li M 'hC.w.dben Chapion, Wed., Jun 20, 19W Mio.n ns deshted Ceres Fx-ft ltadlatee by a seoree f3-2B in a Mit Mirtor Basebal t Associa- tion Tiralt gai n Saturday. Tire iighighti ofltire ganewaetire fiee deIee aie py ftieMtc Liens a ethigl ei tire tiird inanag. Ging Itatie ieerng tie Liaea bad te retire ita ptays fram Cure Fretain e. Tire lierre retfred ieeoa. 15 atters dae la fiee plyieg by Scot Daair ccd Aeranader Pyle whir oere airte ta tirowth ie irst faceriatter',ouaat a firttbrae otiicrc a ptcyed iy Jeff Gree. Lecdieg httres for tie otrecers oere Shaae Bain. Jasait Riesierry and Jonathran Baihertir, att giarg 4-4 citirhe plate oitirsingles, Jesefer Barilocir ttree sngtes ced ione daue. art dAdcrn McGihtae. tiree for ttr'ee. a] singles. Lecdieg iatters tor tire loaerg oere Eathy taive, Jecaifer McDalcd, Ty ler Macdonald, Mcthaet McPhicitaed Kevata Me- Brade, attltiree for tiree att singles A. E. LePage defeated U.A. W. iy a score o 2513 in a Mitron Mintr Baceircît Association garerune Friday. Tire higiligitpi tire garer oas tire hittîtag nf A E LePage pced iy KeitirMoore with a granad sîcot irote ria ith ie fiet ienitag and tireee RBI triple in tie second. Leadief itres for tie oiesers oere Keitir Moore, HR ced tripte, Meissa Kcier two daues, Julae Dillon oitir a douile ad single ad tire rest of tie traie ut twoosingten ravi. t.eadiog iatters for tie loers tarre Steve Young oitttirdoubile andsingle, Scott Gray tire arer, tan Mie a double, Ken Oreaed toto sngles and flectier Glenross two hits. Teri F defeated Tea C iry c score ofI15t-S in a Milton Mînor aeraIt Asscaiaton T-Bal gcote ors Wedcecdcy. Jase 6. Tire hirigtig of tire gcme tas strong paf- chirig iy tepien OPttat of Tere F tas a standott in tie gcote, losg titir tire irtting of Mark Dereetrioa. Lrading itres for tie oinaers oere Marir Dernetritaou îtira ihoote rue. doubire artd singe, Brett Grisais a doubire ced single, and Jrff LaPoite toto sngles. Lecding iatters for tire loaeres trie Brcd Deaiit oitir cdoble. Justin Fraser a doubire, Brya Leoton ingle ced Jasort ATOM DIVISION Mdlton Machine Siop 3 Etstey Piarotacy 2. PauaiStariasotoved Piarotacy into tir e trd earty in tire fiett haIt. Hoever. Milton Marie Siop settîrd doren an Spot Ptte Spcn Jones, anadtata Leid carrird tire pay to Pirarotacy. Peter Gteibrg fand Stepiren Hart eaccir coed before lire whirstte. In tire econd haIt Gten Zuro coorected for another goal. Phcrosccy iepltirheir cent andi oisseif a great op potuity otirr a fortard irasted tire al oser tire hue. Hooeser. diggrr Pauai Starianta roke theotagirtie defeoce foe uta seconed goaltTie clocir ras out n Elsley and Miltoo Machines Siopo i3- lrad etd op. Pinevirt agles Sattrnrd Trafalgar Ford 6-0 s thry continuse to dootînair Pere op. piitenis. Nadalot Electrîc frîlto1 Haction Cooso. Credt Unop 4-0 Tire Pop Sioppe edged Star Steel 3-2 ar Marir Green, tan Bensett and Marjo Venditti scored c gent apaer. IlircotoCark and Patricir Penerce reptied for Star Stee in a ClOs e mm contet. MsquitoaDivcion Milton OeI Borreg feU to Miton Tansmission 5- 2 it eocquita irause teagor pay. Bth gole for Milton WeIl Boieg tarer scored hy Chris Marcucci. A good effort sharen hy Wayne Haldane Duglns Stewat ancd tire goair GriBRddsn. Fore Mitac Tansotision galse otee hy Mire Le, Jeff Marine and Wayne Wyciroff 3. Gotad pay iy galie Greg Sareons. Italice Canadian Cubr topped MarkI V Ato Col- lision 3-0 Goalsa for Itaian Canadien Cair tarer iy Mie Doron. David MeGuirer aed Jean- Cade Pascire. Gond effort tac shren iry Nciry Cooegea. Mark IV Auto CoS irhad a uit of tougir Itcir in scorif bt rto lcci of gond piit. Joirnson Broc. Garage Kiesals a single. Asoiationr T-EaItgans Wtaarlag pirrer wua on Tueaday, Juns 12. Witte]t taia ireot fine Thse igboi t of thre striresuts. attowerd toto garnertas a oteB ptayed rtn . P to is garne iry siorttop Scot Teiii A cdged Souad C ihrscoandcice Crir.t iry a score of 26-23 5in aTtry oadrMicael caaires Mdlton riar Bageeca Theymad mst aprttchoies Arsocition T-BaIl gase trat n fr te o ter os Merday, Jarre 1l. ta r on am igm Ttar igtaigit af tiere garerneca a cameliac in ar . dig bintes fr tire thirest iniegiry TransA wner ee ct blouit i mtrestheiarg tooduirles, Crelg Cyr a Jatoat actmanireisd ccdoudestincd tirer ingles, tire spectacuacegarne rne p ju oitir aiome eue n, ia igles, Mark tarwrgaa second for tire eeeing. face ingles Michael far Ciris Tait, Blair Wal-toto singles, Sianse Galt irotata, and Joirn Maerir c docble, GriBraeks wittliree hiras raci, and twoosgles, Derrir Stary MchaetRitaciie. Mark une ingle. and i.e Dotaire acd Robirt Cooisan a sicge. Vieiery tait tobita. Leadlrrg iatterc fr tire Lrcding iatters for tie toc era rer GriLanain ores oere Michael toto doublres, iwoasingles, Bedton antd Nathra Mie Fteet one dublre, Naotrett oiti tiree uits toto singles, Stephre eacci, Aedreot Kocier, PeddY ose triple ccd one David Godoor, Shase douile, Phiiip Lareont c Pisasa. ced fRaymeoed triple and one deouile, Blacirtocir titir twotrs Jcrie tngirare two racir. Ketir Mrray singles, Mark Frencirto irougirt reserat runners singles, David Wiwc- iataarttiratler ie tire taryk twoosingles, Jason liar up Farroot c doublre, Riets Ecrly oe ingle, Eddy Traie F defeaird TraieDidlon one docile, Stt G iy a score of 24-19 in a Hottootcy a goacte, ca Milton Mînor BaseraI Cirir Neoet c single. defrateif Pinevieta Bentley's Tigres2-titir goa for Johncon Bras. Garage iy David Btsn ced Glen Hloston. Good pay iy dfrace David Biatti. Bettey's Tigres gentlry Eric Chadleigir titir support fraie JarieHodginss Robert Bostcher and goasie Kelly Fagg. SQUIRT DIVISION Tire GptimiinlClair and RomataBranciereJeottles pîcyrd ta, c 3-3 ir in Mdlton yoalir aoccereclair cqit pay as Monday. Jane Il. Tire garer reiicirtacs a rai clifihangeroar ted iy Jason Blanchrard froot tire pesailty spot riti tire tast kickraf tire garer. Rosa Branciere bah aa »- lrad iry hatftiree oith Dvid Hartasan netisg tire hatricir,birallere sosierstern tairds frorn ther coachr aitihehaI, tire Cpirista carmeout itire second hall ced pîcyrd tie iet socceliey hase ptayed so far thiai aasait Jason Blancirard scaeed tu ai ce it 3-t and Melin Simnesscorrir i (Canttneti ocpage B5) TOOTHPASTE 5P AUBEPIE Rego orMW ad AWAhULE PMR IRISSPRN uumuuim f f ORrNTefu SOAP a% 3 1U S IMF~I GURANDRUO 212 Mo Stut~87844 nss.iaec~er~enassrs.inscrearsa U ciaurs M m o~ g t CUiBTMERn. NOTE. DaesTe Trnsprraiar ar Productian Deay&,. Esc. Sarcmasf Sratsd 5.5, srpnasst ae5.AbsntFrieA assto* ner.In. SU=eiCs,. ARi à Pby s P@ W la 1 Tmm aandau ITEMANAGERS! Tirs Cashwsy Teare thats st voue service) Lefi Right JOHN BOUWHUIS JIM DEVUON( USE THE CARD IT WILL HELP YOU TO GTTEJOB DONE! ASSORTED DECORATIVE DIMMER SWITCHES 2 x 4 - 8's E0 ySpuo., ack 92 ' .-NO S00TNG 2 x 4- 8's STUD SPECIAL 16"" CHAIN SAW WHILE SHE $1ad(M LASie tna OSIL ode 11 Maihsoi upeaotiiigr mirap oaed hutssf. uoacadmna Roary Clubn tpp TomieB liiia acore s10- 17 i a Milttoc Mlnae Base"aItAsocation 5-6 year otif T-Batt faier on Friay. Tire birigtigr of tire garer tan a fine play cf berne platsiry teaar B, slhainatng rebat sesiret Mietwoaisurause. Dana Manltat, Wayne Pierr, Bians Tese, Scott Wtnktee. Beue Boaincen. andi Allisen Otekotra, ailtalitir Io Ladlng bttes for tire lnters tares T. Flet, K. Daviduen. P. Riteiie, D. Jairatac, M. Banks cnd J. Arpa, altitir Io t t. Tesin D tirurpeti E 15- 4 in a Miltan Misr Base- iraflAsociation Tyke A- iraIt ganse os Saturday. Ise iigiriglt aitire garer tan a toto ras doublre re SeattPar- Lecdlag iitters for tie tiseers tares Scott Parsons oitir cdotuble, Malt MeCaedess, Marce Richardsonnccd Kenfe ie,. itir ingles. Lecdtag hatterefr tire lases tacs Gary Giles wtaltrs ingle. Wiasing pithr e acs Mati MCedess, tair tirret ines strikesata, attotard fare runa an ose uit. "VOYAGEUR BIRCH" IaHAYWMRDS HICKORY"' 4'x 8"O'PANELS iandsone chitas for ioise or th e cotage.itmm Mende- ard tiieaîd omaid peiiinpag Our $ $48994 4 P.. OPN EEDYS8:0A.M.t* M; AT O5P.. HUS t R.TO9P TO M FAiR TO OUR CUSTOMERS W! REUERVE THEE MONT TO UMIT QUANTIIE MILTON e 25 STEELES AVE. E. fiinrontst) BRAMALEA-MALTON (SemnamaRoad 5Staalael Fiet $ogeUghtcEast efDixesRond) OAICVLLE2311 R.oyal W.îndaor 1 %D.8 attiies t PeFrd pends il ~MLV ~ 'NaUU ! ~4 m1 i Wl~1 ~ ~a~ 5a SDRI VEWAY SEALER AVE 1.00! 3-PC. REDWOOD 0mw Reg"la$W0.001 $88.00) ONLY 2 Caub Chairs teah iahgoion lscourte Tapie, &irot 28" d.anad 1 igh. Osado aO fne ointeerun iru mgl VJ A 1Il - KvUttl )-i Kilts ile.. SPRIEEPYdICTAMorneIIMWMLIUH Knovked Doote, Roais To Aserna CARPEINGI bie. includns Pacirageof tPe-Cut GOses Caltai, Onlli l on e Bal- rsi aea 0evr issi Aeid.pavLvrtî o oiiPai.etaPoonsdeetc 00% wottin 30test andiltms them ort and Seat, Poisp pyree Spea aPi chase AI,. doublesasa a no igh. Our Rogular $1979 Vais-Rglr 34 u eglr$91 $l7m81 $3u29, ,ý 35u5O FOM-BACKED CARPETINO 'IREMCO' PRODUCTS 10% OFFI1 Green Colour Onlyl Includes Tremclad Rust Pint, 100% Polypropylene Needlepunch Trepaco lestant Patch and other Our Raguler *2.99 fine prodacts. A fine chance ta $ ~69save on your choice. 1 WEEK $2 .q"aar yard ONLY - Hurry! LAY-IN PANELS PER CARTN! PAINT ROLLR & TRAY KIT 2' x 4' Lay-In Panels for Suspend- 9 Vh"-Kits. No. 902 High Ple or No.916 îeg Celng Systems.n MANTILLA' Lew Ple. HILE HEY AST! or 'MYSTIQUE' Patterns. Carton LcNaIeWHIETHY LSTI of 64tsquaretest. s 0cki Or Regular $1779 2% GAL PAIL STUMCO$1598 ... . Premixad Decorative Stucco. 1W- 4FERTiLIZR VALUE! Bay pour needs todapl "Miracle Green" Lavrn & Garden Our Regular $2430 par 40-1b. (18 Kg. bat. $1995 Our R.gularS$3.59 $3 a wfflmul ýffl@gw m ---, Mllil Le &-@-a v à- mi 1 Pl% 1 9 1 Vmi,% Li R-L- girl% a 3-%Jl 1 ts a ý"- u