Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Jul 1979, p. 3

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The Canadien Champion, Wed. July 18, 1979 3 H ot tm e at C h nil festival1 A ltile bit ut Texasatered the Chili contet "deaîîy I mas lonking came 10 have a gond ime "Oh, 1t 10mb il as a 0001 year mc'li gel a lt"ilis souothhag nom ta (and a lot ut heer> h- o-hile Mot OuthO thero for 75-80 degree asd judging hy the ex- succes,. said vo- more. Everyone woi oas the ares andlthe irstlime vadod Miltan Friday and mre contant tljit ubock (Fahrenheit),- said pressionsonovthkv ajevlc aorgaoîavv Gicler Ciaev livre ciii vii ilrrivr s aias th, kardesl t Salorday ailie Mlton aod prlîcpale vilithe rganiar Johîn Trudeau, f acs ' i , "m.,,îa- Si di t ici a- ciii, ,, , ".l1 ý1r ti o'" lJ o lair grounds as ilie pro-vidig wilha cople "iui 1 dodo i oavl lii pisid. paopL asoood oliii O aa.îîî,ooao, ggia 00c5155-ar Icone of the firsi ever o couolirecis. boul. ...,. (andl Parbapsananuali The evonthbegan Friday Some people hadl ta go Oo . Canadian Chill Conkott. night o-bon nverai tea b ome hocause outOheutas- About tonM people set up tenta and camping and they oid theyd ho puCipated i heOu tet- tacilities, cetoraling hackmhenitmasconler -- i ic combised a until the mec boum of Mmlost oie peuple conteal t ca chili mith Saturday moriag. attending mre rom oui- IL several nonsnsical liy 10:30a.m. alurday, of-lomn, atthough no gamnea 11e a hockey stick ait othOe chili contestents cxat figures mre kept. borne race, a hsiltrog ad setup elaburatemwest-A rhech o cars shomed jumnpingcnont,agrape- rnstylo exhiils abmomi 90 par cent ut the frtit-hatting contet and separateil hy noverai tel. cars mre trom pointa noveraI ther games They mre alun judged 10 Thie Mivon. a pn o-hicb mre corried Out o shommanahip category. Theured iyth Mispotn und r emely bot and bumid eather condi- Athongh the evoni Opimit Cluli. Final ~ tien. drom nearly loto people, figures on ttandance and orgasnoros aid Oey mre profit-and ons mul t 011 Aliliosgh many peuple boping toc more peope ovalabte util latc Iis - etared Oe tair grounds, and blamed the eathor meuh or early nexl mccli unly 21 teams clmuîly foc the turnoul. Mot ot the people Court house plans being considered Although o0nome ideas the proponais consideriag flexible. Were tryiog tu for the old 11*110e cort getting "profesnlonal udap an nid building tia humebave been received inpt" ta put tagether an crrent ues. since Oe publie meeting overali plan for the A large namber of a fem weeks ago, Milton building. groaps. inclading enior Iitoriral Society in Mr. Dilta aid ho hoped itizens, yath groapn keeping bs; mith pro- il would be ready ta pie- and service rlabs have posais. sen1ta Milton Council by epeadaadeire for A nmber of idean were the end of the year. Zpr a tbilding. put forlh at the public "ote cant satisfy The tomn 15 paying'f 0 meeting. Society Prex- everyhody, btelI by $11,.00 lu hat the -- ia ident Jim Dilia said Oe ta accommodate comm- building ibis iner, bt .v Friday deadline for new anity aiities, preserve ban gune on record an deas had pasaed. with nonthe building, and ty ti aying il wonît do il in- more idean ubmitted. provide ongoing supprt deinitey. The court Ho aid Ohe ocietys for listocntinued use. bouse as ofered hi executive is examinus 10We have ta bu more Milton Counil for $1. (Continued fou P. 1) In the reprt fromice Frma Ltd. lailed ohon dampas sudge on 2162 conervation authority, ho tried 10 gel one. FOUR MEMBERS of Halton Regional Police prepare thoîr chili acrea ut land. These generl manager Mrray A lagoon w05 one nI the batch for testing at the Chili lest. The Halton Hawgs tram put up a tondu are licenued, but do Stephen aaid the con- conditions nI the co- gallnt effort and finished in the top 100of 21 entries. From left 10 nolail lie in Halton. 001e bactor wbu dumped te tract, but Mr. Gdtfen saîd right thry are Roy Smith, Frank Rviera, Rod Plant and Ian Mc- Halton ludge a duiapud sldeidoimrpr. Mr. Hagerman had Naly outide Halton. jusut1 t epas omd ouestly and reasonahly al mome sludge rom utulide pourah t h rlug i-ed tla gel one but Halton iu dumpai in hinahldo Crek. contan't. region. He said if Oe sludge Mr Giffen said the IoiCuddhin bt laid i bad een l applied ites mre mostty on- a farim on Burinakt Drive properly, this ould suilable. Tise ideat aile immediately nOrtli ut ever have happeaed. as rled out becausesIbe 4 1 tipper Middle Rioad ha "The amount ut nudge andownr denied par- llarlington. Sladge as way abuve any MOE mission tu huld a lagounr dumped on thua land as guidelines. A hall an inch there L carried with Oe spring lu an inch wouid ave Mr. Hagerman fond W ranoft ino creels. becnsuttîcient, but the another site, bul the sludge as six iaches Mnitry rejected i. Councdl deep in part." Councilior Larie Mr. itephon said the Mannell af Dabvilie suid Briefspriorilies on sludge sarcastically the resoun A rpar ona popneddumping huld he re- toc the rejection "was h- A eot naprpsdexamined cause il as ocated in z00100 auendment wan "Crrectly. itu geth1e the mddie ut a prestige requesled ?y Milton sudge on the land' Il industrial park, righl Counil Monay evening. should ho 1Les make nexl tu a conkie factory.- The ameadmeut mmld sre the land is suited 10 flic prolem may lorce thr ig a parel uthnof0receive sludge. rejection ut ail tenders Ie ira Lise. con,0 Minisb-y guidelînex for the contracl for Dery oa, rs-approvei latut eek hy sludge dipsa. Me. Iormity oith the Officiai the Cabinet alom sludge Hagermas's conbart plan. The land io crrent- lu ho dumped on land wdtl expire in a tom ly msed indutrial, asd once io five years. Be& month. Tenders have on application tta devlop fore il mas once each clexed on a new cosb-act, the tond iasfsil 10- yeaÏi but have nol heen standing. Mr. Giffen said il opened. . + + means Haitan ml ave A Oorough tiidy o the lu find five more acreage problem wil ha under- A propoued addition ta, 10 dump ludge. or fid taken. Tise commitee the tomo's orks garage somne oher ay ut dis- sad the resultsta ili ho on Nipissing Rd. mOll go posing of il. applied tu the tender ahead ih Projecl torago agouex are bid. Planning Associatos Io de 0ne answer, but the If none othe0m saisfy the design work ai1a price current controclor, Fred the rommilîce, Oey mlI 001 lu excoed $,000 Hagerman o Hagrman ho rejocted and Mr.I I Hagerman wilt ho ased Harassed 10 negotiate ai xeso on hi s crrent conract In the mantime, the A LOCAL GROUP O'HL OK RS from the Milton Jaycect region mili bcoreqwred by prepare their batch for teting by a select qru. f etra h Driver q"its MEt ge oalru ftses h MOude d1 agres 10att team which went under the niae of Qtoînn s Jaycee Broncos it Harasaing phono cois peled the end ut a ummer estalish a certfcation made up of (lef t to right) Carol Thoburn, Bill Greig and Barry job for a nun-union ambulance emplayee orking an sysem. Qtinn. an attendant dring the Halton-Muamexsuga am- buancetie. GlIen Casavas ut Hamilton bandod iuslhasreig- nation lunday. According tacompuny manager Deauis Munch, the mans ile as plagued o-lithnuisance colla is Iorb in Hamiltan, as welas aithome. "Thoy Oreatened br Ibat ber hasband mouId bave his togs brokon ithecontiaued," saut Mr. Munch.- Mr. Canavan mu Oihe virbu utf an assainit attack ai A* the Miltan ambulance station sbortly ater ho hegan- --- orking for theocnmpany. The university stadont bas cbarged union leader Hank Myer mith assault, attr ho mon oruck wn10 a pichet sign. The union leader denieu hitting hbon Mr. Munch aid a replacement for Mr. Canavan bas heenhired. Talks resumne ga Ambulance Company Smih Tuesday non and union executive The annooncement membersofu Local 207of come two hous etore a Onario Publie Service sebedulei pess conter- Union bave beu ordered once ai anion bad- back ta the mediatto uaqirer, t for230pm table Friday moesing. Tse pess gaoieing a Negotiatiaus are cocelad the Tronto office of Ohe M. Suith gave no departselat o labor in an ceamisfor O 5fu SHO IGiEWN IGSYEMn fset ieo .8sc ercie effort t tilOe the moit- tlion, but bu oWNGTEWINNGSYL arfseoeoe f42eecdereeveam aid strke by 75 company ne"s blakot-etfecive Craog marches to victory i the Bufifrog pounda of frozen king crab claws for his employeus. immediaWey-.unl ater JUMpi* Coitet Craig eouego i fot The meeting mus called tlîba 9'rdaY. fo fft ou ot iuis mat in thse SOME 0F THE CONTESTENTS gît a use their hands and attempt to ohove the littie carrird away with the pir-eating pie down cach others throai after the conteot. These to-o gentlemen drcîded 10 contrit. She 's the Chili Queen Msch oftheiv pro- ceedîingsataiSaluvdav's chli telvtiwevvv eing divvcvd liy afi me Arkansas cideclwn woi las liecome the Chili Quers oi Texas Short> Fry. wo eclaie,, toliv 4 yaraold. calved ouito-any ofitlic viet and lelped ilie organiavcs 10 art ap thekv vor -Tieve' a technvique inv ringyto le fr1hekpubica î,,îalvd,- h air in i-a slow- saullivrncdri-o Yoaivgoti liakai eva'ry evo'evit noi the i people. ilie spenl mucli ai liv ime in tke day ai the microphione, ceamiaf ai thietop coflivr longs 10 gel people ovioverd in ssci eveevia as aiockey stick race, a kulliref jumping coeiva the clili test, a wo -iri cevivai and a îarkvy race-amongftero lier Texaaa ecifiuoi are somneo-lat ao-aord i lier acivieîv elichse ber ai a dilivrenîi ailli cokollreaclicrrivod "Tley loe o-c*ie soya Tliey tik n i craoy. The> cati cme lic craoy lady aiho i vrai doorc ikorly woli raiol gîv be ecai nare eerio for WSkaiFecier Tee laro- CkiliCom- any en Austin aiid gelvn ,o e roi ciit1kvcoukeita he eir rvbossiWick Fouler ckatteogvd I Atiaî Smih le a chil challenge in 1967. Tic tee baîlcd eut in Trtîvgaa. Tcxas for srovaiiecurs iut ai therdav'sed no ooinnrcou eadiarcd %enc il oas disoerrrd lic ballt eesoe tiEnogi efa keopta a maode a( thriîo-r iicao oteiodrd t la it iic challngsun a rrgclac la.io ech irar andîthe deca aacfi oneithii svcrai eiicr peple Tiry o-cdr a if la-de abiout iÀlie.Tkry cao-v tro- ail ier ccd evry- lied * v iad saccia gcid to-c liai licy dvctde(cit coir iliro- Tic CavadiarioChli tocieli gel cvderoay at aitrin Txaasce ororrai pople uo- Milon wcvii o leli Ameirîcr ciao-pien slips Siivly iripea lico- ici ap a cerliabir pccgrao cnd lai keeils godigpiri ioiccviivc Sirday' chii, cie aercs 0,v onv lte cWrid Ciha- ip iokhi pos, saloduied tir lie irai ciii i Nao-kvbr ini Terliiogua g k ~ SOUNDING OFF ai the microphone ai she dîd throughout much of the day, Chili Quren Shorty Fry guided the program throughoui mudi if the day. dtacs, puotes liy MchalBole WINNERS 0F THE CHILI CONTEST Molson Bowl of Red award bu receive the trophy for their efforts of the MacLeliand (lef t), Cam Day and0 afternoon. The wsnning team came from Black. Grimsby. Ted Skorexki presenta Use --------------- 7. -., -. -, , . . « . -1 - - - il >s !e is Y

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