Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Apr 1979, p. 5

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A sporting chance To th FAUor:on liehlaf o t To th Edior: ion departn Ibis weeliend 1i ldhe pieaure oaI ld since th Seing the meet director et an Ontario coaching mev Gymnastics Federation cempetition. Ustertunaie My morS sas made light Sy the e oni itr servent in wainhîiig and ippreclatig to(leplea the skis and artistry iof soute 80young prsmsei tots ladies. It aise tîtted me with pride ta secebspoue two gymnaste from Milton lmost malS dase.roslacei amay wtli top lionore. Paula (leniole dte imtea toaS tlicail round ilver meda, whist ttiB for isebi Tammy FrencS won the lronze Medal eony aaical n the Argo "B" competition. Eacli girl inereet for t esipriencedi a momentary lacS of addijionat te jadgement and attention in a different even aur seer single event. Bt for tlioee individool glot et office lapses, eilier Paulia or Tommy may tewn, on and weii liave aclieved the top lonor and cannot Sie nev lroaglil lome la Milton a gold modal. Hait for a As it l, liaiS girls wili. on May lItS, Milton ins It compete le tlie Onario Provincial deparîmentsc Cliampionoliips. sied ihinw Tiee weelis ago my daagiter town. Ana ni Sazanne Wod Sasequalified for tlie iouly conehd provincial cliampionelilpe as a Tyro B tore Ou t lta] gymnant. However, StS Tomnmy and She apper tev Sazanne wiso mere talwarts of Ilie fices. If tlisk Miton Springers club. nom compete for mSy Ct putol (lalville Anloinettes. WSy the switchinlecommercialt aleigance? Simpiy, te taise adeontoge and relie-ve ef, Stter. facilities, Stter eqipmenl Bot ln the and more hoars in the gym. The driving Paula Genioe motivation v. competitive ambition leagues. Are1 me, parente are only 10 wiiog le sacri- sporling cian fiee our Oms teisure ime le drive the îisey also lac ida te and frutt Oakville Ilree five leer theiri imes a mccli. ambitiens.1 i Tommy Prench le coidered te havegymentaeium. the potential tei rearh the tevel eosf nia!A national competitien. Il 55e Sus il. the dent epinien, excelent gym focilities and coaching in parent, Sutaa Uakviiie wmlt endeaoer tle me ha1 55e the near futur reachoes lier palential. Wî15 the Miton a Mitoen gym Springere, Paula Geniele orkSe oder podium. the excellent guidance et Head Ceach Janet Campbetl. Posalla so s egie- nisg 10 eshow Ihal secbas the bsoic tal- ent and bsnec drive te eceme a tep cc Mayer Do flight gymnoit. But despite firit close coaching, wmut ehe Se able tu reacis her poential iheut 1he ovailaiity et adeqoote hym ime, At the moment the Springere are aSie te use tieir w equipment in the excellent E. C. Drury gymnaeiem Sut are equeened igitty fer, lime and, Ierefore. reveeue-eareieg aiity. A gymoost, juI lise ac ice ekater must morS og and cocstant heure in the gym te perfect Sec techisc. Tiree heure. tiree imes a * meeli eliring opparatue aud fucitîties ilS 30 olher hepefuls le inadequale. WiII Peua t erefere, le demiedl5cr poletial ie Millen? Befre Pauds tere was Naccie McWhirler he lefiMitotee eecome a national cempetiler. tara Aggis jeleed Cmbridge and eem cempotes as a National evel . Wriog le the gym alocg with Pauta are y eceger carbee copies, te, commence on a natioal training progrom wich deaods o sedication ef regular gym imie. Wht le te Se daee fer these atietes and Ihsme thol could flttem ver the ccxl fem yeare if tise Milo Sprngers program centinues le develep? Tewarda the end et test year the cuh eneculive Sasi sufficlecet oretghîte riog efre the TeonCouelareqeest for a suitahie facity. The ctuS's request as simply fer epoce. ils memSers eing prepored t couvert and decrale al lie omn espeese Tise meel likely epace avaitale ascut idered tise Otd ire Hall en Mais Street. Teire Hall as a ptenliat gym le hy ce means ideal. hut ilhStome bord merk, a geod dealof einspration and ils avilahiitly eevee days a îceeis, thse medified facility weeld sffice asuen elterim peried et Say tree years. WiIS a focity ovailohie ta the cuh ee a flI ime bsiel, the correct recrotiee pro- gram,winhis ethe haeie for tise c petitive team, weetd e ceesideraisly eehanced. The recrealion pregram is directeel hy Head Coach Janet Camp- Sbe liste asie fromt mich the dois dramelis future cempeitive memSers. Without lise ovaitoiity of a mre per- maent gym, the recreolion pregrom isastieg 540 registratiens aeeeatty, noemwith o waitiog lisl, itI Se con- siderohly curtaited as Board of Edsco- tîofocities heceme tos vaileiste and aI a threatened premiem cmlt. Tise recreotion pregram incidentalty is roc J A citoac4 oi gi)hih C~L cUieQQoge gheenckg we carry a beautiful assortment of: aFresh Cut Flowers " Si/k & Dried Flower Arrangements " Pla nts Be Sure To Corne/In Soon! 854-2348 Guelph Lite, North of Hwy. 401 hottocon 1tcSla 15t Sîdeceade rINDIAN WELLS GOLF Et TENNIS CLUB Lirited Tennis Mernberships A vouable $10000 par family No Court Fees Charges for mare informatioe: 335-2955 lie lowc poche and recrea- ment and liai grown tliree- the Springeri profenainnai iolvemeci. aly. alîhoog tise To led aliha sympalheticear i îite >cog gymnasts and slody lheîceeds, the slody ee noprogressive resuils le of course, doms not etand athiete. Bot il seeme 1the ble municipal biinlg le uid Souse o gym is alunol lishe uummer flou market, mn haoil offices, and maySe mier cilinens. Soreiy mi15 a ce epoce ilio me ihave in nd areond Main Street, il eceuoory te converi Ithe Pire administrotive parpnses. tou big and any of ila tomo ýcoulsi Se convenienly 10e- walising distance of dawn- orely couccit miiil nr- ddcr a ooggouted ecpendi. taes ef $150,1000 te concert evel of lise Pire Hall 1u of- is icd ef mocey le avaiiabie il de oseme of tlie vacant 1preperlies around lown the praperly taes. he meaetime, wlial about le and lier eoger yeung col. ,eliey g00n0 l e Segiven o cce isere in Milton. Mut lois elsehere or mereiy rsighls te more modest S ope not! For lliem, a good i, ist alf a fociiity, is nom Othougs mine le an indepen- i, am of course, a hiasesi TiseCanadien Champion, Wed. Aprîl 4, 1M7 Angry over bus service A garbage solution Dear Sir;Stîationar Today me lieer mach aoust P.C.B.s municipal Ànd ollier Sesardoun lqsid metes and semage et: the prnilem aof transpartlsg mucli moud ma moites for sale disptsai. 15e palieicla luisicante, reiselant la accept presnt melliode nf asies. A1 incineratian f lbazardons wates, in- touaractor ciudlng P.C.B.s. iliele concern ie planta teld jatlfled liecaune of thie higli le- There is a peratures tBat liace la Se saalained 10 un inert gî effecticely deposee of tonle substlances. Seuedf Ibe fact l, Sqold moules, inciading buidding e où cotalalag P.C.B.s con 5e nafely Sucli uni dlupooed in a mobile unit,15u lent Ontaî eimiouting Bhe necesnity and riait of tomc traneparting liaoardou iqiadwastes 1e,1emui a disposai centre. flue meBsod le the eigisthep Plasma Arc (las, a techinique Bhat lias ipslo heen proe la ie ixyeors of opration au tSueialso a plant in Noth Carolina. ls Canadie an adso suhidary is In Mount Royal, Queliec traneporta Thie Plasma Arc Gun le iimiiur le an epilluge o arc melder. An arc sa formed, op- nt enori proimateiy one metre long, ibis arc is moile liq monlained mithin o cortex oet liluse tlree and argon aed onyges, gletea it a ewiilag 10-to-per or corisecrew motion.T'Me temperolure prodocief utained, 100,f00 F. is Bhe lotteel linown to mon. Board declares dividends t some cempelîîîee mccl in Ao article on Milton Co- ire, hem 1 moatd lkunse0e e op appearing in bls enuel moel liat minners mcch'e Cisampion may have creafed thec impres- Lester Wood, eion profits frem tBe 548 Woodward Ave., store are dieided ameng Milton. members of Milton Co- on Gordon.op. THE -MIL TON TRIDENTS HOCKEY CLUB preeels the 2ndAnnual $20. 00 Dinner and $ 1,500. 00 Dra w Thursday, April26, 1979 6p.m. Opîlmiet Centre, 311 Commercial Street T,nceaa-c.doef-em i1. Tridents Execulive and some players 2. Mitch's Variaty 3. Bob Newoman 550.5 001111O'n"-For dotais on plans coverng Corn, Spring Grain, Beans & New Forage Seeclng Eb Hay and Pasture Drought Insurance Cali: Clifford Brown ai Miliida Dr. Milon L9T3X4 878-4596 . A!1ÏPLYOFFS GEORG.ETOWN CHRYSLER RAI DERS vs PORT ELGIN Fri. Apr. 6 - 8:30 p.m. Tues. Apr. 10 - 8:30 p.m. SUPPORT THE RAIDES at the Gardon AlcalI MemoeW Area Adeils - Siod.sie ChffdWn .F.esj 02-,0 01.25 w2 MW Dace Morgan, a stoli eoporvîeor. eaîd ti profila ýor tosseel cn yeor frem the Miltoi tore are peeled iil llisoo ther c-opa. The Board et Director ry plante- cao diepoeet ilead residentiai refue, ;udge. auotirîîes, uittypes of ste, plastices, muelee is. sodorona gases, und ergacic portuble unit cao Se odaptod or-trouler and driven to sites or dispose et hanardous maules. a liy-prodoct of Methace, und gr-uuar muteriat mSicS cue for moud building -or a naterial. nits are energy intensive, isut rie Hydre telling us me hune hydro on taipe Oheulda't me Sprou and cons? Effective safe tf maetee, iectudicg haîurdeue s. ugainel the environmectl of tandfilting. disposai sites. Laeo et Sazurdeous muees, t liqoid macle. The ceete are itant,aa abot e85,00tortoc iqud muste oeil, and about lahaIt mdllion dollars fera r-day gurisage, energy- William A. Johneee R. R.2, Hechmood re sf tise compoony ien eb examine the protits und a dectare aey divîdecdn. ih The Board ef Direciore are coted 010 otoffce Sy -es co-op memSers. 7:0pm.Lo s l s-*-j TENNIS MEMÀYERSHIP REGPISTRAT1ON Ar e~ KINSMEN PARK< TENNIS CaUS Location: Milton Mail (Ontario St. Dates: Friday, Aprl6from6 p. m.to9 p.m. and Saturday, April 7 froto 10 a.m ta 6 p.m Fees: Family: $20/season Senior: St/season (18 and oser) Junior: $ 5/season(i7andunder) Registration ftr membership wiII 0e honored te a frst cene. f irst served basîs. Name, please The Champioe receîved anelher os, igned tetter toIShe editer ISie mecS. Thc miter made tome good pote about the ire deport- mentesoeed ioa more equipment and man- pomer. Bot oneîgned ltlere cannot Se puS- ished. ln some cases a nom- de-plume cao Se osed. Sot the letteremont stilîl Se sigoed ilS tise miters namne. And ihere muet Se epeciat circomelances invotved so attcm a letier to oppear misot a IftConcerned Citizen" viii conact the editer. ce con dîscesthe ltter. 'OUR READERS WRITE: T'rocspariotiou la an important faclar cn any place. The lies Unes of Milton are a greal Seip to the citiiena, Sel we feel lisere are a greot many changes to Se cade ýAh- lelm n teb s u us iîtaî p iiiîîake îlkecsceyou waeî co gel ff Ifttîvdaegerosîtuetand upîina meeîeg veicte, se me feel 15ere siseuid Se a SdIl cord ruooiog aloeg 15e sîde of the isus. Ashamed to sign? lieue K.P.B.: Sorry yeu ocre ashamesi te ign yeur !tter. i neyer read mail thol Ses se iaeon il. Se, seedieno te eoy, your citter scas net rend, juI Btromen iet my gurisoge poil, If yoo cure te mrile agin-ulgning your rame. 001 initiais- lisen 1 ilu read ichut pou have le eoy. 1i hnd people woe are aeliamed le pot their came on aeylSîeg lSey write, are ueliumed ef seiat lSey are rting. Yours traly, EditS Wilmo Sisorpe, 429 Pearl St., Milton. MILTON MALL MASTERCHARGE & CHARGEX ACCEPTED iFs ait $40.50 offdiis $992Pe si imichapotledoselenrdpcP ~la5ar5UiluC. safe eg. 129.Wlepa ý d edem wd flmWfr MMe S Blgls saSeunbgs alch W e fu5 loe n ow sc mca Os the lina you are unalile teoisbtuio change or refunda, liecause et the simple excsee 1a1 Ithe drivers coocot taise lie moey eut et the iols. Av easy seolton ouoid Se ihal the driveres bs nain brufs ,i lni lier,'t las:pl-il tSat lSecv isas is Se nt)smoingn oli-e lic transits. Ose driver disoeys lthe "o smoinig"sîges finit are aroued the lina Pleese stop, me dîstîhe She smett. Wliec rueing a Sas. psneculoaty is very important. The Sus is net oîoatly oc tîme. Il is elisher earty orctale. We are also amure tISuonlee eeacasioe See driver osised thie possengers tf aeyone monted oit on Mill Street. Noonec macted le. se the driver. Seing ofi ecisedule, siipped il WSal abot the people miting te get aval iisose stops' le short or are octsatly very aegered ai lise may the has ivs eieg roc Tise eludente woeride the bs o and trem sciseot epend 50 cente a day, 1250a weeis Tise ltats $10 a ressitis. eein- ctuding Suturduy rides. We feel thut if the Sus ises don't impreve tSey siti ose a lci of iders, Secereiy. IraterStudev s« lave MacLeod. 976 CaselTrrait, Miton KalSy Fsiey. 763tecKenie Dr..Miton I-CALLING ALL CA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - m (,ýlF'C 0 M 1 N G IS; 0 - N sooOth

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