Tt ThCaedb Champon. Wei. AMI 4, 1970 [ A l G b UP e p I J Descrlbed as "an actor, stuntan, sigrdner,, milkman, grogp singer, coadretor, announcer anai a crazy palooka of a guy," TV personality BiIly Van is comîng ta Milton. WelI known by the younger fry for bis show "Horrble House of Frightenatein " te actor-entartainer la coming ta Miltcn Uàbrary Tuesday avenlng, April 24 at 8 pin. for a one-man show. Don't misa titis rare treat!. When Georgetown Jaycees held their annual Crazy Boat Race on thse Credit River Sunday, la Milton woman waa cap- tain of an al-_grl crew that claimed third prise in tae commercial class. Mary Kay Millen of 323 Williams Ave.,' Miltos was leader 0f the firat ail-femala craw to tempt the rapids and complas tae trip down UMa muddy streain. Their boat was made up of two pontoona, dacoratafi wifth Hawaiian lais made out o gabage baga. The craw wora oranve gar- bge bg grass" akirts. A hay-sty e roof adorned te antry, but tey lost it halfway down tae river. Mary Kay and fellow Varias Associates staffers Helen DeBrou, Linda Bastede and Jeannette Hanneck madea up tae craw 0f tae 'Lova Boat". Ethel Harvýy of Richmnondi Hill ranawad her aubacription ta The Champion tis week, encloaing a isice note: "I welcoma The Csnadian Champion as it brmngs back happy mamories of my younger days tara, andi Iow is showing coatinuied progress as it movas into tae future." Mary Joyce 0f Milton spant tha psst week visiting with Frank and Pain Mac- Donald in Ottawa. Miltoniana Hugh and Melba Beatty wîll be returning to their Fourth Lina home in July, after two years of work wit tae SiSARE Fosindation in Mossoro, Brazil. "lWe are looking forward ta raturning to godolfi Canada, but our axperianca down hrba engood in many was," thay wrote. "Even thougthe papar arrives slowly (it takea about six weeks frein Milton ta Brazil> we reafi it froin covar tu cuver and it's a wondarful wsy tu find out what'a going on back home. " 'Habitat' Tia wpnacavi d- Bhe limai Bte Maunti- bang Wtilltc Cntre lot thecsming wccbs. "Habitat Hlpra" le disigned to pramtote amarannsaid asier- staninlg of vililite habi- tat. Inclici in the pro- geais ara tours o tbecons- servaion area, puppat precacitalloas for clsiires, bled bouse dis- playn aid bora-davn wagon rides. A natarallet yl ha on duty along the rail baur l amwer questions about viiliie consevation aid enaiagamaent. Freseedligtrees and a boakit tisied Bacir- yard Habitat" viii ha avalabetlthe public. aive arl5sv.timegateon taon, pp,mc lamps, hanarsi and 811 tle stoif toit toms ih ir eta.sî ases aorrîtelao,So sa on' OSupor oMualeis DeaI. FIT, "tIilestth LAST limev . too I pay.. fo, .sI-g asyo. CMETS MOTOR MOBronte St S. Mlton Hockey, lions, Ryn Avls Yara #lg lsay.rallt.dwu5 anrMai ab a nalg at= list W. L ick umwli Schodand iwant sai "'lbay" ara 14 Isait tisai te a itimber of Wo have Smanthtis paat placas in 5sslbhem aise daya in Milles Otario. tourong tire tvwn and gel- îlots ta hsvm what lfe in Bvh Petons, a tacler Ssuthern Onarie is al ai W. I. Dinh, trganized about. the sctsar and apselmasy Tis1ar natve ofh-- hue tiatalaphan Ba"« Lake, a sisaSBakeaite anad the air cemmaalty Iscatafilli sattiisg aimt centra efth. District ai asat Taesday, lbm Keewatjn is th North- geaup wallsad tsnug Wsta Terrile. tavîs bacoins e- a Sign erections meet approvals EASTER IS COMING and addinp color ta thea avant ta 17-yesr-old Kim Smitof Miltan. Misa Smith ta reaponsîble for thea bright Easter scene decorsting thea windowa of Harris Statiosery on Main St. The ides for tae window dressing serang inta reality whan stare employas Marilyn Smit, Kins mother, (leftt mastionefi Kim's artistic abiitias ta shop ownar Zlla Bonis. Talent cornes to life in window display Sevetees-year-old Kim Smsithr of Miltont rnoiys painting as a hobby, bt reentiy han art tovir a commercial tarot mhrotsire mas osireo to dnrorate thre wiotdows of Harris Statiootcry ot Mais St. Using a skrecb frot aa lroing irok, she painîci ber Easter scese of eickosoindiruoica. l'hc project vaste 878-3272@ 878-3208 Satunday Matn.. April 7 2 pis. COIN, COCONUTS star ng Donnia and Mare Osmond s7 à.a. 9ur.a HARDCORE starrng: George C. Scott SHOWnOME SHOWav TIMEaS:aaa F.ldîaadSaada7 m.bUp.m. Rota T'illers Many Sizas and Makes To ChaossaFrom Weed Eaters Chain Saws Lghtweight Durahia LAWN AMU GAIDEN 5Qt3lPMsT CENTUE Ceunaf Hlsian2vnaMW0.V Rd. aaallofgMMMa 88121 878»821 firsl ofvis kiond for tire Grode 12 Miltos District Higir Scirmi studeot. U.siotg sbov nase paiot, sire dilire joir reer ias with noo skrethreso tire viotdom. The lasir 1mb ir approximately seveot houes and tire artial ai- mittri sire vos satisfiei woh tejob. "I thi0k il "obsprcty god," 55e sii. Shop owner Zc5la 5oslo agrerd ad plans is bave Miss Smithr pitt a sommer sccnclo thlie near ftutre. Miss Smitb enjotys pencilsbrtcblsg and moie colora but dam aiot plan to develep a cancer n tirol field. Iostsias, she bapes to hccome a padatrician and cotnec painting as a hobby. Tira. est 'of taie ap- plications fan sign era approeaiManday hy Mil- ton Couacil. Tisa othi, tram Car- pet Crner Cearance Centra, wm rjactai ha- caus nitciest is- tanrmaties sa gves la caunl about theaigus. Csaaci sadl tcashd maka a boter decisies If anothar applicatios nbawad h. locaties efth. aiguin u relatian nlathe bauiding, oad tu. An applcationtfrom th provincial gavarnsmat toran aigu ianaiiog tIsa TriâtiaisSceaawuasap- pravai. Town barba "Thisi le lut about the must topi plane ai lagilaies la aevrcoma bera mc la my short taris as a couecilanr.' Milles Couiacarecd vith fiat asanamant by nouisciler Big Johnses en a prsposad by-law whinh mould prohabit barbai vira teaces in Miltons. The by-tav van sparbai saheaoa la esssmed industry ap- pliai laothe lewisfor permissian te use a barbai vire ftescareati ttfornscnsityremos. Deputy-cierk Rey Mais laid nounil the imdastry vas discauraged baamse It van against otlavi a- cy» haSUMMERFEST'79 TeHior5HllsArts Counr ivites Vou topartcipas r ls Summrftarn to ro pi s vo dOralaysls or dmosriors. iPlusscovplets anr u tiporton o IHalovrills AnsCouncf, P.O.Box 7, attoririls (Gorgtomvl.Onari.L7G 4TI r 1 - astablu dcve t$10.par able t'-sac tsdai $aat100 ar slc 1Ienclose m chaque madeapayableaIoHalton iIIArtsCvuvl for I SUMMERFEST PARTICIPANTSI tP emms" e wlormd tgel in touh ki Pama 877-M5. -» i The Corporation of The Town of Milton PLEASE NOTE Thee WilBe NO GARBAGE PICK-UP GOOD FRIDAY, .oApi1, 1o7 EASTER MONDAY, pd . 1979s~ Collection normaiiy Made or Good Friday miliiha madea on Thursday, April 12th siong with the usuel Thursday aras. Collection norrnaily madea on Eastar Monday miii ha made on Tuasday, Aprl 16th along with tha usoal Tuesday aras. DUE TO THE NECESSARY REARRANGEMENT 0F GARBAGE ROUTES FOR TI4ESE 2 DAYS PLEASE HAVE AIL GARBAGE OUT BV 7 A.M. .Lj. Pleassha. P. Enu.. Dkwotor of PbRe Wos k Of ie iht he ibs ngn ina atwin ilathe one danotlng the E.C. Drury Snhool, bat villego tarthar sou1h an tis ama Tii. Trilum Schaal la asinignai tanforchiliran withheaaning disabtilties. Tisa application trams K" u eiOl, Mats St. E., toran a*ni wu appnavai on the cndition Il ba ra- dacadinl bheit ram tBe praposaai14 tcet tlatBe three matra. pcrmlttad in the psaad sgn by-law. Tise application tramo Mcnsnald'n Restaurant la lnsc e higbt oet thire iga by 10 tact la i00 tcctvwas appeavad dsplts a saef racamiendation tthBe ontrary. Ia th. application, tBe restauant etithBe extra 10 tact woud attrant marceimotoriste on igb- way 401. Causcil tait a ilS-0ti sign isat golag la bo asy worsethon a 5-toal sîgi. farmns Inuit memories Why flot stan by having your fav- ourte chair or sofa r.uphohlt.d ' b>' our skied crftmen. S CALL TODAY FOR A FRESIMATE 878-9094 mtn U-phoutm 76181..l.sAwuo mmse si0 s *FERTIUIZER SPREADERS* M ~A super heavy duty modal 1 5 assembly needed. * SAVE 5a-$34U9 * Rg.39" I OCLUN!SPEADER 18" DROP TYPE 24" DfOP TYPE Copletely assemblafi Completely assambled Compieteiy assemWlaf * SAVE SAVE SAVE - "50u $500 8500 I~ ~~W 123.99~122 $2 920989 7$H9q $12 I IAL CLEARANCE O iROOTED CUT11NGS IRg. to65s each SALE PRICED q I4 sc' 5 L Fll0srs 2 9 Cch IFRIEE 5011 TESTI Ordulao Oaih ssaoivBY SHALIN KHGSLA Grauat ofGueph nèvrsii -Brisa Vour Sali Samplaa 1% csp>. Have Soli I AnalyzafiWh0a You W&it. Saturdoy, Apr1 7 -10&a.m.-S p.m. S.C.U. Based fartilizer has time released Nitogn o gee gas fat tenkeap it that WaY 41bbag20. 44055t5-ea00.t.o M fflmaW Seg. 1$ 4 1 SAEg.1 AI pucas inthIis ad inn ailacl sf11 Aprill8. le cilmatlsi. uns5sfalstsg ae wuala ailislifor esrlp Ons Wa*uday, tis a. t h18Mrnc - aaathaa t. Tuay BMW mUNe s¶W 1 D& haienh.ts ".ikaUm'ingcla mscli-- s tivltios, saiS complâe th. ex- vils Umam Kablaisia sulmitatisa la a tarewelishaiges nApril se0sahan (Isait mord for wehite dance. tbcy teave for Baker man) bosts Tire tiogiri frvm Tvrvnto Lake. They mi returo The groop entiso Tor- Interational Airpo Apr. 30 onto, Tisarsday le riait Scec etrEtn$5 Million plant etb pina sotwreat. e , . n laarned about farmings a tiiay vlatad a isanhar ef lalaisiPubishlsg Ca. Liai, 1hls s.ssmsa' Iacai feame. a he paret cmpaay, Ou a saounami planfoaa$5mI = atopped ofaisostisaoanflie lman printhysplut acialts on Welt. PenyaliClurcb faoriniRd. InaMinimaupg. iescA A31,00isquare test plant cantainng aniil-unt Gena adau mySan d ay UrbaNitepre mia il!hcontrucWtis18yuar. RtuilI h faeopin n t daitiN la h. an igia almiplant saiicisapousai in th Bets. ;.»tamih 0,Mcasqar eaffineraapaeand tsple leev a e turanleingpnmai. S akreLbo bacam fa Tiesitapy swin na pristisg plead m ecsis- spacla sports avan it prose la Anisa- 1he faclllty fcammnly osasml iy iana. Tisa ramaloir ian 0115Piintig amd puirSans Ce. Lii. Teblis gia, valceaiTarants Mapla ActanisiGeangetownispaparsabic is tasdp-Arc-aao Leata dateaaMinsta ftram 1he.DbOtmiaBns aNavunmeai M5aielia Nanthit tars &2a-s t he prntedlIn the Aclan plant,, saluatheliaMugaplant Gadniaa banls 1h s1herIl talasnd sasfpeap a dyan- tstniay, h. grmp titgtlyan. iseandd ba su m John Sasian, laanda chiai spmatisg attloar,aid heatida eNisgana Fil,.tisa aspa"inlanvi ~atst1h.ecanPMs's ab~ta.Of On the way back, they plisig pressacapacity. "Waraelaraiag iasansamrk," alappai ffai ticnn a