Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Mar 1979, C, p. 1

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fOUE 118 NfUBER 47 MI LTON, ONTARIO, WEONESDAY, MARCH 21, 1979 THE COUNTY COURT HOUSE, bult in 18g54, and the Joli additioa sigificace, sittiag toa oae ide of about the raly saral toma, of 1877, are impressive remiaders of how mel the fathers of the grassed urbaa square ta Qtaria. Curreatly owaed by the Regioa County bult. Architeet Anthony Adsmsoa of the Heritage Founda- of Haltonanad uaused, the buildiags amait the political resolutioa ion lias raid the buildings have proviacial architectural of their future. Ti VE Slen ce By Jine Dilir New life and usefuinear ts betng aought for a historic landmark mhtch ta houad up in the hirtory of couaty aad toma. The Couaty Court H'ouse, a praducitiof the nem Couaty of Haltoa ta 1854, carved frone the rturdy limeetoae of the amen, aad rite of 125 yeara of colorful httory, rita vacaat today with perbapa time ta broad oa the geaerstions il aerved aad the eveats il sheltered. le the peiticals- turbulent, pre-Confederattoan ni 1M571the Caunais-oaiHaltan, ar a repacate anitiai gnveremeel emerged. and wmil ithe Caunais-Coart Hante and Jaii, hauit ta Mlton aitishe drectonai Partiament. Tise sepralîre of ainrae, Tise meters HorIon tram Wnnlmortkh i ar mas clear iss-tise Counets aeme ta have inclasoinofaaleoglhs-art- heer amîrahîn, bti1etIe e îgned "Trafalgar" designatan of Milon asaned daled in 1852,. miste the Contty Tome and sire oapparlnd Branle as the nf the receesars- Coonts- Coants-Toma. buildings mas more con- Branles odeariagru troversiat îancloded ils ceairaI loca- Il mas- ha safels- as- ion an the eahoaad" t snmed tiai John Whiste, kad ater piamer and one MPP, mitk inînceoto te et the hart khars o Miton, ar emponsisîn Lake Ontarta. for tise deigeation miicis "What an abssardîts- h isnd aiea heen nogresivels- aspect tise îahahtaots of sorgis iss- akietle and 19e seveor igisi vllages Branle. orar tise frort ise- Perisapo ihere is same oshore) and al tise ranta rransinlthe fact tiat nom the roants- a large tise nnm engrenai head- majorîts-et tise mkolî qatrscesrta tise ceanty-la go altogether resets-bialdings,. souat ai the may ai aiser iocated close toBrantr bsnesso tansc A muter meteriteTme ltile coanis- kusîness ai Globe ai April 6, 1&94. Milter, avilage mihue raid: "Naitappearota ans-o telîcalaral adeae- as, ls the iabisansofattise tager for a ttoactisis1 Caunais-oe Haltea, tiai tome and mich con er thre mslieaagreat lheanstkghaut anob- deal ai chteelliog giag an ssce intand village. tenlise moirer ai maiig Bt tise desîgratton of Milan lise Caoly Toma Miltoamas contîcmed il and ikai ose membistean "Art ta repacate the acceerory latiste ConisotHahaei ram the THIRO SECTION -FEATURES 18 Coeefy of Wennorth" approi'ed in Jane 1853. j Wkeo the fkrot Front-1 stont Counocitfor thet Coaoty met in Jaiy 1853, theycrecogied theoneed for buidings, eeting a tkey wece tho n oan In inMiltron.Tthe by-lt raton fnndsiforthtekauild- iogs rnceived anorediate1 attention. Totiay'r Cort Honte,i sohicit taods faciogi acos rome St. tu Vic- forta Park ir Mton. mas the reaitt of thorej deiherationsr The Gfobe ai March 23, 1854 telts as ikat aie perporatîonoot ptans, the coectli contractetfinittt Mr. Kerney of Hamitttn ta bud a Coart Honte and Jaît f or the Coty ai Hator at Miton ...Te mark atilhocerecateif dsrîog the eoraiog And the represeeta- ices ai ikat fi rt connty coanicttkneîsa'hat tey a'ece aîtdîng. "Thehaitding isto e lin the Anga Norton styte and bitiaif free tone et mtoch there ta an akand- acinth1e vîcînîty. The site setected ir a foar- acre lot, nth1e sosaih nest quarter ai the toma pre- senteit for t9e prposekby Me. Farter, The tarbutent paiticat timer are relected ta the bltalty potitl eais pa per of the day. The Globe and ils omeer. George arome, mere rtroeg critissoaithe focal MPP John White and hir association mth COMPLETED IN 1955, the original Court Hause butît by the aew County of Haltoa, presented a impresaive, olid appearace. la 1877 a jail and yard ta the aorth tf this buildiag mas sdded aad remains trday. LOOKING ACROSS THE present Victoria Park, this 1915 post card indicates the yauag trees and the commuaity band stand that mas the site of concerta. la the background the Couaty Buildings are evident. AN IMPRESSIVE but unuaed toer mas removed frone the 1877 jail section in 1954. SPORTS WERE PLAYED on the Couty Square. Tenis is seen but cricket mas lgy ed here in 1857 and on the Quee's Birthday fireworks ere set off here in the rame year. mhe tomo nom omos this park. THE ORIGINAL COUNTY SQUARE, a four acre gift Couaty Court Hause ad Jail are evideat mith the of Hugh Farter in 1854, is seen in this serial vl'ew small 1915 Regitry Office ta the ide. The parking lot, taken bfore the removal of thse Brown St. arena. At which accammoatea the Formera Market is ta the the bottom of the photo is Bell St. illi Hugh at the top, top left tof the toa block "square". Mary St. is on the left snd King St. on the riglit. mhe AitcOph" nth- Ofil- ofThoC..5I.ioadaeian9n seoThtn tas(7-1 HOea.. the rnaienti5eîOleit nnttnt5o, 5teebafi n tn liaset f- e oCoolieltenihttno mrrec.ese e te tese.fmelThoc..Oneanten. 15e Tenalise Ol.Theiv vent loe ndt he.5 Halietnint n toin se J. 540. mcc pebinte, ef Th. elnmeenna.dnnei.td t. Mllitrol soete ty.r 54 William Lyon Macksenzie. As 1854 more on, George K Chinkotnel af Oisite kecame t9e connty potiti- cal apponent. John Whte, ffended ky an article ta Tise Olah-e, lannched a lihet sait againsi George Brome. The sait came fa triai aitishe Hamilton Fait Aortzes and lengthy evi- dence reflected tise polift- cal kattlîng Tise jury mas neakie ta rentder a dm1i rive verdict 9sf 19e lnoga age and accntationssai poîttical knarery wr plentîf aI. The nedar ai the paIie- cal meetings ir hesf ce- ilected en a reporf on one front t9e Hamilton Spec- iter of Jnly i2. 1854, itseif non thuakîs. "Derpite the heat of the meatieranedfsrmer b- ieg ta the middle of hay harvesi. t9e cremd massor greaf thal every rnmin Mr. Thompeono Inn 'Mil- toeîn)eacromded ...fr. Chishoînt spolise for about lhree hoars daralion mhtch as lstened te mth hrea19ieos attention escepf mhen if mas inte- rapted ky cheere." Added tai thal John Whte epokie for about l'o hauss John White tort tisai eeton te 1854 haten1055 Tise Ballon Joarnal mas haro ta Miter, a treeg sapporter af Mr.ShrtIe. Bot h ere oh jectsofa con- tînung crificismby Mr. Chîshoîintand hir honte tome Oakville Setteel, as mefl as The Globe and Tise Speclalor. By tiecenther af 155. atre Caanly Coancil apprnsed tise fintl pas- -ment ta Michael lieney for the huitding niflise Canr Hene and Jail. Tenders ere ketng catled hy May ai 105. hamever, for an addition ta the Caurt Hanse and ereclion of a Regîsiry-O0f lice. The Canr Honte addi- tionsrseemed tohierelted la the lat]. The Gevernor ofet 19e ltas sene nder publte crîtîctent hecante a prîsoner had placed are aI 19e planis e hetg nsed tneconstracion, frointthe top ai tise pompitise top of1thefence and rcarrted ap il la freedontcrs tise mal mhe Regisirs- Office, de- sîgoed hy archîlecis Csmberland and Sarm of Taronto, arknditîin 1857 and replaced by 19e building mkîck nomce- main tee 19 ofathai1e Court Hanse ite1tais mhe îaîl and yard mas lis akect onia maiorexe- pansian ta 1877 mhe Canrt Homse kas sa nmacho ai ie iefa 19e coants- and tome. Coants- Coancîls met teree.caet proceedings attracted cromdr. Knoax Cknrch Milton keld ils tien services ihere anail ils oroctaney mas hill on Mactio SIU.19e Mtoln Merisanice lenstîtate and Lirary held lecures there fhroaghoal tise irter renomns.The fkeot Mil tee Cauncil held meet- ings there te 1057, peine la reettrg space dometame and Iterhaiding 19e tome hall. Plirtîcat meetînge ni saris intersty andrivairy tas tormaise iodaysee Iranqail. mere iseld there asmwereetctory celeisea- lions and counrfers ment- ings et ctreens. Tise Cauntsetiree hangnge tinsnM, 1862 and 18W03 mesietd inte ta Caunts-Square. Os 19e Counnîs-Square, eamed Victoria Parkin f10mier tisehandtard a mas hat, 19cm ias heer j at.lt fcmmnnity acîr_ le Marris rua9Tne Ciampionerepertei tisai _Cnnrt Hasen square, foe mary yenrs aflnmed ta re- main unfeeced and anise proved, t is at Irise plarled mith treu and latd ot an a paris iss-t1e cauntots nei.' But meli iefore IlmI, te Mas- 1857, the Quee's iirthdas- wu neleiseateif 1ere. "Tiene was a SdI- (Contned m Pg. C2t VULUMC 1 10, INU-. N 1 s le ýh le Cs le 'n to of es e- of ge de er er a at 'ut il- ng er à- of ,n he he

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