Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Jul 1979, p. 7

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r% 13 in Mi pise Former Champion aporta editor Brisa spîfo McraalldM a avie er h ra- St 'O iatrs a is h mpion office. Brian mne mas a reprter sud sports editar here four .or yeý.s leing 12 years ago lu work in ',hbn Aishotsford, BC. -Iuf He's stilin theUi west, bavong worked for muek aovral newpapers in Uic Hacker Brus. day. chain and as reccntly nmmcd publishar- foil editor of Uic Surrey Leader, locatcd nesr rd Vancouver. 4M Be and is wife Marion sud Son wre Onta home forsa tmo wcek holiday, visiting mitb "I is mother ta Acton and frienda in Uic mu area. Onc of Brians chldhaod frienda l Deala Gibbons mho was rccently nmmcd ang sporta editor at Burlington Poat. Denis miorkcd for masnyeyars wiUi Thec Acton palet Fra Press and Tie Independent, George- tilt town, and left last falto beasports dtor at Ni Uic nom defunct Ncwsdayinu Kitchener. uni Grahamo S. Bradshaw of Milton, mbo man graduatcd fram tise foury ar Bachelor of tof Arts dcçrce course at Erindale College, mt Ujnivcrsity of Toronto on Junc 20, was uas winncr of Uic E. A. Roinson Medal for Salt academic excellence. Mni OUicr Milton grada mere Louro Joseph A Rîgo, tbrcc-year Bachelar of Science; and Jon Margaret Jean Hawkis, tirce yesr reft Bachelor of Science.ba t&e Sixteen membesr of Scotch Block tus Womcn's Instituts visitsd Uic homestsad at of Alexander Graham Bell and Pauline Johnson at Brantford on Jnly 12. foresn Hume conducted Uic tour, mhicb includcd- Uic Mohawk Chapel. hor t 20. at Mi dai Ca t'l i v ho ar bi In te ho ;ompany doors shut on sti lItas met alt aainer- semIses tcy shamed offic Monday coing. peuuximotety OS orkes mern toOd -duten ttud hrrn ttfed a nd thecre neun 1,n hr tue tEe men LEuO ne annasiie5ent lmcd a sne-day steUte lay by mnre Ihon on Bel mp5oyeu in ianso and Queber. ,litis not o ceta5iatiun ce," arrocding Ou opany spakesmon Met ses. "Wr leet me houe ibligigon u umaintaiu service nute pobtie, -nticuay sinre it iu o iity insulued." te. James nood the onus decision to con- oea nrhedoOr ut cunat- C steibes peumpted the upany to rerit sagement persone titI the jobs outhUe briing mes. Mlanagemeut iudinid- Ois mere ussîgned jobs aturdoy. Ouuduy aud unday. Arrseding tu Mn. lmus, nurbers ane fuîing nu morh uner- ne, eesulting in a îrbkOsg ut tmu meeh of elephone ordrs. Company ufficiais ru- osed nu fera the sit- jation a 'Ourhst'. bul -ce5oction ut mrk anoigstscnt. " "Th5e compasy hou becns afteeing asde the ctatisg steUes.' ad- mitted csmpany ruera- te ie-presideint GordnILnsn. comnunt nn nnone -na eensony beounr n r duon' nun iempluyeen mut ho Okhece. We rau't rely upante.-- Belltwmuees boue ualked ofthte job Oice Lu tbe pat mont. peteting a prupaued rompany age cuteoct. on meettng htmeen tEe tmu sides ast Wed- ueoday ou Mntreul, the union eserutine ejected a cumpany utten ot o 26.5 per cent pay ncrese user o threeo eur perno Emptueo are seoisg age paed nnObteO- phone mukers inuthe L nestern prononces, Who unae eriug a top muge ut $442 pr n eek. A etasune rabOî upicer employnd by Betl s Canada non eun s339.60 J pur eek. AcrurdiugtOu Miltn union menhon Paol e Toubiu. employeou are 7-demaudiug o puy inu a creseuof27 perncent in tf Om-yeareuuonrOLt Tbe memhorsbnp in e- su o prteuhnth(b 1- umhon ut unrtn uthouons mploynrn muet imatcly $13 pr hase Eue saotage, but the union niç uetime. bas aened stenngly the Armseding tOu M. agaiast it" sid Milton on, Tonkintee is rasa Eue mucher Greg Patry. 1 t leot 500 moee jobs M. Palleey aost three se teougbuuO IBell Canada. days' pay ou o retofutiO ir sund the increaurd thr cumpunys decnsinn nntnnrnnuthen n Loch the anuns on H n- innnon o ee t(,o(','IlL t,,nting unokern'n n. onenpotuyesrmtu negotn ' nr uut"b oneroome wmunb i vry ug b.- ea tErbers sand tEe udmitted. oddin i recnulcumpany action could usty atfrto O e to Eau tuther bardened une day's pay. o uion feeliugs tunardu 'We dont mont tu gou- the uapauy, ond baust out comptey ou tibe. n disuaded te member- beausue you mnt beot sip rua cotouing une- the compauy. Bell iduy wmkutos. Canada is su big, su Tbe guys (oniton unong uud as uutumoted. Preserve uniqu 51muy ho a Nurth dituehonce and proides t A merau rcbueutogirot a Estoey ut tbe regions Lofrst-au Otariu eegetuttuu datong burb nu o Goserumeut grattOu the glacieru," be sid. 1 4 EeOp presense the mud on The danger nu Obot the buotum ut a smautt uman actonty or te e tuke. aditonsout utrients niOt Ol Ou onouuenng a spur atgue grutb and t) s411.n00 grut tOuHutun dsturb Obt record. sid Regnun Conervation Mn. AuOd. ,n Auubuity. Nturut SBe- TEe grosOtOu ho oued Lu tl sourceenMinster James contnue denetupmneut ut -e A.' AuLd sund Oat nbt te 377aurne n(153- n-wson outhe bttu utf bectaret Cantord Lobe o ('anturd Lobe soutb- Coservation Ares mnOt west o ut ounosut 0050 bhetp prunide Oodsaptug is "auy" mlod Ou butter the omuOt noter le "The sedomen. c- body. le eundnng ton arcb- lTbe udu nntt utsu betp n aonougmstn. bon escupedtou enstruet ounun rwuîignt meeting Prediets climate changes -dttat Ltffuauraboute thett *etwsest *MradBenrdTors- BY IHenry J. Sanley tu %n rrctwise whoar willrnrdTh Agelnllneaî ep. trn rrwof Waterdown wowl celebrate Houtsteu breedens aud Get eir golden wedding anniveraary on July fInedu met ut Ptum- gre *They were mrnied on that date in 1929 beube ttanm nf H.roig ami tUtc home of bier parents Joseph and Ruil aud So. Miltton o label Mitchell in Freelton. Fnulay esuuîug. Juty 6. tbr Ther fmll inlues no GergeofGuet speaker ufthOe tbe Theirfamil incd (MEas.n erseof n i nug nos Geurge At- ebo ilton, daughter Shirley (Ms masn) un. a uatveofuton and fMilton, son Bob nf Mount Hope and and trmen CIC It sughter Doreen (Mns. Cliffe Bil) Of grutunut unnuonnen thui ýamphellville, also 14 grandchildren and George bas spet tbe tot car vo gret.granddaughters . er and o att sîudnoug the The are well known i this ares Slda n tbe u'nntdu ctofMate-ude ipen bouse is planned in their bonor at teupuueruh t ut Mo ureen Bill's home, 30 Main St., Campb~ e yl- ergusn Ld o abd rie, on Sunday, July 29. Tbey'll be at ethen mttt bu mucb Oui ,orne ta friends and relstives from 2 to 4 mre sesre and sortable -Lt ind fram 7.30 on. A family dinner is heing thonilt bas been user tbe 4O5 pout au yeunu Gaur u leld at Mohawk Inn the same day. t July 19 la another speisl day for Mr. wahr ehreetbak S baornborrow - he Il celebrate is 71st Trustee e irtisday that day. am at Lb Faundng resident of Uic Renaissance herbicide [ternational group, Rev. Keu.seth Camp- ttuknntte boardof ut nus u aIlu -f Milton W55 in Ottawa on JlIe 27 ottuu trustee Etute Htsun nliding a festival celerating faith bpes tOuiront out the usep freedomnand thecfamily. ut o cotrovees tut herb- L Tise day wss pruclaîmed "Hunsan rcide (om n atIon sebot ights Day" snd evangelical leaders grouuud repreentig 60congegatins i ttaa Tnustee Hilsun de-thn epreentsg 60congegatonS n Ot ered a onte ut motou LL eere sponsors of the festival. the hord catinug tor n ou nmuedtte bau ou the use Pl nof 2t2-Don scbuut yardsÀ* Douglas Gardisosse of RR 5 Milton and uttt thene is abuotute Graham sud Evelyn Clles of RH 1t- prot ns brmes tE tendcd the National Cattîgmens Clinic Htou educottun aponsared hy Uic Canadisn Hereford directuir 5m Lanender Asaociation, ait University of Guelph. The said muicpatitts levent gave Close ta 200 delegates a chance uuematty careyuut one ta converewU svrlexet ro i prytuî and tht in 'Z wt svrlexet fo h uuaty tu the pntng I befindustry, during the tbree-day linic. u au uîe eou Lovnder deteuded hkm O ld ashi ned He tutd trustees in utoe tatbted ulty hoOt dayssareturniflgo days r turnin -caucer cuustug pnunndng Dot of yur utd fusE- prumtued mre detuotu tu the condtttons utippit oued cotumes -cttd ater eebu cation are met. Fusbtoued Duys are cuanu pr uMitn FUNK E&-BAIN Mittn Cambe ut Barrîtera & Solicitors commerce is tnng up l7 Wilson Drve, Sote 1 asotber -gond oid days- Mlton, Ontario L9T 3J7 ceîekeattuu tytue Lu mttb th abor day eebeud 878-2801 teamEra uud a cos tome rotet barbersboP are ptassd tou auuunre thai quatet stnging and ther atatosare ptauued. MARION E. HOWARD orgaroers eîd a a s .utuci 00E ttum îuthe peSclîle ut am meeting laso euh tu plan a on he celebratou uand AIR CONDITIONING,( EXPERTS DUSCMOWRAY Ml a nd u -s oha ut wthmabutute t orgn rsprrnett dthe ut cnuceru about the ti nut orbotttbuxide tnisbeingreteosed itu c e Ltonn ns mutnre thon n ge bonbtnto rbtn td onygru tl i, rpected ftnot 'e wudt be doubte Lbe rbun diundencontent of eair by thbe y non 2ttttt nbuun dnusdennterternn Lbh inntand ttgbt-t nunrbed b' tbe ceron toutde Trbne w a use r cthorate tuo warmn up- tegnees authtbnequaoun -dereesbeen' and up oL2 degnenuintbe ac Tbnuuttswlb ave grat hauges uonunr ruer utu. nunnd pattens. 'ru nu Lt1 mrlt etc Al tbis scausmng greut cunceru nuougbut thenuuid tSbairnton ut tbe sah, Milton. Ken Marron, tbe Pont monsdent utobr thettlln Holstein ueeders 'Club. wan Lbe officiaL udgr tor te tuLoitein ca Eigbteen preent pLacent thn cLan- correcttu oitb teun nnnern drunn ng toi, prize . tCae innud Armondo Kutuco 15ynd mver. Tinn Kunnen Fi 151 I NSpis (tot mu nmepreenstrd E'eesndeut to 4-tlelub memhonsnbuho Dounsuod rmdb con- ure nEunnu g aolsttein eLuded aooutbensurcenss ton Obr te tirut lime by fuitwiuigbt meeling. Den. r BeyCi d1) tercgaxtto ANCHOR AUTO COLLISION 878-8424 " Custom Painting " Frame Straightening *Collision Repair tEE ESTIMA TES *ing Rd., Milton Umits 4 & 5 ThaCanadian Champion. Wcd., Jaty 15. 1979 i PT FRIE SAI SUN ONL 28, - mouFts: i M, ul81011, jIls SU '~AN O 'SLAGSILTION 1 FIGHTING CONSUMER SHOW ANO SALE! I j HNDREDS 0F MERCHANTS rL AIL IN ONE BUILDING SELLING NAME BRANDS AT UP TO 800/oî OFF. SEREOS . TELEVISIONS . RECORDS- AUTOMOBILES AUTO ACCESSORIES . CAMERA EOUIFMENT- SPORTINO 000DB ESERCISE EOUIPMENT. TOYS - MENS. WOMEN'S iB CHILURENIS CLOTHINO . SHODES -JEWELRY .LEATHER 00005S LUOGAGE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS . ANTIQUES CHINA A COOKWEAR .HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES - TELEPHONES PLANTS. WOOD à NEEDLE CRAFT- PAINTINOS & FRAMES HOT UBS -DTOLS A HARDWARE -INSULATION -CARPETINO CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS B LOTS MORE! AMPLE FREE PARKING M Ony1ml rn oot nentoa ipori M EayCesb fo HgySG>0 ,d 7 etri s to Cabie tsI Wc Design and Buiîd To Suit Voue Teste *KITCHEN CABINTS * BREAKFAST NOOKS * BARS *HUTCHES * aATHAOOM VANITIES * WALL UNITS Wc Also Carry A Fulîl Lino of Appliancos I -JEN-AIR * SUS-ZERO * GIBSON ViCtoriaCUStoMlN bnetS mC. FREE 267 Sinon Suan, Ns. Hnnlnwg ESTIMATES 1t 51916c27TS1 ar cad Ta onhubmck V795191 m .ký IF -..d 1 rident, a cosmpasyds rikers Union bitter. sa w usaohpat Cnntlsued frsa Fnac Ose bulanoe lle ine elZphetbr enueplenot Additisnaî uniesnsinp- beatakeraS tee panhasyc paie and rbte moeh. APuete ismnom theain- compaAt ca ftenigloig labor ltCnuttcn-omsy ey don't reoîty eed gesapa and unions, naid i" be saîd. M. Meyee. No ftnnerdte bas heeu -We hase becs ding et tue a retoun Oumedia al it glnsu far os uer on Ion. ,bt oeeordnog ownutbol enant tunstand : iepreniden nce tninaktuttlysteuug. foman LLe-.tnntnng drinven à bete, llei attendant-dnspatcers hb "rhune ua r n e-ae aise uomed tOupichet WARRANTY SEgRVICE remety tain otten ou tbe OahunSleMLA.ltmSnum's CENTRE tabte." nund Mn. tous aonuootpencStoeday Lu n ZENITH e ADMIRAL 'Ayhgese un du s Miton. mot gmung tOnenthe Pub- Me. Meyer suld tsec TOSIIIBA mue' inerestl moue as peomplud by Eimptuyeen hune been the tack ut puitiral L- SALES CENTRE uithbut o ountruet enune notuement on te paer t o NIonv. 0 mu7 Me. no tostep inuto es otue the ambutane rus- TOSHIBA Company utictots mre ie ia e "'i bruhenugtass Mondoy * teepretnnecentre. o ugt mbenfur ou olders eecondony edueuhuonot ere buetedteusgh tEea centre. pn c run .moinopirtore indow ut nature troitts. oduand the cumpauy5 QOahuitte parking toentntnrn statini. TEe conrvatotn rna Accunding tOuotbicnats. , aLun incudethe ete ut the tindent cash place * onuudodtda brt le tpVge dating borE tu the tewmimnutes prior Ou te- mi-100. okronng, heomir sweet deal for you CARS-TRUCKS JOHNSOM BROS. GARAGE & ÂÀ é j 295 Main St. 878-9942 ......... oYý CI R 98

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