Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Jul 1979, C, p. 6

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ile ran orianntliy betmeen lbE pouls. In IM 5tise preneni ebarcis iuildisi .as opened andithe ld rrrbadseeu nioeiliacisonthie properiy oieromE 111- i-ii.l) ilui1 A tîlîllîe iiitlis,- ofi the oiderone sbomediisal theseigi iors smliii ad the piskel lence crssh front of ibrîr peapeeiy and tie tbeci piasis ose braîde le cisarris ose. The pîrbeltraece aifie fron aoflie ekurer property iad ieea removeil. r as remembere ofem igis boar. feares ram my boybaad dapa. Tisest orre mode of uprigisi pianka. seven o eîgbt arises îde, piaceti ide bis ide Tier od lise appearanreaofa a oiîd drais-iooinig al 1 parlîcularif: remembere lie ose faing Rubont St aiosg tise properili aI the Imu Misse Ford. t go oer il ealy one Hallomeen o is a oodes ple wmisîris madsidi throogi ose o lie saoi ioles Il as grtillaidans miea my sie rcami Shipboard saga Oy Do Byres tise starisoard. soured tise buge Amerîro. 1bohanoîideombhy summertîme ithe arget Ulilroop siip ontsi eaes serms la raguil aei a mes o sosi itiisalinosiimpossible tiodesrribeithe lgia. But, îseariabiy. il dors s e iof coaroy-ieremwere sipm an For no raploînabie reasoa. i gai 10 reers idiretion, srechiog la lie liabîang ioday. a bout my Air Forcer ioriaona Ferry verarrînaiie sape and mates and me hmboembhipped oser- size Weereitoiserame aerastomed in aras drîsg Worid War Il. iiiss,îe- ipirîg sigtlorlthemnesliwo Ilimascool, ovrraslday inAprilai-asmeis . ie aioardthe Franrooaowas we fiedauptheisoardtsgeoamp of MS dereplîre-il mas amomi iardtlabc- Froncanta, dorbed an Haliax Harbor. lîee tere as a ar goigon. Whitie We were raerig our iîghbisiagreat- aedîd oieaîay alithe ameoîtîes of coaals, and a-rer oaded dom mih pre-oae pasegers, cle dd consume iaggagr. deiîrous meais. oue tîmeo a day. And As 1 obk my last sep from my as the conos soud lto lie Souts At Canadia homeadm ich 1 wasnot Co latic, me ointtie marm son, seagaia for o year or more, a sea glIaogiig ii deiciairs, pioyed deris soring overead sored adirect iiion tennis. siulleisoard îad leaabags. my refi abouider. Attise ime. i UsaI Seiools mi perioraîlmo porpoîse gie sreif ibismas a good omneaorisad. iuiyioloied ourrcourseaiertoaioig Beire briagpressed iti seroîice, the us mîth iier amies Fronrania ad iera a crise shisp To Naturalî, noae il use haro- eariiy arcomadate tlis mali borisors. maiîri miereomere-. or miai our destinaion liadt ofien bora ier destination, bsh a reaillims This. hoeer, ddo't sop at reaiiy a lage sbîp-oaly 3000 os.us ' I mO specuaiiisg use madi Paiaied nosy grey. se hadt bren re- lînaboutOoay 12 e reoized, me iad ftilid fr ber premeai jobThiss umluded blerîl gradualir ragîg course Tie aobuge gaa.moaaledmontheisr i, and ieatier amnesienranddcool. severai atiaireaftit alations isDa*v14dawned, aod merrre n- amidsbtps, port and slsrhoard. lormed tiai ueODeep Sea iluggage us The passenger li îrinded ur dirit lthe oid. muid ie shîpped on mien or oiabouB00Air Forceemllîers anda dokeseeAragemetsere madetfor smaiisumbrrofriviiiaiis. usiîî goîiseiomand remose ans articles Wr ere iuobesidoma in seerral ,ue oîgh eed. durng the i istuweek or large rais inmesteren, inssrarid on saiisisore bomisouseaur lîfe pesrrsersand aili Viiseveaererdownhredaiag oue about boaldrill. Thiss dose. memwere rift thisîg. lie Oece sUddemiy sisokea Up isy o oms 10 t explore tise shisp. Loier. oud. orîrd, claagiag suods comîag meerajoyeda saperis meai ie diag trailiseciller siel othetisabp lounge, and obortly olersards. tUrned Vie rverd topsde in time 10 mer a pot- ia lu te isesgisi roi sipisrlîee the Franconia and the Wiea e hbutise decb aet nooemîg. ritannii deuppîng depui-charges emwereai sea. Salig ahead ous mas mhisî rl o gesers mi aiere isg i 10 lise maris larger HMS Brtasia.lise tie aie Asusul oiody bold us miai escor ransaisied sos oCarelles. and, tiseheu Omas goiag 0on overiead alligiiiolofacîietSmrdiîis \-tîiiurîiig. oe aeeîrdaiithbr- bis-plaaes. crryîsg isepedos isir oaivlîerpool. Tie moeruwas so Webheaded sosi aru isod iaacouple cisppy lie sbîp couid oi doris Wr oldays,sigbirdanAmericoseomeoy A ,ere tabru, oft by leader urigIis UB frigate, piriag ond oliîag n tie prmess. lie poor guy dropped bs sai smell. ieaded oards s case aîid uatced-ieipessty os il Wr linesi lie rail ansi arbed, misle iliaîrd îuay an ofirer aiord er atempird 10 ire Asiore îmeiiere ioadedoto lris a package i thseend ofalog.mylonanid driven lîemugiitheisomisraîagrd fine, ltie Fromeosia Prrsumohiy sireeli, te a-l asain tiese ere sur sailiag ordres Ou hpm maevrdtthcnre Our plau mvoageos iver ofth cnvv.asdi teBrianaTmAdfo us.uiarwo agamn MNSWEAR LIMITED 202 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-4472 -Tbuls. b Fr, i9 pm. CLEARANCEI OF FUNNISHINGSN Inclut -Mad byRPM I i I iding 20%/ savings on le-To-Measure Suits i CO The Canadhbn Chmpion, Wod., Juiy 18, 1979 There were r le ig ai h- ie e- le ffi 7d se )r eil IY ;t. as m le ks ie Omaah Quilting party planned Hy Me Robins Sanding oue day in tise veslry of Graee Cisueci, my attention as loes isy a amali painting ai tie original cisrris A otîrraisie eatoreio tie toregrouimi il nie -ree-i -ic. la ,,iste pctisce îIliiricîi le tiiîisig about tie eery cnmnueo lesces as toms properiro mies i asoa boy. lanlie istry f lie risarehis siitie rangregatian peaduced ta 1944 iere in a reproduction af a poatoof tie sanie building feom lise same iepoisi as tiaiaoflise paîintng.Tise pirbets ai lise gaie a-rer lapered Up i lie ta-o gaie posaIftise drivemoy. Tiere as a lypicai oudea gale winchs.like use lenre aiang lie front o lie property, as iceiy painird. Tise residenliai properiy 1tie rigisi o lie chrisorrsoa ad a pîrbel ence acrosthe froat. Tie eae brimera tise imo proprties was o a irscm u type Tiseer pianismaisoui serran ies nany fences along thse street. n tepole made with long gratis and m< quite a nlatter as 1 pushesi il out acros anal borse or cow str, the matkis front of ber. She mas qaite street, bossever, tl seE upset. asd 50 mas 1 aithtie speriai re- the roadmay rather ceptmon me father -tagrd fmr me lister inthrougis lamo and goi lesc almîg lRobertlStiandîagili ilîhù icri191î2 %,asieeaai bo orsi esd for admîtîg those onfohmsmetu hr Ibase mils borse and buggy, and the hm-ma pIbr ocrsioalmafrts. isee as als a mandifor frciag.Moun occaiona motrist Thee bhrdmare basiness ai board fesce aiong Tbomas St la pre- lte spring and earl: ventlfreeadmissiononosflir days and la bail] gaimes. Yoogsîers. of course, yeae bie adverlised Frg sousditeeilatrey eosy to geiaroaau rdbic a made ngus tis problem - errm jbus osd lenutc la ose evere misser Margaret aso i as adn as I Masted reralîs Obalt the ssom pileti bigb qursfisg tisose mbo t os Thomas Si. la the rosi of tisai trace. IeerapelIa Cbildrrs intahie ares rajayesi boilding as suber rasiamers na sorls. etc . but il mas soi maris lan for Tems lbrief Tise moat commUa lrsrîag in tom-o Presiyterias Cisarris oas lise mores ma-e trace. Horizonal anid potsmer aliofor siraodsmwrrrabsoutisixiocies apartiand greaeni oior ifmy m the sertical oses about 12 icesa ln eorreetiy. Riobert Si. me iad Ithstpe iltreiog aioagithe side ofiourlot and aceoss lise il ad od 0relaie taris. but no temearross tise front.Tisamisile liai commoa,co usas themostecomnmoitype oflencimgt lays 1 laInOtober1 loma peopertelir arouod tise laire m of or 10ibis re Wortd War 1t pomidedthe melai pie rosis. and ai rosi aise Iltdid otiigto icourage ents. cisrrhitdoms by dogs, sqmirreis or raluis.sStalitisoys emiier omore damage m arol oser il. under if. and througis ilt.ort srrirbolirsr, ai Theiooooîiisersoci tose dayseould mere broiseo Il a mot eut close, o lrares orre trioged iuiîaîic 00a i largei îels, Il tise ocras- tryed oui an tise eemed ta siay as wiban irample boom year, As aro eoas a greol de- on E. Nixon bad a i 20MainSBt. la y summer ranis osi Wire Fenriog Hamilton. He of- tosiers lise loanof iesireers.le Iequeni ada) re- had nalretriareil os la do su at once, reedeil lbem. rafece iatoma usai s tisai of Knox h.Fearîag, gaies oroomenaot roa- etisai roodalîsia. aild ocrar anlisose 19131 damage Oas ty someomeoiso ices oiiis a large is oles mere pat io stoars. la Nos- was dose ta lise 10 and mare mindomo as wondered il a o i tise toma. By NIs. Ceeil Pattersea Te July meetingof tise Omagi Prembyterian WA and WMS mas beld on Tbarsdoy. Jaly S in tise lorm olapirair oalthe jaii lihe hoîiiii of lits liii, I iiiiiulciu i M1111a Riisad, rves. J.C Marshsal opeard lise WA ils o prayer foiiomed by sing- ing a bymn Tise script re and propereere gies by tise basiesa. Leutrrao aI bnbs mere read Éram Mes. Betty Vivias. Mes. T. Lobe, Mes. Siouif, Mes. Johna flilson. Mes. Jean Doug- las. Ms. T. Snom, Mes. W. MrFadden. Mes. Mllîgan gave tise ianrial arroant. e potisg usai lise ave lise ChislderaFond for lise adopird rbld ia Hong Kong iad bea paid. A soe s plasord for a Seplemiser bride-la-be. Tbis miii ie ai Byne Ceaire on Sept, f and coîoaiityadrisarrb Iienrde, are îarîied. Il uamoamcerd tisailise iductiono foe Bey iSasies Weir, is. oi ie isrid iiinrîtogis rircis. is C Paileraoa. presidienof aIthe WMS melcomed tlie memisers and tisaisieiltise bonbon. Mes. Colin Marshsal as serreiary andi read tise minutes foe May and Alioe meetiags ites. kweror rval1i rot 11 lXiîlî Bread andlaillre- peaird lise Mary Sewart prayer. Il as a pleasare la weirame Mes. T. SBoom fa lise meeting and se isdiy donaied Ima qilit laps la lise WMS. Il mas derided fa bld a quilling party and paf lacis dinner in therbarch bailas Aiig. 20 ai 10 .m. Tise president reparled oiiending an esecafive meeting la arrange for lise Ares 2 Foi Rally ta be ieid Oct. 10 ai 73f p.m. ta Omogis ciurris. Tiiriero ladies ansmered tise rail ralilmord, galber. and ail ere pieased la, irarn usai Mes. F. Jef- rail and William MrFadden are ia provng foiiomîag surgery. Rer. William Millîgor îoined lise graap, irisgiag erery lady a gi of liomrs andiseriosed lise meeinagils prayer and benedietion. Gomes1 were enaoyed miile tisec ballet luncs as pre- prerd. M. Milligan li for lreiand an Tisrsday eesîsg for a boiday ia his naivteeladadtino pariipate m (heiparae 1 ot 1,iLo auJily 12.Vie mis i a safe and i happy trip. 1 Weicome ta Mr. and1 Ms. Massa and ibreen ciildes ta tieir new1 home an tise Fouets Lise. Tisey moved fram Do mas iew 1 Tise fise steel shsed an lise corner of Foarlis Line and Main Si. mas de- sirnyrd isy lire on Salue- day eening. Tiere mere arerai grain wagons, implemeats and aliser eqipmen is e building and qaile a losa 50 ibeir ow .C ause aiflise baze is soi isiowni. Tise Casadian Pacifie Railroad is peparisg tise ironisa forlise 1.O(1train lu o rtin1980. Gangs sf 20 or more morismea bore beeti busya is e ora rom Miltas la Fiffis Lise. Warb traisand long treight trains areroastng maris confusionanad irustratiîoalateafîr by iseing- tapped on tise crossinga. Belated iirtisday geeetins and get well isises ta William MrFaddes. wmisa s a pot- Ilirai 0 Brigo Wr are pieased to report tisai M. and Mes. Bill Loekie and lamily oI 1fR 2, Darrne base moved bock mb ti eir larm borne aller renoatianu and repaies mere ram- pletrd oloaing an early marning lire somne meeba Teachers appointed flaltan Bourd af Edar- alian appoinied nem ironisera fa Milton scisools. Lorna Grillitiss s tabîog a feacisg posi- ion ai Miltas Higis Sebool. (b tise eiementary iemei DeisaraisVeles iii be ai W. O iks anool, Suaanne Oliver ai Faie- rîem, Marily Noble ai Robert Baldwin and Leanse Case ai Brook- ville. STARTS TODAY 20-50% USE OUR CONVENIENT REAR ENTRANCE WITH PLENY 0F FREE PARKING ON MARY STREET m mm*wf0Uoswucagge m NO EXCIIANGES OR REFUNDS-ALL SALES FINqAL N%@M»im

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