2 Tise Canadian Champion, Wed.,Nuemiser 5 1975 Residents angry, con fused We don't want development'1 A ssmfulof gryHashIýI-1 s cofs eideta nte r east ut Temasse Rd and Thee cesdiv urm lrietes nortisf etDctT Rd. apprerd tCsou,uil cxpbutuss thitthe ielre Miton Coutcitu riet c acîrd to bhe Ptanninsg and t)eveoprst exemt [omth ccclsoo o Cummittee Tuesay iny 1bc NiagarEsctu rPettTiî r t plans for tisnuastagae orEsmm si et resdetiai deveopmets in ttis Tse lt Chtaea i e n c s uggrted coueil had tha ara. hey alateads tmadr appicatione tu equipet htsa petios nd herthe aeca recur tec , docuestnietrs, csty Ic cuittris but thr ppueari tsnd ceunil liadt nosch support ccc d tend cc-tght pions. ,ehatformalîrcisiis Tise cosnfuston is beg made isamed onna lettre ctcceiaird te residents tn the arehn -saiire' Toresto ealeataeet n n cu rof,,det Martin seeks apt. rezOflifg siaedpepeeseon Martin st. rcad ce Missdr ttr Tht- te hîgisdensis te accutit parc ci usdertqcestiton nccci mdatr high rer apartmeflts atceoutcrd hn Ms lMatrtin. un tiseste.tir. Martnemadr theirpetsent- Tise sttr s 2B9 acces citth atten cn tire ehaît. teontae onMartin St. andcon Ptantter Bt)î Zsasdanss Misie Dr. Tiestesnltttsts cas reqttstetttprepareea ni tue masn areas. a techetrel repottoes the esrily hgis ansdflai arra mat tere peî t cunictt ap- tontg on Martn St. utisa pettng thecnsgcae deptis et approitnatrit 23() Tie oficteai pia esisgnaes leettfremMartinfSt. and a that prcetcofl ahith secesndand lersfomeredenstts fleed p1tests accu teecttsscgcn 1cr Macle i r anddebackhOristo se therpropotsaitouttd asstthe the Ssteen MieCrri teatt in brtngtngresstdcnttet oe lherr no accmmocdattin tntc the cre Ose ibuse is pesentît on sreraet thet tee and ht-tp lie prepety asdth ie alante gec rate detrepoet in the s ucrd. sehisghis e ce acee- $81 ,00O study on housing asked Huittn Regiesal Conci ent traen toise esesttal uile asiset ence again te lie sesd tierergiso sei appeeve an $8,00îoee isuungfllwTudeeuleadeandise study. Cuincit ejected the peprerd lte cul rupenses, stady in May antimoetec ethrr tian prsd mr ecentiprtferedisacise mes. eomeiter recemmendatien urging tie cmnritemaisr mse ef tisepressncsiiy tecded st stady. Planning Dsrec Ed Cu n5 ishas cestinuaiiy nsstrd that the study is vital te Ue METRIC CONV etficsal plus pecess White Uere ure satfitiessi etemisers efthtie plannsng remmttee te pass a favorablie ecemmentKlatsm. Useemajerisurdieisas yrt teise Dusplication Sveral ceucilrslehiaveof- othUe pejet ndiatsng Ue silieee ceed ide a astaet meney and wued esiY dupîcate etorts t tise muncpl Itetel. vees t ts emitre- elthe stdyuwasunder con- ssdeeuisie eppstien. Mitmn CounicsiieJie tsoneex- pressed douisla aisout this stady. He setedt iat eenithlegis the studysto es un dedd t0o petrceetissthse preiceit WiII honor Ron Harris Mlten rouetilIces assd departet e sduatîthld a speciai etsreeeent pet tee councitir Ren Hares as the iceisali Net 10, Me Harissesgnedlfrte Multes Courl Oct. 31 ater serai yeeseonhoth townc andreeuntyrneuncil Periotei iis resigsatstss he cas chiaesfetthe adettn, staties omtetete Me. Hares sas actisesin surit et etny thee cnet etunity cegaizt tnss Police beat P itnî oîttîsi ita playrt In t îd sur oasis srpey gun ceres epretati hp icc erciantn, Pet ire ase inestigatedt tu trauduiest prescr iptien torets, a etaieseus tamage cemptint atsd tisser iqeet at inractions. F RS WANTED Ciets, toceers and getiemon aemees, om wstis ait asis seek uuod aurisaisie tues. For gorontetdti onnphone r mete J. J. Lmbert Reat Estate Ld.. eaitoe. 2893 Lwrence Ave. E., icarisoroogis ont. , or oi toilet Tronto 0-a. stgned tise bru lettr and cent iltsi.Meensuise. teuss ceutdenits telisrd aisout tise setter. agreed tle an tise iss ,ep toceedc îles niepePtens tisese cea and tIbm ilds et eto oppmuisste tothe reeto 1o &ischerne with tise tosun Tise eessdeots sasd tises iad cern ted to beliser tise toue suas pusiissfor detelopieent n lise area, Thry attended tise mesetinlg peepareesto igbtthss developetent tbeytielcucil isad saocised teircdent At Descîcis tsld coueictl, Wr don't sant sievriopsornitiser e W" re scrrocîsded h5 peoeirmis tsoegbt lassd te eteis eftst bocks iecat tnstatierosen. jos-to ytins sg cisaeed bie have thesrusppoet ofthe ttt bcossnert sitise area Wr tis i thtii ay Wr vasit tc tsce tiaioýat and veesntteo brtng ouï kisupts tiss ay q entsci lotsDon 1;sedos cassisosrd tise cesideccîs about estîsogis puilstiIete telnd ssndsr pcstttncsal gtserientt contret t-1 t,uidnttrut the pariscet bell coetetssion15or thr Niaegara isîsepeteni commssion. t's isetir oc put tour trosI berrrutthisbt couctil. weet uec atishase inputt icu doobi tisai.con to maera and t-tVIIsowsoc chats bren dose Cetin tise greenheit. Fsý-il ccc ssladiccg Cussel agreed bat cisî tiser erre noe t5ste iacr risentise lettr locetthe calter, thretmessage Veas mtstleadtng. l'taneor Bob Zsadennscosîd tises bre eVerecrceeralilandsscosrstin tbct arc-t cissi anird le deeiop paccesoftheirrlantd. ic- telst ttHarrison"5lettr openinct he a rea lisr deetel îsonclbad eaelitesat l eastd therareaifeed rdstn NsEl controîn isut eten if tbai baýpprord nae5 ,deceiepnsient proposait o sald havce o go lîseugis bergota r chantsels aI tisesoncoenic-iireie biaiteescwee ntceid tsi o rcte a letter cetptasoseg about HarrissnseIter te tise toteesio tRetlEssaIe isoard and the Ntnsiee oi Consenee dffirts, Fun ds fo r Sa nta Tise mail stinis nfot nnly Uhe oliser asiing for donationa holding up tIsaI entry replies ta defray exsese. Some for Mittans Nov. 29 Santa fluet entries. hve isees re- Claus parade, il's also hold- cessed via teteuphane, but no ing op lise donations lise spon- ciseques have iseen sent and soring parade committee la lise committee is etrnet tise seeiing from business and in- cost outhtie parade may eot ise das-y. coered. Committee secretary Pat Desors cas remit lieir fi- Ridesait said siis weekt e o nnai assistance directtp ts tetters ers sent mil betare Fred Verstroete at Fredý tise mail stribe. one appeating rick's Tha Mas's Shup, sise forttuoatu and parade entries. said. .yearsem e liItSTMAS SEALS tire prepared for maiing the Halton Tuberculesîs andI I-espratlsry Dis- tty rescotenie of Haltes Centeflnial Mateur, Petit sase Associatien. Heese Tiss uan unnual service by residenîs for Public information programn seeks input on landfill sites t\filtfledgrd public inirfore tise stedy is v nuitin pcegrni ssgrerd tic Terrs ofa seriets bo telsng tht- ialticepubieitnchures bas iees detelopeti abut thebrrgioneplastfora andîitinvitesteetetentu;ancd su-c endfIt tterstes se tise suggestios.mTiseisrociure rgîosand therpocsistlity oIea sas designed teibsent in tise rrssestcrecoitre plant is emalanda coupon is toere- undercat issed. Mrs. Dutua sasd tisai Cotiser iteselopmeteter scdie tise maistriehe sto tcs iciteci bas bren es ise ettil eip estmucipal gatttd lcitpeatc tise publie dmop-oIt poinsuane l ibries.e particpation pegreetuisici Cupns cao bepsied up ai isi nostho cime pari tftise town haslls, Iisates astI moire techiocal sud t tacred cer cntre andrturnedtin m(tiboutM Mttilstt.uetted. ties amnetasisn Le s t ogltrtlctted ofictais Thebrcmisreepoinsuout tise mtrt o bras-tie cosultants detaicgof ol aternatives and î-paîebichbdirectionetise coetitieofecestrestsmatet stctiy vould 1cr tabsg, andt s cspected te taise pace is todaý a pressucnerest e suil Apei r May. et eld lis ilt repoirters in on Forced is oil tht- dettils o e rsttic il anuntisi Octase tiai o ntacîs geoups counci icalitt agreerd te tise ('arolvl)tkaa rpreen- publie tntormation pregreet taiv li tehIe publise reatiocns ienisan d 1crebas tees se conttact ssvbith any oencertird geeeps in Bistetgten ardt sortie sntise nortiseen part cIl sonnI50ctises gcocps sise and ier fitem suit conta ct be- etetheu is as ftis iostcs formationsprogrem oruetil serte ne reai pupoet.rtll emsciiised recettedfinsace- ports and iad conrting ttc taise te tise pubicc Orly eter th isetsltrY () tise Eetteeemrnt itsdei nencat support toc tise stittit est teedfici sites dsd thesr il ci agreote s tsdc Tis ececI te ciooce aln fil]sitte or nsies bac bets des crisrd as curgent. TheisrrsItog sites inthtie regcen arr dise ii clIse thisn t eacs and ut tesethtloniegat lrastt g tisceugi tishegfineof etprce dires tuai msthri otlowed in ordere teiseea e ttcosctte apned. ieocps. organiztettns r iitidascntrestinstt ni ti cetatciv S i ti a- hi ofie si lirig on upen 7 Days A Week *sl l njoy th t warm Cosy atMosphere ILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY of sur îndoisr Cofee Shop or our PRESENTS PROMFast Outdootr Takeout service afte I THE ART GALLERY 0F HAMILTON II an exibitin ofSkating, Hockey or Skîsng ke th e b yt h e a nad an nt e36SineAv.Msen87825*8886 FREDICKCOBRN 111-960Where the Food is Great, NOV ce BR 1the rough 22aite clerit360 tegelde Ave.,rMilteen, 878-8125 * 878-8126 1130-23 50-1NJ Itaset i tîuîtn U1i87 1 -1 9 6 0 SAURA OEMBER 8, 1975 82 7 8-111I Suppr srott et7 O p uSep Dnc g f m 9poef I fAe lMto Pt T Y L îiie ssctlc III ) 31SELSV Royalrditaoei în le, 13anUts1H ' Toyota Commminity Calendar Wiats deieg lis e Central Halton oreal CAMERA CLUB Hoisbynpheleqeopsers haý o e d auc cercl u b in Milton andmoentlsmeteinsarerpOnnrd Theoneel metingîs enesIl o v.12seuil Pemnthslie sitf lounge ut Robert Bldinîrsehee ond ereveei leco e partiitOî REMEMBRANCE WEEKEND Millon and dstrict wmdl pause Iis seciend ie pay tribtt l isns mse ogavcteieselions in ise mars Tise tiller raneti 136, ReoalConadior Legoer s or iin thecanssat peppo sainesn Frda evrsîîe and al daanSalrIal Tise Remembrante Dur Banquet and dancer s Salseday, Noertier n ai is e Legsen c-lotI Thcparademii e held att.30pet bondor, flteed ne a servietai2 p l othe cenvoPhinVitoeria Park. royois - voui'î' Ttif Oct sse n o ailn e k 878-4365 826-2931 Hwy. 25 Just North of 401 MILTON 878-3208 THE PICTWREYOU SUE WIIIIYOU EES CLIISED. P-1eue P,- *iâOmINULM Free Matinee' Nov. 8 "BUG" Sponsored by the Optimist Club of Milton Ses9 Mn.ASA""l umw ROULEITEERTuINM J ACADEMY AWARD WIPdNEA:SBEST ACTrRMO ELLEN BURSTYN KRIS KRISTOFFERSONCALICE DOESNT UVE HBE AiNYMORE