IF SPECIAL LOW ES MEATPRICW all beef extra thin bologna A Maple Leaf rindiess bacon natural for the barbecue cut front Canada grade "A" beef standing rib steaks RLKD LIONGUNH !ilýl n *9 Sm 131' Suu*istVui.ec $1 39 29 ORANGES &ze - Caukflower STALKS 39 ~. 69 PLUMS 591. Make Use of Vour Public Transit System - C"M a Sbop Downtown end We Will Doliveri CABflUO 43 VALU EFCTV UM- CLOSING SATURDAY AUGUST 11, 1979. W REBIERV TE RIGIIT TO UMIT QUANTIIES 2 ILbb4 3 -~ "-~-.- ..~----~-- I