Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Jul 1979, B, p. 3

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Il . The Canadien Champion, Wad., JuIp 18, 1979 STICKING OUT HIS TONGIJE at tise bail i Bust Fenilv soccer teso in tise peewee-baî Miton Youh Soccer Leagua. Thebeut Fans] Club by a 5-1 score Wednesday nlgit t Dniry Despite absei bantams win MatMa Bantams iankud Boltan Reps 3-0 in acrer eapne pa t Brin sotPark ndy, Juiy 9. MtMa won tO and losItiscsee of tieir preiouu fine gaines. Severai Miltos players ocre on vacation and coachs Cialile Cropper fieided a mokesisftl ile- up. Winger Bill Van- iodes iileoiin for egu iac al guioSk shLandry- Grant ihby oas brougisl inmi rld e ansand Dan Sonin rnsved inta the aris lise fac absent Deug Painer. JUINOR Di MilMan Weidlg dawsed Sti MARC 1-12 in gils' sait- Martis picked np a wg graunder ta ge a ronner CI ou0 alfirol. Karcn ar- GC inga sinrnred Na te tripes, and stagles ocre Ri helted iy Sandre Bau- ar champ and Margaret Jc Tayor. Radia Ciui's LÀ Jase Pisilp, Stepisonie Vi Poltce, Lura Kohrah R, ad Debiie Bonti> al w cunncird fr singles. bh and Katay Stedinas a carne traugisolthaa tipe and a ingle. Ci + + + Pl Rtary deiaîrd Stgh aide Engineering l". uo Higisides Kelly Blascs- tt laci, Cisitino Basas, N Denise hines and il Sandra Stewart al iilb singlesasontair lcarn T taclsd off iita ia cons ti sn the firof ianisg. Rtaryn EKriti Lone gai tino singes, and Sta Kristine Sf. Amour and Sharon Gond gaI singles. i Then in tie fosoifi Heidi C Risnslsarmed aano ros fac Rtacy tiaI drove n tarerrunsamnurîng lie lead. INTERMEDIATE An eniting gorne beNwees hetac ontop- place icauno. M. Trans rnission and Hotos Cornrnnify Credif Uian, endcd in a 13-3 fie. Scrisg for Credif Union orre Jasiie Harnilton, Karen Ans Sllivan, Cindy Gar- dsser. Tracy Snoo. Jennifer Hantas, Tanna Huisca, Anse Bradley, Jane Zilia and Michsele Tying the score oece M. Tansorisionns Jashio Rogers, Lyne MConnel, Corrina G'Nou, Cathy Bradley, Dains Reid, Kelly Carrn ishari Çaroi Ans Stoonis Adt foràsefr5 ul oiow brhure 202 Main St. Prom the opeing inhinle the Miltasnrid-1 field combio ai Paul Reid. Randy Persillo and Ohme Van Dec Hat Mais soin-1 nof itise gaine and' =urly 'atthe initiativet taogioltac se mis-1 tes. Tise> rnstantly1 lorinentid te Botas de- lence b> stting ap ther Multas fariardsn iita intelligent psnes ai-1 tasugis taey oere rareiy canverîrd ioagoals. Il appeared tise Mtasniboys1 ocre just lcying Ma iard as tarir shota us goal sruck hlie inodwoarior Daon Tyan and Japse KnigisaoftColumbs -ere vistarions avec iCinents' Tesaca 24-13. Great iiig frar but h tarn sain K of Cs Kim Roitaosh bit a borner. and triples iroin Kendra aohson, Rahuissisand Laura MeLean. Catis> oerotrarte and Mauresn ledpata carne liscoagi wita doubles, and firsi basmas Redpatit coogis apop S>. Ciementa' pilciter Julie Carnpbell made a double play singie-itandod, and te otiser pitcher. Sisn Koslansiicaugita o pp- up fbrooing if ta firsi for tho double play. Denise Michel caugisiao By cftting a rosser ual outa her thisoin ta firol, and Pcady Leroux bit a nise triple. SENIOR il c'on la-O for Miton Machine iSbup avec Canadias Chamnpion, ATOM Na, Pinevicin Ragles ant defeated Tise Pop Sirnppe sut] b> a score oi4-1intaMiltas rfi Youlh ocuor Cois Alo Il play oJulp11. The high PcE --scrers fortae inners lis ocre Denny Marinucri - - -.and Randy woanclled tino ech. Pop Shppes 1 - -- -galOas surerd b> Gary dul Francis. hi Pop Shappehbdailn Y reseirven due tai hoidays. pi Haievcr. tasse boys so isno taey ras perfarin o hetter than thîs and oilSi gel a chance tai prove it cs Sfre easons end. PR + + + aI T Pinevîin Wlverinm nie defeated Miltas Machine o! Shopby a scoresfl-4 in S Miltas Yoth Acrer Clubs Alain play on .iuiy 10. fii Barry Rafisa and Michael ar isKen Brown of thse Johnson scred 1 ail Pioio ol. f îtam divisiont of thea Mlts Machine Shop'n pl y dsfated tise Lion goalgsin ece ssored b> 1 rScisool Peler Ortonisurg. Scaot Ptter and Knnth Pîneviro as anoate ite payed gond positionolC but overi> aggrenihe 9, sacrThey have a orSl- P blanurd. oel-coarhed bain asnd do 5sf nord the al oece desperately clearedin iis gare ta inn. l hy tac Bllon defesue + + h Minutes Salace tie Elsie Pltarnacya haf-ilse ohintie. contre defeaîrd I-laton Comm.o Tim Poeres isoie Credi1 Uionehy o score - f isougis the ark inie and o 6-2 in Miltan outis iooied the hall puni lise SocceroCuh Atoin ployasn Botas goalîr la open tie July 1. The higis screr scaing. Iloas te first ai for te inisers oas Paul 100 goals fr hum. Boftas Stariss oho nored oas gives ftie apport" tisre goals. Other goal onity ta irvef the score scorors orre Chris ohies efereTrevoc Huole> inio aise scred Preddy potted as sn- lhcer gals. fringernent by the Miltas Credii Unions goals defence and poisîrd iere scared is> Steven issiediatel> la the Dal and James Murry. penalty spot. If 005 jist Elslep Pharrnacy is soi Botons igitoison eeroging as a oeIl- tise Botas centce ia- hlanced tbain Jasas lacard hiss shol ouec the Devine continues ta bar sparisieis goal. Gaham Morsis and Kugene Miltoscastisurd 10 Grady oock hard os domîsale tise playpis the delosce. ferdisg tiseial second hall and goals la Pool Stariss and corne from in TrnPaiers Ciris Hoofe>. btis and Pouf RedTie Bol- cait> in4rismn. tas coacis attarnpted ta,, Hlîeuoeittlte C? sien the 55e-ina> pay V -non %i), a k. eplasing tise goalie hut if + + + mode uitle difierence. TiseMiltasnisoys oece as Star SIeel dfeatcd top aof heîc gaine and Ndalis Eeric isy o areiy allowrd the Bolon ccen 2 ua ianrous ptast-O 50 Youtis Soccec Cluis Atain dangeous iays pay an Juîp 9. Afler lise gaine MltanstSar led hy a score ail1- coachs Croppere coin- O ai hall ime. Sisoo intsed -Wr ise oursonhi Noonha cooedona seto- 000 wisch cas aur im ai up ram iShoosCloche. the eginisg ai seosos. Eaciy 1infise second isalf Ployer developinenti s cotîsoing stifoclacîly and leamwori ailishe saine level. While 1ta pleased cita tise pcgrrss oftie defence and Mid- ielders tiere is stli fflesce hut thaf ouii LI In "The omwards oece TIRI only put logetiser s o unit linso eehs ago Tite sili is thersa lils asly a question o rouis gettîng sed la tise oters pl'y and addîng thaita the Jl$ orol bain stategp." ________ dain lied tise gaine ap G ntii Paterik Pennsgi aced as o field lengtis 'fort. Agoin Nodalîn lied w tup. Shous Clarke ( euued again and scuoed o e winner. + + + n( Trafalgar Ford eated Milton Travel )a scoreof 5-4inMilton cs oti Saucer Cluis Atainsi ay on July 12. Thie iigiso cres for tine iinners i ee Dansas Heggic and eve Curlry wilis 100 9 iris. Persistent Wayne t Reid inox crcdited for tise l tiser goal. Milton a Travei's goals ocre t osed isy Deug Curies ils tins and Soldes Solanki. N Thnis oas Trafaigar's E frat wis oi tiese aasas nd they deseroe full mariss for nticing mils il. Michael Dises aiso played a ntrosg gaine for1 Trafalgar. MOSQOUITO Tise Milton Wel Sorisg eain deicaîrd hoas Casadian Clubs8-2 on Joly 9, ernplayisg sorne good ploy oitis deternination- Chois Marrucri led tise htck olisth trer goals sisile Craig MacKinley added a pair and Malt- iro Adains and Chis Reid sced singles. Tise Italian Cluis played a goid gaineitut could oly manage bso goals. lilas Wisite and JoisnGil- cerf sisared tise scsrisg. Lisod efrts orre shows by Asdy Giliseft asd Dasid McGoire. Mark IV Auto Collisios carne up wils a g00d gaine. fyisg estîcy's Tigrs 2-2. Maris Drage and Maris Breinernsoed lise Maris IV galsn inile Chues Naccarato trsded lise set oeil asd George iregary played a gaod Vautis Serrer Janior Senfley's Tigers goals were scorrd ho Eric chudlcîgh ltocd efforts wee shcwnby Tomy Howard, Raymondl îck- son and Adrias Braisel. Milton Transmission confiaued iheir inning ftrisnginiti a 2-1 victory sver Johnson Brothers Garage. Mike Lee tallied buSh goals for Mil tan Trans- mission witeilein McLel- land, Raymnsd Osborne and Corneras Lune rame ap iutgod efforts. Dessin Suidgeesl fired the loue Johnson marher white Breni Bisiy played a strang game. SQIRT P.D. Electric Cougars played a strog gaine hlaoking the MiltasGpl i- misf Club 3-Ois Milton Youtl Saucer Sqairl play Jaly la. Biaise Mullins led tihe attacis oith two goals ohile Peter Buetîcher added a siagle. Gardon Shirrefîs, Itoane Tilsîra and flusne Branhiroîco pul in goad efforts. Tise Police Associaion Pantsers hep thicr us- iseaten string intact inith a narrow 2-1 victoy ovr Milton Weldiog July 10- 11 Despile fholding unît osne plapers. Weldisg put up a ulrosg isattie. Panther goals c-en scoeed by Richard Car- mas and Marcus Hoewiog. Scatt Drulit scored for Weldisg. JUNiIOR GIRLS Milton Dufferin Aggoe- gales defeated Pioruiru îDehutantrs 3-1ins Milton Tale a Be< o ~ wth Murray Ho Taklsg tise gond with tise bacd b phislosapiiai Af tAule fruit esunters wiiis everyting wrapped in plastie lts coispuissey. Maybe ohat was gosd enough for aur forefatisers would be good enougis for us, if only or knew what if wa- sd could affod il. one goad thisig yaa: CAN alford: the expert dry sieasing tisai presers ernicest garissts at Sperd Qaea Laasdry and Dry Cdessina, 20 Main S. E., set dor ta the Credit Union. and save. No finance charges I December 1, 1979. Buy a new 200, 300 of 400 sottes calot> Al teatute a Joh leere Lawoand Garden Tracoot seat, tooy opotal teeasyoay othlho JohoDeete oottests. andoa oll FnacePlan andnotfinance charges coete opeatitoh .il be imposed uotiDecember 1. 1070 gadsagathst acc O Dcemba, i. 1979 poo tay e0100110 hee sa switOh th eilher pay thoe eannog pincipal oft heo rh9îoOif >0 balance othog. o tor co tie toaocîttg ho PTC eooaoed agreclementth us e us lordt olIor Al seve n modes îcldnoOhe 200 tac 200 3000or440 se estt10 o16-hp> 300 serrest(14- 0 Law and Garden T 17 hp and the 19ishp moieî400 are payno financecha humao eogeaîad for 0001 omoit and 1970 OOrexpIro O djouiabie padded lor's atea, 2-pooît.oo ul1y enclosed 000î0s for Triple-saisty startîto lha autoOtattaliy shuts io Ieaoe t he seal so t otn hou >00 can boy a 40 settes John Deete n Tactor today. 000 hages fit Deceohet 1. Is Jain 31;:1070. FULLLIEFATAH NS ALSO AVAILABLE o w,2 LswnUoeds~nfltCflS878-121 Girs h SocerJui Gil'ton Thsrnps1. PNacSîmo osd îl Stedititalitedifocrthet- Aggregates 1 lite Deiutontsuose goal inonscrerd isy Mchselfe McDoell. INTERMEDIATE G.IRLS Pineviro Dazziers and Miltasn ilopeu o aPo httled toancorels drao sinsIterinediote Gils' action. Notrinoriisy players for tise Doaires Oece Sets Srisuiesisug, Deiii Joisnson asd Lori SENIOR GIRLS Tise Pineiro Srikers and tae Miltas Kinsors Cluis tied 2-2 in Senior Girls' aution. Cîsdy Huter soord btt goafls for tise Hrikers oiie Barisara Bosser replied olf h 100 inarisers for lise Kîines Club. Notroortay players for Pisesîro are Hiriain Ptcinsky, Jesniler Musne and Casdp Johnsons snlise oeil-pioyed gaine Tise Pîsevîro Ilyres ilasked Georgetows United 2-0. playisg tieir ausoal sirosg gaine S- aris McElroy and hMelonîr Coaper sored r h l tyees' goals woile -Sasdî Seadîr. Elise Teggael asd olga rarc y oaoshy also puf sn good efforts. r- Tise Pîsevîro Ladies' isleain isd o ver> dinappistiog lursoul Susdoy nîgisf Hourere. iiey played a spirîfed skisîmsh agaissa selecf team of PiseviewGirls. Gooti efforts5 Oece t Cotiud on Pg Bl ci- Squirts edged in best game Fredericks tise Mas's Waiely's iands and The oeil-played garne Shop squirt ncrer reps driibed over tise ise for serord la iring ouItIshe trahelled ta Streelaville tiseir anly courrier. iss efforts ai tise Mitas Tuesday la challenge the Buoyed by Iheir strssg uquiris. escouragisg fac- ist defensive teamin s sioisg in tise irst hall oard David Brown and tise rogue. Streelucille. lise Milos squirs chalithalfisacis Micisael Sas- juat one point ouf of fîrst lesged heter inlise se- coinft play tiseir moat place was lonking for as cond hall and abrout lied effetive carnelu date. easyovictsoy, isut Milton lise gaine uhen Kos-t Paul Ciiles. aofîrslyrar seeedsnotecar]>,inothe iltillt pitîhdoiltpia tii-o tutti tmaoutssnd lise Mitonicsuoîtuplayed îlet, îîm.î ititiiiti.î tîia t iî ett ltei est gaine 10 dole. toiteoaiiio î-oner uiiii hrtt-itoied lito iarely allowîsg lise SieeosiuIle. suopott.eii a air ioffensive threaf sfeong Streelsuifle beain y Milfosioigusow -llhe lcal squiets are lo squeaisup al10 -O i toc oro oct able ft popaigoiee Miss tory. m0usf on' lurihee tsauga Hei-utoho Pool- Tise firstllaf oas successiol olloosisi- liollttoit (p holleeon O played in a raioîssfsm oflcis. aor cisicis cîerod up eoesîuolly. bthof 101tlie D ~ fiel in ftcosditionsufor eew ee re &f-Và tise remaîsdec o lise d O S O Y gaine dros 7i 9M eS Hireltsuille came out1qI pressigveryulerosgly Hon Esto h Pc c-gol 0 hegam e ht but gond deleosiueto;or eis ropce po e a (an kKoo ouI he iso lolliscisu Poolulosrn tomare giott rani(,ibut titiecgoii> cou Brodeur asd Seauri hltc'.îst.ogti Oetcfai ct iotil li-cei-ici MeCallui n ad halihacis Foîdos pi TîýdoîJtirt ahia- o leesej Veian flud Pîoîîoc ci to Iil til halltt-tdi seseral offensieoaitacis ployers aod ic .s-it c-tiîîîîîu-edt isy liseopposition. liul, lilot ou i ctMtil t ntt lcoe- Golie Seos Waisely buft0 h aiemIreks inh .011,1ihal houtilit-ii oohoi also mode some excellent iheir lao thlisuco-e ttZrituit ir,îîîed hock uoues uisicis 0500 drer could houe eesa o tt proise leoi tise Sreefu closey cGienî Faulkner-î ti-tîcy ti b luche ls ille cîdelîses. Sreelu alied WhihMilton c-ol- ctit-ain( ,de- tpenso ipîe cille lksolly gol luis> Tho percer. lîtt8-o theitut.lttdiiic cîok ci olen u eey lîpper> iaîliste prouu esoda, i) i ultnilotictd vcre- kîisked isy foroord 1)en0 l;rgeiocorihalou l'otJodhto- olh Undrl s,Sippdou t oif ci Miloscoed the iuul sixtioooiocî-îdcniares Mid uSummer Specolil HIERBAI. ESSENCE LISTERINE H CM3MI1.79 Munihsai0ia-11.51 RIGHT BUARD PEPTn ISMOL IAdpuuI 4 1.33 so h4.z, e6 EFFER DENT Dentureu Dgisît Tîitîs 48's SNUG DENTURE CUSHION Pack ai 2 WET ONES Muts t usîlîsîiles CAREFREE ah TAMPONS Rguîlis. Super oSuper iaslu s ' CAREFREE PANTY SHIELDS 48's STAYFREE MAXI-PADS Packiof 48 11.09 11.44 1.39 11.33 2.29 13.99 FINAL NET HAIR SPRAY by Clairal 114rnl 01.09 CLAIRESSE HAIR COLOR Wià Bnsaî200ml Conditin Shampoa 1329 TGNI HOME PERM VASELINE STAYFREE Tonal Conditioning" 2.19 Ptrotu Jiiy Mii 69i SOFT b RI i Noe.sinaaAani-paspiront 150 mi 01.13 ULTRA BAN ROLL-ON Osadorant 75ml 1.49 ,. MENNEN SPEED STICK Osodorans 750 01.33 RAID HOUos Ea Gadoi CRICKET DISPOSABLE BAYER CHILDREN'S ASPIRIN r8BKiIaer LIGHTER 24's 391 36 02.29 T«i.oFik 11.19 Birthday Lt sto i. G os WlNNEiOA 197laaFORDîMUSTANG INNE SU sSHERRY SMITH DouaMlî ntaasio W IN N R S I. WINNIA SF0A PONER POtIN-5CAO STEMOltO "WeII Worth Lookirg For' MILTON DRUG MART MILTON MAL VYOUR ItD.A. DRUG STORE 878-4521 B 3 Hornby ~ll Club'. 33rcl Annlversary GARDEN PARTY ta be held et the HORNBY CGMMUNITY PARK Steeles Ave. west of Trafalgar Rd. SATURDAY, JULY 2lst - FEATURING - ALI-STAR FASTBALL V& GI. Wlhms (Geme ta start et 7:00 p.m.> ALL-STAR STAGE PRODORAM <00 setaa0:30 p.es - FEATIJRING - THEWOOD IRENE GIRLS KING MISTER RALPIl THE FESTIVAL FRASER FOUR JACK BATEMAN WILLIAMS BROTHIERS isomADMISSION -I Mbý, mMO 1

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