Gengelýno el a Trafalgar Bisail TOe apeaker Glen Eden newvs Ski swap Nov. 21 lis Ilasil cl)oîald b full neao n onf andvien an planuneil hi Gles Eden Si Clubfllbîaingitheclectinof Thecneaalaleconasiaiî ai precadesi Len Wblease efetay DlioenLcaaing, public reaoiînns Bavîl Mn' lanaId. ,caîloandnrcieationo Flandl lielen Kiav'b lnonevol chbir- mon aJhn f a>an 5Apin fechoîvol v'fîiinan Bil Ovribcîccv caea rsai large Avrragenments aoceu inca fra skisapiah e hld ai kler'cEden chalet 'Na, 21,.2'-,adl2:3.linon feu b> tbe xacclîle tal ti i-sahiaap haldcensianue asa opublie unr ie aller abthe eaeailan owca> O nonne 000 lobes. bicng Ibena la lien Edlen, Feda evcsiag 'na Il , î;lOi palni.vi,10 p in. lai igistai ivvil adoîid elen sononOac manOliOngtesap.n hoa'vohnilaqustionsî in'ip coll Onciisglsn.l634,59,)H Connnfnf teaki-sap l 'sable vsn ta enînsthi - pcîneavivoa. deenos . ic vbv but och indene tIepa eadvog no île vhlet. ,ac cbban leen tonlell> iden.ae. andfthcaiaa caaingvalpenncaenfaib e vinsahi lape ond the '['Ia ni at fBssnai'ing Tbis n w additiona ai[vil ail help bec> I fac op, ivoa f viiiurCngatulai ns vbnld go lvithe toi ll i fanrilîn ia ort lvi Ope ne Bilîli bebeeber. vi chaege ai theîoacinO pegeaadnail fivsveasiinfl iece feanlan il Ie et o>.Nonce Geen t amona""' puntan and vne Abiane leoa. va iis a il gnleosand irlilscaaio gea e-glgf7nadoOeopplîebaoifý oniîapcneiheîevbinaaeoa alchance s coapefe Me acbcebec a foinîbîorIao an0 fortie iaî v bdsgel yu quiapieni atai o'eanaao'bic eg1velnsalaîolcl ai thena mne lîme. Fafheî io'maionaegaedilîg cub raîsnabpinetin sgavanse a lena liacalese Laing. Bolîino 67-1851. Filee de> land training clastses Ilogis eocb Ooaý ados li Oi>0ai li]en Fdenstavieîg 'Ncv.lb6 So gel snacaell v a bae felancthi'son, rsve ichen cub octaliie ploninevi iluail odonne ion 17, ski tiîps ell îloeîag vîhani fbreasnodîoc tiv bave felvalu ai nsaoailai Genegi on teabo ondl Mt. FahOn lnamateeri iva srcoschirie laponacîl is Tis bon bren ao r ppafon on iloeveni. deaged tnbelpthavevskier, wiog a ni proes acil shlla aîii lmile ana la' ni- vtuiesniltecfvhniques S i lonoslikn'ca fureasaoeoil in sar(. 'v lubn îîîeîn ana fbeac lanîvfivea Pool, closed meeting rules at NEC changed a,,i n g hl he pproe i bu bvehaee b l bat nai'vpo rader le vand'tsjsli he ibaaibencnnly heldupoih ',aaifOr a i'IvPuientf lp la av. vaatucclpusaIndaai f sauna sai ,avu(oeding It uasheannîne ior diildasa la frvical fea 'naec'î ad vilaolal iae is' "dccbecsni linavue Pe n ,cn niualdni)nphaleao.I' fÀfi' niigsesvno blîv Sccvîvfng tas Nfeaeasiii O fIai-va MSf u'is'ugi 'eato v ýlai'fegîaisaavîuavi1 1,1< avalagh Oiu, ia lliOn a vfna tisthitauiah taiie ltcguonol Coarci nilocada> ibavoigiiahfuritailiing fOotth(- senivtninag pooIsa veiane l nis', ensexempte]i h 1e lfilifin l 'asaauicillsai 'fana 'iaov'o e 'cacpincnfuýssd h Coirli io sco tr l ic asliaen 'nen,iu ofinian ' d tua' fia iane o afaqueioni afiilii'ili v (-al kd tr ut thfelb" inuss snov uvlucv,hvthvcommisashioni ýnedeugoani nl 1akeohino uuaiu b iluexaaouiiiuofha> plica- iali1 annlne iladri un hava soultai lnger Oc hýýi,- (nOvo1 cca repnt, imoui b 1thebcomusaiaons volai'ier iua îaainag vani a pcuvaie isu 1> aaaîîe ltgea ou s' gopaodd Li., clsovvl'51hIiiiI oi le agrece coufldtend.sah th'acnpe a i lcniln' loaîoaîed si-pun',iolbai eltIlle bi an ira 0pereeslcossivn a nodcoliagaafl bh 3xappliain nl a i ,stnnnsu 'bond Sewage plant.. Pcova'as'nci nct eieaed dacvag 1e avI oaple ai yeascaoaldoabis n anhfO ablîv faîtnhie 1IMife Crecektou ccepl aea incîeceffluent Darcy says lno' to board inquiry Afar asPaovnal ra- ra polens Otatail ankeil onqa y t aosnapposrilta nrre Do yMeKesagh isgea rie alRan sa MeKenagb sail c felbcmnetaheHl aware, ihere wmîfîbcrnonprov sance r mmîlîe. IcKeoagO lere eer alt fat ai penms rmnmnaOeHl inial laqary niabcoperoa- aîdin anee, latoos inanfsîfn nsoirly gesenl> ,Dessinrerport. me ailsone tsrtbe Halls onearof qaestion ihao flO irîeps bal aerîr Ong talos aaî Of t1e0e OsItalent le the Educatios plonnsei tbe schaml sasiera caunote> arkilig on t oeil il Reginnal Coaniflor Jia "Dors iinentent toIt an cset $0000o000," MeKenlIgh mý-- - lî illoeeoiioîfitaf Ore mi"10erth. O r "Wr bal vof-anro . nnhnst c ndanugeîn g lin' ecoi-agslvfofanthecceeh, Is lperebalance ThOus' dna'alvag genalh laneiOnhe eaev have cas. lîaaafln poasîrd tInthenrend fa bave o balance Orloren ia dusa.fcommeecial oeil reradentaladievlpael Ohes ihe ceidenliof de- veloparolnatarîwghs the in- diacnameriaf annes ment, samenaI dangers Ocoar apparent. Aaang ibar idangeresare Oe flneafa of adormîfor> ornas oel an a Oe> oad of faons bring boee O> enidentiaf fond Ibefogh Wikisaon, Dacecine ai the Ceaire for momes 0f Sherdan Coi fege. Mes. Wlkinson lîcal spabeh aoutfthe Womesa Croire. Nies. Wilkinsaosn a gves a mnaef le Sheridan cllege tfar(telfhCentreein ,iaacy 1975 Mach ofthfO sae oilkcbhad aoferda Oes visse b c toing oanrs a geaupap ofeOcocafege. TOc b ntre lacodsîr. gnre ment dohcments îelbong fhc 'Chafllcage for Change" core osîl inenneeyý Wilihnan eeponsa fathe needa IbaaOc efînda llîncnaec> f andsiacanee If îcacb on hev Osarbaie theanîe s hece fOc> casi sîvîviapseOflthe erghaosdno ongry> s î h 10mTOe coursesveacnvomen basic afada abila aiandasre ivns.Thear fan coursea afne avaleni o beafhîsg npaceeand alîia lhenî bas fa af> ep fa 'fOrh bîlceeta Grills feelings nribe faî ai seeb ibaf fOr cenresvinapreahios.avec ioniomnîvphoorai Wafh vJigitvi aionsn heae vînejes fOc vahe sai'- tiOn bey yenbienaa bai Ihea atlfi bad guîlfa ieflings l'e Ocfpîe toc the enenisg 000 'bealfnieblteenfnag. MsIc, 5Wihkinsvasavoid tbof vam fl ier uîae vera isenîcd oblebhe %vsn reaîdence aiOxlford, ngfaod oin a Research belfnaabîp OIe elerrerd fiaOxfoas fOc lstbaionof ilmaie Thuifs-lbec eai qora tins a. Oaa(do ena cbange attiftuden s.îsren a lîbecafono v ecofi>peaplea fîhberaao Wobams ne aowse anfOc borneand tfeochnel ni sh bos vaocevi>vbren fapped. We sld rein'eyaenîthbtactihaf a paicsolv bm na no hcfhec iv salbo>ysor agirl. abe aoggeaied allers i sofpvoeblagîeal vabtss at grs ar en hepi invaubevecsitiosaand îagb 11v be gondilfile girls Oî Ibhe fuimhen orevia Gcode .glgs.falienahkeiobal ibea aisîgong la be ivasalin saur nol> egbl vaif- gorisa bl'ee osgcsavvfso ya peo acple fellusassearer gong la be Sdenîvvshasld in' b'îoeosella'vl fila' 0 theoedfsobc. Oea îslceéeotyping is o vaiaaid i vn O s. f bosare poohedi ao asports obeIeese oi bt ey aces vîîeiîaed. abe nad trndeeîsîanîanhîng. ovoen ove bolb coona ndin ifî'-iin'l Ochal ail vIerarnd leoci aattchainsfend aI fenaîng osac hieîeaaionsn '[b ee r o on r Ie 0110cr oo vrsad dociosa. etc thon bieenaed laO liatil nnîeeonngb îIe Gade 1:3fhee arena, 20 pecentlmoreegiels boan bIvanbof an Pbl5 '0010ev fiheeivnnln cîgh ns sbcî mobie analssare in tIsa fobrai ai sucssa iterible peoblem inc awamnrshOe mustbeai] fOr tihnga sibe ssai sappoard fa be. Mes. Wlkinson raid. Therer la aneed fa protesi Ooie eing iboagOl ni as nhf obec s. PerhapofOerce i.s a message feom 1e aci ibai na teenagers, maie and Oermaie, are dressing and aeacîeg Ibir haies masO aubke.Peebapo fbey are felisg an Oat il inflime o be a persan. Mes. ikinson Ibes as- sared questioans ftram Oie mnembres aofOrhelas cclus. MfilIon lub. Mary McEaes ofth frGeoretownClub Ibasbrd Mes. Wilkinson tac hec îsfecesbsng. informnbnve and cneeesnoic anddvpeech Championsvnmlng eaensi beep yan ponird 0ai obaf a goîngo in thecentroalnfaltn egian Two Milton police assaulted in ho tel Tan policemen ram Mifton The fao Toronto mes have Precinet aere annaaffed af bren charged adO navsaufi 9.40 p.m. Monda> an the and obnfrccisg n polaif Charles BaInl as tbcy at icre,white the Brfingono fempiedfs arret a Bnlisg-mas oaa chnred aitO ion manon spinfcion ai drennroax dronhenessnaAsoiber poiceman,. fassi A spokesmas for Ballon William Gollfana also preraco Regonsaf Police aid Turodas le the Manot.f bain bai font gi Frank Rialer adonli o s accb Conni Dan Facr e oee uO5 Police svont enofa arîrd che d osi kcbd O fao abe fOr fnsgioo mans fresdafnthteallcfisgios become drosk ond begno mon. Thry warce fom connisg trouble. Wes fOr Toronto. olbain briender celoard la Boarner, tfOr fansareve hm agis, tfermana n Bermes did soi eqonre ananolrd fOr Onriender andl osPl"itOf ireaimesitfoc r hire empinyencal led potice. îsjacîes The frer accooe rd Boarvec, Oie fan pofice cefeard by poice fos opppne mes dîd soi rerqare fimpîfaf once nsifces, posdîsg hir lmeaimrsl for fheir infurlietraidole. Acensa the Editor's Desk Remnembasce Day aoyo beînsnbacO a foi nf memories for the elecanssone sad ansoarhappy, BobRidaif ilsiarioS.N . a stig run nth eked rfetgo tson a st af n service and gai dîggîsg aemnd insoanme otd popeca ahere Or fousina ai ni cffîlppînsanad soies ibat boght bock mary armori es, Among fOra aere six cfîppjsaobout Mlionias Bruce MocONO, wmOngave omisaadîngaserenineseecond wanc Bruce n protanbfy Mîffons ont> mase ni 10e Gînlîngoînbrd Flyîsg Medaf. peesested by Oie Kng. Bob foned me the clip- pingo fa reait and f cofdn'l rersialabrifcomment ons fOra Brcewanofthe covýed f lGM for opocationn agoînsnf arein in Gieemasy,theawesternsdieet, Geeeccef rsadOacly.A an'efess operaerand ai-ganser anifbe ime. Brce became a Fvfyîng Offîcer ini Oie RCAF. Bîn cfationscead: "ffîa defeemîstianod dectonsio dai> hove ai ail lîmea been on miniasiling enampte fa alters'" Bruce 'hiacNab service didri med mîfb the are, Orcame hosme fa Milfonsanilba confeoriedgreaif> loba scommamîn> as0 aîsiesn.os. opîfal dîcecine, Cancer Socety preeaileoi and mûreccecestin sis mach lalfbthe diviaion ourt. In fbîv aeeb nifiemembeasce ne vbnalil pan leîbale val ofy tfaibove wmOnseeved ord dîed. buf alan ibsaan ahoaervai Iand ossecioeeihomesabecaea t GO TRAINS chugged dloser ta Streetovîlle and Mlton lant week wtth word on an agreement ta une the CP Rail tracks. BA PT IST CHURCH [na rievan iSreet, M lion Pasor:iDr . .Arimstrong Sanda>, Non. 16, 197 a,4 a oo hsuday bîbsaf and ibla Ciasa anc Adlis. Wonehap haiav Sec 'A Pstai's Pmae 7.0 0 Pae-v"nag îiaua Srmoan 0v1 Des'ti DM C[surehounsd aidbvle SinOn Wcanesaa i.10 p.ma-Merluinq lai Pionre and Bibla hlodc [oeand riOa oned CHURCH OF CHRIST toto Ocuaneva Rd. Wrsi Snado, Plan l6, 1975 il Oaam.ni fble Sîhool nas ses for alil ages oeil thae on sSuppre 8.00ea .Peeachasg ai the Wedsesdac o8a,00 Bîiblady BOSTON AND OMAGH PR ESBYT ER IAN CHUR CH ES Mnsier' Oea W.0R.Lewis, BARBD. 878-no28 Sonda>, Nov. 16, 1975 Banion 9:3000 m WornhuP erliea oeil ChunesOSabrai (NrseyPaclilieni OMAGH 11.00 a.ma Famulp Woshîp Seeni ce (NseruFi liiiesl Came oend bo part n ofcr Ina upy ai aoenhîp. CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN Alocnalabsemblncof CHGRCH Thve Pentecosal Anneavblies IN CANADA of Canada KNXCU H Wakefied Rd. and Hac an KOXCH MitanMILTON Paaloe Oas M.Chevalanaei 170îMainaSC b Tve Locils DocMnile Oea Treroni3, [rois Sanda>, Non. f6, 1975 1010 00011 9 5. a. S.oadan Inhani icradereofPeavse non >0 F.avIe Pione Sonao, Non. 16, 1975 gelai nheanniLailla haida Wcdnesday i v oa mo Mnrivag oneav nalayam Pineaid Bibi, 'sala5[aîMvCrh Snaana 'Ohnsoaee baaivoasetH ia Oe iecni oan shoald m perimO, lot vansi easeevnCvsevv. ',Milion, 10ra le- John '3 O5 v1f515 15"' for s a la ai BnoeOvin [0100e aavn Sorons fBacre bbagand aear ible Caallef o of 'fhe Cnadian Caoiia pmyo Oare elnoiniarde1 sacbu oiM ad fre nd aa ST. DAVID'S and Snbnol Joonaaroiovnbhol NASSAGAWEYA Phoie 878 2tara PRESBYTERIAN MILTON GOSPEL CHURCHES HALLMiiste: HlGnALL S 500 10 ea Doglaa Lnain vvi.sslanis aaleecdin liaseaOn rme of the Onnia>, Nos. 16, 1910 LordaieasChriast Semna Sioiîesinlthe Dan Sana>, Nov.16, 1975 priaif she" [ohke V Versea 0.3n a.m. roakîr cen 2,1(5)po bondon S=î 1,0 ai îna Secmovas ld ea i o cm Gosel ac n v thaGospel ai [oke-'[S Oedaesdac O ner-vea iIf 8o00lyn' Pcayee and nulle iN-vvaqansena S-a evnlitthe kvnnanooi tilla oneahupericeeoa ino, and hiSfis vhleosnaesa Ioaday Sbcoal GRACE ANGLICAN ST. PAULS CHURCH CHURCH 0F Oeaîoe. THE UNITED Oas DnanasWallace CHURCH 0F CANADA Deganini. Roer F. rnal MainSth. ai James S. Tcîsdty 105 Miis inlr--Re. W. Lorre Brame B.A., B.D., MT. Sonda>, Nov. 16, 1975 SnaNov. 16, 1975 10l0ae Hoiycdmmnise 1.00 a.-WfiornshiP Service. 10.30 a..ChneO ch comi Sermon "bame Importantf Thnenday, Noas 13 ThiegI." t10a00a..Hol Cmmunian 1.00 a.m.-Chneurc comI Von 0r Almaman mlsome PNrsey Facild aiteseMoGr-Cois