The Canadian Champion, Wed., Jan. 8, 1975 BIl1 Robert Noble and heirs played prominent part in Norval history -T Ch a po n place your fastto n a ad. The vig of 4Norvl.4as4n4 S44' 4,n.. c.r, p.4..'.n4i-eln4, the444 ank ciosed ..eIfsuficenby produong 4nnit 4 idy , de oped îhrough tire village n n 4'il 4pnri '5,931. 14 had then 4,4ison hydro-eiectric powenr irnn, the p4,onee nepi ni 147. .olgarnaind ith the Bank foin 4the Credit levrin, oinnh jo hni ,i1N,i,.and onl aiu.ln 44444 n, ,,i,,, n o.t 'Nva Scn4n4The formie 444nders 4 ihnugh tiO n in ciffi- "o 'aile H .. ..... il , fi!4 ;ý,4 4. iA444i img nhouses 1) & Ill' l .44..444n44I4nk jam McNb a, lm. Rn 414441 14 .44, M k ý l .'11 mi4444 iii,, t 4e4c, 4444444-m, aller 1 Il,, nffl4,4el4t4toi1 11 'l 44 me 44 4a '4,(d i,4444444,4444444.44 t he 4.4 444444444 444444v44444 Th444444I, ., 4 il4,444444 .4I, 4444444444444 44, t il li.,i l'lit Adan,444444 444'44 k44~ 444444444 44.4 0114 4 1,44 4,444 4,444,44444444444 F,,4 44444,444444444 44t444 4,4:t4l444444-,,,4,4,4, t,4 l% 4 444 4444444 144l44, 44444 .444444444444,4 4g 1,44444 4 444444 444lli,4,41444,444 4 444444 4444)4. 444444444 44444 ,4pada4u4il 4444444 'l.,444444444g 4 '444.44444 ,.4g,4 .444 >l444 'a', 4--,44Il,4444,44444,4f 4. th4, t,4,4. 44l,,4,,,4 ',441 . Ill-4 444444 Il id- i4 V 1 pii 1 l l 4 11 , 4,4 H,4444,44 4t4.,Ii 4444 4 44 4 4 !,il ...... lo4 , d 444444 l4 'I.', 44 h4 , 1 l 44l 44 4 4 o i Il 4.4.4444,444l 441 C 1 i,,i 1 lit ., 14 4 4 hi44 , i44 4 4 1 t 1L h Il look 4 1, 44.4444444 4 4444444444444444 4 44 4444444 44444 ,4414.444444 la 11, 4 444444 444 444 m en !" lire p,4 4444,4 444444 !9:1 441 4>Irr , 444. ,,'k4,,,kl. ,4444ir4P W . 4 g, 4. !i w pr4I4'- v 4mi44I44444 [ri Wau Il ri I44 4 Mi4 '4 444444 m.4l ,14q'4,4'4,~, t 't4 444444Ille 4444. 4,44444 444,44 44 44,4 4 4444 4 4 4,44 .4444,44 '44444 44 444444 4 44 4 ,~ 4, .4.44. 4,4 44 4 4, .44 44,44 .4, 4 4 44 4 4,4. i, h Il4, a44d41 1 Alexnnder 514Nab c4,n hil nnailoi 4,4 4nn44 Halton sketches by John MCDonaid ,44444444444son4of4John MnNabt fi,444494444 ettie,44) The ,4444444444 n'as4 nb,,,44 h, 4,444444,44 44.,nonn t he midt 44dd ohos lhe4444444d4getsfor [,, ig,, Mex ,)le nd 4In.,44 i ,,, the4',',n,4 and 44.4444444Unitedgn' h4 44 l44444.4isti444a449444 foi- '4,444444444444444. 44 444,4,4444the4 44444f41 p, \.ý( hro4,44 g4h444 444 . 1444,4444444 4ongfani 44in4 , aid e 4444ose 44.444444444444449 ,,i a 1,44,4n 444444 .49444449set4in Ili',444 444 'the444, 4444 4 mr 44,.,444444no.4longer4main ,,4 404,44a44d44t4e4444944 4.4 '4.44.44 444ietu 4444444 th ,i444,4444,44 4444 444.4.4.4444n444n44444 Nole 44 44.4444 44444a44 A&W) FAMILY RESTAURANT The home c,1 the foi-nous ro.nd deep in44444444,4and o adng theni n, 444444 44444ds t.4 444444 444444fo4i44444444 444 s ,4n.44 444 41942344th '444,4le44444u 4MOI ,a 'Id 4P,94W44444444, e an C'o,444f1Toronto4,4, 4the.B4.4444il Nova444444444444hivh4 44.d4,444444 4444.4444.44444 44,4444gIl flic 4.444494 4of W .J .,,phe4lI The m.44444444444444 in,4 4444,, l444444444444,still44in44orie,444444 AND Root Beer 1, 4" MORE -UN 0 CQFFEE SHOP DRIVE IN 878-5022 I op I o 952 ni4, Iii 4 andi 4,snn.4'ncommuter-ninn 44, th4vill44ag are folhnomiIg in4 Co4 1te' asects of the ihn 4,44ry on i 444, rnne -4444444444 111 , 1 114,', ml4 F,4,l,444 44,4 444444444,444 44,4, -I,44 444444 44it4II4444 it4the444444 444444444,444,44,.4 4444444 44 .4444444444,444 4 on Ili'.444.44444444444.4 i' ,CIe 44 444i 4444 '4444a l'Ill 't'. S(444 4444 j4 4,44 444444al, 44 44444444l 44444444444 444.4444 44444.444*444,444444444444Il44building 444 4444.Il I,4d,'d or, I44, 4444 Ille 44444 ,44 4444. 4 AN7 4 NUSLAL shot nf the Noble flour mlis and ioli1'wn4îd Hn4el. The 4444414 front was taken off M4ien 47 fHghway n'as eut throngh 144e village. 1 Colonial Table Plus Extention Loof & 4 Choirs ,ELL RS. LTD.i BELIVER HOME CONFORT SERVICE PHONE 878-6380 DISCOUNT WAREHOUSE GOOD DEALS ARE FACT HWY No. 25-JUST NORTH 0F HWY 401 ,N Moey ow -as feeeeiv Jaon. 31 st is our Year End and your beginning of... * COME ANDI SEE FARMER JACK * ÇIearance COLOUR T.V.ýs OMMsa works in a drawer * Panasonic 100% Solid Stato * Phâlps Modular 4 * Sylvania OT Matic Dc, CHESTERFIELD ONE ONLY i 29-m AMF 2e A , pekrswt rcrdcage r, ::kDck&Hadhn 1 Full Sue ZIG-ZAG DOES EVERYTING. CABINET & SEWING CHAIR Pls $0.00 i Acces s i $59W01 Moe n Oeri $199-"l HO REASONABLE OFIFER REFUSED ON CLEARANCE ITEM S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FANTASTIC SA VINGS [S]']S &i ENDS SEAKER s ( P 4 & p l Clean eho REEZERS EG1 AL I I î ['I 1'R 1II T N l a W-- a ý uwww lqwmmmqw m fflumu mfflmý i -3