Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Apr 1979, C, p. 1

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-. I, ...o S DAY, ARc L 4, l979 THIRD SECTION -FEATURES 'Putting your best foot forward'e T he woman behind. the man fostor'5 Note:y Tbe dangers of the police profession are welI known and fre- quently the subjeet of news stories. But wbat of the wite snd family behind the policeman? They too, J'b must contend witb the fears assoctsted with the particular trade. Police sift schodules are often bard on fsmily life snd a wifet must look after msny of the home problema on ber own. Tbe following are interviews witb wives of Halton Rogional Police officers. The names of the women and their busbandu are cbsnged ta protect their privscy. Everytbing else is true. Bp LUnda tUt-bp careal luadjool bu paître houes. Itus midulgbt and ilie end ol a shit tue 'vosa eeatp lavenosuclite about il. If police Sgt. Tom Wllamo. pou lune pose boubasd, pua adjoaltouI.' Sut a fatal cae crash a8111 p.m. lias leftl Ulilie offie jolis, il la rare for a police- hl h o tuifptsg ltse parensofu a man lu cone homnesud discrus lits day da 6-arogIrl. sitE lits site. Wtb anocher ronstable, hl i illathe A oucide, tatalilp or bac ftghl lus ot parenta, thes headu burE lu tbe paître dtccee tale coneesation. And pet, il lu cul statonlu cumplele reporta. alsapu casy tue thc policemsc lu limli Il's toue a.m. sbec lirceliuhome. ia obis lumitp etotheaslhec lie sheds bis Hi we, Faces, l fat teep. She uotlesq mtclied teicclios, saiticg lue hlm, but "Alot oultimes, umîlyprpebteu gel fiaattp mcd ltu bed. oegtecled hecaume a polcemac denotes so btarried 14 pears, Fraccea accepta the macb lime lu isteicg lu ailier peopes tari ihere are maup imes shens ole peutemo ad ou oong lliem," coptaicu dues't kboum sherelier husliaud toue mhal Christine. lic la icg "la ccata loah atter a loi ut tbe lttle Ttsreaie ecougli occasions mheo lie lumîlp prohiemo ut hume sithout hother- cames hume toue bout-s tate or nul ai al. iog hlm." There are the misscd partieu, ratAdbi- "YVuavune verp uel-surrtticiug tuor sers sud trips lu the sbaliug club milie the jo," she sîcescd. 'If pou copeel Imu ous iiaul Dad. tiiîgo lu ho 50-bu ilE pour huhocd, tuegel A 17-eur neleras ut the allau Reglouai t I, liecuo e s oul ho there 50 pee cecInt s Police force, Sgt. Wlliama hac opeol the te lime" -. I 4%, majorlty uft Ilise pears ta the paleal eue, The celîliesofu police sorli lane ual lefi t surkisg tbe aiuc shits. her esea uifuj tihe joli, solie ul.<4m Frauces irul met ber hubaud shensahe "Geutt tonea bis joli. und hecause lie sas 17, saut alter lie lad joiued the fluer mach.s iok, he quailp u et i "Sa rtgblt ram day one. I erurd tla entcui o me lits e lime accepi tic sliftsl. t1licesihut wsaie sap pu thmeobie. il sas gotug lu h." At otie lime cn bis poice rureer, GOcff liat learicg lu deal stili the enerteftth le force ta gî it buinessloasruehlm clasgicgubittt- cumiced ilb anerîlme self. The resli mas disaier, accordîug la houes and cus ur- a cul lsapueasy bita ite. she aditsi ' "Ilsas a cegular job, bc sas home Beîug a polcemau's site meaus pîeuîp eenulgo und eeieuds anc liesuab- ueeniagu as wmdl us dupe bp accu self otlelp miserabe"- I fuud houme mre rolmaeIfd i Il bla happy sîlh police mach, 1 Ilu 'l fourni when we were firsi married, il adjosi lu i.- ç -,onlW î l - eiu a cop demsca mre lbac a sur- fe mw iSscd tl ugta mal amoulutf ime und ecergp Tuo ea tac' pstt'd ee cuapes serass goal cap, il cequices a particular degree ut Ue tt-set wueblsg tn the gast- Adiratîoc liai frequeollptudesuapos den tagetersorgsisguoff sbup aluîIlle. ptgtogetbee,*' SbontBlake 37. bau heec murcied 17 peaca lu hec poier uregeuni husbaod. sas easy ta hocome hored sii tb ing to Iis dedictian ta the job bus meaul hord sus a goal ftller." du. tuesoliesautd. Tmes hase impronedi, cuid Suuc, liai ie suleaeeuliaale gualusea er - olmiutauloîoflmacothle poatob lime. bbhes bwer hubanbo hotc iejiued berself and her lioîbaud. lu addition u tari urî tc ecr rechlîd- the force anud stleed a change ilb the "The bout copo are cul almups the boul reu. shelahkaunilie chullieuge ai o prt- job luibecu or famîlp persans," olie saîd. ime job. "] bes hlm bore be sas a cap, shen 'l hune aficu thooglil a goal rap should 'Psu ers aga, she arceed a c bc liad mach mare rauliaus. Me gui acgcp, uîup singe. ordicaliug posiion sîlb ber teenuge buppy. ul iaicelie becume a cap, lei luail Just au policemen areepi the dangers ut daugliers cumpeliiîe som teus cap. He lias coitrled feeliugs uud is nerp y _______________ liat no malie bum one attempts o lkleep ncl-disrîpticed. liap ad lapp, ioreareaîîî mmeua a I" adumire bal bcauue tihul s pari ut lis -I sosld coi allus myselitol frustration mIithithe police shit adaîtird job, but thece itoutou a persac luside ufttul tbttsb about ait the daugers be mosl ines.poicma."-faced, otberste1 oldihave Tmeclp-sio-peae-uld Chitinîe bmytbe The molher ufthlree childrecu, sh ad- gose basasus." uaallp speudo Chrîstmans illi ler ls iîatled ithe prollem gres tuthle eteci tbe - illiaulber hmsbaud. coopte ntsiled o suciolagistino au effor ur a iir johu, su the mînea muai deut mîlli il bas liecome a mater ai, sbnuld se gel belp. iheir privaue leurs. keep sumethiog mura lu the ovnuflue is, "flic ebîldrecu eeult peuple ta Eîm. He There o cno place lac a maman ta dmeil mbeu ho gels off at idtutb?" allea iceuied tliem as a membrof uthile o a mulmîgl or could huppen lobher lias Tbe mollier ai a lliree-aud-a-hall peur- publie and il gui la the pout mbere bc baud ilie lice ai dolp. utd. sbe is espertug lier secouaI chld. nticed il ton. CUlirîolîe's hubaud ai one tise sut-led Married six peurs tla opoliceman, abe "Il opoci hîm, becausse he iboaght le 0inle "gucr" whbteservnug mîithithe Maplehurst resident seeks as commercial artist-cartoonist As u commercial r is tit, Jobn Laîbus las a Att bu needa tsa greul ftuce uheud ut cbance. THtIS SELF-PORTRAIT of John Latbam includea an odd-looking character, Thse UitIle fellow defies description except ta say It la bis "trademark' lu Jue e li ml bere- teused iras the Muple- bord Aduli Training C'entre, slicre lie bau bren sinerMap ut 17- doîug ime lac armcd robhocp Ai Muplehurel, lielias reuliued lie cas make macep lip dolug samehîug Ihut juI( cames nuurullp lu hlm. Inve been dtasiug ali the ime. Ine eer hud unp greal uumbition la ho acueloociol. Oolp re- ceeullp lane I hegulu reallue I eau make mucep rum i," lie satd. Me.Ltlium sas hors 20 peurs ugo lu Stratturd, oadsilli las frieudu and tamîlpl ile Straturd- Londoncra e lias sent moul t fho rîsorb home te pre- paration for is release. "l'm cul prirular about shere I go lu gel a joli. Id lt lutee Slraifurd-Louduu ares liecamse ibatu sbere l'm trum and 1 liane trieudo ibere. "Id like lu lerome a cartostt. It seemu lu o a joli Id ho god a.' Cartons core n umany différent forie. irli fors old lic lie hosi' "l'd pefetludu single- panel cartoons ctlser lliac coalu siripo. Il cost lolutfmuuep lu get a strtp tarled -' Me uaid b e uner bad marhinitereut lu pliticu, so be souldul swauttaio edilurlul-poge cartons tue cewspapers as mach au ullier rartoons. "Id ho more it thle ippe ut cartoon yu'd tiud cn Plaphop magazine. "l'oc sent mme drus- luge lu Playhop, liupiug llie'd gel publiubed. Tliere'u sometbtug ahout Playhop Iliat appealu lu me. Il's cultlie puedt respectable.YVus boum sliat 1I meau?" Wieu les s ol drasicg, Me. Lalliam 1km W oread. "OcnIlie ureel, I resda lt o non-fiction, list cas, lIlI read auytbiug. 'I also lise istorp, prticslarlp tbe Britishi Empire and Ilie Victriau Era. Tbhere mas surb a leemeudous narlety o cultures hock Ilicu. "Tbere sas a strocg udereasrent Ues. Like, Ou thc Surface, tbep sers ail peupor sud recper- table,,but artaallp tbep meet, pou kboom? Melea Torotopolicefluce. "Tliep suigclc te ra ll iasole lask wsu ancser gun catis. aiber lac baeiop." rapai " luadmitlsae eedtdeuîlisbenî1 "*1cun'ttbîinbuofaop ibaugbt about il." nuaidCbhritie."laiBut o bwhrr bey at-e nu close. si deleueseclaiuosaa otiiofhilbts 'l1amgudlics at-eut dcîuîng itua croiser on ebisg in tbe hulaatlicyreball oat il staion.-agreed Cbeîistîne. Mec airsare confbrard bp lie opîniana Whiter nuny oatbrcati ai ofaibera duor un potice rktîriab Fruoces atd, "i boas bece are tbacs tbrr lSibe need tathi shen lie bau ta go dusn o ducli ultra 'l'u A traditta ur aatatab jouibhanc t avure econfbdecein bis poetp"joat turt'hie gupu. ilial liccun du lia job mîiaut gettîug "bl'suteapseaaî)n, bort " Juoantane. aileofaI a bbc cecula onîs une tndent mbere alir Patteenruale, reulipli Moo.erbhusbuud ws uuetnmu "The laytsecda.abhou euearcrash shite nn doiy. tlthabp." Whuua ficee aecîeduîîbie daaratj3 "Tbep saut tu th uta us m.hrsuaslihisuand ddn'tcuvenbaao denusuadgeitouctaoftt - ta mlial ealeoîlie wsainjurrît.sibe saîd. Trahfir latulîtîrsanud gr Mostofltai ib esîna îue c rît ia lie nut ulseaso a au c 1 kuamledgebu atpocesuel mubes oa a thb unique caseuess eu buth e f'ls. ousupliheur tbesn future cratiln>yslnd - be udded, tuughîng, :"Tbe anIs troube ia, sy micA's ptritty e Arcot. "Luiely i'a bren uhuogîug lbaugb Muai ai the sousiredeusîngn are my older surlia" "As ltara sp ypersoa[u site ia rouerrord, i dault eeull pattiern apsel aller aupour, utihougli Iliere ta a sîmîlueîlp hoiseeu me and Russell Myea t licosMHildaut "Mp peesonaufavorite isluer Otboi lcils. Me's thie gop sha At-usathe Freali licthers, uod sonme alaîl lue Nationul Lampoan. 'i"Iatîbie Watt Kelly t Pugut Tbere'a a lai ai detuill itas on amone ut lita cuartos are Dues ihut cîun lie dues'lecouoîder cartoon- tcg a lors of art? "No, i duel rcousîder crlaîung aun. Il's tao cimlape.Il Aesul creallp lnine a loi ai morli lue me"- Me, Luihanuud be ha giord ame idca ut lth cruiuep lirilatu bp rrudtug ithe suehu ut Arthur Couac Doyle oa Cliarles Dickens. ie ecudiug as arts us asource o nspiratio "Fil ceud a bokund gel tuspîred la drus ubruces. l'Il drus cliaructere tram bhoukaslp M. P.Lonecratt ut TaI. A qoîcli glauce ai bis isurl hoes ibis oui. There te a truug blul ut uplessautuesluinlte drustuge. Maup uft ilic ace ut noteru and smmc sceeues liane enti ner- toues. "Dcusîug sometliug likEr bat helpa gel ithe tensiîn outiils icue a lut uftihe drawstge ursu sba pou old ral 'happy', bliai'e liard lu ho opimistite lujil. "Ive alws lecu kicd ai a epute. Muplie mp drastuge refleci iliat. "l'm sol reallp ino stitl lites and lauducapes, I1 le odram stt Ibtates Feature by Peter Mil/s in blue about somnetbttg perfetrutt utl, but tli tut because the> are taboma "Itheadoiittlaugb btey 'aîtt crackbop.- cottnued Lyotn At2b3. setu a eotta'ed zutttroputing bier first baby. Shebueweuh buaband asapolicemaa tac a ctoupte of yercaprtur Ita heu' mue niage and upeobtttbrauseaaatted paltce ie Mostuuaitettitectveedatîmîtedtt i commun foc tbem ta be queattttnett ut o au tbcv are 'ecagotzeelas police-ataca ' "Wbe esttaece maccedt 1coutîoît Sgo ttt a parts aittbut utamebady buttan- I aluuyc gou sioenson the las, lu an rouctdered au aautîou onait police mst- tee,.' bobong me Iotael] me about a ttcbet bhe, gui,' 'Cittne uatd busntloburd a atm toc probtrttî a a le part lbme tffbcetub, Attbaugb tbe cutmmentu dto tut aftect bier soeb. sibe odmittedit dut attt betp lber attittude. "Itgot barettatbtth lnitttabtgtai)beniu asa pecaun, atorttasuat.riu, aa Tbece arr tra prabtems a ttb abidre orcepuong (bereatbecu tuie out utt c cocdtog ta thbe a t eo "Cbîtd adjuatmeat f)thebu 'aagîag shbftta andbtastype utttobttrprndtupuuuttuc,,- adjootmeot.' satd Ch'bttne beesavuag daugtrcta(,linpîa8an obneantad geta ott attdntgbt shbftt bbc '"tucbnbtmtbbed ubenbecumneubome abe uaîd, ti sall t ey Ihavervru e non abut il.t "t' Fanceaut ber-t brrr ublderu "'e buuuaourettraand i teîb r aae t, ttne I tctttut' adertand t.adecuîaadtng andatpprcctattan ut tbe presaucea tnoaednpolicî.aucbarerthe esenaut ugcedrntu for a bapp> nr ra g e , te s t îtte d t b e w v s Breoemanaeandabtigbrateal divoaceetue potlrretea aecomu'naa tatittca abua. "liecauofthe shifs.atiuteuoar umne aod curut apperacacr. tbeccar plet of otppartunitien tan a cop ta ee ,ttbr rlst< uated tyon ndcntyuaonracb bAs elthbcrae tbetcuquent prapauî aned Feancesu bons.accardmngtI a ce, atber protrusion 'arabau ald me. libctag uttt attta Pa gi-t 1tua)ostttudruua tegutanr aurs. becouar soua basta ter earb tber. ')lau bu c tauaveaîsut(ttru. tii tempt fb'suuthtbc AnA btabeu naancages atee at atuavs o tbey arr bame. duc ta btheuanderrtg hubabnd.ube addi domatffpresaure "he'bhiftt îuk abbauotututdoaatîbtt alfto tsa o matbts Tberm'venget bcedand sîact ltubng fi,, uuaîtbtg or stmoe TheYdon't uamtut "euptaed Lnnuspead s'i"tIt u t(,e ju* MotIon RegtoatBecuaue uttbe nature ut Poi-tir e. ortpouf,.drinbad ettfctt berptbebhomeo'abapps placeru botcetinmr- ou ta cuo tab o eep ýuueafria tete u5temu bo frppter leur: býa eonusdoa t, 'rdeptea- rusls droaare sn iutosad i os' att ptlicemntuîdeatcone bornetîmore prerts*aiodivnil "'lau baur ta truat bi"t antiel1ýpi polbce, tugbtog youucbrut touat orato JOHN LATHAM'S ARTISTRY îs sE ils best sehen iEta draming cartoon charactors or figures he bas imslgined in bis mmnd, Most of bis inspiration cames from books he reads. Here, ho draws a self- portrait. VOLUME 118 - NUMliER 49 w E MILTON. ONTARIO wrnNrý;n,&v apnii

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