Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Jul 1979, p. 4

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4 The Conadin Chermplan, Wed., July 18, 197 Estalhed 181 ftntihiau hêpt Phone 878-2341 ROY DOWNS pPAUL BELANGER J, ""M oFCE E EttEt dfltýMEEHM.MsM. M . Om MIEe Et CE F-M 5ECý,. EOIl Oa-c.eor aTEEA SOtEhlb, EEEEE.N5... CEEC.. CE,. EmeEmEau CC EEOE EE.CEuSE 05...C EEEEuE.CECm-aE-C ..,E su.,EEEEEEEEE.CaCCEEN- EECCE.93EEEEEA,,,, E, IEE -Oý h ý * EEEE EEEEm .fflw TM-. CEE.CE .5CEu tCEEEEEE M- h I - N ý ý, h M ývN mA h EEEEuEE,0 ',CcE5enes Il 1 -ge-- g-, -5EuEyEIlCEuE-u.5EEEEEEE.e The fastest Mlton's growth'continues un- interrupted as thse Timberlea sub- division rapidly completes Pisses One and esters Phase Two. Council has given the go-aisead -on servicing for Ue latter and al- ready, Ue future neigisborhood east of E. C. Drury la alive witis construction macisinery and men, building for Use future. Te the south along laurier Ave.,, bouses seemingly go up over- night. Most of the building permits have been isued or are in Use pro- cess. Aiment one tiird-217 of 692-are occupied. People wshing te see a neigis- borhood transformed overnigist, should take a tour of Use ares. Wisat was once farm fields, is teday Use met modern suburban erea le Halton. Construction machinery, service vehicles and Use constant flow of trafflc dramatIze tise change taking place. Garboge and postal services have been extended. A new medical centre is boing built on Laurier Ave, te better service Use growing multitudes. Met of Ue people coming here are from Ushe east: Mississauga, Toronto and other points. Ment of tisem are young couples, botis of whom are working. Some have cbldren. Climbers, b4r Tisere is growlng cancers locally over rock climbers s-ho make a sport of scaling Use rock faces of Use escarpment ie Haltons conservation parka. Tise concern is legitimate, after two people died ln faits le a ose- week peried. A climber felU te his death at Kelso and a hiker slipped and feUl at Mount Nemo. Halfon Ifegion Conservation Authority IHRCAI wiich owns tise escarpment parklands la werried about its llabiity in tise case of seccidents. There la insur- ance, but if Use Authority, by allowleg limbing, la found lhable if could produce a long and costly court case. People bave been falling off tise -olso, Rattlesnake Peint and Mortt Neme cliffa for many years, eut lafely tise areas have bocome popular attractions for climbing clubs. Rattlesnake Peint Park is listed in ose American To be encoi Tise Bey Scouts snMiltes district are a far cry frers wiat they ere a few years ago. As part eft fhe Oukvitle district, tiseir sumbers mere insigeificant. Now. tisanku te tise efforts ef a tes- key people, and tise remarkable gros-h fisthtie tes-s, tise Scouts are tise second lurgest youth organisation sntise com- musity, seat te Miner Hockey. This is remarkable. It is a reflection tisat the values imparteJ by scoutieg, are being rediscovered and parents are encouraging their ciildren te joie. Scoutisg's decline began le 1968 wisen headquarters made a decision te dispense with tise ceremonial aspects as well as tise discipline sucb as proper clothing. te the ant-autisoritarian move- ment tisat abounded in Use Ioe sixties, acoutieg decided te EIget wth t'5 and discard fise rituala whicis sets Use movement spart froro others. Tise resuit waa a tremendous drop le enrolment. Kida wearleg growth Like Kngsleigb Ct., Falling- brooke and Dorset Park before if, Timberleas residents will have problems. Chief among them wll be thse school crisis. There smply îsn't enougis classroom space in the existing schools. Buaaîng and portablea are thse only immediate answera. Witb any growth, there are pro- blema. Altbough the agreement bwtween thse town and Timber- lea'a developera is conidered the beat in Ontario, there are going to be problems which were unfore- seen. Education is the major one. Traffic congestion on Ontario St. la going te be another. However, the apeed of growth is exciting to behold. Conidering thse time and effort put in by suc- cessive councile and town bal] ataff, the toil has borne fruit. The rapidily by which people gobble up t he homes means that many are pre-sold before the first shovel of earth is turned te build tbem. Brente Meadows te the west, is another example. Aithougis enly the preliminary work has hegun, many people have already houghf their future residences. This kind of confidence is the spirit which makes Milton the fastest grewing tewn in thse region. mware rock climhing magazine, as a suif- able place te climis. Cliff climbers cas be puf in the same category as peuple who swim in ahandoned quarries. race cars and motercycles at ergan- ized tracks, or join in other thril- ling but dangerous sports. They know there are risks involved in their sport, and they aise knew they must face the consequences if there is an accident. Wbat's thse answer? HRCA sheuld post each park entrancre and each steep rock face with signs: "Warnîng, rock climhing lu forbidden". The signu weuld absolve HRCA of any responsibility and climbers would know le advance, they are on thetr ewn if they peruief in taking risksu on the cliffs. It seemu a uhame te have te pass more laws te pretect man from hîs ewn foly. uraged blue jeans and ignorant et the Law of fhe Jungle were fhe kind te he sees wthin fhe raeks. Seme of Mlfons leaders refused te go aleng wifh the new decree and tuhbornly stuck le fthe old ways. Tbey were justified. The etd rules and discpine were reis- stated. Plus, the new erder ef Beavere was creafed in erder te interesf boys under the age ef Cubs. Tbe resulf han been more boys jeining the sceuting movement sooner than nermally. Con- sequently, fise ranks have swelled. In Mlton, with the new sub- divisions heing added, the enrolment bas climbed. Scoutîng came te Canada in 1908 and today there are approxi- mately 275,000 in the movemnent, almost 500in Mlton. It la an admirable organization and one whicb sbould be en- coraged. MNIfflÉCleaning off wtit ROD LAMB the cuif Theetes a heegie man in Tmhrrlea, fether itehind. vrazy madness f emr'sdoiegs Farfairbe- e the assesree-Wecteetir the cois" are [lie remarkE esc. A ' etgelltttdr tg abig car.hbc m> irileEsdebtors s t 1have nmttbng Ties are magotficeot irds. 1amsur- teares sglasesrs Emparedf, et.mprsed (ohave seen so many un My truvelE ihhe t1met him.hbcderlnerd to givehis e l'i iintge. Jeet cai tilt ytte get via fitgbay 25. fianEt t' drerfuerd te haveht ic tvtre earried. they say. The. vo ati eltke Ovosy hymsib bel uvv tte the rest. in a eegteE mhich heaStE a pepulatioof o 1lise jet, ts tasEesE homes fer tac pur- t ail the hanbs ttalrd in their lî,ans quarter ot a million. pecsEaterrthetEEers have moved in, temerreEEee.tety eetldrîtllapse. + N oeuondrr heaets terrematîanon.v Ntttely are cticens intebi, but al] filns eIvls f governerent are If voutdrie.don"ti't z e litare abaisrupt steli ete Veever The Britisth Stîttîti ferpratin ot hetere arreto maC, eC]î,yttî the freittscf Canada eareis the tttttrtst il he sneeze t)ttt' ,rtrventtîbicte ettuNogelt ete dolîlarhetyegpi)wer. Millerdrts'îîîeal 70tetpht.beeîîîrîver 330 det'+ + e+ ardlazeetandtsemthlind 1fdi,, tilla tttîni ar'elling home1 eem iliîe seeeethree'tiees iatI.,tiptt ýttt'ltiettttng trttt'vttttttthrrd. 1sae a awk theeother day, sîttour raffi'craewl. heetîf bcit he t'r itnsttatte', 1 vaîî' e itMiltotei cit a ftE eettretched wittgs, it stared un the saitnetate foi, 220t cards tattltattrftetlhtugtta cewcear.f1 cet tnvisiblC'e etsoetthe wtnd. free aed Nedîval anal.vsto tttund eavh seee hae ascon Iritmaest abevete fields and woods tevelveabout .seconedsttr grmacîng Depie nveaestr sla.y 1amgeteg Il seroîrd vemptetely atten feem the tttd eeîtîcg, whBILLSMLEY A coutple tlhbigaettîvrsaries are ceming ttp tut wieî' t îewspapers, er comm- erefti ne t es, as thes are ralfed these Jetthe't,îeadîat fCommoîty Newvs- paEcs sfc'v *eetaîîiste elebratîeeittc lt.etîeîd tîirreai a conventioneinTro tolpWartît. (Ontario, the Ent i ee- tatin tttfte t.th ftrtiîday tiis July. 'd ise tî tahî'îtt tîth. as amembereoftthe frmer et 11 wrand r-diter oetihe latter fer the rrttd Sattinetfitt' hatîpiet years etfety ir, as aia,, ork hgerecr reespentîinîhe weekty tîepaperbintes.Adas wrk geso.it -ntEtt itongcas ahet60hhees a eeb tl equirea certaie type ef persusatity tn tttt tttttu tbe a happy weeisiy editor. o- itddtteheot1 cas oe.et' a lot dîiereot ttte %, ttbYoung, bard-hsed edters, tresh Oucf et îernaltsm erbeut. tmtataeg the rthetqueeoftherdaitîeo Ftrst ttf ail. yee bcd te bave a rompiete ack tftmaterîat desires. Veerouid make a vtng, but yeu severr t rîch,or evenmwett e de, Neet, yee had f0 keep yoer bock shep tappy. the prîstîog staff. And anyoe mhe las eser tried te beep a priobiing staff htappy bnoos ft i is abeout as euey au ttending a ptcnîr et rattiesoakes wîtbout beîog bittes. Tises, et course. yeu bad te tread tbe thto fine beimees ieise feariess, indepeodeet and outspoese, and seitig enougis adrer' tisiog is ieep bedy and soot togetiser. Tbe goy miso ttacked toms roerit lfor smme nefOrieuE s ytuasd tise gey miseent eut aod tried tei seilfode te the six merchboso os tbe tome courit were ties me goy, very offe. There mere tbe inevifabie typegropicot errors, te iarry tise oifscated editer. la o westdisg mete-sp, tiseisride very otten came Ct os tise "iridge". ln fenerot oc- corees, tise pafliserers meeopite ise des- crised as "six oldfiends" mise carred tise cofin ite teifsaoctrest. In a emait tome. tisere are corrents et jcateesy and entageniom and tamity feudo tbat rus deep and strese. Praîse a locat peliticion for moine a good meve, and is fiird coesin irom tise etber side efthte iamity coetd colt yee ep and tett yee. mith vivid detait. ebat a soise-tntisegrass yor tîrst mae was. Veture te ceitttcte, becever geetly, an atiete oea pubiti figure. aod ye'd have yeer cars scercised isy 84 close relatives cite eermalty despîsed tise eoy. bei ratlied te thete roetu ethen an aspersincas vast ee thte lan. Hellisatis ne tory ise o Wemen's tnett- tete mismeacceset oe tstemeetieg,.n ciodtng everytising irem ebho satd Grace te scist tisey ate. as cet by tise itue peocît. And tisen. et coerse, tiere were the drenis o ie oed catI yeu upct .,ji. tt asis yeu te seulie on art E)t îlabota mb srored tise finalfrpal s tise f934 Stanley Cep ptavoctt And the beeo miewnetoud catI ec OU p and try le plant a libetteuseeumeer. er demosnd thot yne come eut te tise iarm and toise a picture ofet ierhome-made tisresising macine. Tisere mas atmays mome country corr- espondent tonneus becaose ber "nemo". cenststtsg oet m isevsitedwmisemons Sondoy atterseen. mas cromded eut by o rush et fate advertisteg.'Wisy dent you teane eut seme ado?" Tisere man ne o cis etvariety in tise ers y besiness, mies you cere reporter, edifer, odnertisisg manager, preef reoder, aed generat isunbey for tise tyronts in tise isocis sisp. t dtinctty rememiser a St. Potric'so Doy sîgist, mies ttere mos as ueexpected iseavy ftof et nea. Ane ederty genttemon et tris deseent isod ieen ceteirotisg tise day entise pois. Wisen he isd't arrived iseme isy tee 'ctecis, is hisekeeper cotted fer ietp. Tishelcot peuasme aterted. and tisehocisey risk. ebere titere wsa game te pregreso Meost ni the mate population. at trust bull efthte bati-lit. stermedeofftot searcis fer thte mssg mas. We fundbîim cveredin smne. about a qoarter-mtte frem hiss bese. Saris tetise rinis and thte pubs. t rememiser siseefng atdealetld ladies wite mere reteisrattng thiete etteth is teis doys. and getting seme of thte mest sor- prisg anecers. "Hem lune bus your hesbasd ieen dead? - "Nait. besever cas ment gond te bed'" "T wtiat de yeu attrîbete yeur long 1 a, wes atways a eeed site.-And se To e a asuccestet editer. tsoogis set secesmartty a goed one. yee itod te con- ttCeotiy siraddte tesces Thiss iecomnes a bit ni a cbate alter a ite. Yeeitad tebe ablet riteeondemasd. t remember oee eeis uben tiere mas absetutety eethiig i t i a tmný-cntemCn, touer inchopace unetise front page. In about twesty minutes, t bsocised eut eigbt itetume iscises et eparbtisg prome ismicis the reoder isud te read te the end tu dis' cever tist ot eii ortit repertisg isod isoppened tbot creis I seuede as tisougit tm bsocising tise game. Net su. Tisese are tend memeries. Asd tbere Ceere rewordo. mest et tisea in- tasgiisle. tlmus kisid of ice to e la sre- duced te strengers os"or' edter. tt gave satisfactiesnmies u sulacrilar trem amuy dems in tise Stater drepped in on blo moy te tise sommer cettage asd soîd ite. "Sure liiied tisot pie eaout tise deer hunm." And tisere mus o certain quiet pride sn oees statuE. My dougbter, eged eigisf. preduced tise itting requiem mises 1 teft sewspoper merk and mest inla teaching. 'But Daddy," sise Claerved, "tisat meons yeu're net Tise Editer Ony mere." t sadty ogreed. One year ago Prom lise Juty 19, 1978 issue Fiee men eseoped deatis mien o 22-car treight tramlaa useod inte a me reureone the CN raitway. juil sortisofuturbane Milton. Tise titres engines and tise cars wmre de- ruiled and 3500tstof traek ripped up when tise train smauhed inte three regulater mahes.Tise injured mmre treated ut Milton District Hnepitat fa t aceratiene and fractures. Witnees ut thse seene said tise men ere teeisy t e lalive. Pigeeon eeting autotemhall mon tise batteset tise ment. Townisall gave up and tise pigeons iti remsain, Attempte isad iseen mode te eust thse pigeons ttsrnegistise use et pimned cern pellets. 'We iSl junt have tefiveemith tise dirt, " sid Maoer Des Gerden. Fror ismotes et Mapteiserst ecaped isy snippisg e chois-tinS fence, lat their tree- dem consseort-tived. Tisree mers captured aed isockisn tiseir ploces mtila 24 heure. Tise isurtis returned, escerted isy hin Tise Miistry et Tise Envirnnment agreed ie puy $300 temurds tise cost oet menitoring tevets et methose gos aut Srius Best Paris. Tie gosas discevered luiine trem tise formeer tondfifl site. HulttesRegiesat Ceusnt u ppreved tise cîdesîeg et Derry Rd. lalmeen Tisuapses Rd. and ttigismuy 25. iset semer mrs en fOntarie St. mou detoyed heceese ailthtie tesder iids exeeeded tise budget aonnt by o ide morgin. 20 years ago Frsintise Joly le, 1959 issue Lecal enetries ptayed a large part in Streeteviffes Cestesniaf cetebratiene tant meeisend. Arneld McDuffe and lacis Hardy et Miltes cere tisere, drivisg on oncient steom trarties engie is tise parade fer Reid Mili ig Ce. Masy etiser lecal resi' densodreve ever It elep eur neigislarn refebrete tise sillages 10teo biriisduy. A smfety ceurse mus betd authtie fair grounds fer Hatten -fi club memisers, mitis assistant agricutturot representotive Deug Juckssen and extensien speciotint Romu Mimne demesnstrotieg tire exting- eistters asd farm saiety. Town ceed inspector Wtt Pensn is eut' tisg ceede tisese days. and if tisey're yeur cýeeds, yo'tI puy fer tise service. He is aetberîeed lterut weedeciti tise temn mecer, asd killthtie tandomners. fiareld Keises assumed tise presideecy et Mlton Rotury Clubs frem retirisg presi- dent Join setser last meeis Qeeen Elizabethis isperted o guord ef itenur oethte Leree Scets Reg't. ai Mottes Airpori faut meeis. befere departing fer Otitawa. Tise tme Lerse Scets isandu ptayed Tomn effaciais report tise LCB i s ansieus toeetart censtructiesonu astore is ,Mittes Tise bilding permit fer a site es Mis St. ear Breste St. mas isetd up os il dd onet meet tise tens requirements. A meeting ut t. 1Paues Cisurcit Seeday apprnsed censtructies ut a $140,000 Chris- fian Ederaties biulding adjaceCnte otise bMs refait gos stationsin toms pfunged mna rut-tbreat gos prire car fout meeS. seliiCg gas tee as munit us f5 cents tese tisas regufar prîces. One taties dipped tise prîre te 299 cents fer Ne. 2 eas. 50years ago l"rs te l sy 18e.92 ssuse Miltes Ledge Ne. 92, . 1O.F. ii befd iL isstalatosnifettiers os Toesday. Jefy 23, ai 8 p.m., te cbîris ait memisers arein vtted te attesd. fu ierrtîtees are remtsded ibot off sesînus eeeds must se rut asd ibis mers seoutd la attesded te ut esce befere tisey go te seed. Se sure teret tiisties. rogmeed. iturdoris. and aoy etiser ceed tisatis a nui- Tise green peus aed sec segletaistes feem thr famîty gardes are sec grurîsg tise table. Mise Dores Ctorîdge oeltefeo iss spesdisg ber vacatiesncis ber ausi asd uee. Me. and Mes. Wm. Ctrîdge Tise BulitsgtoPire Brigades drill team cîli gise an esiîbitions of iosry drîttisg en te evesîse et Titersday. Jufy 25.,cites fisere ciii aise ise a street dusce Dr. S.K Anderson. MP, bus bad bis business blorck repoinfed. Mitss Arrhbsld ot Etera bas bers ap poinîrd t n sucreed H.G. Ciegisors. cbe bas resîgned as teuriter et Mess s Sciteet. 'fraifalgar. A speriat meeting et Pest se. 136. Miltes brasci te ieCasodias Legies. cull se bed temrrnc eveig a7:30sbarp. Att members are reqoested te attend. 75 years ago l"resstise July 2t,.lieu issue Gedrge Wrrutt et Hamilton, a brute- man cas itted us tise uTS uerf iegtns onMnsduy He feul frem a freigist train, tise wbeets oet miiripassed ever bis ibody jest abese tiseuabdemen. As tnqust cas iseld asd adjeursed ustiltotday cisen f'eusty Atterney Dîcis mut attend. The assua i prsn t ofrre Cisurris Seeday Srisne mus ietd is tise Parisons Tisursduy afternoes last Tise yeusg peeple and fiseir triesds esjeyed a cery pleusasi netîsg. Swisgs. races and isseisati mere tierdereoftieduyuandcere estered iste very ieartity. Pouf WisnutfEsquesîog bad ico steers kif ted asd Me. Reid etoi Ges Wîtiamsa herse kif led isy igistseg in tise storm efthtie 12 enst. In urrerdunce wmus o pettiensisgsed by tise citizens. Mayor Asdersen bisn issued a Proclamatisn mokisg Tisursduy. Aug. 4tk. a civcr seiday . Tise aove dote ii ise tisai et tise cemisg tiremens demenstruatien. Me. Syer, efthtie Casadias Curpot Ce.. hou porcisased tise pad maeefoctering isusines etWm. S. Mrganostftamilton and tuait possesuion Saturday Tiis in- dustry employs a nussier otfisonds and tise teme moy pretit isy Mr. Syer's esterprise anb iseyns e intensuta remnose tise messe- facturing plant tu Mitonsouris. 6 q

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