CO The CanaduieChampion, Wod.,Apnîil ,1979 Omagh Slick Chicks 4-H host tea for moms Kiy Ms. Ceeil Patteesn mis Madilh Fraîberslca. a May rde.the ces hînrecd Neighburs aid riendi gaheren ti a Boyttr cenre tu cîed gnddwmstes aid preiln many fine gitt. Madth asasiîteti yhler sbisre Francis Eves. and friends Helen Ford aid Eselyt Gilles. She ex- precird tee thank 10 ail for ttc gifs aid the parlichca., set'ed ott ienclîing Aprîse win , Frecoda Lawrence, Dtreet ilsont. Ahi, Pracct. Rocy SCeete, M. Marshal and JC Marshall. Eleve memierriof 4-H Sliet Chico and their leaders met Saturday Apnl 7ai 9cti fr a c'..iiicicit'il htikcý Nancy Lwrence sered a lunchat noce. miclt ail rtayed. Bok atd ccesoris msthbe taded in y April 18 Ttc grls decided Is tîld a luncheon un SaL April 21 antienttertain fheir mobers, at micb ime girst ml exhubil articles madein reveiou It Ctubscand tisa Me. TKre Tîmbecsoft, Gergetocn as guet speaker a Omagh Pesyterit W.M.S. Meeting Thuriday. Api S. sclh 15 ladies attend- cg Ms Tmbers led in a grccp diccuin ce "Why tic yoa hcsitale to tuerais religin mith other? Mrs. Timbers is con- sutn IlCristiac andtîcci ,îc icil ii are ,,6 chrcs in ierar Ste suggesîtd bat cîlnemiîg anti growth oct of argument hli. lu mate a btter lite. Chriaiam bhanctubeh challengeti and everyone mail reach out 10 heir family anti friendi anti peay fr hlp ie the ork. Met. C. Pattereon pres- dm1 fir the meetig. Scriptcre aid prayer were gce,, i F 'YMes R Elmen TDougas. 5Short readiegs were givec by Mrs. C. Marehal Lnchwa cersed al ho cImse by Me. Colin Marshall aid Mrs. J.C Marshal. Mc. J. Hileon thhekedt he speaker. Chamber initiates welcome commfitte. A new comlitto ha heeti formoti by Mitn Chambor f Commorno. Tii. ccmmitte e lli ho actieely nvolvei i welcoming ,aow huai- nion tuMilton. Isc (istoacti. a mcm- lio te'a t,,hec Ft ci d oii eI li i charge ofi iiaig ot in advanec hen a new busiteriswili open ie Milton. The information ml ho passeed onîtu0the cern- millet, chaireti hy Champion pabliseor Hon Crowtbor. Mr. Crowthor moIi b. fait il was important for I.ulneaaoi te fei ml- camnein Miltan. "Miltonla girwlng at a fantastir rate. There are people moving inhereai- ins vevek VWi [lthi kind of growlh, hosinesses anti commercial oullets are going ta atart movnin1 alto. We want to be able t0 go to ltem and wel- corne them 10oar groat tome andtilt Iernwmore really glati thoy're bore." DAW EMaMUL8.E *FLOORS - WALKS - ORIVEWAYS PATIOS * POOL DECKS SABS wcc wMEt" ~i~I~1 R. 0.MULIN MPOECMCN 5Ct777a ied t MILTON APPLIANCE Rae,oo--s Ik caiete c utscotk 81 2 SoIngai.ttoo coti Vasiosai eaîc,,atte nitts. 8852WOOifR5 Clt Otti RNGEoSin8532413 GORDON, 15MAI *MICROWOSI OsENS Osattî RYDE AND CAL/ERA ERGATS 17JWilson, Dtcivei Cotnentf Mait t,eet /95 SecaCVr n - 878-7201 ic0 Milton 8/8 19M888 1.1h 1 111 v1 fit Co AUCHTECT William il Aque, tA FEIDNIA ROADI-0OM à VIN/E M- 87t8i162. a COMMERCIAL FORN George A.Jenkinsa Al* N0USTRIALnta 0 lcic l deign,;V Bic 8480/h8-4374 CaI81814 Res 845811/ sa nici co .co FIni e, t KNIGHT S ENS UEAR c c Mtoitscanc i 202 Maiiî Si Miii V 0 8/8 4&' R1IH S/AN/// Fedpîa/ nds is s 655 Main, C ses Chîmsey oCaaa AitWî/ccit Ace Repai[ nI Canaa n c à Chîmsty SweeIs 0 AKVILLE878 1194or 827 7297 ALUMINUM '"" CEASWP WINDOWS &b OOOR Y S irir Rt I _ AL LINGER 8314'o - MASIER DI /I/7, - MOTORS 8151 dmt AUMîNUM Ii,cMAIN 88F MaiioliSwct Gii oc, IA 'R é ACVSN iIRCOSV Otmecai SciViic COIUCVNCRO5VC II EV eael *hLASN SecTak *Ssîqnhciicîil c CAU R U I / KS li n/cî~A . LONG OR SHi)R 1 c c I. cV Ph i 8HRI/i, 1., iCRM LCOVif i c T ,i 8782883 -ERE M1 ý, ALUMINIUM________ J/SA *AIUMNM COV? 0AHNPAIN/NI, I(NS RUCTION *S . i aRt CUSI OM c [ME VILOCIý m iAti - c'c l H//ElHi .877-5M83. amic SIDIN/iS J. L. Nielsen Alininum o01r vry O*flascie "1t w toiticaS. Cusom inlaitn i alit o-ooi oc dtrnm &dccii. 5"s ea s Carpentry D. Uticch Isaltos COotbc in , t 827-3344 c pC0oc"O dontl . Fie- i ao cn. t - Phone 878-9725 Genes Anennia Setr/ie NICHOLSON Iîreî/î Rchadns AnenaSivc CARPENTRY LTO. Hîc.l.HHAtIIl I HOME///H N -I Pm ic i1 YkHpNîîcc H ALTO N DISC JOCKEY SERVICES Parcgî cties o 8542262 DUROPEAN OR ESS MAKE R Fo pmioachcod sttloooand pofct it f. Lall Lydo Deys 878 3234 t MILTON DRAPERIES 882107 McPHAIL ELECTRIC Naalmn EteOMES 8781117759 fl- GEORGE ANDREWS EX CARAT N G D-,loerandeTi teeho, coi. iand, cgraetosioi icshVnVq pond, ba VeOs Vs ttoc iV oolssetc. icitidiOt.mi etice 853 1638 dogOl Escavasîng, giadisg, /sadisg, Iisnching, SVSW remoaia 8787634 Jm ýFrm Sprvic 827 4286 1 CFUHIcE HARO/S iciccc c cad R ecei Aci Ot si-lgic ,el ol'ccg ocîOttiooshng antd fos at repins SnvIGHn 1 NE FFNCECTO. COia,, cciCScOe acc, ciSc Siccl ictiyOii5 "to a *iSpacoccccko, "ooti FLOWERS GALURE F.ah M Su iOidetadRti0.t I~? BîsuCe Bel 878-4821 i NO S/P R/IRNITVR8 91815 81/ 877/9 MASONR/ FiPoîton. Bgttep *CnraicntcTii.toinio DOmoratieBrickh&Stcco Cail Joe Fobbo 878-8636 0csafter 6 P o rywail/and lapinig JOIE SEELEN 8783337 EIRRA CIE ILDI Gt /irj ýiiirci inq il /olcbrH//Id rom asditisîîsîîtîn *aluiu sitiintg 8782425 ALL PURPOSE GLASS bMIRROR Cari L/îsshcîî c 8785642 ai, KOSKI GLASS 878-9452 GASS kMIRROR * .bi.Voe.1sk@ *I i. toac Saxe tas 138 I. SI 8787D-&500d- Il,îu fi l " Paost(sDocks " Roc. Resai Ooclity Workmonship RoIl Away Garage DOs Si 70 9803, S, -a Home nsulat'on Eseiiîs:878 1858 MILTON 0 (CE -ISRE Ressdeîîîîa/ Laîîdscapinq 1 aliîl Lwîî Mainîîaiîîc 878 7M2 LLANGHOLNN 'murgardes mdcc 6711 Hwsi 25 878-3100 MIL/RN CENTRAL /88045R Thcccîeot 30. , 4 coc,c, Sotccdaî 5 i), 11ic.1p b'and "C" Masnr'y Coîîîîarînî Cade -0783240 Bruce 881A 85 MOOý0VNG ices a ifimte ccaioite ai lerti, tailicceri, et hactt cnpet, ciatoco, han0tt and cjlit he tuftaicAtt0c Sour ,,,ecos a oo, Sc tee 5c SunootM tttt Dttle, FIOST, 'clii to tht LAST tlune -Eul CLEMENTS MOTORS 500 ronto st. S. 878-2328 878-8819 cC Ci ... Oscit 81804/ I/coi826 1723 NADALIN DeV/t Ca[i MILTON COMMUNITY NURSERY SCHOOL V1 Cnaa.. 8787197 ANTRIM INTERIORS Pasntsg Papnrhasgng Fr ce stmains 8785971 8781784 Agnew Studios SPECIALIZING I *fddn Potct hcotocceph 1-0 Ru P olktlit 00 Brennans Photography c- 11.di îtot coc Milton, 878-3121 GUARANTEED PAVING CO. Ffles titats,2 Yc.,c o 828-2244,,, -aPIANO 87876]; aCOniOOaOV 191 oto, St. n t O* SPECTACLES MILTONj 1. wSý", RENAL 1 CAoLCA 878-8484 r Jl O35STCC IS AVE. Cai 878 5923 878 3673 1181 8 MLSRET MILTON Frs a/I 891 lpaintng steis 8811 VSHBRRN Ca/l I TuC ANSOEI EN RV//ING EhINS/LAiI/ON PAINTING FcorFieEstîmaten 857 369 il ose iCito F F0i f Sait StItoi Phoo 6449781 Bill McDamld toi't tctqy, oî,itct, titoteing 4 Rnotît Piccit s Boclea occoci , c Cc,,q cc, 88C .kT .W.dmii&mlimc M.- IlWctt VoY-RbtNou299C71e tc.t.t.a...n, coel &tenclteIo ALL WOR GUARoNtncTE OtoS ___ FncJtriusbe stgmaFTB-h114 M c ' namoon doYIoUIIWGuat.ctmt 8763400 Be a Gtolatatd flomitgPltst R R 3, Milones o"Clestifbd .e 8 cIocmca Ratem 29MiStetMitnRED CRO S 87 287 8 7842 eu - TO SELL8540340 Blood Donor I O'm tPait Pa OrIt 7-81 ýd dt 1 1 1 -1- - Ji Ne. Fti q LUN U FI',, Sales 8 Accessories Inlatio 878-8770 %AAECO ENTERPISUIIIIS 529 Mein, Unit 6 Weslsn 745 0369 Viit Our Shoffa tit Milio Itvenns) HALTON POOLS 878 7195 a*Iootoendcieeaocl RE-ROORN? »PotktEtacsira CU: Jackson IIouIIegService Ertaeaie le buinena uinCe 1921 8878 2829803 EVII0II. 878-5700, Pree timnateo Quality workmanship. Chargex. 8882 UC. B614. V "8892 _________________18 Thompnon Rd. Unit 9 et Ray's Rouf ing --weaR0ed up... Mata b MînteanctJUST FOR VOUR SERVICE' Renaio on epa ctO itlt Capn y 0k 387 Quen .,Efm Mstoctd o wand tcs moae 8783788dm, :Fmf2dhoting~seo Sewing Machines damgtt SALES-SERVICE rTm mec a O Ertrio RENTAL Frut me rnfo ,sdectar 7 PHONE 886861 o.9 F. ts, ed Fa. Mlian Fabrîc Centre TREE MAN [TE) (5191856 4000 aet Sewing Machine MLO FI- Repirs SURFIT CENTRE F. ck pt delivais ZENITH El -4 moth carrats ttbo, FIEC RO HO M * la tiing i DEALIR o' 0W 'e Mcisales /l 2/I . 678-3448 ditttf ~ O co Merv's Suri EîectrîaîCs WATER c 7V~c, SHOULO RF - -- .- -..IW,,,C.,c ltcîcc, 70 :RS ý 1 Plowpq Ds,ý,g Seed,,g