Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Apr 1979, p. 6

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6 The Canadien Champion, Wed. April 4,1979 Club theft Focus on Nicholas Pro The Camnphellvlle District Lises Club bulld- iitg was the oject of a rra-neort HunalsC-ydn afeonepb- o rHl Sasdayd in Regionat Police. Tieves caioed entes lu Os PetreSfis tderd. threopposite s the uildiv oving%] n Untýide t,i airu rv htuui, ,,CU 1 " a' -11 upu- îîivt îipIUý ite ii ii iipletiius iienuir do, Ilithe buiding. aid iirraaviofegaie pub- have been helpinf out police ity lhas bees grserstrd siti a nombor ut rom- Tire clubs offices uer, roon Mapteborst Correc- muity projecto. ransachrd. ional Facity. Part of the reasoo tor il Halton MPP calis time to clean nuclear air Lut Pridav, Marrho. fbars and lorerta lots, Jutuas Rieed. Luhrat about lbe safet j Eoergp Crtîr ueged lire nulear instllatliot Mînster of Esergy 10 Me. Reod said i mahe a fuît oatemont to 001 seem fair 10 mal lbe peope of tOntarto re- kirud of .ompar gardîng the tacts of tbe about safelp holmîE Canadian Nuctear Indus- tuo tehnologes Il Iry. Coninisg evestus hong madeatîheoî near Harrisburg Pennspt ltime. Hoever. uît vanta concr e llgit pubier s presenfed aer reaclorhave raused ailthre facts,lbhes, WILFREO MINTEFE & CO. [TO. $23,5We FULL ettICE Fou hsu cinecoe romlortable 2 beduoom homt aatadgaagle und tuti basementelCoseno nschonis t ', 515REY, 3 OfOOOM HOME oe aN actes out oloanada mutssteame cedar ak, beîue adtwsvug weti Couetluiuiug muhuuviaeuon -cs142, 500 bneanvae0$24s900Oful i vue Lomauueeaouym DdNPALK OPICE 519923 3136 Reta Rithe 59923 204 HelenuOsbornee 59-9242697 to, the te 10uldcautroughuoui oiueuu, ro uspo Youusotse,tu1 att Juve Casov B77 5261 %JOHNSOIr LCARNEY POLZLR S REAI f E L T ituomeet Meaowbooie a Voti iii oeu5îis ,oeio sassehtu scuakleire ie thetfmiyroee sviuitgoos Io largeuluk styles and sou eanyexirsuenCeeiuded v the om unkuvu i MILTON TOWERS Luuury Coominiume 3 Bedruove i', ahrs cauvnliva tvliugsuut. $4590 FOueRIeNT 2 soutouts 5$390 movîtyRevu eut uoouticaOsx-pt ee ieonetCotorsa stooo b&t,at fils,ssatu as ,audrl tocue. 0111voom 844 7496 or 878-5013 'aitties tain m ilI remamn. They uf ail Iroales theenod ut ou- 10t. rIeur prodsced eotrîr ut doos power inoCanada. ahe the Ho saîd Otario must risonso demand fromt evetp ete- mn the ment of the Canadian nu- suat are clerisdusslep a om- resen1 plefo revelalion ofthIe rtth enrernt stote uf the art. edwih Tbere msst beoomilb- o nrer- holdngof information, rn We bave noter ar- replol and neyer milI acopt a promise thal me should att behuve as sheep and trust Big a n -h Brter'bhe saîd. Onea i T his eepressed conrorns about ssclear kbar- pomer sntire pool white aI lb, - hesasre ime lrtisg 10 mainlain a constructive ralional and blanced ap- proarb 10 a devloping en. tecbnotogp mbîrb bas tobes on suc b a higb level ot ecosomie importance. Mr. Reed said. "Our main coceornis have bees wulb tbe storage of nu- rieur atIn and lbe dis- charge ut massive quasti- 0g.t ie linof arm ater ito our envromest.Aod esîdence tirus feras nduated tirat tire foeifven tvo icir tuoeu Tuire fo errton t un - large agrieutturut advîsory te .ad ummtteuas appraurd ast Tuesdu (Mur. 27) ut a smeeting utftir, regionat panniogecommîtor. Thbe final Inrres of lb, rê c uomîittebus pet lu ire approved bycounci but tire panngcommtte L Is recommesdîng tire tarmers docide wusliras best tue rbem. It tire reoiiuiurdatîoiu Z s approurdi, Hilons ugriuoturutl-arm rgatu- zut ions usoustd estabtîsir a representatîse cotet CNTRO tlivng1 et t 401o ff H nel 25'p utoes ,ntoeaa kulveet nuIt ofi ut 4natrce, ceoai &opesaaehlog nul, 0 veus oo, i Cotturee 10t 51 sre re oomSit bar, den,03aeels ti2 ravsner iting programs for 'cons'l ithe vostneer praeram Each uf the pragrams ai Naplehuîoi ir sigtieil ruhrtp tire \v.suiau Pi uussiiv v, ou eidertr bnp himsett, rdisates tire variiius The vatunteers are programo. Ho sapo the speîialy-lraised people programo are strutsrrd roon ail maîbo of life. n sscb s way thaï, tbey îî fom; a opeciat part are oogoing. of the linon of th esi- Tbr va otontebs 0dents bore. Thats mhy msea emient ta Mr. Prayoner sa careftd comte bore each wkeban o 10 wout05 programs of bu is progrsm. It's a sborl-lerm snature. bard job. Il labos a lot ouI of sonne people, bst tbop I-ttene toto really get do a good job. Tbey're involvrd intheIb program. amazîog peope." Il hecomens part of Ibeir Amosg Ibe programo if,. If il dies, tboy bo- Mr Prapsner oversees o rmdiscouraged. I are Atrobolirs Anon- dont blame tbem. Id pmoo. tiamblors Ason- foot thesmo at. pmoos, Bible Slody, Man "Tbe residents gel Two (a 00e-os-on, on- atong witb theevolunteern coutrr betwes a reoi- qote moîl. Tho programs dent and a social are mdll altesded. Tho uorbeet, Haman Reta- residens dont have f0 tiont and Seven Stops ta sbow up, bot tbey do. I Lberty. robe bat to mess tboy Police to cost near $10 million Hatos Regionat Potice $300.646. Oott 324,000 il wîll spesd etose tu $10 bodgeled for neertimo in miltion tbis pear. t979. The totO budget out Mou provided in tho $9,002,724 as approved budget is the hrisg nf an- bp regionat finance and otber deptt-chief. The administration comm iring was recommesded ittoe Wednesdap sintbe OPC report, and Tbe budget reprenents brtngo tbe total 10 lbre an iocrease over the1to t ana average salarp of budget ut 87 por cent.$3t1i,0t. Stan Raîbe mbu mîtt be Potice Ubtol Ken inbcarge ut eeoeganizîsg Oberrotto budgeted tbe potice frce as re- alary ns $43.036. commended n ut Ctose to $200,000 io Ontario Poticer Commisý budgedc for tho pur- sioo report. saîd tbe crase of new police cars budget oobri guud i or lue eforce. comporîsositb oeîgb- N rvsoswr torne regioos. made pfor biding reo Hr said tbe roreaoiza- valions, and no mention ttun ouud probabtp eut was made ofthIe Milton douv n btheamaunt ut divisions proposed movo uvertime betof pi tir more spaciou Tire 19r(0 uerlîme es- quarters in tho beltb poodtures anrounted ta unît building. tbinb lt'o wortb their Mr. Praysoer was boro sn FortChurchill, Man. 25 ponro ago. Hia fatbor mas is the artoed forces, and ea the family lived is England, Gi rmaoy, Halifax and Rugina bfore movng ts Dabville in 19U5. Hoba a Bachelor of Science degree from I lie Unsiversity of Toronts specializisg is psycho- logy asd bebavinral Bfore gttisg bis dogree, ho tooli a yesr off asiverslly to morh at Mapleburat an a correct- osaI officor. He retursed and conissed as a part- lime correetiosal off icor astil graduation. Ive almays beon is- leresîrd in Ibat isd of lisg, poychology and so forth. "We bave these programs in try and bel p the residosl gel aithUe rool of bis prohlem. 'Some crimes are causd as a ressît of ai- cobol. Libe, ho mas drsîsb mbes ho brobe isto the bosse, or ho stole m be roui d bot booze. or mhat- "We rus the Alcobolics Aoonyiooos meetings f0, help Iis guy ovrcomoe the prohlem ho bas. "Same lbisg mith Gamblers Anosptnoas. Matho theoguyhadbod1 steal 10 pat off gambllsg deblo." Tbere are some things hat Mr. Prayser just cassot hlp the imaton mith. *A lot of crimes are commitîrd becauoo of a famîlp breairdomo. I lh if ts important 10 maiolais a family 10fe. I moas, if mom and dad both morh, how mucb ime is thore for the 4WHEEL HORSE lawn & garden tractors MANUFAcTuRIRS SPECIAL WHEEL HORSE 9.C.O swets Lame and Gardon Tracs Ysa IlreonU a fris mowsr atachmmt fDrop in todsy lLtmîted timne off.> SPRING SPECIALS W0s5320 Nm 2.99 W3,$,3,229 NOW $3,9 B$0000-r fra.VOUasmuin 8-lU11 UP. El tr0W oe - 11 HP LA ý,35 NWN$1,899GARDEN E48"M-, ENR a75a11 . s,,..,e ef me 26sd Ds st 1o .Ed Sai a ia *55 eildren? "You îcaot do thbrrr At trust out ontire seuise of mom and dad and sistor and brotber. Tltere is no0 famlly' here. .Yos bave f0 remembor this isaa seesrityt insttution altier ail. Yas bovth0e guards bore. Bat efry tu bave a cloee-hllt group as mach 'The residents bore have tu feel lbey can depend os the volasteors f0 try and help tbemn. Mr. Praser te also activo in volaslaerlsg mhes be isaaa tfrom morb. He is a resource pornon for tIse Haltos As- socistion of Volu'feer co-ordimafors. Ho afuo meets ilb Uhe volusfeer co-ordnastors from insafues in Toronto. Hamil ton, Brampton and Niagara, as welas with the MinistrY otftCor rectionat Services, and the John Howard Society. "'Ifs easy for me f0 gel volunfeers for programts. People milicaf f Up about a program tliey may ho iotereoted bi. The trouble is f0 find spaco and time for them. "You have f0 ho fatr. "Youcan'f con s con. "After a gsy leaves bohre, he'o gone. We're sotsa part of bis lite aoy more. But I Cao cai Up Gsmbfers Asosymoas, t ap, and asb how be's doing. "If be's doing wetl, great. If sot, maybe ho cao ho turoed arouod ho- fore be goto f0 the paot wbere ho commits; an- other crime. M *00mplete Planning and Landscaping Available Susewd's 2% Mik iLIMIT2) *1.38 Brd 3îoavefor1.29 L.arge Siua Eggs ao, 890 Oster EMg Cew.y prsokg Leifipar ,heed 490 GreonOun" 4,-, 1.00 RedOGICIGU Apples 4 Ibsý 994 Graffl SRM lAPPlo 69* CeeS Grs de Suddt Oranges ao $.69 Florida Oranges d., 1.29 ShrGain Dog FaOd 11 .99 Loam (tppr. oi 0bs.)2.85 Potting Soui .pý-o.50 Sibs, 2.45 Cow Manuire eus 5o ib.) $28 12" Hanger Basket House Plant *7.89 Complète Lune of Pesticides antd Feetiizers ACTON DLE -l ht room Crick bungalow i Ilwwft1 D R 1 ri rLakeuew sub division Fromt the tully lvnced 9 * 11LAC 0 loi rtoithe mmaoiîlare I I interior, youv wll test'0. love ihis home Quav e ulCAuV IN OLU raEa CAon ir s SsibS ON E LLRsAtSR EFbsssohUNDm shows Ir. every rnom, Iîo T REA I S URE CHfl &«Ise tI down tu the fitsheo CONTLI ParY room plus alarge laCON ESTLTA MAXNPO .3 ttOreation roGsm with " ~ '7 V-I1"' . scstta Stane and marble lire C111111111111BODY N C place Pfull pice 2.63~' d- .,3.0 - ii ________ $64,900. Please Cal us, we will be roud to C IU NE IF shoîw pou rhs ose, Jý GEORGE GRAY Y fi17 -J~ sryamAaIh1aya REAL ESTATE [TO "h unil A pn , IA, "'1.0. cloi ACTON_53-888AGREE MAL' ACON853 2888 SMP BATHRODM SCALE M AD Pssnd aod 340 ml Suspension Ford specialisto ai the OR4 dMot,îsedîng or-Oaalet Ontario Mi.ityofi., j...t CHME RIflE0 r IWWbTa ,0otd Mall Agrcltre ad Food say> ' Il stsrGad ils a a god ide 0 . Ou u $E prepare nie for the n" 39 3vtNPLRICIA6C8T$~" mmeaas f fresh Ontaro. bc $77 Iî98 fruits awd 1e388s.55louo~Socu~tpk Cleaothe freemer, usesop -a- for Uneming ea-on55 ONTAFtIO 8T.M LO MAIL MLO TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F OUR SPRING TIME, SPECIAL FE«rLIIN 27.50 Cail us for your " Spring Clean-up " Pruning " Rolling " Planting " Rototilling " Design " Maintenance Plan LANDSCAPING 878-0467 MiltonJ r

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