LIEN RIES acd Gord Krantz were bath re-leclea pteiitoti alan Cnmmacîty Credil Union Sat Manaicger Jutles Frylers looks an as the Iwa discta Commrittee br tuin tii aji. oibtinedtil Cuudat ihtmting of etMiîltnc ,tai ecrided ta ccci lite(efhii\hE (ttc men cInii tieClai 4 7icner tititanditeihitil iithe ttîîioaîî la,îaionîof ileti ('hrfscit ed fol iieagarai 1 lise Twnttu -iIl pai tr Ct--tii - ii Toi aite * lît oi iln atî eekg -long ttcure fii Jie hIti l ii tii r on pi 7 lie'fi - rtep Iec tie ait lMi i)tIttlarttc Sîîtcaîîîîcîîdnîîî iii aitAI 1,Cît-e sicie îtîtlcantdn,il itit etii te steat th itilthotiitre ad teele airtettiuittt rititai ( ail tititi titisterlthe cupite-pt et frnilien cd taitietapile tar rta S Cliluth illttattîtlý oa perm t tiit i nîtiri' vco Cucul Itesrers and tht cccccsîci e-otti tta occ d opaiatrcdrrtheretguatiice ofi tht permit, ahîrli 'titr il i- e otiielt laitie iire .Icreite iiiptrtedeet iof t tne itr ti i ten iy iiighi rit-i $1 30 perci tard tis va tpi--idaoîthet oad aiîtpictl îîih tht prescrit$2150îl ier toiitaihti aic uik ietj Rlie tac drinaîtge titi ileis, Citîthîtonetic li ne -iti miitire 1toiet-igýile il tîthei could ht ligihit titi ticali iiiptatcnietlgrttort tuiett A conseltrutioni iii eted atrdt 40.tutti tce fi îîevig the t5alhiiicpi ahli n tandl Il.501 lactht ýcîrnsight Mtitalit haitno ttihi tNin tei Atttttritit attiseandtid t depaîlcîel manteancît i( commnicaltions9ta n tConîtiuet supporittie thîtîghthtecTacs has hae hteglitohblediptiigtof tira aper,ad ailfne tvi-i, c iclt opci liai Gel on the trait to the March 14 ta 23 Colseu , Ehiitin Pac 0- 411,t 818-3212 PA.1vLTON 818-3208 __ .1 hna13 ,4 S115 ON j ANY lme -9WSUNDAIY .&&st AMSSION: Adut $2.25 Students $1 75 Cilrn S1.00 Sattrday "Tiae Daring Younq MVra latîttee, Mar. 15 ili their JaLîilty JaIojte- Adission:îîe Childret, 75c Student $100 tat16 Ni17 t.18 ww.1 h 20 ,.21 f22 Rd ts ,.e.. 22 11415 U(E NO ROOSEM voulvi gYMmrfl CHR(S olNCNIC ERE GxA JAE Aü,R%îjAfn'lN']" Predict growth Credit Union re-elects entire Board of Directors Shatehelders allendiag 1he acestat meeting oI the Halles ta «ui i e lcttclC, il 1 lita"ctl held a metig icllcaanglthe annual meeting and agreed ttieave thlie casti n 14. J Il. Reis cas ceturned as presiaenn oI the board alang wîth vitc peesident G, Ktantz ' secctary, C. H. Siehtand dcectats H C. Fank. A.A. Schotaen, G. Hlcmes and G. itelemane. Peesident Rein latid the ter hipt he ard laaked idcataI the board a > cosidetîig expanding jeta lIoter acea oflthe tegîatt He ntdlthteact branch itt Oak- vilecas anti aine monnhs nid btil has a tnembetshtp cf He caled that dattng the c a mny itancta in sttans incteased raten big ahaeged on leans but teboard managed laulild the tînt and heped la deote Ias pesident and Vice sanie agatn ibtin year. îluravnighl Gentrai Comtersee iss the pragrai 1cr the le teîeled the camputer pormthal the Cttdtt t'man is înlalling andin dicaaed thal lite computer iystem isculd make the l'rtdtt Uinnoneaofthe ment riefs ip tn date liinsncialin Sheia Brttple itie feodittice resident îîeill o aitsliieic lit, tw himn Gotd Ktanta ii [lit (e htI., toi, ti iiih lo i 'ireti et re c rred ta tht tmi id e et lis l'lhe cicpattrptegratn as n-ehl tonl'" 11a-t tttideîtl _ heti te canvercsion Smiiuîîîîtîtîglît cîîîptctcd t car ceedit tunion leitlin itisuiî itl ît laivtete mastItmoderncin aulo' Olitili, ti ii tam oossaatcscutîg sstem te 1alio (otiti nht-ret AT HOLY ROSARY HALL 139 MARTIN STREET EVERY MONDA Y 8 p.m. Admission $1.00 Mr. Keanîz tld tht tadehlettnece telthe ttarie the acdît unioans.lie agceea memhersitip ltaItexpansion CredittUionieagcc andltht ta iiitt thlaldictlns iteic iictd t---u tti iBank hett(MtI îîdcuiI tittttscliti h g,iiiti it-t iti tt ti-- Mutnicipal Boaard had rertilti-i in haengltheboacd decidcîin the abjectrs lacet New plans hase beee devettped and nnce agate thete je objection ta the reecned plans. A tecammendatien hy tht boarddtle hase eighl pet cent dîcîdends n enhares hasedone te minimum quartette halante lac mtînhers eti retcd aseoftDee, 31,1tata ans appensed hy the im hctnhip. ToaliAnneîn Genetal-managet 'aed teasatet Jules Prytets tald the memhetshtp te ttal assets had teathtd $7,(M,000 an increase oet860,37evet te pceeîaan year. "Toali macs etstacdteg intrcased by $758,102ted stands nea aItea2,07.Tht iggent inctease itexc petînnccd in tht asîngt acceanle atea. Toal avI engt încccancd hy $1.24,4a an(tn stands ceeaIata,4425C'- Tht încreased hasînes- cnahled te Board te reduci Milton District R oy Scouts of Canada GLASS DRIVE SATURDAY, MARCH 15 Pleane place glans an Street in cardboard containers by 9 a. m LESE NOTE: Any Type of Glass will be Accepted se Sure LOO... to Attend $1,OOO0!l the Great LIONS NEW- BINGO FREE BUS SERVICE TO AND FROM BINGO FREE AT LIONS HALL Mlton Memyotial Ateca THURSDAY NIGHTS EARLY BIR05 7:30 p m. JACKPOT UP $1woEACH TO NlCr-lT Admission to the bingo f you present this ad iThis offer good an mac. 13,1975 only) lise therc acte :366 Itut ttlicanctd antldiii5aeeae% larins.Elcvet it ci nrtg'tget $231,40. l'lite as--ta 1 c pet indîcîdeat i:,ehc' te îladîeg mtttiagcs te $30411 ai inte 1959littre itts lîccî $3,tt.21lil lace issed hY te Cccdil Union. t)attnglthetmetng Gordotn nitdt'timaettccra appettîtrd as 'adîtece lac thtecat fliln CEltitîl' Jftît Seaa Rtgiiteal Cîaîrman Anne MactArltrae tii htitghl tree ir i ga raitevat Changetleclgislatlinn NIlt. iait eîîtttd the proinlce wascrirrvit1y eiiiedrtttg chanegeiinite lrgîelatîîtc lac tht teedil Uiontît Iîle it ci h îtpeil ici chanigesthuit iîitttd lit iaewudlit reditcetd hi THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Implement ban on parking A jintl meeting nI Milîon'n ed Mnnday night le ban park. Cnmmenily Set-etes and Ad- je g je lice areas af tamn. mtnitration cammillees val- Parking je leheeprehibiled: -ne Mtles Steet and Jehn ae tl be palt oaedn te Steet, one ide, helmeen Citamber headquaatetn and Iltente Steet and Dames InformaionCntrat UCetteStreet, Towttstafflmtldecîdc P;' rk tlh iid Precidett lRe. iîîeattd 'a rampîcte il atilpcoaalybhaDive chechtueChaecoftCem- oneaoflhemeslauniquean-c onaeh idce fMarket teetcet Pcesîdent Gas trances let any lame te Drvecandeon lghmay 25he- Gtuiforla $250. Tht tends ilathetn tOntatia. ltwe Rghway 4et and Der-y Rond. JUto tife Friday, March 14 7:30 p.m. Comm unily Room, Milton Memoriol Arena PhOCEEDS FOR COMMLJNITY SERVICE PROJECTS Fac ticket alit878-5346, 878-3082 ot 578-4227 It's aur 15th annual SKATING CARNIVAL 1974f"SALUTE TUAY, TO DISNEY__ SA U DA ,MARCH15 Fenturing over 100 Local- At 2 and 8 .ni. ni the Armstronîg Atena, Brownc St., Mltan, sponsnired Keain Parker, Campbeallaille, hy Miltotn Figuce Skating Claub. 1975 Canada Gatees Gold Medalis t. Il s d1 Co itey Jîtît Snîîîw M.P.P. ShaneSudecky aned Alan Som",i 'fJ itî sti r ot af Coernea t Sevices, HaneI tnJuior nate plis' Mfýje r ( e- aiî,îHitieFast.__________________