Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Feb 1979, C, p. 6

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COe nacanaien Champion, Wed. Feb. 14.1M7 Milton Then and No, Milton In h perle 1em 91t4i thiUar Mer maay Itme in the te"a nemepapeen about the iqur trade Mn Uie are"' Mn Uoe days Milon hud 16cme hotels the McGihhoo House. te iIymtaelccairileL idtîhe Ne Ruial Hel. .1 E aci se auhiizyd b ihe Couty Lcensn Cemmisner leeell iqur in is har -ander Ue provisios of Ue License Act. ise ediier of The Champion uphelit Uie at ih 'ias ndian lisI andt other restrictions mhinh mre calculateit ta leseen the evili aI itnmperoure.' He man rsnvieced that the town's three hols ers meli run and hat te eners tried brd 10 comnply ciUn 1he prosiosof thUe at Tlhere ere many secs items, hocener, from cout cases ievlving vioatios efthUe art. Muny ere about Ue drieking ut local men cho cern on the Indien lit Il cas ilegal te seil iquer 10 thnm. Tere werereully Ico o these lises. Ail ntive todians oece on thUne 6n6 uedertfednral legislatien. The magistrale in a paine court cas em- peceret by 16e LinenseAct te put 1he namne o hailul or trouhînsome drueha on Ue oUen lit For intance Ihere cas a row on Return Bob Merry head ly Hery JStanley Haten Federation of Agrculureeleced thecr dnner metng a t 6te Boston Preshyeran Chureh. Boh Mery itn detcn Mrand Harosd Milo MSecon ie Chiren, san td Jue m6e in ommîsteeetay 16e Feder ofthet Agrcutue, armie arel GRhard Kueia Gerge eorgen, andety Harld Mddlerosh. Mlon.uac, s Bren cCteced unsg ten asditio Heoef6 Aitre, Farm aîefyi- oon: cîl, K n, Mcr.h Richrdetec ,Gog- Delhy Lan s, a Dirs wcorh Pey H6 arld Arciclure, staeorg1e hcky Haton Fedr at f Clb Agriculture, deald cth okey ar the poliis aI agricult- euirpc Hotels and the License Act Maie Si. oea attwdey evaninieg Mthe eerly nemoer ni ti. Tmo mecohers of e local fOemly gel ie e aigt. ley mre jiled by Coentable Ihapoan and charged Mn court. Ise aggrennor an ohvioasty drsnh ut 16e ime se e oas fiiîeii$1and caels Thai hisonamecwas aisi aiided ltu he - iîiuli iti eenieii quite rasenahie te edîlr Punon, but 6e frt that a $10 fime csuld have heen more appropriate. On anter ocasion tws rsthers ere charged wi16 'heing ender the infltuence" chte on the pohiiled list. Because ihey were on that it il was nt necenonry te prone Ihat Uey were actualy drunk. Legitimte drinkmng usda resonabie amost of drunkennenu ai toerated. Two drunha were trying to figh on one occaion u ere enuhie te do each other much hrm. They cere ined $5 and $3950 cota. As a boy t cas rememhor eeing the occaionat drunh trching home during te dayight heurs aller drinhing 100 mneh t a har. Is generat, hoever, tocal drinhing wan asder reanonhie conrsi. '1e Lcense At put hstet keepers in a dttiestt poition. They had to malte sure t6a1 men os the Indien it were net erved t Ueir ar. They couid nt sab iqur tM tbeouby tino bottle, lit type nitsan Wntiddtry aimait ouylng Mo ebtaho iquer. n Whwon eo er nm mouharged mlUn drinking, the consable had 10 try Os dicsver te source of Ue iquor. The accused was aicays mastireiuciantito supply infrmation. Twoen iehs siuation in April 1912 hait nsvei an- smers. Oie claimed to1 havee shiîedi hs n'a clutn Toronto." ThesUnher naid 6e gsi bins m some Itaian wrk- mes of the lChritie Qarriesanad Uat be did at boom Unirnaimes. Another man ho 1tou had great difficlty ho remembering faces, and had only a hazy recollection of1 hM supplier. It can easy for a regiur botet cutomer 10 huy a bottin of iquer quile tegaly, tUnsturo e neat profit tMa man on the it, Il as rsky business, for whoUner a boltman or not, Ue fins rue frsm $25 op bila the hendredn for suppiera. il mus rerognieed Uat Uie bordie, or "groier" trade as ditO icut tM controt. As a resithUe Liquor Licenue At an amended iM11t to ep the nain of iqur hy Ue bttin. Il cmudd ho eotd sslyt 0oun m16e àneeded iqeor for medicat reasoou. Il man necessary ta prenent a prescription igaud hy a Between the Wilows modical dcier for eaab purmotte. For mny eus herm -Mm m galo about ibuaessai for wmiecb apreription Mor a bottin of iquer mw« qute neressery. The bol men had govermneot supervision, ef ceurse Once a year they had te uppyto t the Liquor Coeî- moujionersofo the costy for a renemul of Ueir liceone, and Ual gronp as a vigilant one. Tisai,tMn, Uere mere geverrin i tspectore rheeblsg continuaaty for violations of the provisiies of the Art. la Augut 1910, fr instance, four insperiero ent Mn(Geergetomn an pert of Ue AMien hasebail team:*They ere abein 1boy ennugh beer in heceme dcunn. Ties Ueyhrged Ue ownero of three honis i6 servieg Ueesm i16 more Unitan eltafllnmed. Eaeh hoel man a finnd 820and coaie for Uat incident. A bol man in Bronte allomnd a youU n M Ms emptoy 1n belp himenf orcanionally froos a harret et eider. An inepecier managed tM ehtiaa ampin trees Une harret fromt Ue peoh. Appreetly il mot hard ider laben froin a harrelthUat mas 'materisg for vinegr.' The tintai oner ai tnd fies an a result et that inspection. Losing credibility Oy Des Oyern It seemed, mbon me tot home. 106be ysur average, cotd, Januacy morning. DriviMg coservativnty, ilmeas a snop 10 meach Ue E.C. Drnry Schou, aid lt Rhea off. But mhen t got onts Hmy. 40, il ms an enticely diCeront nery. Otare ire. Crs cern Olying oft in al directions int the sne-tilld median.. . one direclly in front o mn. Haeing lready had a vnry tricky ex- perience eut there, t drove 30 mph and hugged th0e inide lune. t arrîveit t Conestoga College, leaviog the 'chile-suts" and ire e hhd n the hate o tesvîng t6e car Imwas 3t minutes lte tor my ciassi, and con- sidering my parking stot as about one- hall a mile from Portahle 1, t et my headiihta on. 'sthile tearhing, Uis Uought hauoteit me were mytlightaeonor nst? Atec clans, ast1 appronrhed my car, t sighed reiet. The lighta cereosf1. But my jsy as shsrt-lived. Whennt slipped in behnd t6e mhel, Uee as the headight 00855e peled right sut. And the attnry as desd. A stadent, diving a Miel Astin, iSLY AWAITING their new sweaters tram the Milton Lions cating uchool members Ryan id David Dtitfy watch others get ctures taken. - 19-9111111 A HAPPY YOUNGSTER was Billy Melee, 5 who recently re- ceived his new hockey sweater from the Milton Lions Club fromn Carol Brooks. The club donates sweaters to each member of the MMHA skating school annually. IHAMILTON Beris Ocil IPHILHARMONIC Mscae,îolnaend oeteto Great Concert Series spenor:CP Rail 8BORiS BR1-r, oneAto i.ORIN HOLLANDER. plamai Betov yeen eene Pane Cnceto Nesii Seuea o.ei M Making a ouncome returstOs Hamlton after hie tremendoun performance mti the HPO in 1974 cornes world renowned pianisi, Lorîn Hotander performing the ever-popular Emperor Concerto. S.nay tsyMmnday t.25&6 - 8:3pm. $0,00 $900 $1200 BOX OFFICE NOW OPEN GREATHLHAITN1111R tried lu help. Bat mn coudnl norrcesa- tuly coenert my lump-mires 10 his hatnry. Back tM Ue maie building, eeieg hetp. t'm roaty sp igho, bncaue t am due ut Senera King Campes îles mites amayi at 1.30. Il ia nom 2.15. Through Ue Manager of Mats- tenance, 1 reached Ue Head of Stadent Services. This remurhahty kind man put on hin iner ger, aid directed me te his car. 90e drove seer 10 the parking lot, mhere the Citîtaun at mhite and cold. 90e had 10 posh Ue damn thng sut in erder tor my riend ie position his car te lump my battery. Wihin a coupe ef minutes. Ue Cutiens ronrnd Ie olue. tRack on the 40t, 1 hesdnd east. Most et theire, over mhirh t had driven in the msrning, had diappeared. But chat about my attery? Stopping at a Service Centre, t dis- csvernd t nneded a hattery charge Ne ay 10 resch sennca in ime. Se 1 phoned in my duoss assignmenl. 0000e ime later, t1teturned home, and hiked op 16e rmzen drivemay. 'on atmayx tnltMng people 10 mahe sure t10 Inosff Ibir headiihts mhen thny park their cars. 1thUink 'ventotsosme credihility. Halton board sets example No bar 6bil ls ii b. rtu- y a saohern trustee revenue," Mti mdlretiser.are an np ini Heiton«nishs. about Ue number of Sprie Se"ac, Mte. r=laiebetumouot- Mialien anebool board ran=tafor Ue ose Ofa ohnBradley adbdé e e grooqi amaned trusteetuek ta a nao ebob nortbn ot 18gh- mould, votaebatn e ouai aane aiqor iMachonie polcy in way 40i. Malien Bis bld tu ameedi tise nnttam lTse qustion came e recent meeting. ward 2 and i trusatese -The Yong peuple ellIbefre the boutd biset The r-atllrmalion o Barry Shepderd sald 6e 6e ioing for Frcdey o a riquent by a Beeling- poiry wun prompted hy a cas amrentf Ue George- night speciai," said Mon group Mu bave iquer maion roon Orington îown 1it lte Theatre Bradey. MThe eadded or an event authUe rsiee N Copr' expessing a deiae olie iuedereta i hey do Peron high scho t.An secandeit bo Haton Hilis serve aise and cheese ai ali îhht ringîng lmuer agreement exista hot- trunlee Betty Fisher, ie lis fonctions. 'They go to on Ueir omn. ween the hord ami allow community groupe, a CaUnoie rhnrch hai," Eduration direcier Burliegiet on oeenlng mhs reguiariy ose the l6e naid. Laveader eid Uere ma Unthe niof te building, nehouis, 10 setlIlacohohe Apert tronnot mont- a nehedating holmeen lwo andibhat agreementlMnt haverages pro"vided no lng 10 e the CaUnoie commosity groupe for cleair. acoeding Ma student activities were Church donte sut oth1e theuse of a nehoni. but bY Lavender. ime. Cooper and Finher ere the trustees whn voted for the change in poicy. Mot of the trustees whs spoke un the lquor question aid ihey ere concerned about the enampte the Hatton Schoot Board moud ha eetting t0 its stodenia. Milton trunt.ee Ivan Armstrong ais ppoeed, he said, hecanse of the renpossibitytyh1e hoard wouid 6e pacing on principals who woutd have te decide on the merits o upplicunts 10 ose his sehool. Dirertor se Education Em Lavender annured trustens 6e mouid keep the studest interesit ient asd the communitys second il there wnn a con- Blici in the scheduiing o a sehoot's use. Concers was expr'esed ~ELECTRICITfl IaOUVwBuuinm k eDon't be a Tiniîeer ~wîlh eiectvicity. Cali ail expertitoi O New Circit *Ouid..,Lnhts ~FEATHERSTONEN N ELECTRIC 878-6378 12w If n2gob lh brA) !9ibr2 oi (!ynisq s 9yq b ài nlobOcoA oonrnil ingtbtDA it unbel iA9LA.i gnrsc$moe iuoylletigubnil aiteet p29i -biitul iti sFi ei '5iY15e é9ill2uebniliitm ta 5nhei,:slanls«lni 2i LAIIo l imm raiofhorluas bhow 6sIo nsqdmi at mi Iiasoli woH lynnqsF zyqxs t 1c pst5eda) tuod5iw eî<ttsa i ho tism Fsv 5e5deeIl ttttow igom nboiu s tm oli boosO MAlA bino:adileaOlano3 îao iusrneolitoil bggn lid& isa lis d im -i1l u gnlnoaam,*W.ysbo * n,,i)iDozzA oiinsvl nshi)A hiecehii 000 day laîsi "0.11 s - - lemai th ytstA AIioW How many enemv leaks are tlere in yourboneà? Ai orie drop pet second a drpping hot waier iap Cao wasie abiout 175 gallons of hot water each moelle The el ectuciy îequied Io eailiai watder wouIO keep a 60 vsaltilb uIS iiUflfg c 01nuously Pour iii îatiîof a laully ieaing sysiem inefficieni use of aol ances ailcaise eergli leasi n lie horne This an ieasetne i osl of îîii ilgaliorne-andwasie Can ada so'nc 0. senerg. rescurces I nakes good sense t iuseOO lercily anil ail Orms of 1n r0y10visely And iai inciudes stopîngtnse oner(ji eaks million hydro 250 Main St your o * Phone 878-2345 ELDERLY PENSIONERS' TAX ASSISTANCE HOME OWNERS N THE TOWN 0F M ILTON Applications must be made EACH year by April 30 for the $100" ~credit To quaaify the oneur or the spouse of the ownor must A OB. 65 aege or neîsby Apn,30, 1979 rhchs the aselday toilMig appications B Bee necepto te thluehaGUARANTEED INCOM SUPPLEMENT p.vided -,de, the Old Age Secuiay Act (Canada) C Ocupy the prpety on hich the MunclI txsae peseanmd, D Have bneaen o sly ssssed a te owe of ths ,esdentitî ait poperit e hTowni M Mitonor, lel s hait 5 eatu ,,...ediately peeeding Aptl 30, 1979. Application formsaailable in the Office af the Town Ireasuren INFORMATION 878-7211

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