Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Feb 1979, p. 1

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Fire dep 'ta. wan ts extra man, pumper Ansdiiai fundtme frefishternneededi the Milon Fire Depri- meni n lu carry outi l pluncd regulur hume inspecîln progrum. A report latMilon Couneni fron Fre Chief Jim Cotue ctnd te ~ @i "nmajor concemn." fae report ays thc chiai la semiing azonUer bniitlmeiireilghter no the program, a raz ain- situled. The progrum mouldin vlve aunual inspecions uf Milon hamen lu scS lhey re nain. The pro- gam conid complemeot cnltiag fire prevuntion woritruh puzblic cdu- cto ni inpections. Chief Cnulson has alan requcstnd a new ponsper truck for Uic departmenl. The deprmenl urreetly ha a l-yer old firt lin pumper and a 27-year-old hack-up ptznpcr. Chef Couinun plans la reire tIbenider pumper anduse tUei l- yeur-oid unit as a tarit- 0nChif Cuinun han made a budget requent for Uie pomper, u-king 175,000 6e set aîîdc for the purchaso. Thcr(neshuas sur- vived Uic firsl round ot hsdgct-siusbing, but mure ronnd are llhly helure Uic bzdget ia Chef Couson sid Uie truckts arc lunhed ater by vounteer irefightcrn, who put in 243 man-bonri of maintlenance last pear Tho repo)rt aisi ce commeded movgithe dispatching lrom Uice uparlmcnl ai 275 Main St. 10 the Central Station. The dispatching in currnntllpdune by Alma Marînlyre and Isu pari- lime peruonn, Mms. L. McLean and Mrs. S. Lippai. The report recommeodcd hrnogflot- tint dspatchers in 1980, Te report said 1,256 zian-ouors were spent in training ut regilar isus ion orgazizcd by Uic deparlnnent. Fire cullu have ini- creid over the pant five yeari, hut lhnp mayhave lnvcllnd off, sapi there port. Thrý rer244 lîre ca.lsii) 197 witdamage. estîirtd ai $252,545. ln 1977, Ibere wmcm 248 catis for $796,793 damage. This comparens iUi 1976, whnre therm wcre 141 rails for $M40.57 dam- age. In 1975 there sure 180 rails for $400.460 dam- age, and in 1974, ihere w'rrrl87 calls tor $1 900 darae. Thc depariiorol also la to 46 nos-emer. nnrp ralils 10 invvsigulc problemi sucb us gas odoro, taullp tire alurmi, smoke in buildings aid overbeoled iriug. Other arlivilies in the reaisu of tire prrveviioi ivciuded 168 ivspection- -1" n re '>e 'le u I, i L,ý proaias, 15letrso drmstviatinv and 0. visits 10 construOction sien. Av meil, 24 groupo loured the ire hall. An open homse oas held aI boih tire statiovsino Milton and a tire vrer viios display sas net op at the tait laie, Fire 'Il Ua r(r, l-idregulaely ,ai o-sh,,ls and at MiltIo iSstrici tHospital, Eîghit ireelghteri mcme injuedmn17 and twoof hem were oit frosu Iheir normial job ut Worh- mec's Compensation for approsimatety ibren mo00165 t lion VOLUME 118 - NUMBE R 42 MI LTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1979 26 PAGES-20 CENTS Gloomny prospect Ioomns for hospital Payment promlaed Plaza is stili White Oak Plaza on tender ad piaced! hi Ibis Brgta St.n Milieu là sUlil ewepaper Jan. 31, be-j up for saie, and tenders cause Spcn-Mar hadj on lia dips tio renldefauited un the mort- heig ac ipn"unti ent gage. Monday, Fnb. 19, uccor- Spencer Blackt, one ut ding tola iwy eprep- the principals ut Spcn- sentins the morlguge Mar, lid The Champion hoidar, Ban of Munirel. last weeh Uic mortguge But thc plazsa'u wncn paymesl icus being1 and develupers, Spcn- miade. Anuiiser principal1 Mur Hoings of Toronto, Bruo uMini*cucci con-1 dlaim arrsngementa have firmcd Tucsday outhiis hee n lakie an weeln Ihal arrangements overdue moriguge puy- have heen maude la dia- ment hy Uhil Friduy, Pcb. charge Uic murgage hy le. Friduy. lan R. Bain of theiaw "A arasweitnuwit irmn Fruser usd Beatty, la ail lunhed afier, we are Toronto, tld The havnameetingsniih h Champion thc plaza icun lawyers tnduy," Mr. attcred for saie i a MlicciiidTuesday. Bowling for Big Brothers, P9g. 2. site F hearing continunu, 3. Editorlals, 4. Rcgiozzal ncws, 5. Pcople coluo, S ncwa, Bi Clasaifieds, B6 te B10. Co-o-o-o-l fun Ci H playoffs Focuaon Àv are hure and Fly- Trevor Lewis, C. ors an Tridents He gets 20 96 lot- are ready sue tors a day di ioeta, Pi. el. colunlsts *C6.- for salea He aîdthBe lu-sbire hanhus mortgage over 1he Ca usbe prie ht a lz ean ut over $2,000,tt0. The in defasît. Spen-Mur paymenl due in around Hodings Limitai bi nul $1,300,000 and Uic prin- paid off lil In wilh Banh cipal said the hanit la "nul of Montreut rntrarp tu a golng to gel a $2 milion siatement attrihuted in piaza for $1,00,100L'" Spencer Bliach inth Mr. Blain said if Spcn- Pcb. 7) article,' Me. Mac muieth1e morigage Biain strennedf payment, the las firmu "Au ut todapi date poser ut sal i miitae oid Banit ut Montreuli con- and Spcn-Mur wmli relais tinuing sith il peser ut mccership. If nul, il gorisuiae proceediogs and is la te higietnt idder, he tiarceptisg tedr sait. fronm prospective per- He wsn onrersed that chasers pursunt la 16e a stury in lant sceitu udvertinement ofsale. " Champion whlch quoted The plaza sas orig- Mer. Black as nayisg Uic isaiiy piaoned lu homse 20 payment had heen made, stores, inciuding a souit discusruge gcucecy itore. Some ptentiai hoyers frute tenants oit larger idding on thc plaza. Au ipures than anticîpaed, ut Tuenduy msrsing of naid Mc. Minicucri, and Uhil seit. "nul une cent" shen il ilaful, milbouse han becs pait, Mr. Blain 13 tenants. naid, aiUionngh ta admit- The IGA fond sorisl ted 6e had iearned upening all10 a.m. laday "someUiing ls n Uic and Uic officiai upening ut wsi." Uice plaza silfolios ut 12 "To tim dte, 16e noonn Timberlea adds 25 new houses Construction figures for the fonst month ut 1979 shqwcd 24 nes homoes olarted us Tisutrar continues wlihila Drry Rd. subdivliin projet, fae latent honne repraet a bitai building value ut $M2,417. Mtlibios nest neighbnrhond la nos in the second phase of constution pan s iU un enpected os dclached and emi-detachet homes niuied toc Iis ycur. Nnariy 30 ohuses in theproet honndethy DeccY Rd., Thompason Rd., and Ontario St. are fininbed. A 4.5 par cent provin- cint budget increuin for Mtilton District Hospitl is likcly lo ds litlîngond, unIons Uic gsvernmn can pirit up tie hospibil's onu deficit lulalling $80,000, accordizi 10 îospilal administrabir Ocian Brudy. The 13-bcd tacililp mill receive an extra $104.567 li peur tront the Ovt- ario mivislrp, but Me. Brady iaid the fisuvrial îeullb utfthe bonpibil lependsuopovthe olt- come of an appeal for sunds boyoer the deficit. Tmecly-oiue beds mere osed for viveesiluit nommer in an effort lu îlap mîthin lait pearis budget limîl of $2,251,890. Mr. Bradp predicled 1he saine stepa mîli bc lahen ugaio Ibîs sommer, sîlb the posibhlitp of lorîher deastir action. "If mc are vol sorreso' fltit 00e appoal, me mdli be vlosimg oc hbeds tor a longer pariod oftlime," be îaid, adding the bospi- Fat map he torced t10 rot heullb service as melI. Me. Bradp estîmates iscreased bospilal ruis arc alun lnkelp lu esrned the budget. He peîvled out the hiopilal musl cope wîtb a rurrent inflatiov cule ot aine par cent, as mel as increased service demands. Emergeucp admitt- ace figures indicate the lacillivi haudlîuo 10 par cecI more catIs aosuallp "Oue emergevrp ad- mittance shomi the greatest veed for nopas- vioc,"- 6e said. The hmspî lai huard is nom mochîvo on plavs toc a proposaI to bc sobmitted to the Hal- ton District Hrallb Coar- rît. Siatîstie rs b 6h ncc homo and aduît admis- siovsîrefleet a slîght in- creuse ovr lait peuris fi- gores, 6e said. Newborvo as of December 31, 1978 namhercd 203 with adolt aeLr.oisiovs aI 2,009. Based on 1he 4.5 par cent figure, Me. Bradp peedicis 16e hopîlal miii 6e ronfronled siUi au- tond ruld la otbee defiril in Uiecrom- cuver the defiri 100 pear. naid, but the fi '.If the fisnrnial aside specifiral restruinîn continue, mc purchune ut nE are just nul going 1060e mentland espo able lu provide Uic samne jecli. iid ut quulilp us n th1e This pear's paît," 6e nuid. Sonne budget alun in otber Ontario bonpitli thee-year pro have filed uppeuli for phase in a bcd1 udditional fondi gladeline of 3.5 The honpital n rapital i f00 refeeralF At 0MB hearing Town lI Milon bas vo provision for a iaudti site in ils officiai plan. Maing Uic comment sas tomsl planner Bob Zsaduopi. Speuhîvg aI the Ontario Municipal Board '0MB> hearing on Site F ai Haltov Centenotai Manor Mondap, 6e said provision hud heen allowcd tlu isclode a site hp pansing an umend- mcclta Uicheplan. Me. Zadaupi said uoder cross euamnatîou the 1050 had vol gîven 16e subjeci ut iacitarp landfill sites mach discussion wbev the plan )e csd 10 cil monts, 6e fucd iv net alp for the cmw equip- vision pro- provincial included a rogram 10 1popelation i. hedu par population 0000 approvcd im 1977, He said 6e mas vol in fosor out cahtinga savîtarp iaudfill location ai Site F whîch iv av agrîrullueai axeea -l fel a bitter location coald 60 foand ratbee than starting a vew intru- sion in an area the lown ban writailsu bard 10 hcep an agriculsre" Whcn anhcd bp region- al lamper Edgar Sesloo shere 6e mould locale a lavdfill locatiov in Milton, Mc. Zsadavpi saîd 6e wooid attempi lv do so in or ncar as indus- teial area shere the E r, ILI a E Il d c t id h t, h n Southers Ontario and fousehedu par 1,000 in Noribero Ontario. The population figure s based 0016he vumbcr of rases admittcd 10 hoipi- tls in a tîven aeea 'Il is part of a provin- cial de-initationaica- liov peogram," esplained Mr. Bradp, "so ibat pal- cults cao bc treutcd îv uther mapu. oparation of 16e site and i the covstavt vehicle i icattîr 10 and fromt il moutd have minimvum impact. Me. Zadaupi said iocatiîg a lavdfili toca 1 lion ai Stc F violtie 1 nient of Halions officiaI plan micb v agricul-1 turallp-orientatcd. Me. Ziadanyt mon the first sitoess called bp 16e 1050 ai t6e bcginniog of ils case agaîvît StcF. The preolous ire meeho have secv the regiov rallIl i suc'ses o show 16e cegion ecds asaviiarp landfiltoca- tion ai Site F mhîch iv 16e norhmsi corner o Tremancand Britavvîa roadsîinsouhmcsterv ilîton. On Movday, 16erecgî ov saccecdd inorovincivg t6e 0MB 10 acccpt tmo chters lrom 16e Mîvîîicp of Eovirovmcot tu Haiiov on andfill. Boih Fred Leitch. te lamper eiaiscd hp Miltov, and David Evtiî of t6e Tremaive- Bitavuta Ctîzeos' Group, proiesird oapîvg that the poople uho meote ihmse chers mcccv t presevti 0i60qoestioved. Mi. Chapmav vaîd the huard mosid arrepi the cietes bot gis-e ltte In five mitb the min- islep ýrevd to peomotc ooiptiet service and rcdoce active ircalmevi bcds, Miltovn IDistict Hospital mîti reccîve veaeip ove quarereot ils fonds o0oa be dfrout- patievt rare. Accrdivg iv Me, Bradp, 16e hopitai 50w parforms an estîmaicd 34 percentcv of t lttalisur- gep ov dap ssegerp pat- Hcaith Ministr Denla Tîmbreti bas aiso an- voonced vew raton for ambulance raln. Those requieing emer- grvcp ambulunce transportation milI pay a flat rate ut $20 regardios ofi eoad distances. The ves rates laite etieri Aprît t. 1979. ýacks provision wcighi iv them hecaovr. the Oahvilc Plavning vn accordavre ssî>h huard tscpaeimevt toc sio peurs policy.the6e popler o, 968 70 bcfore oroir 16cm worervI pre- hocamîsg Mlton Plan- sn o hach tOry, op. ning Dîreclor (Februurp Mr. Zsadaspî. lîhe 1970,, Mr. Ziadaupi wun Haiioo Poblic W,rks rcvpocvîbie for preparing Dîrecior Robert Moore the f0505 officia] pion. mbo mas t6e ftînt mîtocos îicudcd fiee overiapping to 60 called hp 16e rcgiov. and covflictiig plans and gave a hioeol 1ofthe ooiig bplumn coverlng events teadîvg o0$ 10the oorlhevportionsoftOak- 0MB hcarîvg. ville and Boclinglun, A gradoale oflthe Milton. Eiqusig and UvîversitvofotIndiana 1960) and a mcmbcr oft1 Contîvcd on Page 2) Otto bowls ail day for Big Brothers Otto Jelinek has donc 3 lot of tinzgsin fiis if e. In 1962 he and his sister won the World Figure Skatirig (pairs)I championship in Prague. On the weekend, bis athletir prowesu wan again tested in Oakville during a 24-heur howl-a-thon for Oakville and Milton Big Brothers. He responded te Ibhe challenge by bowling 72 games during t he 24 bours with a total pinfaîl of 13,226, an average score of 184. He threw 1,689 halls, rolling 188 utrikes and 167 spares, raioing appreximatnly $4.000. Milton had a similar event Salurday atternoen aI Milton Bewlaway. OFF TO A FAST START in tht toboggan races, Uese two Sunday aftemneon at Lowvile Park. Other eventa includod ukatizu youngstnrs arc on thir way te outdlatanclng Uhe rest of Uhc field ut races, snow-scuipting, and do-nul nating contesta. By Uh ndof Uic races which wnrn part of Uic Burlingten Winter Games hnld tic day, Uic crowd in the park had swelled te ever 2,000. for sanitary Iandfill site 1 0MB hearing costs million Cmi t o 16te Ontario the Tremaine-Brilanvia municipal loard Heacîug Ciîocns' Geoup have had OMB) on Site F in rosI- to raine lhouîuvds ol îvg participants appros- dolars for legai counsci. imateip $1 million. The hearivo mhirhbebgav Halon Solicitor Denvis Jan. 8 aod iv vom in ils Perlin îuid legal and sixih mehk, iv cnpacted to conîaiting tees are goico goîinlo March hp regionai 10 rosi 16e region more and toms represen- than $40,000. latîves. Spoheimun for Milton If t6e 246-acre nute s said $150.000 ban bcen approved avd deveioped, hodgeled hp 16e lowu ithe total rostisivestimated And repreiculatives of t10 mach $45 million.

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