04 The Canadimn Champion, Wed. Aug. 8, 197 REAi SHOWCASE OF WEEKLY LISTINGS and OPEN HOUSE DIRECTORY WIWUAM MILLER REAL ESTATE UMrIED JUSTIS TED! BRAND NEW $84,900 Fik and teel0I00000tory ome hi h0011900s lOI, be0000111010, OOoi O11000oom, fam011i.1 Dom onmain foor wh f00p11000Loate0 8111000010 11110190, a real 0000018home. 0For, ersonal ins000pection ca01110Joseph0 S110O0O0 78845 CENTURY 21 WILLIAM MILLER IEAL ESTATE LIMIED. Ca/i Us Soon! WPETHE NEIGHBORHO PROFESSKONALS. Joseph Rupcich William Miller Real Estte Limited 17 Wilson Drive. Milton 878486 J'm FOR PERSONAUIZED COURTEOIS SERVICE BOB O CROSS GOWLAND 8782W88889 VEYVERY NIE" 3 b.d0,,oo 17110 book bunglow01 00110001in Uldecti 00~o ofMilonon$0large11lot. This is an -ceptiona00llodI lbuloI me000000t01111009000 O0000000009001100oomsth a complatel000finish- ed basement ith hugOOooool oom0, off0c,, den or 40000010011110Varo l 010and0001000000111 U00110900010and b001dIo0101. You ca only 400011001111 000001100000home0 000000$ ya $000000111 0000000010Owne, fa000$$00900 0a0d Mlin t el e aralstcprice of$64,900 'WELCOME" TO 451 WOODWARD AVE. "OPEN NOUSE" Sat~îUrday,Agsll 200o500p.m. LOOKO ME OVES MAKE AN OFFES BOB CROSS a 11Esta10,10and000110001100 101 3 Ma7n1 SiN0,0Fi0R16. MiloO1. Ontot01 878-2888 878-2888 J.L 25 WATERLOO AVE. GUELPH (51918241050 MAU R ayIed to11A11 0 ths a huOond soit010ale for 20W0 sq. 0i. 0country00home, 0000010 Si1pae, main ftoo aily 00001 0and 1000pa0001191 baco0oydec o e54 oy th g9004001100w Slbarno end01 studio0 . inues frnt amp PMIACV PUMII Desigoo.1 fo prOoinent Op1b1100090 hs Camop 09190puremlitadec1011monte. H00911000 0foe 01,00 Oîoplaoo. art 0solarium 0and 11101000019 gourmet000ktohiooi dm0 01fori000009a1i1. Narly 40M sq. f c. uest qua910000i00Full1 lins11of101111000000 331acres0of8fine000110009 aide. Askîog $00000 $8 $249.000 e belo.0 READS Fm UiiINOO M Cons00100000h$00fine10 cres with huge front 1190 110001minutes0 fro0t0Mohawkoack 51009y. Open001001110101000excellentO bbilding smsl com0plete0l8 $1100100100010by toe 00mooOlg pr00111108S110010yd end evere,$W10S1.,000. TENNU ARYN M? have8a0110e0i1q10 000in1the110g110000po, a.0 0011110000, 000011009 01m00100 000000 00p0nd00a0d view for mileo. SopotCp@ Cod 2 stoo$y. dning r0000u, 010 000, do00, 2 0000050110m 011900 000 00001.6 o. 01bath $010d 1101000000 $00090 5North ofCopbeliville. $ 154,000. EXCELENTHOMIURBARN $0111000000 11f 0001111111. R00.11010112 s0000y, 2 V0011000o110 11f100009oak planked floors $001 b11000$0000,0000p001100dffing ros00119000000110 01000000$01000000111000poryser living 11110101th cosy8 Oo$place1. 0011 10001190.10 0100flair. ser011100110011000119 1897000. WILLIE ESSERY (416) 854-9963 or (519) 824-9050 Royal City Realt Ld THE GRAUS S ALWAYS GREN . .. t hegolf club000c011s the w1y fr.m 00,0 000000 O 1 ' soy home0i on Trafal0garo Oo1d. major tranprtato outs, Askooo $79,0U0 COMPElTIVNE EDGE. When î'oujoin the tanks of sales organlzation ln the worid. he Negh$orhood Prolesslonoals. Job us. and share ln the ,oîîîî( maoode the- wbnblglteaOn. professioînal training and proooen ('ENS CR'o'21 is oîoîoohoroooe i marketinog bool s 10 make you listinogs. Ntiîooî000* rîîoî*t sales.o-sen muore of a surcess. We have 0icas wv rk hid theopeti e edge. for ou cliets. Yu cnrhave 0000o liakg u p ac O Call. or drophvyfor ilc u 1cs l(leourhmochure. ACareer rcal cý(i1(l i Rrifl Estittto- WILLIAM MILLER REAL ESTATE LIMUTED Member Broker 878-8495 17 Wilson Drive Milton, Ontario1 WE'RE THE NEIGHBORHOOD PROFESSONALS &Wheh-" hrâdi0*00*m a-W0a000pme Il mi _______________________________________ REAL rATIE EALESTATE BR TAN HOMPSON BROOKKEER THIS WEEK'S BEST BUY KILBRIDE CAU. Earypos$110on 1- own9r 0000000 0010 4 %VOOOWAMAVI. .ff0 100m On*% F. Penney Rosl Estats LM. 123 Trafalgar Rd. OakvIIIs 845-37371 On 000910,090.10MV,0acre 0lot01000 00100011010pool. brick and10 0010000at10000 i00 bar009qu00pi. Enter-o 010900000camuson000900levai.M00oy extras.Cail Vaugan Thomas 08453737 or800001787378. - NM*111AIII Ttoo. $0100001Califrniesi, 82 $four pWSo bathe, 1d bickfio1000000 lrg00000t0y kit009 PeWIllurgeS845-3737, Roi.878-4M. 300100o001, ut-in ki00000, family0 11110, seps, 9000 1000009 rocm0, 2 000000.0b01111000001 001111 shoppng. C1111 9a1190119Thomas00845-3737 1or Ru. 8787378. R YmaThdkYouaCcualdtAfim o mdSi OvèiH0Non». TI" 0Agni00- Amllkbi441M 1100099000,00001110910for00110002,00001010 Coi for0 $468.00 par on0100, 00011110000p 0110. 845-3737 or8Ras. 8788407. 1 J 3 00010,11,01 008401100bungalow, f000010mont111101 gPu $111m wihfo o , c00000i0g b 1ck firepl1090main000 003000100001 2 b8th$ i 911001000baisement,1 taund010, 8001000011 1000000o0'40are 0t etedbarn.0000009000fm 00000090 $0110110n1100 coui 00000100001100000$Cali Vughan 1Tomas M-843737 Centr 1, F0000o0Y Re011E0tate Ltd. or8Ru. 8787378. MMa.Voue DeortHortait A Roulty expert101100000101110010000 50Paul8Surgit0846- 37372110Rsm. 878-407, Th01omas Ml-3737 or R«. 8787378. ei.8e TemILereamI Atoo untry000009popoy. 3 0.1000001brick a 400011ai0home on Yi19 a11000040010000010, 3 bungalow00in0a0111180country setti9$.00000500011 0000010$ med 00000. Cali V9augh01an9T11100s0 gomln ol 000000000114. Col lao F011811 45080- 84&.3737,. Sm. 878-7378. 3M or R. 870411. *0 I. e * I a S i a a~ a aS * a 5 S -3. 'l- âllý