4-Hfeteeecy, Aprlt 4, 19 79 Saite to ieeer hockey Tht Chanipion AwLY House league finals prove successful close Dy Peu. 1we tiened tm ch T ueheu thei awkn gfinthn Feur paeeuflc $Maet NB hLe mdKidgh en dm - au t- uere eh lec elU Ted *9lies1 eimed lu AU@--fr bocke l ny. Uie%. MeeKhder bey. BDelbLde Boeet li CeIt lMher wfuy et Mltan Arm ce the Holickey An- elieelied wlth cy. cd dhpleyed -wà et tht dire stan - hee m i- gn avan-tnua t, Mecmg la- petwge, d ban"-mu muche lat 'l cw Ware blie la Ihipula li d geaI ulmh tedu e th mude it moiecmped Lien leu ieCediu lis e at tse havid cir buect hM am ad th ne ae d dm yens bd iedc dnring the ronad rable playoti. nheMensaitindl buo season gaet ced caine oat se-e aitb records againat mne ce- other An the clerk tlcked aoay thet Ilird perind, Jttt LaPaint tired the oinnîvg-goal with 2.97 cemisaîvto encsed. McCuaign lneurace raine oal on top ofa hig ncortng attair with 111-25 BP Set-vce Ceatre la ain Six goals ocre blaatnd la tht openiag traje as MeCuaigs jaed itla a 100 goal loadaon noarbees by coptain Brcd Wells and Avthony KNrcnlaic asaisîrd by Mike RIente- htrcy and Warren Stnck- oel SP raptit Cherk Wakely boned bock with two goals oith Mike Lanois ltodieg tan ai- sisis and1Bi11 Simpeon an on.Wabely li fac a bat- lrck off Simpon with fise minutes yct la pday in tht opcner. Kvrcalanic nettcd due eqoaliter for MeCucîga ai the 3.59 Miark. DeepIte the bigh scerieg, the net- rninding of Adrien Jcyne oas exaepinl fdu McCuiga an au the Mf. feinsive harsta Mf Wrren Stocktctl. Shahîn Kaoaaem senred the caly, goal intae du c- and pecad wtth Slachocll aansiing. Tht gal uaved McCuaigs ap anc. Dle Fitzpctrick evonei due ceani ai 11.2 Mf due final traine anas- sisted. flic tint fine inte erertiine periad pro- duccd a goal anide an Stachacll taillit tiri fcoint Wells vrill a bock- band saa bai with 49 ste- onde la go Waktty netMed fls tnucib Mf the gaine la tairc due gaine itl sad- den dcath oncritine. nie uddcn deeth didst last long, 1.31 tlbo exact an Doag McCoaed ninred anaanted. fie Kiceine Club topr pied Ledith Super Sae ltac bnaine h hnea ras 3-i. Tadd Harvey goard- ed the ns abile Glen Faalor. Gtrry Nose- or-y and Andeta Salgaiard scnrcd tac due ateners. Jo DeZeeua and Brad Doerr badl Uic only assitl. Tht ban Saper lave goalaa-notced by tlreg Bania otth tan Jackuon aaslseg. flic Kinoin alan bahk 211 minutesn tapenalies. Knighla inanagedtol squeeze pust a deter- mined Milton Bus Lneu DAMIAN WONG WAS NAMED the muet improved player tuir ail novice huuse Igague. Demian plays tor J.D. Corrne Plumbing aud Heating. MHESTA FFAND MA NA GEMENT OF TRAFALGAR MOTORS CO. LTD. EXTEND A WARMAND SNCERE GRATULATION7TOALLMINOR HOCKEY LARRY MIDDLETON ~ We Self, Service & Lase Il Saesta Service 878-7253 Toronto Line 921 1582 MiltonufOnt Die Pnartcs LieR797293 MIn Ioky We aueY! FRO 'ý, ý ý ý;ý i their exhibition as Paul Allen scoced a bat trick Mo lead bis teain. Sieven Curlty assisMed once and tettain MIP was Shaivo Clarb. Bradley Deabin notcbtd both Man's World goals with an as- sisi going ta Dylan Rey- solds. fli MIP for Man's World was Sean Deatb. Tbe final novice con- lest ptcbed tht fireinen in a I-O oîo oser Rebekhb Liodge. Shawn Healty scortd the ]oe goal as- sisted by Dvag Carlin. Carlin baed a brtakaway and led tht park la Hea- lcy. Goalie Steven Wwenaryk recorded tht shatoat. Brian Poth wasnaed Ficeinens MIP and Jiiniy Fleiniing was MIP for Rebekab. oas chosn tat tem's MIP. Bryn Harnga was naminc the novice soch- eta MIP_ Four novice exhibition gaines wtre staged by novice bouse leagiie con- venins AI and Marilyn Picard. J. D. Carrne Plubing edgd St. Clair Paint and Paper 1-0 in tlieir 100 period gaine. Tht tue goal was ncored by Ken Bradley anaisted by Mark Witson. Jao Car- rie recordei flic strutoat. Dainian Wong a naued thetminni un- proved player tor tht n lice atoin lionat leage Wang playef oc tht win- nig Cucciin Main. Tht maner aptfor novice MIP w.sJoli. Picard of Rebt- kahb Chris Neotll, goalit wsSt. Clairs tenin, MIP and John Carrne, J. D. Carrie netininder was thc tains MIP. cre early inatde atter- nan cletutng thsauoter fille 5-4. Eart Esuery lai go witb a wrist abat trou the tact oft cintle 1.12 itl thc gaine la open Uic acorieg with Vtace Deys ntals- tng. Knigbla canot bcck seconde lter on Ken Dautortb's tinst goal Mf a balbrick aille a wtll eeclad, dedi an sbai. Aasdy DeGroal af Ban Linos ucoagefi a break- away and wuscallenfgcd by gealkeeper Dune Kraaenkulaky baltaay la the blacline. DeGront bhat Uic goaleder ced ecarcd by dlrectieg the punk wit oe haedaon thc stick. Paul Retid openied so in thd secnd traine atU anuiela gning ta Paul Hurtas and DtGraoi Dcetartb slippcd thc peck train Dane Tonolli and lacked il itl Uic cerner ai 18.57. Je Schanice's goal gave the Busites a 4-2 ltad trou Paul Hlarris and JMtf Wdlloo bat fi ous llsei lait ofth Ucocic test as due Uiird perli beongai ta Knigbla. flirte goals pet Knights ap by mne ta, ai duege in te duittal ner- CURES NEWELL ti as Bcace Jobeasn scored trout Wayne Rie- bol, Dane Tonelli anas- sisted and Danlarbhcoin- pleted btas bal trick. UNDIVIDIJALS Individuel aoarde dis- tribaicd ltroaghoal due day wece basai an a players' boprantinini. Brian Dean oas aied t MIP lac due seniors. la due pet oct division Rab Coanors Mf 10-25 BP oas seterbed tht MIP. flic pet oct champion- ship tcopky oint ta cap- lta Brad Wells. Banlain Steve Duguay recctved due Alkeina iraphy tor Uic MVP and Start Anderson lob the MIP baetau aoard. Kirk Maaro oas due inajor hantea MIP. Ra. Ra=c Men= Traphy doaaed by the Dptilut Club ouit la Rtah Landry. fie major uîdgel MO', Jtasuy Mueray Mcinnrial pre- sneld by Richard Mar- ray acal ta Paul Baller. dunve Krak, goal- Mender, oas preelad wîth t MMH1tA's MIP aocrd tac juvnilus, and Jay Dresser wau selected t unst npertsaibe juveedlt. 0115cr preucalatians acre inade la t c- caupltaheti cep teista aid Uic OMHA champion oplînotans. Ban Lassaltae JOHN PICARD Reectr-ep 5IIAWN CLARK flic White Daha novices defeated Sean- ntIl Moving and Slarage -o as alt tbree goals oece scared by Warren lInan with assialagoita Dar- rex MrCluskey. Siephen Zitanan t00 and Pbily) Psinpbcey. Scott Mit- chell rccardcd thc shai- out tor WOHL. Frank Rcrves was noaie MIP tor WOHL and goutie Chris Cok tac Scarnell. Tht Speed Queta's edgedican's World 3-2in Conglratulations TO ALI MINOR HOCKEY 1 Y'1 PARTICIPANTS FROM THE ENTIRE STAFF AT NADALIN ELECTRIC COMPANY LIMITED 3153 Steeles Ave., Milton 878-4111 826-1223 1