Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Feb 1979, C, p. 2

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BRICKS AND MORTAR don't mean a tlsnng to Rmv. Trovor Lewis. "'d ratiser worship is s barn of wrm-honrted Christans tiso n î an elaboroto cathedral wthout thst wrm feelng. Method demands woi By Ro Lamb by using amachine. C ourt reporting an Looing somembt lise1 cosirbas an addiîng machine ona1 cosered cn noeae saît tripai. the appor- grosnd since the iays of .lss iîaroa. ye recoriioteverything va riter cîîb eys an shortbund. ribton. Atboogb cerbs ith rhe clerb depresses the Olyisg pees re st appropriate bey chen common. Uere is a nec she ears a syltabte brerd mbo record con- pkn versations by l - snng o h the sytiables ofte spk The ey bits a rolt of enworis. paper eanii a marh Insteai of mcting te mbîch identifies the sytt- ords ith the symbut abe. an sicobes hcb car Wen reveced. the acertze soctbnd, be clerhrmadls the syltabtes cerb records vtlahles wbcttttvebhecthewocds. ln Ha/ton Most peo outside ol Ry Roi Lamb those living in apart- Sîty per cent f the ments. $1t.500.-- peope mbo ise in Hatoti Te sccveynoted. I orh outsde oftl. cas aso tttand bhat the A surney conducted by necer esîdents che tbe Haton Transporta- moved nthtibi refion ion tieprtment toni cithîn the at tîne years, thea60per cent figure 20 arned asmucb as tbose per cent higber tIan Ushe cho bave heen living 40 recorddi n lOTi. ere for more Ian fine Most o the people cho yeacs.- commute. truvet to ork Foty per cent ot the inToronto Te ssrey 2.50 bo repliei te the foosd mot o these srney ere employai people a i bgb iscomes toul l ime 0f ibese. 27 pr or ere recesi resiienis cent ere emales. 10 the region. One amly in lbcee bas Tse surney ishusednon more Iban ove breai- the replies of apprnn- mnner îmulely 2500 householis The sacvey recorded. micb receined tbe -On the anrage. esi- questionnaire. dents o the egion spent Ho Wong. chief trun- about 20 mnutes in sptrtalîon platiner toc the travelling to orE. O5 pr cegion. sai the survey is cent otlhem austng lbeîc the irst one the egion cars. nine pe cent bas ever crriei ot. Il iv mosly Iotît avillet the firsl one 1 deal taing the GO train. speciiclly citti tranel three per cent sing Go potterns ni social back- or local bses an the grouns. remnainîng three per cent For insunce.,te sur-c'alhîng or bicycling." ney îndîcaled the aner- -l cwas also tound that age medium fumly an- transit usage for orb come in Hlton In bu purposes ncreased cîtb $24000 a year. This is tamily incnme. mainly Iice the l9T1 itcomne o ecause othIe GO train $12000. userv. On the other bond Hocener. as can e- transit sage toc non cordadi n the surney. corb purposes, aroosi 'Discootng infltion. eigt pr cent as reosted ibis represented aboutlin the sacvey. cas igher f5.000 in lOT7 dollars of among loc îvcnme eaI gain in amly in- ouseholds.-- conne ver the sîs-year Te cstof ascwas oh- perini' servecd "Familes in sngede- cT ajcrty ofpeople acbrd bouses ernai on sai n the sarvey tbey Ue aerage $25000 con d sctch to a smaller aboutn6,000fmore tan car or cthachon drining To tbe usînitiuled. Use machs on the paper are iniecipberuble. One of Use clerbsuosing tbe nec metbod ul Use Ontario Musicipol Board beurîng on Site F ut Hal- ton Canteosial Muoor mas Darta Fure of Toron- to, an emplnyee mitb Angas Stonebouse, a conet-reportint tires cbîcb supplies court clerbs 10 varions orgun- izationsnnucbasthe OMB. Belmeen ber legs on a vmalt tripod cas one of thc new machines. tule vyt n s _re-M r regi( Someas adty could se public transit m oroten bt necy ec cold consîder moing closer t orh or smitrh ng 10 a job nearer home. The urvey reportai igher incnme tamilies cere less coneerned about the cosl of gas. Most othIe people in the survey sii lach o convenience on tbe prt ot local transit prenente hem rom ousing il. The inconenience. long travelling imes uni indilerence tu public transit cas noted more offen by higb income rcnpondenls. Comprd t19l1t,.the vncvey tond the nestor o pope pr bouseholi bad decltned 10 34 rom 3.7. -Familtes toiay cere generally sesller cilS tecer chiliren." the sur- vey shomai. -There cere also. on the average, more people per hoseholi in tumlies earaing igh incomes an among lhse ling in sngle detcei hooss. In tact. the anerage hosehold site ms tosn too e37 for single de lacbed itoses, 3.1 toi locnbooses and onty 2.1 for apariments.-- Ten thousani people receîved the quesion- Mc. Wong si the 3.5 Focus on Roy. Trevor Lew0 A trustee of the Word of God Accordva ta Ue dc- at tlsesry a frote n tanoselu eSti dtahldsoma- st Uing fr Ue benef Itf eti Uose ettlei ta i. t It as apt, Uerefore, si wben 1ev. Trenor Lewis of Knox Preshytertan t Cburcb ta Milton, des- s crlbed Ue Crstiannd Cbrcb as a trustee ofthUe h Word eof(loi. 'To me, Ue essential I Woriof God is Ue Gospel c ut Jean Crt. Jasas Crist cameit thUse machd, livei. iied as Ue t cross, soi rase for aur o satvstion. lite prloaryw fuecftaon of Ue Cristiannl cborcb la ta speesiUse Word of Gai. i ite cburcb bas s t nambr of oter timport- basirally o et keys, rihiomeebanises andd Ue pper ral. r MisParr sii Uea price as expeesive fora sucb a simple mascbtae.n Maie io France, theE machnameslos e aper-c ator ta record asy cas- i versation, siesply by litt-c esiog for Ue syllablen.a "Tbey coulh bu speab- ing Cinese ads oi I cas record mat as sai,' Miss Farr sii. I I ouintbnom mbt i Uey mre ssyiag. bt I Godb abe orecordi iork on age. He oi te reforntare sufftctent f0 gtve hîs deprtesent as indication ot the travet ptternn of regionat resiienta as melI as tbeir economtc ni boosing backgrounds. Thte urney notes. -Cotrary to poputar beiefthtat peope arc retuctant to reveolthteic inrames. over sa per cent of tbe responienta an- smered Ue question on Ueir laeily income.' Hoever, ftbe ssrvey is not ihUattasfaulto. Mr. Wosg saii the sur- vey may sbow a bias based on tbe people mbo chose to return tl. "For insance, te sur- vey toni Uat the re- sponse rate as igber fron people living in bosses Uan rom tbnse iving in apartmesls." Mr. Wang sai in tbe srvey, "Tbe planners 1 empbasiaed UssI it as very important UssI tbe poblic soostihave a 1 more positive attitude c tomarda geserot surveys. 9 Many poices ni mei- s siom mwere maie on Ue i basis of tnormation l cottecfedtansrveyu." e People, by contribut- Il ing a sesal amosat of thUeir fime in ansmerlng a Ir tom qustions, cas eesure Ustaf Ibeir needu uni istarests milt bu isly ce- le corded uni Ueretore - sabseqsently protecied n any iecision-esaktag .5 Usot ouli affect Ueir t- ite and enviromnent." est ucdtiteu, But I bu- le they sbasii bu settniury. We ta Use rbiwceesliont forget air prlesary respon- sibility.-- tt is one thing 10 main tain siglit of cne's ceopon- sibiitiien. It is unoUser to discbarge Usees in a hsanan esassor. "Peuple caii me Itevereni Levm. ibey do it out of respect, but it moldott attend aoy Preubyterlan estaister f0 bu cslled 'Miater Lemis' or 'Mister Jases' or mbstever bis nome bappened ta bu. "'len. Lemis' wsou libe it pots me in an ivary tomer of sorts. I dont mont tbut. Call me Trevormaabornl non ta Port Tabot, Wles, as mon is ite, lTse mot famous native otht toc-n s actor Richard Buto, My cite ent t tbe same higli chosl as Braton, Uougb is esese mas Richard Jenkios Ue." Trevor bas Uree eili' ren, t f mu etmemre mere infants men be esoved ta Canadainta961t accepfisg a position ut charcb ta Duart teasf of ChaUsam). Affer four years ta Durt an 10 yeara ta Wateriomn, be rame ta Milton ta 1975. It as quite an under- ité.ee. amsort et a "We ereot buessck anfilthUe end of the first yeac We mccc100tos uy making or nectlittand gettit On ooxpeope, I misaed tUesesn, and me ment doms ta Rondeau (Provincial Park, as Ue shores of Lake Erie) o lot!" Trevor sape be findo Miltas a cballenge, ond Use nom subdivisions are Ue resan mby. . "ite people ta Ue semer port of toms tend ta esove mare,.lise people in Ue lier port et toma, for tbe mot prt. bave bes Uera ail Ueir wear loose dresses She ssii she bas bai iifficulty mbua she bai to rerard tbe conversation ut Workraen's Compens- ation besrisgs becasse esuny ofthUe people speoh Engliob miUs Uicb ac- cent s. la Usese rases, sbe bus Sud ta bull pro- ceedingu uni ashUe poi - son ta repeut biesself. Il took 10 monlts for Miss Furr to tearo Use technique for syllable- tistaning and operuting Use macbine. Sbe oses a tape te- corder as a backup mbeo sbe ta oring. Hoever, sbe ioesn't rely on it. preterring fo trutber morh. Wenshse is ttisbei the iuy's mrk. sbu iicf- aIes tbe syllubles on Ue rot tto Ue tape recorder andturs the tape orer to asecreisry fa bu trun- scribed onto sbeeta o piper. lTe sysies tubes longer Usun a shorliani personmbn merely bas 10 mabe ber soles uni type tbem. The clerb is required 10 purcbase Ue equlpesent. As, becosse Use syll- able msachine sis e- Iees Ue lepe emk, i Uey are wmn, arent aivised f0 es' tigbt dresses. lTe aivantage efthUe syllable meUsai alloms Use clerk f0 record asy language siesply by lt- enisg for Use nylloblen. Miss Furr mus ose et Use earsg's clerks. The rIenks change eacb day f0 llom everyose t the ires un opportosity to eano eoney. lim. flo muethese patersnIlion, bt la b ua more mobil ody. a "Sanne peuple ose il asc a Ilseat. but I see if as ac challenge. The choreti wecicoes anybody. The cburch is the real meltusg1 pot." Nowbere is thseN mobility more evidentt Uas la buptlsmn. c "1 set a lot oetost i fs'om people mbo ment Ueir babies bapflzei.à lThe baby mlgbt bu ibreeà monUhseaid. Tbe parentsc iii tell me Uey bavei atsotber cbill, maybe1 four years aid. Uat basa't bees baptlsei.1 Tbey bave bees puttlsg it off becaune Ueyve bees movbtg araund a lot tramt toma la tmsn." Howmdiiia tt-year-aid Welsbesan mrklsg for Use Great West ltailiay Ca. ramte ta decie ta, quit and go ta, Ue University of Wales at Aberytmytb fa, study Uelogy? "My mober as a gooi Cristian persan. libe took rare of or famiiy affer 1I bat ay faUser mben Ima Il. 1 mas Use yoagest ut four buys and a girl. 'What cas I say? Hom ras t pot if? It mas my Uing. If mas mbat I ated ta do. I tbougbt if mas morUsmie asd il prenants great opportuni- luefo bliie popa exo= on 1. 1 dont me "Tme,Vfl slta youMlSIt s ebarebilent jsathrcks uipt ui ahigabi and mrlar. tt, a aesily my opletoasI, my jbla ta, of friendo maiting ta, met- preaeb Use WOo e (d. come yos '"Nobudy il ever RBricbs and mortar bnow mbat 1 am potiti- dontmeanoathing tomer caliy. Sure t enercîse my Fi' rather morship in a franchie asdvote for Use bars mbere Uera are candfidate et my ebire, marm-beurted Chritiase but I dont Uinli I almuli Uas tnana elaborate be uilg my position in caUeiral wlUout Uhtsutpnpoirt a candidats. wame-eartuifeeling." fiat ta me lu miime et Wbe e bilnt mr- pslit." sblpplsg, prepering s "î'm sot a fassie- sermoon, tendlng intahUe mnas, ato cburc's business oror me1at wiso ws.l vtaltbtg peuple, 'rrevor ' nietbe dom g Imas.c l"k ta relax at home and stick ta etubllhed mlUs is faeslty and do a raies, but peu bave ta bu little painting. Hes$ tre oymrself. tiai meralo a. te ol r gave you a bris ta mrk watercoors. Uingusut mlU. There lea acertain eetc JInaiOve intahie isvolved la preucblng, smveralgaty etf 0011. and Trevor rambines if Eventuully, uili cnfliet- miUs bis oms peroonul ing ideologles milI dis- style. appear, und Use l'es asn aelry sverelgnty etf(lad mli typeaof preucbe. l'il take prevail. Thats mbat lise- a ibliral pasuge and Une tai." Day of prayer Friiay, Murcb 2 ta Ue vices, wlUs purlablanera date nset lsde tbis year fram mt local congre- for Ue World Day of giallonspartlclPetlng ta Prayer and Use Ueme Uheserevices. Services are Uis yesr is "Spiritual planned at2, 4 usd7.30 GromUs". p. M. Us a speclul ser- vice atilHaltos Istunr in Holy Roaary Cburcb Ue esortag.organiser itl boul Usta years er- report. dooes Gasheat YP&SZE WATEO HEATEA mATER HEATERECTI Rocoey lme 40 GALLON _____ _40 GALLON at 1600 ihtr. 20mins 5 hrs20 mins. IIowmuc chape does Gaz heat wAter TYPE 1SIZE WTER OEATER WATER HEATER 40 GOALLON 40GALLON nEsrgy ceiit. 20t 474 The Gulfsreamn gas waîer heater has an arnazîngly fast reCOVey- four times faster than the eltinc water heater What doits ail thts mean in your home' I means yotl havit an almost continuus supply of hot waîer for REINTATD EECUIVESfortis M~ail, ~ s ~io.î showers the dshwasher, the washing Mille.Fir Board foflwlng tisor ansteni Parumsl(Idt) md fit vIelpiuiDm.tDo matodlg m Scretary-Trearnlrer Unt. H. Hoglh. %H(itrose lefI), Preaident Wlfiamn machine and te kidien and bath- raom snks. Antd yau get i ll ari h gas at better than haif the COst (of electric- ity. Sa if Union Gas heats yaur home. we aught ta bit heating your water. Check il out aI your Union Gas ApplianCe Centre or oeil vour Union Gai sales department. BURLIIGTON 534 Brant Stretb37-8211 GEORGETOWN. 5b Main Street 077 3921 HAMIL.TON, 23 Mate Stteet Fast 526 2626 li~llIDl ORS - -- - --- --- -7 - - -17l-1.11 - ýl

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