Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Jul 1979, B, p. 1

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id 'sports Many cails go Milton's way SECOND SECTION SPORTS AND CLASSIFIEDS MILTON, ONTARIO VVFED\'FSDAY JUiiY 18 1979) Turner's RBI single wins it Milton Merchanto coach Ken Nantais said ceach Wayne Marchand tratted 5-0ater the Sec- cranch, drtcîng in bath igitit Armstrong e the game inleftfed msebati team tanh ad- of the catis wheh oent agreed that eerai caits ndi nnteg a nd t-1 at one runners wth a sharpy eacbed first base on an stchîng a long tty ebîte Mtage ot teverat againt it teamn seem te avr the beome pint. ht single ta centre fied errer hen Ateis ranetng towards the luetinnabie epiring Frtanateiy there at team. Mitonapt together a chich ctonied the gap te nhrtsttp Rcb Bine ett tecee.,B camptee .Bn ta ratty tram an nqueestien onethe winn- 'A couple et tiatet tl three-roe nutharet ie the tmo cites.tbrem tam te irst bote. cometitted sx errers te atty diadvantage and ing run hee (lIen cent ie etc lasr" t e ortts nneg te ctmse the te the seceeth. MeGreger rettred Milice s thre Arm- est an 8-7 in avec Trser ined a tong singte said. taagae-ie-cheeb. gap belre addieg three Lajeaneste and Tenetti Harrison and McTacb stcong made a ber playtot iramptonnAthitistin eft tbe ight fied eece 'Yen in tome and t'en mre te the senib and talamed a tm-ittath bt Tomner recaeded the ed tbe gome. ietdie'g a laitonCount Z.ebal scoing Ke Armsrong lse soe. Toay we onteh Wadee Be te eigmttbtaaadgamkh-mwenmgRBtw-wi tbng tricit a beuny er ce ttittth etton Cunan t Banatt ncr en eneng oeTaay e mn tee'neotetbeetgtb. ca pte et îaay singlesleeg single. roogb geound and ttnnBeda a rin beceedeniy ra cme"Bampton started tbe cbicb drase ie one cao Notes: Mlton con tree iog te irst ter tbe cnst Parh tied banc ta the bttees Tbe sttry et the game game at i tbey mccc pre- btre lmetidte mttgAd iatad ot Abetd epu "t thinh tf as pretty et the eightb ineing. casthIe Mton pared ta detroy tbe Mer- score emtt7-itbadoate m.tahng (derHitne out .e A br bere gameou vins." Brampbin Merants' ployer- conebacb. Tbe Iorale cants. Statng ptcber oIfthte rîgtield tence. t...Atltic' autietder tîmi' dide't seerntueatect Mrcband gave ua itbs te In tbe bttam o tbe lace Iicth mode tbe lay tbe field hy Michael Boyte d The sona et cMitoen w lcmnity w"ie h hading te, Lecp lgra, iJSUSR, Ite s 0emeluina meghtlIl io Try Hadj. 21i th y m e sa spart .eth a 50-mn Iem et officait t and aibleten which iii sa expore the tacilies et te 129t Oympies as wmd ce trai and cetupete iI thete atilticiespecicitie. a T'le weightiter, mho ises le Otawa, reeiccd te inviation an a reteil of tan ecelient thece medat pefrnceeaet the Pan-American Gamen at wcch in San Jean, Peerto Rie. lladlnw tumtened the lavereti Cehan Daniet Sayas hi captre Ue gntd medath ua it et 145 kg. in the t4-hg. natcht diciion. He addcd a tit et tan kg. W hie cean-cnd-jerh gatugW fer ilbonzen medat. Hie htal tee the tain lits gace hlm the tii' ver medat. "Yea,1bt theot-a sht Cban" e said. "Jeel helre the cees- petitien lhe came ae la me cnd aid 'Caban ose, Canada tai, and tl gel me ging. We ernt tbere hi ral ecer and play dead fortheCubams." Bth ligtie tee Hadtam wernt pereettat beshi. He han natched in0 hg. and dn 182.5 hg. in the cican and jerk. "Thse hesi man aneal" hae addcd. "We cude't maintain etc flida lecehi for cnry long. Il an ta day fr the Reeian trip. "'es tra heeen tma lbaegts rigt a. ODe, 'on tircd and 'd ihei rest, and Ima, 'd lihe ita leare at much as t con. "Baicatly 'es gaîng ta bca ascout mhilc 'es asce Hadtem is tbe anlyon of the 25 canadien atbletes mba iti ha in teningrad. The thers itt hacampeting te Mscite. Pat et the toesm traces lter today mhite tbe remnainder aI tbe tqead lcases mtb ttadtam oet Tuesdoy. Tbey mi toy 12 days. )II on Startieg pîlcber Debbîr W5ils os ecorded tbe io. Reltet burler Es Mieler cas cargrd citb tbe Afise-ru ertctineing beiped tbe Dtisintatheir cie oser Glien Wllams. TberDolts tatted 3-0 gog intu tbe bttues et tbe tourth. but a rue- scîng doueble uffthte bat t Janet Vallier stoeied tir tise-rue alte. Tbe pocerbttîog Daill cotected 12its offttosie ptcber Ci'nd « vStaford. i tiitlbetder Bitue collected a single and doube. tacot McBeatt 1anît ab Newman ce î'aerded lree sngles 1 opiece. uite andt (liass it satrty tiîce cîtb tco ingles Wilson cent tbe ds- laced, o'icb scared Imo cens. A sacrfice ly by letlîelder Dace Dasb încreated tbe lead ta 3-0 beloe Milon came ta bat. 'Wr aleays do tbat,' Meceants' omner Dcter Clae said. "Wr almayc et the otbee tram get abead baloce ce came bac. " CIter cas sitîtering tram a acb aI sleep ater helpeg teocgaoîar thc tanadian Chtît looboîl Satitrday athtb Milles taîrgrocede. Mtontîeaas stitîrd be Brampton pocberrBi y oegcto aloedlust a ground baIt single ta des- >ignoîrd bîtere Sbip MctTrasb tbrough the tîrst Iree ininss Brampto "teusg togetber trrr conte utîse ingles in the sec- ond inting and a sacrificie ttc ubîcti pcodcrd teit more utis-signattlieg the end ot Marhand os tbe mouond. Leltteander iGeorge Moore plcbrît the- resi o tbe gamne ellrctîs'rty tue Mileon, altou se ulynîtue ren and laite its ta gaie r the in Milton hîeatty pt the ofensive oct togetber ie tbr tourth îocîog. litcb Lajeucesse' ted ocli e iti a ingle pasi tbrdbase mac Keith Adates Ange Tenetti. chu etaîrd is 1iisigaoîe ltihse ar ai s icst base. puscbrd ig anoîber single' tteeugh J te rilbtside, seitisgtheb ' stage tor aoe-cuit det lite by Rîcb itroiet ýh At ths point. Yeutît e- as epaced ion the Cs îsouod by JSe Nî.i.regei ;s mo bosteuc b eut catcer ;o Doug Nts'utcheeii and Armstrong. Seeeîdb s- aseman BuebrHarrison came tbrougb te tbe Mohawks Split weekend pair Caespbattvîtte Moham- brigbt spt at tbe ptate tac Pool Eltîott ed tbe Mo- bt and Cambridge Pic- Campbellvitte mitb a baob ece iîtb a triple ates played a bome-and- dable andîtriple. and stngte. scrio g tbree bome seriet this pani Dan Thomson srived times Risb Kight, Deug eehend itb eacb tram a tour-rue taartb ieeîng Ttmbacs aed Bi Decois mînnieg once, leasing Sunday and ment Il luIt eacb iegled tie: Campballville ied tor înniegn ta eara bit second Carles Crnie dobîrd tbîcd ptace mitb a 4-ta in efthtetseasae Tbom- and Rcb Oaght siegîrd reccord. son shtotthe Pirates once. Cambridge oted a laite oser tbe inal ise înngs con seeentb inning on mbcb altomed is eam - CompActlile aed Satorday tamîin -a; mite mates ta aseecome a 7-2 Cambridge play basA te Campbattsîlle tlobkite- Cambrdgetlead. back games tbîs ceeed ingt Sunday ta deleat Ricb Koîgbt ied tbh e wtb the Moawks ai Peates8-7. lame tac Camibalsille bomeSundata 201tpm tance Saturday tee the vîctury. altomîng tbree runs onsixisbît sixnmOth and strihîng uut 10 Ma- hamkbabolers. Cbaeles Currie sulteced the de- teat. gistng up lise rues onueren bits, foue maths asd ibrecslrtbesets. Paut Eltiott mas Use Van nani Peut Vun thse provîne the second The sten( male athi High SchcK nigh, oce squad. He lcf t1 Cotte ge je travellingt The quedl a third wetl Promising hockey plai off to train at summer y DOncls Gbbons pragrom. AugdstI1-24 are raterveil tee aseve seitdy sttuing a stick te is Seeteen-year-oid Jac Gaetae aI Ue campetitien four ights a eeb lface." Miltan Jr. B. Flycrs a in ing ta semeer "W e concentrais an sii desetap- Bulingons Dose Becboe, a diesînu- schol athe Milton Meesenial Arena. ment in Jly ith ne physical contact ise, t7-ycar-otd cetce as prt ut the H'n amaeg 40aepeciatly sciected mid atiaed" seyn Nesitt. "We ibe ta gise inaugurai Mximums Aiility Spot pro- get ced jasiae-agcd hockey paycrs ha a ployer o ltte beathing eneeso b t gramin198. h xr ntuto n ara impraving their caeditionieg, Ahila ecery ime ttc tres arasnd biedesn' riig ha ped hies rgul pot ced toes phiy athUe Maximsum Abiity Sprts sommer prugeaes. The prageces is beieg directed hy Randy Nesitl, a ormnee phiyer ilh Ue Beeiegton Junior B Mohamhs. A gradeate efthUe National Coches Certiication Prograes Lecel 4 course. Nesbitt sersed as an assistant coach ta t Dc. atsMorris et the Thorehill Jenioe B Thasderhirde hst yor He inititcd the pragraestan17 h 'I l 1'.. cause he na tas many midget datees gieg ta Major Jenior A training camsps anpepared. "We're intermsted in Ue ette players, cxphine Nesit, "tbe nes ecve scnted daring Ue hockey tesson. "Filteen et etc beys ere selected- ti pors ecerage midget droi, six ai- raady ave enperience ith Major Junior A teems and another emali geaep ara midgets, mho were't dated, bt ant ta go one iJunior A pay." The 1078 program aopeed May t ith shidenah, aho py c $275 tutetele, g dng dry tend taining an Usir omnie dcys c mnnh te impreve Uee aerabic capaciti, sreegth ced fleiiity. Thay acre testaid peiodicaly deing My ced Jase ta esche suea Usy at- tainnd c evei et phyici perormsance shere the pssiiity ot injury tante se- t cnd stage et Usc pregrcm mnetd ha mnamized. MAXIMUM ABILITY SPORTS programt director Randy Nesbitt Dertag Ue irt weeh ut Jeiy, Ue 40> pints out proper techniquea to Bob Ferguson, goalie for the inMlo o Oretmsa e w-Maor Junor AWindsor S %tIf ires. Ferrn la ana of four Junior hour intetttimal musiones wtach iteilA rigl itr tmrvlflg hi 9a its e sua mer session being cntinue sttaerly August. held lt Milton al Memotoal Arena. On-tee instruction ta given thre llise fstinal i esthalUe Inr-month tintes a week. ingled , stle second and scoeed on Daiig Timbers fly baIl to eftcwI bcb Ibe ntîtelder drapped Kigbt and Timbers cees- bined toscore tbemîeeîing ru n thUe elecenth on a single, a stalen base and enther single la centre field. TRYING A UNIQUE WAY to slide into second base s Street- sville's Brent Walker teho tries to jump over Milton tyke fielder Darren Widdis during action Thursday at Rotary Park, Widdte- had to deat with a situation his coaches probably dîdo't teach hm. bot be got Waiker eut anyway. McDuffe stretches string Itettutis' Etiaiemeet di'tîppeit hi' liait ted tiI' lui-i stags t 'titi" t "t"' exl *tr M( th( Le tegreet (Fahrenheit)i chen we mere lifting. "I bhichcd net once chUle twsnlitting and esy coach had ta crme ec andhetp meout. t masîin the cienand jerh mhich t thinh t cneid bacc donc seller te. Bat it mas Use samine receryone." The excessive heat tooh moer a to ttihen the athictes ditcevercd natb' ing wasaieracnditieeed . Hadinw es liimeeti iateiy tram the Dames tant Thiireday hi retere ta Canada and began Irais- ing againtehnUe fltamîng Dois ri Miltas MaIl Dalîsn- tinued Ibeir minniOg mays in Use 00110e Ladtes ltastbait Associa- lien miUs a paie et sic- boncl tes-Ueniha taie cantesta tant cecb. Milton Mail damned Georgetome Drergettes t1-9 en a Maeday contest anîd retiteneti bome ta Rotary Park Ima eîgbîs lelers te deleat Gte Willtiams a-3.Tbe Dottc nombase a ceaosn re- ecd of 143, Brtb tiudteey and teamniate Site Beitton eacb drose ie a pair ot ritesin tbe Georgetomn utc. Gadlcey cantcibuted lue singles aed a doubte. ubtîr Britton cuneed tur o pair ai one-baggers. tetielder Anna WitltS creltbree-toc tise aI the iplate eilb Ibree singles. xteeded breiinning tIi reab te tive 8aaii'îand se( oed it tuet'lacbatti 'eagui'tas( esba, tii'sth. tged Mîutites 1137. r suîbîti(' & I t' d , apîse t2-0 ndeeaii'd "i Agaîinsi 'itits. sîtfutie Et-.îictet tced si\eamis inîthi' est îîîeîcg aid tite ltit on ttir tirit7er liin -ies Pteie itititti'1 îengte and i triplte. ie tran it Stettis. single ':sats aid Eu-ut" tletiticei. tais stgie- -ach. ý%i5tetsîîiîs'er ta's Keîth 'utiKitisiti tnes agaîin hadit ttig inintg as tbeyscoasctsix rccsîinthecorih itiig oni heirtii NIte ant cas> i t2tt vctonterCee&tl' tttidscaping \uulîiti'fs Ni ueteahedaitl-htattii.h te produieteirne ues lttcinah ted tii' aitacti o ith tati hits 'a"Ii ithct' bits cannei' ini uei1i Les' NItPhaitlirtrait Ntettutie. harryetltitt and Lacet*SNttennett hhicsteg îtiihee NasF LacetBennett Agaiesi itou hra:.t- tcDutte optid op 't 7-t t lead alter titrer îssîîîgcL andlbhescoatedtilal7t viciory. lttiog t oi MeDuttes oere BbLSehte i and Ken Fat uîitht\,,,i bits ech aîîd tîli Wiltiamts. Petter mIt (utte. RatyEttîts. aiid Dace Aseltes ttith eue bit each Shteîting pîtcher oas Pliete AscItes Rusceti asd Thornt lied 3-3. Leue Stittle hit aititi ure e ut i e theibe betp outhIe tielder iii the battuesf et b eseeth ieniiig te snatsti deleai toto a tir. Rorbeti ccered ice rusie tbe tcctaislngas Lioe Seeleti singîrd. Harold Meecy doubted and DonhMartin knocbrd baUs cuenees timitb a double. They emade il 3-0 in the Ibird itieing as Andy Treeeccc'alked and Rîcit Peasay teîpled. Staga scoetone rcatint the sixth a oneth strucit eut but gut an mben the satcbee ýeodandiillt itisti hît 'si-sistt lt-ut tîn lgi ateirit ao Fg iii init ii tu-o suk i homs e srittien c u tLiýo xIit is. u ttia iidii tii tts' ta a. t ,i t issttttth Gym CI retired Mlton tutipritigeie' ,lt l rouni ttîpptitgIitIlt t sil 1 i's ilt onii if ile tit'calst gttttisttI , t ul it i l t 1 ti t ' t it i i lii' S lttire i' tut1 iti ir asgiattttttg th te tttitlt 1 1 e i I is i o 1 ic îtio t ee t i i i '. X t il 't i t i s lt e , ictt i e t l x tt Il s t is' t' ses s ldot'i11%te '1: ll oit -' n t ti ei tii i titit 1 itt ofil i'ao 'i ih c l ;t-r F:.iet Ctittuiteadceast Juin 0'tiitttietiil tilited g tt m ulias-ti-et îple sien tier theerereatieaa ,îud.btIe cmespe t aie îîtde hase 1111drdasbr nIlld a',opel eclîeetbs. SpIi ere'lba-r ber t- ulsid sdiîîî s-Iiylit lii - ta. titri it iti t J ttii ii titi'cotîdi ant aG'titi t usit t iti'. ltiiItt t It I n 1't"' I dl t t l tii ltui t ' qs' \1 - ' ark - t ub gains t ire hall JANET CAMPBELL svas the star efthte' annual picote beld by Miltone Sprtngers Gymnasttc Club recentty. At one point te club feared ît wootd lose the coachs due leda tack of facilttes for thse club 10 contîttue itt training. TisaI problem bus been erusî'd by a Milton Councit decîstoî te, petrmit the club to use thse former Milton tire hall llittitis itihoiilu îtîis.îî ' u t i ii lIte tus t a '- t"l Eh loth lui tii' iis ul ti-i gritittariit u h ritetist tîtte ie.t rth 11 rece, e til ptiit is hut ai ior lie, itp l(-it N pupîts hail tt tth ptit nit it ri titio g tl e- tpiientti sltil s iiiAtiifftitial i x-il van t i ti nid ovtîîi he lie t1111011 SPrilige- etidi oas ltîted tiiiltîtue -iîusastîc lui îh-I l I- 'uite es reeni\ vol i elîtîtIII coe an WeUghtifter Torry Uis going to Russia QDorsohot ied to team an Oorschot hat been named to s( ciat junior basketbelt team for il yeur in succession. et ider atistete who ulso wos tise te of tihe year for Milton District toil received the word Sunday eweek after trying out for thes tMonday to train ut Durham t [n Oshawa for a Wcck before 10t Vancouver for another week. àtater moyen 10 London, Ont, for >ek of action. yers school mîtb lte Meescriat Cup champion Peteebace Pelesite is cealie season ut Major Junioe A play. Becbes, mho is nom o sophuesere te tbe program. asoesses il titis may. "Any spart reqaices o ycar-round effort," ttc sys. -Setteer ondîtonîse decreases Use chances ot tnjacy, And tbe testruclars break eceeything dame itao science se Usot yeu hase a betcer unerstaedingaofmbat yau'ce doîeg - 't mas ane nI the smallcc gitys on cite club, se it mas importantflrcmee talha quiciter and gel the jeesp - adds Bechan. ScatlVadeebturg a centre mîth Use Bated Atesanders mita s elîgîble lac the NUL dralteut sson, Windsor Splires' goutte Bob Fergusan. Dose Rohin aIthe Aleseeders and Beeting- tesJah Rna, a tote cofethtie Ottama '7.are o a ieteîg advantagceofthIe o-sýnapparttnity 10 impease tbeie marbetahitity. Amang the lîrse-rate imltruciars Nes- itt employa are OUA techsicat directar and Toronto Mapte Leal' assistant coach Ken Smith, goutteediel specielist lArry Badier. Sheridan College directoe et athletic training ced thcrapy . ry Barticît a.d Dr. Vanha Smushhie, a Besolan paoer sating enpert mw once taegbt players on Use Soviet Union National toes. The Soviet systees et marhing le live- mas untshisi an impartant part efthUe teaching paed an ta, stedentsinl the Maximeum Ahitity Sportseprogramn. Esen miUs Use 8$V5 teitintee, Neshiti says revene tram Use pragrcm hbaraty canera expenses. HHe says he's hepîng ta lied a sposoar ntcrested le presidieg Use linanciat baching neceseary ta heep lees tram riuing ent nommer. Buttafornaw, Nesbitt's retard ta tise satisfaction of hatpieg 4o yaeng mes impreve Usele chances et mahing a carneet ofhockey.

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