Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Aug 1979, B, p. 1

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SECOND SECTION SPORTS & CLASSIFIED Sp îrts_ _ MILTON, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1979 RaIIy stopped sh Mohawks chip ai By Miehael Beyle "IL wasnnI a big gaine," said Milton Meechants' owner Dieter Onaer. "Il mon o big tom".. The big lm Cloe as .5eemg on a th - eisnn bts sqoad drnpped to0 the Camtiheflvtlle Mawak Sund& afternon ai BrIa But Park. Te L eat mo Miltos fourth i a rnw. Bot on the othor side of0the coin, il marked CampbelîIlle's Milt snlentnin tseondgota 10e forh n n10 and neaely ied ifoup mOenotho> 1reatoned in the atn oung. "Everybndy rites barder againol Mlon," Mohawk paying-managee RinO Mitchell ontd. 'If's the rvalry. Usuant> wboo we gel for ria inna bory e> teit on it but fada> e kept ptnking amay ath1em. We et getftg the nîutch pay> mOnowe Tms of the clutch idays ncourred in the nnt0h intag with Cnmpbeilvdlle leodag 6- 4. Mhawk econd-hsmnn Bil Dennis reacbed firot hose on n fielde'n choice and prompti> aMoie second. e advanced f0 thrdon a passadhaand coced when relief George Munie t10mw a mild pitch. 'l'enMercanots actually bad n play ai1the plate but reated soimî> mich Demits tuoo adeantage of h acre wbat Iter pnved 10 ho the iniog non. In the Milton holl of the nls10. Mohawsk * tarttng pitcher Scott Gadd who %ailed througb the tat 1ree previon inningn. eana io trouble. Skip MeTrach and Gien Turner led off wi10 non> maks as Gadd's pitchno meernomere near the plate. Andy i Hidl tofted n Ina> single off the end of hin bal doma the leftietd ine which cored MeTrach and wbon John Chodrowict lined a single to score Turner with none ont if appeared thn Mohawks mere in trouble of lmsing the game. Nowevnr, Gadd ohviounty fol stronger and %truck ouf Merchantso catcher Ange Tonell on a coopte of had pilehen. Rich Clement ollomed by ftying ont ta, deep centrebield before Gadd bore clomn and caught Doog Thompson loking at a catled bhird trike to end the game. Il marked Gadd's second conecutise pîlchîng performance. Laçt wee bc0 no-bit the Cambridge Pirates. 'l woo trying ton bard tu, 10mw 10e hall n the ninth," Gadd said. "I mon oser- throwiag the hall and then the guyn fol tngeherand qaid they were heind me and tu, 10ow strikes and ttat'n ail 1 dîd. 'lIns junt ire to heat ecoh1er' 0he added of the rivntry. "Aller the gome everyhody forgets ahout il" Tonetli said 0e was impresed mith Gadd's pitching and ntItion pleaned with his omo efforts ai the plate in the ninth. He hadt a gond fastbali and breokiof pîlc,' the big catcher enplained. "You waot tu gel anxioon and go ater 10e bat] aod yoo go afler a hadt pilc." The Ioss dido't appeor 10 boiSer the Mer- chants wbo are in a close batie mith Dundon for fiet place in 1he Timmin Divis- ion of 10e Haton Coonly Basehalil eague. -Tha's lfor ina rnw,' o dejecled Claer said aler 10e game "We'se neoer donc balt before. But we'll comne ar.' Similari>, Merchans' leftfielder MîlcO Lajeuneone did't rlobe the Itom Ion bard. 'Theres no pint geting dnmn about il. Ail me base tu dolso eget back on leacb is for everybody lu paît togeiher. Thal's ail ae need" ort iway win 1 Dog Timhero and Rick Knight dmem haoen-toaded walks off Merchanto' star- ting pitcher Wayne Marchane. Tim Roherto nocked in Chochie Currie with a single 101the nixth hefore Ted Faller's RBI douhle propelled the Mohawkn mb o a0-4 lead. MGadd ment the distance nîrikiog out six Milon batter. nnd walking eight. Mar- chand nllowed nix maîko white recordlng three strikouts mhile Moore name on 10 pitch the ninth and allomed one isalk and o Kn SolO Comphetlville and Milton lost games Saturday (see other nloryt. The Otoham kn mere hombed 14-0 by the up-and- coming Dondon Chiefs while Milton lont 8-i on a rain-nhortened match 10 Etohicoke. TMe enchonge len esDondon on top of t0e Tîmmin Division mith an 11-9 record followed one gaine hock hy Milton ai 9-9. CampbtlivitIe imprnved their record 10 7- t2 whit e Camhridge remains mired in the cellar ai 4-14. Campbeliville honts Milton in a douhle- beader Sonday before tachling Dandan away Monday. Milton travsn 1 Brampton night i Wednendayi, Cambridge Salue- day and Campbellville Suoday for the tin kilt. Notes: There are actually iwo races in 10te leagne. In order ta adoance itoth1e - Ontario Basehail Association playoffs, . Milton muni finish ahead of Dondon. r Secamse Camphollvifle is clanned an a C divsion team, tOny mont heot out Cam- bridge.. Merchants' manger Marchand 1 binied there would h ornme ponitional changes for tonight'n game in Brampt- on..Mohawho bosn 10 Dondon prolonged a three-year iiless string againsi t0e 1 Chiefs... Dondon hon won fise games in a Gibbons' single gives Stags titie Ter> Gtbbon hocked an GarryNayter ih the wùinig nn lathe holtoo or th. e vofo nls te Pespl 100 'Asaborîbw BP FueStagotina 2-1 mIn over Momben> Blue Fiâmnes and cdaimthe chainpionghlp of the Cotigmesd lovitationul FastOnl louroameol Suoday. The tourne> drem neven teamo inlodiog four local entrien. Acompanying 10e tago and Mowbrays ecs the Georgetown Yankees and Homo>y. In the inai gaine, Stagt cored 10e fiet run of the gaine in the second iooiog aon [ont Faffion and GW3tllbon it aaley to preon Oon n. Mombrnyn rallied lo tie the scoe mhes Brios Hoard doobled on Doug McLaugblin. settiof the stage for Gibbons' gaine- ioiog RBI in 1he seventh. Ed Dun n 10te in- niog pileher for ail four Stags' ins mite Mamk (reakesusffeend the ons. Botb Stags and Mou- brayn mached 1rough t0e touenameot rather eooîly. Siogs defealed Georgetomn 70, Meford 19-1 and Eimvale 2-S mite Mobrays handled hOmt Cn10ngmood 4-1, Elmsale -2 and George- town 4-i before meeting n the inai. In 10e fSrst game agoinot Georgeown, Garry Nayler doobled and seored Stags' iet ru nRoger Johnsons sngleinithe second inn- ing. 510f v dded ibmec more runs in 10e tird. anoiher ini 10e tourth and 10 oe nte fîtb. KeitO McýKinnn ufiered tOe bosn In t0e second gamne, agaînsi Meaford. Stagn beube a 1-1 lie sn 10e fouetO inniog sending if men to the ptate and mcoriogosee s in lathe iourth inoiog. Stags addnd 10 10eie total mitOh Ilmoreruns on 10 bts ini the next ionisg sendîog 13 battems ta the ploie. Dais Meljueco mas t0e iosîog ptcher for Mealord. Siags jumped on Elin- sale urler Carl Edmartin tom a pair of firl- inning 10 tovaulti nia the iead and bth runs slood Up for 10e et of 1he gaime altiough Eimsale outhît the Milon team b> o 7-f mrfia. Att in al. Slags cored 30 cons os 45 ita in the four games and otlnmed ordy y Io runm on 20 its. TMe leadiaf ilers for 1he Staf s ere Steve Gervais mîlO sen its. (br> Nayiee and Gib- bon ilO sineach, Faggion and Doog Na>- or mitb ise its opiece. John Pension and Don Hearos mitO four each and ptcher DuosmhOn cipped io lhrec its. Il marked the ient time Stafs mon t0e tourna- ment oter fine conecu- lise tries. A SLIDING UNDERNEATH THE TAG, Mohawk Poul Elliof makeo if intosecond oafely au Merchanfu' second baseman Burke Harrison hou ta go high above the bug 10 corne up with un errant throw. The Mohawks won their fourlh game in the pool five, lurning bock Mlton 7-6 Sunday aI Brion Best Park. Squirts improving edge Erin Mllis Predeeiss oquiri sons ee reps sontînurd ibeir steadily-împrosed pay la deleat Erns >1111 21 Wednesday is rin Mlis Wednesday. Tbe win esened tbeir season record boiwenecthe tas leams ai 1i1 The guise proved la 0e a slomly-paced aflaîr wtboneilbeesaide showîng ans ofensive strengthb Mach of the play mas in midfield as each teais eschaogrd possession. Milton foi aO ueO> break mben aaarded an indirect iree kick aller t0e home teais sois mted aaoui dueîog a Milton offenive drve, Revis Moiftt tiassed t0ei hall toscentre Mark H arrisonsha loured ao shOt abosr tOc fcalies outstrrtcbed rs 1 The iead gave Milton 1 added miotivation. : causiog tbern tapress bai 10ev bad ta seul itiea 'i0 iead faiog sini second liait. Mdilont aei u srogis aller lie inter- isissionaîih anvexcellent te ieftn leadîîîg ta iOnsr second goal. Keis IIolataigaîoed aoss ion Ib te bail ai mîdlîeld and caeeedîilup the sîng m-ile ai tOe name ime. avoiding the Peut Mlts defenders. Se passed a Paaul('arien abs toasd an apeoîog. and ted! the bail to arka Hiarrsoa ha prampti , îcared his second iof t0e gaivnt Mitotn seeisrd ta selox ai tbîs point alloisgi Erin Mlis ample scorîog apporlanîties but ganîd detrosiî-r î%îrkb liPaal Broeudraandl 'Daniel Beisedere bepi Ore Sisissaua,î avibrn 2-1 -i seing. b-. the game pregre'.sed Mîilton scriiicd ta lame interestini thbe eaile a Gdioughed up ibs bal seseral tintes. Sean MeiCsiallais abs sas sabsitiigin goal iade preserving Mlitons lead. i-ris 'iilis isait> capîtalîaed os Mlton leibargîs play andsored brisr oni>sýoaolej9 4W Eris Mitlb cosiinued lu challenge 0inbe resi of tbe faine bai laîled ta cbange tbe score Tbe .Miltan vorvars itheir Ohirt iniit0e pool tour gaices "li-s e. OsFederick's taskls Staltan. one ni the l'est ifalion Leagnes paserhoases VittO -encrai players an asatiaithOs sqiuirts lia ea touaaassigomeot. fBusy sports 1 week upcoming The holiday weekend prosîdes aiea sport fans with a wide variety of sport happen ings 10o eep temselves amused and enterlained over the The happenings actoally gel anderwas Ioda> iWednesdayî wilt the annuai HomOb> Horse JShow whish continues unlil Monday There Ire ' foar other esenls neluding a fotbailltorna- ment, a lifeguard compelilion. ananiucr9 Irally aod an allilelis meet ai the Mapleharsi Cor-j retiosal lnlitule The following is a more elaborate description of the esents, HORNBY IHORSE SHOW1 Eopesbingto draw apwards of 4ocompetiors, the Hornby Horse Sho raies as one ofth1e top eqoestrian shows nf the year in the oantry. The t nasal begins Ibis morning and continuesauntil Ilaie Monday alternoons Olympie ieam sompelîlors lrom Canada and the United States are expected ta particîpate as rders compeelforeover $25.WOoin priae money L Tmo orna iders iii compete Tbey are Gail SCannelman on i Mîlon and Kim Samuel ni Hornoy. Tle esens.wlle held ai the Homse Place. fomrySam -Son Farwn on Trafalgar Road. MILTON FASTBAILLTOL'RNEY A totalof UNisoup for grabs as 16 teams pilsb, 1 6hi i and ron in the annual Mlton Fanibail jTournament Aug.i-6 ai Orian Besi Park. Six Mlton leams (ail ensept Rosbwella-ii] baille leams frmwas far aaay as Bradord. rThe tournamenti s set p in a dîsîsional arangement which alloins ech ieam ai least three games beforeebeing knoched out First prize monev is 300 altboagbmwinners of thensecond andtiidroands sill receise $20 andn W4. reupeciively. Ation gesaunderîayîa7p.m.Fridav nîghl adnstartsaupagain inibremorng aîo30pým Saiurday and Mandas and 9 p m. Sanday ai Brian Sesi Park Playscontinuesaunîîl the laie eveoîngbhoarseasb nighi Teams wl some trois Aton. roole, Oak- sie, Georjetowo. Maion. Palermno. Mîssissaaga. Bradford as weli as Milton, LIFEGUAIIO COMPETITION Kelso Conservation Area asil e basting the al-Oniarto lîleguard competiiioo Frîday loi tbe waterbsooischampioosbip. Filleen af Onarios 0est lfeguardîng ieams willhbaileioutiînithewaîerîin four esenis RacO leam willbhave sixsmembers of whisbîbhree must be female. The sqaads iii 0e iesied in paddleboard cela>, bbfesaing relay. emergensv situationssandbt-sl s aid. For emergency siaationslteiceams will be a esied in rnatiîon lime. nuiailiy of treaimeot. Ienecutimi. leamwork. presentalîse guarding gond poblir ç la in nsmolaied accident 6=.- de ims Oi Iiieediffètnbeginn ai 9 amwin Keino. ANTIQUE CAR BAL[,% Il yaa teel lihe watcbîng bîsiors pas efore your eyesyoa migbt wantto mabe anote ofan > antiqae car ral> pot an by the Hsiorîcal As- soiation oCanada whih ill driveaup fom Oabsîlle along Higbisay 25 and stop ai Ore Milton Mail Mondav aliersoos. The once- a-year tsar ifiisialsy calird a Nior- <mosha Tour, insolses a aeek ofai sîties an wihîh mem0bers aili (ravei innearasas stvle Io sevet-al sites on and aroaod Toronos elore seiiing aithebhomse ofStirinsgVibeller i orn5bN fora barbecue Oondas Started with Mode/ A Change Stiling Wbller 00000n iog short of an oid umet addiction. F or neneai cor o. Purin and veh- yenm nom On as Oen ies boy settîesd oser coassaoed mith the lonO Os oneocre home and tn of restoring old crs und Iree fuages. trtucks, on endeasoor One of tbe highlîghtv o mbicO taken op morn and the year taet place tii mores o itime and eebend wmOno tht muse>. WelIers bonI about 60 0110 home on Steelet nîber cor loyers of tht Avenue ressembhles notb hbygose ero 1inseeklont IF MIS OWN restoring work Minîg WbeUler ta save a lot ai Bsarne Urne it bas eaablec if is numaber of antique homes for their cars d tourîng atitities as port brothsr gave tl ta me meil although tbore ils o inus home in homOs: i-of the annuol Nommosha shen 0e ment osemseas in heater whîcb mnakes an> The home bas suc- r Toue mbîcb bîglîghls 10e 1943 and t1ili-ie il mii thing but summer cecded in bîdîog the veb- in year frtom e 5Histories]ol1957. -drisiog ver> sont î cles aitbougb eacb of the Association ni Canada. Il mas long afler Ibat TecOnical>, the auto- garages iv jammed fuit of Sois doen ose gel stort- Wheiier became hOmoke mobile s in A-i shape. porto and automobile is ed eoiieclîng nId cars? on anti que cars~ but thn The Wbellers esen mient iames. l Il ail stated witb ibis Model A holds a part- 101the point of purcbusng An aid lire truck ils IO car bers e,- sayn point- icuber place in is OcrI. a stociol licence plate oabed, ils engine and le îng la bîn favorite cor, a The cor 10 a moter- with the initiais LB mhicb muo f iiiis eqopisent t9 1931 Modet A Ford. 'Mv peces Il otiliis ver> signifies 10 lOem their desaded becoove Wbeiier home in Long Brancb. is pans-ay h' ug IrThen, omelîmeio the reionnghe truck. lofe '005. Whller guI the etrn bug and stantd col The truck used 10 0e ectîng aimoof eserything mghi domo ishere I lived 0e cool d gel is bands on. fermon> yeaes and ihen He added a second somenne caiied and asb- - î. -prîoed-cotcb, o 1950 Club ed ifl'idlîbie la bave il, - sCoupe Ford and Os mon Teres ver> uitile equip- onbhiumayto colecing meniforituandmwe base i more tban 15 vebicins bad 10 go 10 Hershey - including an ire truck PennsyicOOis 10 picb upua - frointhe LakenSime etee sîren for it (t IaO bge Company. open-air tisa market).- -i"I tOooghi il waos -Eerybody in t0e club .45gret," sayn is ile bnostavralire truck - - Barbara, 'mtlie got svo IbougO vo 10e> pîcb ap inx. Il con 0e espen- Parts abeneser 10e> ion if you mont il to 0e.'- con. Stirling avoido mach of Most ni 10e cars in the the cot b> doing is oms auto club are regisiemed restoriog. os anti que cars wih "Time,' he espiains. alloos the omners 10 pay "Ib you base loto of lime ju5isiO$1 tee lue a vpecîi >ou rai enjo> them. licence. Somever. they Deing yoor omo ork is are resleîcted to drising the bigget ndsantage. A ibeir cars in club oct- paint job lone iii cont ivilles, parades and Ibm you up to uibîo. libe. Upbotter> resto; mn jont About 60-70 uf the as high beauone you mont club'. men members ii if to tan k10e the original meet, cars in hand, latter sIidf."1 this menk to prlicipote For ma> >ears mite in the anoual tour xvicb 10e> issU on Long mili osethem drive in j BronO, the Wbnitnrs parade fasbîno throu- toeed their ssicin hogbut the aireso The garages ctred membomo mllI ho comped thlrougbontth1e rity. Teno in the Clairsîlle Con- 10e> dndd tOt for servotion Airno. k vehiclea. Stirling faaad tis aId tee truck tteir o« o covesrience o Monda>, the ifsttk om o loet ukor ae (n oU reduce the innesers itImeetauth1e a sear Peterorlotulg eth. cctraL eyeomre of parts îyîng Wheelers home for a I nar teroragb.arouad 10e bcbyardi. barbecue amid 1he porto, e t10e> oped for their span- vehicies und gurages. STANDING BESIDE the cor whîch gof him started, Stirling Whelter is proud of hio 1931 Modet A Ford. The Whellers went out fao pecifically purchase a f931 licence pIafs wîlh the inilialo LB. The couple is orîginally from Long Branch. Outburst paces Mowbraiy Moba Blu ims ta riig b n u.MLeod's tre-u ad P imored theeruns raled frtrerusi l e s ffOBrin ed hmeri h is nig i h hdbeore dding the boit ftai aixbb h îin-0 outinlarîgb filed. Rîck beid up for tOc mis Afles a otn te e oorth les- ning (0post a9-7 a in oser Bridgman loliumed mitO Hugli Marshall doubtcd. îsg 10 sait amuy tOe C and P Landscapîng in anoiber single. Lare> lia> Toneili reached on vi1510e Thte BIue lames Milton Fasîbail Loogue Camspbel hecame the error. velbîng the stage rallîrd for sngle un.,i play Thuenda> ai Brios innings second ontwmOn orlu Mcle-ods home rus 10e tanttwimînnîngv but Besi Park 0e fSîrd oui but Ro> basi fbheir march mas topped The Blue lumes bad a loneili sved 1he day BleFa s'pthrnBidmntuc bonsy meeb losîng 4-2 nîlO a double, lue Pngstlae pclownr ot a enSrdgmahvlrucb Tuenda> ta C and P 0e- VWarren McLeod aKir Ring heibied dom s i n.Imgome lors dumnping Thorn- malked. follomsd b> imo bolIer; 0e laced.Matn nd Rbso borrow Stags 3-i10e nent another single b> Deug ltoiog just loue it-s honehed singes togeiher nîght. MeLaugblin micb and Imo maI00 10e et of for the lbree-ruiî bird. MryCairnled off allowed the Blue Fîninen 10e mo> 10 nolc h 1e sîci- Murray. iboisson and Mor> ie îcorDecatre put singles the sixtb înîng Thursda> h vcoy- or> logether for tbbcfiat u witb o single and hîn bgant te Stogo. la the match Tuendo>. nI the înnîsgý rUI

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