Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Mar 1979, p. 3

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DWnce crowd topýs 300 By Lioda Krby tee member Ed Stemart It as iket> 0he big Ibere oece 'sery f ttle" gest Ies tance boIt in prohiemo aisociaiet wilh Mîtun. 1he tance. Oi aatsrday evenisg, anverat Optimist ment- oser 325 yotbt tarneil hrs n attendance ai the ot in force 10 attend the dance exprooaed admira- first socal eveni spos- tinfor the hehavior of aroil by tan Milon Cnes- tae ieos Mr. Sewar eitsee for Youth ai then id. Milion Dpiieist Cub Prior to the dance, con- hal. cern as expreoseil by 11 couldi't heieve il" commiitee eembers for mas the eacion of Cnes- the brand nom $ milioen eitee organiser Rose comptes. Harrison. "fi really esi jui "It aa a reeosa saper" aaid M. Sewart tucces," sho said and priudly. added the coesesite On Admlsaaio s o1i pr onm n the eidai if set- person i16 the resudt, tilg date for a future the esontt-old commitee dance. nm bas OiSiO lits same. "Everyons lavlog ai Accrdlag in Mc. the end ni tan eveniog Harriaon, the money mutl masaotiigmhenisathe lyhoe d for puhts' nsi dance." ciy expenaes n iho fu- Tom norganseor John ture, oea livnhband, or ter Bennet admiiied hoe as recrealinoat needs for a surprioed î with the es- plaoaed ota drap-On Ponge. centre. Alnng ita imn 01e OToe organsation cest- hlgb chout &lend, the pisedi nteresteil service trio spent îlme. ptealag club members. parente, posiern in adverlse the tens and aller ndi- evenl tarnsghou tan vlduala. Il mos frmeil tsms. but taey ere oui receatiy in as effort 10 prepared for the ceomil establOnbt a permanent ta came ou. sehedile of tees actili- -Il as god" sald 13- ies inlodlag a youta yor-nid Tressa Lirett. drap-On centre. She atrbuiod the cromd 56e group meess in gond essic and the Tbrnday eveisg ai Ml- taci tom danoms are beld ion Tmn Hall ai 7.30 n Milon. p.m. in diseue 1e dance Accoedlng to commit- and fture plans. Woman escapes serlous injury A 25-ear-olil Milon Saiha, if 23 Drry Rd. oman eacaped snoius mas souta boasd oni isise> latte Saiseday Eigbl Lie, mhon an u- oveolsg atOe losng cas- bnon ncrt bon car lei of the car sho as trcedl tan Saliba sehicte driviag and nmasiog n- inn a alr ileil diicb. io a dicb cainert. Police istimaloil $1,000 Accrdiig 10, Hai damage On tan 192 Va- leionssi Plice, Barbara jot. T.M. introduction offered at ibrary Isiorented transcen- uini. dental eeditoiion ei- "We fet tbere is a eai Ibuists are invined ta need in Multins," ns- atsoad ea ntrodsstacp plaiseth1e grasyss sesaion et Mitn pubiic spobesman, Fend Prncb. Libres> Tesday oron- To begii ai e p. the ig, Ma. 13. esent mili discosa the beneits oth1e prngram fie Hamilton T.M. bie sait. Centre ns ntterisg a fret, Intnenîntd indiviuals intrnduciaey sesalas in eekiig friber informa- an ateespin encourage fioni are anteto co ntact individue On coesidr te Hamiloni TM. Cen- tbe besoits nf medita- re ai 52-44. Animal hospital vetoed A proposa for an ani-d mai opitai. nterioaryp chiet and boarding ken- l nel as larnnddotamib> Milon Couiril ai lis meeting Monda> nigbi. Tie application by Dr. Janet Waltero On tre a pareel of land ai 1e corner of Trafalgar Rd. aid Loer Base Liae in a cternary choie mou seod becausanothea namber of residoaces n the rea. Svral peope bad objeted. Dr. Watlrs ad made seserat atiempts tOnre- note the objetions. S6e acot a Marcb 15 Set meets for seniors Bruce Senior Cithoens Apeelments tenns' ctub met recentli>aid agreod 15oange the dates o regular businssm meet- ings aid social esenisgs. Il as agreed 10 bntd meetings on te ist Frida> o esch mnnb aid soials the tlining Tsesdays, strtig Marcb 2. NrmIenfants Jios Hop- kins and Jios Jelli miro- ducdthtemselves. Front- den BilI Haler coi- dcteth0e meeting, assistnd 6> serretor> Florence Lamnt and treesarer Mr. J. Pitober. Tmeniy-lmo allendnd View lamb care films By Joseph Wedes Jr. The second meeing of the Hatin 4-H Sbeep Cab as hntd Fnb. 21 i te Ontario Miistry of Agriclure and Foad office in Milton. Pepy Weeten strtot the meeting. Fise people ere nm- totet for tae poitioen of secretory and Rth Gillies of Mitoanas eierted. Rta so the daugliier of M. Evlyn the Halbin 4-H club leaders' coimsil for 107. deadline becaue tbe parcbane of land mold lapse. GOT IT! Eight-year-old Lisa Hobbs bobbed this donut around for some time before she finally managed to get her teeth into it. Thse donut-eating contest was among several competitions run at St. Peters School Friday afternoon during the sciools first snow carnival. Smelly gas traced to diesel fuel dumnp Diesel furt dumped th1e> tîd ml knoo hoo il dnmn a Lrse Scots Dr. occard. stocm snoer caused some Acerdng t0o 'orhs mrry for area resideits dreor JoePilua he oser tho e eesd. probtern is common. mndi- The Milon Firee iduasosflen cbange tbeir Deprment ai cllet to car oit and dump the 16e area Oalurday aller presînan oit. or sne bnmnnmsers esesplainetimes a canofutotd poit nftagaseossmett. îslolthesemer,.hesaîd. The imell oas gacet -If lu not a serions mal- on diesel fuet poured its ter," 6e said, adding 16e a îlnrm seoer. fuel oould 6e oetl diluted Botb the Milton Fiee ini the storm seerowater, Deparîment an o wd 000 Il oas a mater of orbi departmeil saîd oposîng up 16e manhotes 12 boxes smashed A maithos smashîng their puts aloof Fourlh spreehf 12 local 1,1e norlh nI Sieeles Ave. homeonsen oh ate Suntayoîighî damaged hases Monda> The maithases oeee monnîg. eh li>ig on 1he roadsîdr, Accrdîsg lu Halbi accuetîng lu police Regional Police, a doeî Police saîd 1e> suspect boses oece kichot off youlhs are responsible TRAFALGAR'S Spring Thaw Specials 1977 Ford Chatomu Wagon - Loaded chaie AMFMO 00rak fnoad bo eui o nereal en, die 18,000 mles,ooy, mny or asioo igMhlntrs Lbe 508034l OnIy $7,4951 1976 Ford F400- 18'Van Body 330 V-.5speed riîosoon. dulgositanks - A GREAT MONEY MAKER Le 0034207 O y $ ,9 5 1975 Gran Tonno 4-Door V8toa iowermostioîIeOEakes, adobody si in gs, o ad defostr orii nal miî lels. 1,0 MKI.446 OnIy $2,6941 1976 Gran Fury Brougham 2-Door v8 automaoi, pomol olooinga bokes, wn comoio sains,0 00 speaknr, i oyl top opera0 ndom, rado, plus o015rextas no n ir coiioninononlydîie45,000iles.Lin EKMH 118. OnIy $3,884! AS ISSPECIAL 1973 Ford %/2Ton Custom Pick-up Eent vuOneotoOi101000m1011,C49738 wiTM CAP $1 ,695 OWITHOUT CP $1 ,2951 &WHEREVER YOU UVE - urS ONLY A SHORT nu n es OIlCigmu aT ai ivimnUiO" 10 alo 1e semer In reatbe. 6he eplainet. NVew tenants welcomed with pot Iuck supper Wjit te 29 newwaits in The hatter tarts, cao- calorie intake Ibis tho PineSt. wmus of tard tortn, apple pies. cîooih- meutd aoay trace Seniors Apart. joulies. grapen, rich spire fater ihao the sroo nents rapidfy heing cake andîcmuff-in atîîî -,i,rI l- îIlard, occupiet, lo Il the r d ,oiîi !îiý,, n I ý t Si tcomees-, Vera rsltst r eniipIhîiî 1,1Illg Miainny co-hosted a pot"T an co t ue lu* sappeir tenweicome I i 1 C f the "sewcnoern" on 1sesday, Fnb. 90. Fort>- tour hangry guetisa t c nwerey la pr wa an dealway 10 Conflicting municipal 1Commerce. a beat the "Fehruary 6>-taon, some datiîg lThi-, oit! E dose mîth a blaho". Everybody liai hack 10 1933, wîiI 6bere- %i ru In repealing pitcheil in o mates the poated and co-ordinaled exsslîg hy-laoî and on- sapper a saccesi, mita lno a sew 6>-taw regard- borpiiraiin'g the draft aid ilhes of scallopei ing store businss houes.buimoroîs loto a0 e pototos, beana'ntfrank, Miltn Cotilocl, ai ilsE uomprehenbive hy-Iaw. chili, coud ifeata in meeting Monday night, Ai exampIe ofiesing substantial suices, salais, empomereil clerh Camp- legislation from hy-Iaw reliahes, rolls aid butter, hell Thompsos 10 troft 6i-,. dted 1933, siates hard-bolied egg slices, ait recommendations cegar Earber Ohopsin iiMlton On quantities te, safusfy ding store closing houri îîusî close ai n p.m everyane. Cheese and ast gel commenis îrom ix cept Salueta> oîghts fruit, cntfee aid tea mere retail meechants asdth1e aind sighls hefore a holi- enjoyed. Milton rhamher Ti di ast ld ouni> laie ohmn the shops may emi lîpeso riasFr5- M ilton iauuîuuy C- minlr1rnPn adopts SA child bicause 1f1te train. Dosa $19 a monta seem a reanahie figure t01 1Vo adnpi a cbiid0 HY N i If dîd teDavid Kiditte aide!bis tam iy of M itos Mr. Kiddle aid hia tamit> hase joined Foi er Parents Plan of Canada, aid hase adoptet- Armaido Lindan, age six, of Gusayaquil Ecuador. Arisandois oientf une chîldeen,000o hom c__ no loigetiseat home. His father, ageiat 55, is a f ishermao Hi mntanr, 37, dnm the hnusehotd cho es. Montaiy iscome iu*$t4.St 0f Ihat tntal, $57.14 goes in sutrton.$.7o speot onedacationast $3.57 is spos on tas- sportatin. Their diet is moul> rire, cegetahtes and sei fond. Tbey lise on t6e utskiets of the c011>i00ahouse of cane mita a mondes flone and metal plate ro If bas one ronm aid a omaîl patio. For fsrniture, 1he famîl> bas 100 heds. sonoe chairs, a table, a itose. and sonne hitcbeo Il 3 QbE EN STREE 7 55 atenils. i 500EEi5lhIbLi. FîMISS Mrinformation os Fosier Parents Plan can ho obtainidby mritîng 10 153 Si. Claie Ase. We-i. Toronto, Ontario. M4V lPt &X IIJ1,f ROCKWELL SOCIAL & ATHLETIC CLUB FUN NIGHT Modern Square & Round Dancing March10, 1979 8:30pm.- 1a.m Lions Hall - Thompson Road $10.00 per couple 878-2678 for tickets DOOR PRIZES FREE BUFFET end keep pour oyes open s 0 for botter savngs on fine fonds Ic0, î £compare your pnices. E.I E ~ floNiame Pkg.of 100's F mEDa TEA GAGS ~ O /TAL/ANfSI/MS Och luneNo NninnS128 oz Bul I oNm tro ag FABRIC SOFTENER POWDER DETERGENT $719 Z u ý Pio A)lhopos 2Sb.Pkg ,6 (.p)Sc. SPAGHETTiw F5 MACARONI 750 JumDO POUlsI SAUSAGE lb15 ROMAN s, RED KIDNEY Fiosh Len, EAriS 2ticn9l PORK SHOULDER Prm 8o.TnROASTS ',.990 SPAGHETrISAUCE n WOL 'OIS-O Clvrra eua$1.79o0055iyTork PO3RK ni l 5 Lbys1o.isPORK HOCKS lb59 PORK UVER b,~9 SOUP 1410ooz. tins958?No.1USA imCrs STRAWBEOVRRYa ASPBEROY No i Caeoda 1OIE Eng f JAM 24z.jar OGKING ONIONS GREENPMAS3fio CELERYiiuecs __ ITAIAN or FRENCHO CUCUMBERS a.hi Woner ReguloîGtrLoi TO" lb 25 BREAD SE14 oz.o1oaoo GREEN PEPERS pkg, f 2% Liby' 19oz ln %if 0ROMAINE LE1RCE n3~ Tho Canadien Champion, Wed March 7, 19793 Region to decide whether toappeal Regoai conilis ex- Ontario Dii a nai ort, pecled Ioda> (We<ioes MayorPer o ry las Nlar 7 Isîdecide Il iiî. neraperr Iîîe l li,ppoiL î,,îîî i lIifoiiIl Ealti iii Euh init10 Ipioai a(ils.,mereting ther1on of the Ontario Municipal had speni $6.500 ai the Board ruting on atiomîingeieghi day 0MB hearing Onario Hydro 10 entend and Il could spend a a hydro corridor 10 Mil- poosible $20,000 more to ton from Broce through appeai. Hatton Hum s. Ahout 80 homes are Counc il had indicated attecird by tEe proposeil ai litslait meeting 1000 rorridor. oreks ago it inight îlot> John Mînns of the port the 10000. Intrrested Citizens' HouasnHBis Couocil Group aid hîs organ- decided a week 0a0 10n1nation han spent $120,000 appealth1e 0MB decision since 1972 oppnsing the to theOMB itself and the 500000 vol corridor. $1,000 grease fire Mlton lire oficiais are bards, încentîgating a s10cr greane ire thai resoiteit Oficiais aîdtihere in $1,000 damage to a Miii haie bero previons Sti aparîmesi prohirmo ih 1he 010cr According 10 the ire soutches 000 heing departmeni. the laze cheched broke oai ai ap- The aparimeiiiu. owned pruxîmaiet> 3 a.m. hy Atrona Generai and Wednesday. Feh 28 and Eieciric Contracting. are setlire 101the htche cpreobcd 10 trre tenants. N IApply this mon.y saving coupon towardsM ,the labour charge on any of the followlngl l n shop services iBrakes aml iTune-Ups *Lube &Oïl c lluallfied traned Muff ler tchn00 ans and backed by your IShocks Laane *Aignment iRaud Flushes lAïr Conditioning 1 CHECK OUR IVRRYDAY L@W PEICIS Parts & Labour Guaranteedai over 300f stores * ERDDiRD TIRE Crmn Tir Cer 055011MTESTORE oossnnn *MARKET ST. MILTON Ca euCsa À IIf#q JUST SOUTH 0F 401 ON MWY. 25 à:PEN MON-SAT. 9-6 11IURS.-F. suIM 'yMARKEÈTST.,MILTON ",", SAV E $500 NAM E: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ADDRESS: . . . . . . . . . . . . THtIS COUPON 0000 0510 AT EXPIRV DATE: MAR. 14/79 MILTON CANADIAN TIRE STORE -ri "1-» r " «-l 1 iiiiiiiuLwul)LlauLu,

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