Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Feb 1979, B, p. 5

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For f.porti Can-Am group seeks your hockey talent Di For th pat theet yeas th CAN/ Am Hlockey (Soop o Guelph bas een sîvolved in placing Canadian hochey1 players titlsEueopeao profesalonial eams. 1 Each Spin Ca /An hala EurRIean tryoal campR al Gaelph for Can- adian and Anerican players tanting 10 play hockey on Europe. Alto in attendante are tht coaches and managers front variousoEacopean teans. tho are looling for players, enpeially Ihone from Germany. HoBaRd and Swtizerland. -Tisetcrmps have protedsnaceesf aI foc hoth players and coa- ches." acording f0 Cao /Arn co-ordinator Teccy Miler ,This yast fait, Cois Arn ositd Europe to explore the demand foc North Ameccan playecs. tee fond hat Noth Anerioan players oho cas obtain on-import status tith a gis es coun- try tere in high de- mand," Millec said. For a Canadian player 10 rettivt ton-impUrE statuo he must hase eto hoco ohen is father held ciizennhip or dual ciizeeship or have hets horn in tht coutry in question, but eed no longer bc a citien. Canadians playing on Europe hase dose ex- ceptionally oeIl. Time CTC midgets del Streetsville in OR~ hn Et pli th, pe po 'ite Canadian Tire Don McLaaghlin shot hin tu Corporation nojor nid- tean into a t-O leadt]eth a gels led hy .in Nw- fise mnutes gone in tht M mn a'n at trick heat gant. Streeloville 6-2 ai hme Tteo minutes later Iso g Modyngtt dance Zlian titd tht gant i10 to tht OMHA quarter Compet, tht firt priod finals. a Tht els e ent t coig fourth gant aller Milton Streetsvlle outskaled g tied streefuvile 3- lat the Milton tean in tht Wednesdy night. In the ealy part of fthe second S ie game Streetsvile's period 10 lahe a -I lead s Atoms viCtorlous " in league play Milton Minor Aon oins hy identical scores Doto and Dents dopped In Guelph tht Dots asd bach ietolage play Dents came amay oith a after being liminated f-O3tin and than hung tht fron 0MB/ playdooos sane scoreton Oahville inP by Streetsille and pu Milton on Sanday aller- f together teo hck 10 bach noan. Scot Hilton and Oeoffa Mior Pollen eaeb srrd a piru Minor of goals in thttin overu hoc euOeph oîlb singes hyc ho ke Travis Colt and RbWl (Continuel fon Page R4) son beiping se ap thet Reynolds. goals were, Jason Newe- Creît LU 4.Lians,3 hy, Justin Varga, Stuartr Hallan C-eiit Union Thorse and Adrto Wil- goals y 'ln Blacadar son. Dose Dillon and ail four goals, anasisted Blair Leonard sared tht Lions Cluh goalo by Rory Milton net otb Leonard Gergito, Kevin Gerais iuning back seseral and David Harrison Guelpht drives ron closet Assista hy Gervais and Rn.i Gary Gilles. On Sanday aftersoont Masnray 4 IWA 'i Pal Buter ststed tht Moobray goals hy Curt Dots and Dents off witb ai Acermand aod Darin unasssed goal as he Widlio, 100 goals emch. usttd io fron is blue IWA goalshbyAl Haringa line spot aod beat tht 10, Marh Reynoldo and aks goatender. Greg Wilinson. Oahville foagbl ach Ceelt Us8 tît 1 goals bt Stuart Ble Cab 1 Titreotand AndreSo Wl- Haihan Credit Union son nocbtd singes theo goals byChris Wahelyhbat Wayne Rers look oser trch. Caneron Mrray in tht third ptriod or 10, Dave McGuire Tî nEg 100 goals. Bcaarad T Con Trichy Trasis Colt put nlly Lot anBise Cgoal tht gant ouI of reach foc ly. ea lue Pab goe. he Oas' scoring Mi- ByJa laueace tons sith goal. Risers, Msrnbray4 Andet Wilson, DoUg Bleâ4 Drennan, Justin Varga Biue Cab goals by Mach and Stuart Thorne piched Drodge, Wllam May-u assisE s as the DocE nard, Roch Bote and upd ents played a reai Jean Claude Panche. anid eiD g g et Mowray goals by Erice îr tno ivo0pet KuRe tws Darrin Widdis f pottion i0 Dave andDerehNicholuon. Dillon and Blair Leoard. Liens . Uphslstry i LiosaCuh goals by Jeff LaPointe, Rry Bergins and David Harriaon. up- holstery goal by Scot E Parsons. PraS6. Uplslsery 2 Pro goals y Kevin Sales and JefI Marino 100o ach. Brent Tasher and Paul Bertoia ont each. upholstery goals hy Richard Davies and DavidJohnon. PEEWEE DIVISION Loal 5, MeCaisa 1s Local 40 goals by Frser Horn Eoo, Ray itoacha, Alan James aId Jin Godfrey. Boache assisted Esce. Lone Mc- Caaig goal y Warren Stothoeill Brssh 4, Balley 0 Brush Electric goas hy OuIi Foley, 10, Todd Snith and Mrray Van- denhessal. Shutot y Glen Houston. MCags 8. BP 4 McCaigs goals ky VVe arei Dosg MeConneli and U C Tony Korclanic tioo OU Ç PenSsin and Wll Cok10- r$300 f r 25 BP goals by Cbach Wshely bal trick and Don ta aresi Chistense singe. r OPP 7, Pays O tickets.) OPP goals hy Mark Donetrisn, Dscrin Cole an Kein Lawrence ail oith tw0 goals and Stesen Ci James a single. FaYs goals y Raymond Dich- sun, BIIIy Blythe and Stee Beauce. tallty 4, Local 2 fily Fueagoals hY Peter Tsatfll 105o, Gins siaeavlch and Grahamt KoSharba. Local 4970 ssb hy M. Beryand Al- ajàm- id lime agais they hast >en tops in coritigand o1 eadivg lpinT gessers ti [ockey Ians shsougEsool 0 ucope eshîhît apprcc Vo iion foc tht CanLadoax i payers and tht talents hey hriog with Ihees. O CaR Am's major V rqoest for playecotc ornes from (lermany, [olland and Uoitnecland A Presently there are O sany opeoiogs iR these coustries focr on-iotport R layers. This coutl pco-f vde an oppotunity focr n athlete to play prof- msional hockey and frthec an indivîdual's t playiog carer. Thece are trno Milton players in Europe this 1 eamx E eat IHA on goals hy Jeff Taher and Bruee Robertson. Miltoo's JefI Heggie and Dase Flemington scortd goals in tht tant font Min- uIes of tht second period to lie the score at three apiece. In tht third period goalies Eric Pinkney of Milton and Rob Arch of ttreelsvillt came up with seyeraI bey saves to send tht garne into overtime. Roth glies again foiltd seseral good swing chances io tht osertime period to tond tht stries into a foorth game. In tht game aI home Monday tîght tht CTC Midgets came otI flying and shot into, a 2-O first period lead ox Neoman's first two goals. Tht secosd period OAS a cImse checking period until tht final loo min- utes ohen Jim Newman completeol bis hat trich witb a goal ohicb proved to hae thtetinner. Miltoo's Richard Shan- son shot tht CTC Midgtts into a 4-0 lead wîth ten minutes Eef t in the gamet tceetsvvlles Ed Boonstra scortd his eamx ficst goal less than bu minutes later oR a powecplay goal. Mil- tonis Mihe CochaIt and Joe Gatton then xcored goaEs ftl gioe their letea f- ilead. Streetssillt's Gceg Walker compîtteol Ehe gamesscurîxg onx poteerplay. Tht CTC MidgeEs 000 advaoce fto the OMHA quarter finals whîcb teilE start io about swo sees. CTCs coach Gary Hudson leels thal stcoxg lorechechixg in the fixal game hy Pal Roberts and Paul Butler teho chippeol En with Eoo assists ix tht game led their team o to victnry. 1 Thetleam 000 plays their lasE four league games hafore their nxt playoff stries. Their oext home game is Sunday against Dtodas at S p.m. Curling Cues >ave Del Papa4 This pURE meek 500 of or ladies riRhs etered th las andUS seconds i the proses, Betty RedfeBrDR S eam f Audrey Schreiber - ice, Pat BuchRaRan - se- ood and DonaMorden - ld, wUR the RecoRd drate aod oece oser-ai wiRRREs for tihe day. Our oiiser MÏitoR team em skipped by LyRD Fraser .orled extremely teS Rnd won the firRi draw. Rith LyRD were LoiR 0.eed- ai vice, Joe olcDuffe - second aod larA Dcedge -lead. RoUi these tRams are 10 te coogratalatel for a fine effort. Our Senior Ladies tRam, 00w awaitiog their trip t0 Sodbury after wiR- oîog tht SootherD OntE ario Champiooohip, is woohed everycyScesRO hy 1 Iheir fellow coclers. Il haR bRRR broughl 10 our atteRtion Ihat, out of 00E distioguished paRE, tee had another ladies IRan 1h01 waR the Southero Otarit Champions. 1 amrn eferriRg 10 00E Junior Ladieo leam Rkipped by Ruth Reid, teitlt Tcody Sales- vice, Colleeo Clemeot -RecoRd aod Claudette Taylor (ttec Phelphos lead. Thio Eeom of yooog ladies oodec the direction of Leo Fuclan, twon the chate- pioship ahoat five years ago. The curling club was a ceai hoh of actioity this paRE o'eekeod. Fciday night sate 00E ooooal Casino Nite. Once agaio 00E membeco satiofied their gamblioz lever aod many teent home laden teith Iceasures lcom u "White Elephant Tahle". The gentleman teho pur- chased the playhoy magazinies assures me he Es thoroughly enjoyitig hio acquisition). Satucday oighltewas very aptlîr amed "FUN NITE. Members of te Milton Cucling Club oece eocouraged 10 bcRig 0uE Eheit non-carling Iciendo for alto tends of eclisg, a little teine and eheese, atd lots of ion. This oight teas a sell-out tAis yeAc £0 Et you plaR 10 attend oexl yeac cemeesher 10 sigt Up eacly. Thieves get saw HalEot ftegiooal Police art iooestigatiog tht EhelE of a Elomelite chaoE SUO taken tcom tht ces- idetct sof Rita Valentiot oE MoIftIdociog the oeehend. Accocding 10 police, Mcs. Valeotini cepocted the garage dmor of hec c esideoce had heen lefi topenî and thieves helped îEhemselves To tht chais The Canadian Champion, Wed. Feb. 14.,1979 86' ci4511 890 450 aaea.91R -w'2.09 ~Eo s.521 920 Z! '1.19 'F'oao a~1.3 9 " 59, '69Ç Lera"85' U;L. 370 ,45* 550 '119 1s 1.27 '1.15 99, 1e.55 1.25 71.5 791 ;e;. 931 s51, -241 omâ.NnoaSffomi.49* 1.erO 1.65 82.39 W,391 z: 290 s89, 0k- i 399 $.'35 '6.39 $29 1.85 Saa 1.25 ' 5.89 s0.eO1 2.49 t ','« 3.75 95ç $ 2.19 S 95f -e sl '.44 J '14 $RUEOn 1.09 ùt -; ' 1.09 - SEOS 23 S .O.SO. 1.59 soRaspu 'l-38 $44 650 134 81C $1.75 . .... 8 $1.75 '1 S.89 is celebrating the 7rancI en t of WHITE OAK PLAZA offering SPECIAL GIFTS and DISCOUNTS THAT HOOSE VOURSEIF! Applies ta purchases over om February l4th ta February 219t. <Doos flot apply icriptions, tobacco, paper products or lottery orne, n and join the fun - Ev1eÏyone MUS T v. NOW, IN ADDITION TO THAT FAMOUS IGA PERSONAL SERVICE YOU'L FINO COMPETITIVE PRICES THROUGHOUT YOUR INDEPENDENTLY OWNEO IGA STORE UMIT 3 PE FAMILY Chicken Quarters L3791e Schneider's week at S1.69 Od. F..hi-e.d H-S329 1ANE 1.39 Mi, 1.en I65 5~gm 11.39 S.te«i.O aMM. 69e B. $2.U ~ 99 COOi.O.EE F,.dOhEoER $3.69 $ORO 1.39 a. 1 9 P.E.I. 1.A-6 0 Potates A PRODACE 0F USA.9 Temple sg Oranges R. OI. . ppes R..b.. 14ç .iRI 89e -t. 39e L- . 9F9' L~ REGULAR OR 01ET 5 Pepsi- EUPBL Cola PLUStWSEPOSIT PER BEL. ASSORTES FLAVORS Martins Fruit u % Drinks OZ TIN ASSORTES VARIETIES, SUPER MOIST Betty Crocker Cake e Mixes PK ASSORTED F UVORS Jeol-oJenly - ls1 Powders Kr, Sockeye 7. $ 1.39 Salmon T Hamburg or PG3 I Wiener Buns OF Javex Bleach LJC~ Laura SecordSLEEO8 c Sunlight FOASO 6 David's goc Biscuits 000TOUS RADOD5CIL.SERS TRUO Bick'S pclsI I IGATromato 5CF Juice ZFi0 w 0o 20 o ssso 69e 390e .,sî O ' l'o .59 49' p- 79c 5.E0T~ 3 ,Si S os 'l .39 4 s1 69, SJ.O9 S.49 EOu.. 69c 50,, '.l50 s.89 99Ç .v.sn. 79c = Copt, _; 89, !WKYS PEIIHS PREýmI 1EZr Fi IN' /ILC~I White Oak Drug Mar:, 327Bronte St 878-8107 Yaur Drug Storte nMltons West End ) LOW REGULAR PRICES rmi" wwHilE oAe DRUGM"T

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