Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Feb 1979, B, p. 1

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Tridents conditioning in wake of playoff action Tldeol fans, bresOse e-y. But donIt relax to long, as the playofîs are about 80 gel underway. Mlton Trideiit Inter- ioeiiate S hockey club fans were holding their breatb and 118060 heartn as the season wound dosen and carefully kepî wach 8on11e sortit dlv- ision stlandings. Tridents were three games short aller Six Naions Itedmen folded and Paris 2igersai ha1e edge, having played the Iledmen before Ibeir colapse. Parla Wl. crsepng up the pointa and abouct looc h e fral place finih away from Milton oun1the Iegalily, but Milton kept in Iront 181the nirer St. Mary's Sone- croshers opeoed ihoîr quarter final playoffs wi86 a 4-2 8040 over PlattsvlUe icombines Suday evenlng and Played Tueaday in Plaltaville andl lonlgbl, Wednesday. The final two gaines in the beol-of- fiee playoff wifi hoin St. Marys on the weekend If necessary. Ayr Rackets and New Hamburg Hana are in1the ohe half of the norhen hoîlle. Osnda"y Ayr sllpped a 5-4 decislou paut New Hambarg andl ptayed Tsesday in Hans territory. Thursday ibry mccc t0 Ayc, Saiocday in New Hamhrg and Suo- day in Ayr. If St. Marys reires Plataville 8ey Wini meet Tidents In the &emi- finals and the wmser of Ayr-Haou series wll face Paris, If Platsville defeats S. Marys andl Ayr wiss, Tidents wdt ho pisying Ayr Rackets in0the semni-final. In preparalion for 1the playoffs, coach Car] Hymen istenda ix ralse the cosdilloning level of 1840 sldiers. Hymen ouaid the leam hoan't hod 1the practices and games nec- essary for the icam ino hacr sioycd in top cov diosioce Chrsmas. To make Sp for the stacit cbedale, Hymens hon the Tridents engag- ing Kase Chevy Olil- limen Ttlenday eveing, followeil wi86 a workout Wednenday evening. Hymen bopen is players realize il 40 a whole new seanan and il is ime 10 ho productive with a positive atitude. "I praclice a persons condlliosing levet is etsbtished over a long period 0f ime, l'Il try 10 gel an much as t a 01118081 drvrloping a negave attitiide, Synicco sotd, lie cîd the players bace had hibr homework, flexibitity esercises and off-ice training techniqse in- formation since the tart of 1the year and expects the players 10 have donc ibis worh. There are no major inoap changes coming and ail suspensions have heen servrd. Hymers witI allempt 10 estabtish more effective line combinaliona for 1the playoffs. Tridents have no secret meapons up their jerseys, only the depib of talent on the cOis l'lire are o311 1-Toclcdeilinîthe top îîî leagur lcadîvng goal scocers bul the hulh of 1the Tridents ere clsst- ered 081 far helow. Hymners and Roms Lane hoth said they frelthIis shows kow melI halanced the club s. Hymen s lookîog for aggressive play and offensive strength troin aoy or aIl of is trsam If Tridents meet St. Marys thoy'Sho efacing an aggressivr team with touds of senior and junior roperiesced players. Symers tltO the I haiotth 'v h e to'. the games shoald 6e close inoscocisg. In1the fboul content if 11e regalation season Tridents edged Ayr Rochets Thursday in Ayr 6-5. lion Hears had bis mont productive 8088e of t6e short season iih a bat tick and assîst as Buil Mctilloway scored tmo and Bill Sherlock Gary Brown was Ayr's hot racket scoring three and assinting on two others. The vîrtually pro- alty free ccvîrst a 6hW lea c 1 Ite ý licOl perorsd and end the secod'7a -4dram as Tios Thomas netîrd Ayr's equaizerrmith 59 seconds left on 16e dock. Tridents ment ahead hy two of Hearns' goals be- fore Bromn complrted bis bai trick mih 110 remaining in the conieul. In the Tuesday homr gaine Tridents wr cooght nappîng hy the Plattsvitle combines ini a cloue content which exploded in 1the tUrd period. Bilt Sherloch scorcd Jmihct'îcc lîsi'ît sitoîS vn the opcvîog perciîd Plttsiville's defroce held Tridents off t6e board for the resi ofth11e gome whle ihey evened the lalty in the itutaI frame, ad- vanced hy a goal in the second aodhroke lomrî n the thîrd. The sioryni bahi Tridents' final games mas the goallesding o Bradt Ecans, Evans mas eary n pmpc a wii SPORTS SECOND SECTION MILTON ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 14,1979 SPORTS AND CLASSIFIEOS Toesday's game and for the duration in Ayr. Evans aod rment acquisitiîon Marin N'l'ctilo l lobe on In t6e Central divsion playolfo Doonvitte wmut lahe on ttocktsn Real McCoys and Smithville defraîrd Waîerdown 6-5 in0the opening gaine Sun- day invthibesI-of-neyes Dorchester and Port tiovermwill meetin the South divisiono and Tîllsonhorg and D3elhi are rSPortÇ WITH PETER MeCUSKER Champion Sports Edtor Now stas hockey season. Forggt about Use quaint volley that han heen occurring over the past fîve months, none ta whon Uhe fan wll get their dollas worth. Rosters are stable, lines have gelled, players should ho an top physical condi- tion and playoff confidence permeatea the arena. Yen ir! None it ix a do or die trug- gle. EjUser you produce or you take on early holiday. With Use weaUser heing as it ixSI certainly wouldx't aant to ho outside looking in. Thse hig draw for Use Central Ontario Jumior lague waa hld Monday evening and Oak Ridges pulled Milton Flyeraeut0f the bat. The series will open Frida niht at Milton Memorial Arena anydwiUs Use horne tonen fana hocking and packing Flyers in our hloved barn. Games two and Uree wilI#,e in Oak Rid4es SatUrday and Monday eveming which means no sleep Tuesday morning for By nxt Fidaygame four oilI ho stgd IMit neorial and it could ho a Usmller, a sl games will ho, 1 say wîUs confidence. t will ho a gruelling weekend with Uree games in three nighls, Friday here, Saturday in Oak Ridges and hack in Mton Sunday for game six. On Use other hattle fronts Burlington Cou gara nelîl line their trenchex with Use bodies fo falen Thornlail tonight, Wednesday, in Thornhill and Uey'll hring what ix ef t home Friday night for game taco. Oakville Bladea will also ho home and active Friday hosting their part- nens Orillia Travelways and Streets- ville Derhys will invite Brampton Logan Chevys to Vic Johnson arena Friday hofore pillage in Brampton Sunday. Thse winner of Use Milton-Oak Ridgex serien will play Use wsnner of Use Oakville-Orilliasaeriex. Who wants to predict a aemi-final htween Milton and Oakville? The four toen tournament nilI ho hoeled hy Milton thix year on March 3 at Milton Memorial Arena on Thomp- son Rd. Thse four townx, Georgetown, Streetaville, Orangeville and Milton hold the annual houxe league Select tournament wiUs rotatitsg sponsonship. Georgeftown hoted the tourney laxt year and Milton nas sllowed to par- tacîpate when Acton pulled from Use competition. Select convener "Buz" Roberts, Roger Swance and Murray Graham are the mon working on the hi g day. Milton will hold a firstthUs year. Every other yesr Use midgets plsyed a home-home seriex. This year, however, they nilI play in Milton a week earlier for preliminaries. Congratulations to Kevin Parker for hix ilver modal nin at Use Canadian Junior men'x figure skating champion- ahi S. Kevin was xhootîng for Use gold anl5had led aftor figures and Use compulsory short program, however he wax edged in Use long freeskating program enough to ho placed second. Ho will ho skating at Ue Milton Figure Skating Cluhus annual Carnival and will appear on Use televîsion show, "The Gamen People Play" Feh. 55 on Channel 19 at 6.30 p. m. Rememhor Use Champion sports deadlines have heen moved hock to Monday so suhmit your game shoota Sesrly. a'BuoeM Nohoe s oled Flyero ere cousl game suspenoion toI]o Milton Ftyers open ing and were lrying 10 gel îsg a goalmoalh baIlle. their Cenral Ontario Jun- Marty Vener o, 1the 28 In a tacilstrep toc hackey league play- goal colamn. He finished formance Ftyers atmo offs Friday nlghtI with a the season with t9. 1he Colts tomwin the ga beol-of-seven serien wi86 With Gave Tuner outi n1the second and tI Oak Ridgen, needjesu 10 of 1the ineap Flyers periods. say the playens are hig18. picked op ex-Sheridan Colts Jin Garn Coach Dong Vaughan Coltege Brais John scored a bat trickh doen' loktsSethe er- MacKay. MacKay from Roy Eyers addrd t ien going the full seven the Burlington ares ix 16e goals post Mike StE gamen and 1e naid lie oldet player osn1the Flyer herd. hlieves tho dram of Mil- oquiad dmilI hoe hilched [n 1he openîng pesi ion by Oak Ridgen mas ini ix 1he Paul McCann-Rod Colts drem firsi hIand Plyers favour. Goodisg ise. MacKoy 1.27 and meni ahead The lacais record wi86 juI made 1the junior eligi- ai 12.30, Garner svoîi Oak Ridges this senson biity by 12 days and both mith John Surgin lendo an optimism 10 1the coach Vaughan is imý and Kevîn Ouest a1s playoffs as Ftyers ied prenurd mwith MacKays tîng. Oak Ridgen 5-S and hoat skaiog and shoolîng aI- Paul MeCano replied them 10-7th11e ast ime îlies. 12.81 ilh Rod Gomd 86ey rugageil aI Milton MscKay faces a ncm ssîstîng and E. J. Mill Memorial. Early in1the league and leamnmates ecened 1the tslty ilh1 year Flyer druppeil Imo but Vauganis confident goal ai 8047 from l2omd gamen 10 1the Dynes but heiscapoble. and Jin Court. Fly tha1 as bfore coach OARRIECOLTS Vaughtan beld the reins. Barrie Cuts handeil 1he The wnen 0of the Flyen 86heir final defeat Flyers sertes milI meet of the regulation season the vîctor from DOakvifle- Sunday evening aI Mitonn Orilia seies. This means Memorîai Arna 62 and the Imo giants, Sireets- Gave 'Buchy- Huenden ville Derbys and came away wth a 100 BarlingîonaCougars mili have a semi-final figbt and ose iii 6ie eliminated.i flic news of 16e piayoff draw reached 16e Fiyecs < 4 hile they were alchîng 11e midget gain foltomiog practise IMonda y evenng. 9 Dscussionsin te stands ~showed Flyers are looking foroard 10 Fridays home opener. tAll1ough Oak Ridges finisheil fourth ix the<s standings coach Vaughan said lho hlieven Oak O Ridgens s ol much boter ihan FIyers allhougb their goals againsl average is boter. Bul Fiyers iii have 10 prrk os followîng lhree pour dispiays of hockey in cimsing ou 1the sesson. "The last ibree games me blew meant nothing,' moach Vaughan said. Ne WVin streak Hogs escape pen by climnbing standings The Ballon Hogs bave gone five meeks un- defeatedin Sunday Nigbl Ixilustriai Hockey League action us lhry dropprd Tans Tom 5-r4 Sunday and drem 55 mitb Rackmeii Rauders lasi meek. In other Sunday action Rachineil edged t6e Fire- fighters 3-2 and Milton Cbrysier Dvdge douhird 1he Racers Edge 6-3. Watly Mahnke as the marksinan for the Regs, firing four goais, mitb Jeff Ducharme and Art Godldard adding singles. Aoistsng ere Ducharme Iree, Norm MAnaily, Pal Wod and Steve Amis. T ann efforts mere split holmeen Art Brocks, Ray Delegarde, Bruce Mead and Bake Anthony, al wi86 sngles. Delegarde sellai ihree assis, Mead two, John Crick and Anthouy. Lasi meek Goddard acoreil Iice, Mahoke, Ducharme and Grunt Wiknson setied goals ilb Jack Pool and Ducharme grabbing ausisis. Amis and Mabnhe singles, T6e Rochmeii Bauders bad Chuch Acack pal a pair mîih Fred Hainga. Raiph Serafini and Ed Wels singes in hir dram mît th1e Bogs. The Rtaiders had bolier luck Iis meek edging the firefîghters as Ray Vetta. Roger Drtnio and 1o6 Ferruere scored mih asisance froin Aicock. Baringa, Gary Hudson, Peter Grismoîd and Brad Toniril, AI Jones and Paul Stover blgded 1the usine for Firefighters mth Gord Hasseifeldt and Dave Acic assisting. In 11e ihird gaine tI week Gary Nayier had a bot trick andl an asuisI 10 iesd the Chrysler Fiodge tram. Dan Zanaita fired tino goua andl Peter Rota o-len Parlos 1124 bhrrr assiss in1te ýn ning effort mith leolîs- maies Rotia imo. Marty Farrell and Marty Cairnsi singles. Scocisg toc Basic s Edge Oece Wiiîc Ceelaîs. Merv Bail and Mîke Nevîns. A ssîis er garnered by BrceBous- field, Richard Muec3s. Bey Nyhoil and Cedoe Lasi mcr h ie Chryclîer Dodgr douhicd '1510 Tocos 42 mth Naylee. Cairns, FarreltandRosta scorîng. Taso maekers mere nelîrd hi' Delegarde, Peur Walhcr and Bake Anthony. The Fireiighiers' big wi last weer7-3 overrthe Racers fealured two goaIs by Paul Stoceroand sungles trona Bîck Serafixi, Randy Couisoîl. Gave Mitchell, Harold Penson andl Bob RuvO, Bruce Bousfield ftierd Imo goals andl Mibe Ford one for the Racers' ef tort. ffmw mere on 16e pomerpiay. e. Barrie contînued te per scoreîin thesecnndtframe ored as Garner compieted bis loute bol tick from Surgenor nird aI 17.29 mhiie Milieu mwas in1te sin hîn for inter- ner lerence. and Eyers Iopped in10 tmo goals mîtb Doug Toiles îep- asuîstixg onooth andîbey addrd another latin the ei tird period hy Bob [) aI Couisosafler 1he sinohe ý2-0 of 16e lîgblîng bad ring cleared, gnr Inltheithird period afier Isi-Todd Sheppard and Andy Skop squared oft alovg ed at t6e boards, Colts' vel- Aing mindcc book a smipe ai ileu Tom Chachmach as Se hî mi as saîlîng around the lîing set. Cbachmacb jamped lers in and dcîde tevîake on Danc Browoeil bul Wayne Cbarcb of Barrie deied o 10h1e ibird man in. Bucky Harnden put in bis tmo f ists morth and receuvd amwo game suspension for bis efforts. In Flyes' other siroli ibis meek the Gabvîlie Biades 1806 Larget prac- ice on Rod Sachs to de- Irai the Flyers 104. Biade goalender Ian Roberts had 18 tam amway oniy 28 shots mhiie Sachs was called onto make 5l saves aitomngi10goals1 toc 61 Gabvîlir senring1 Blades held a uim 32 afler 118e opening period as Kevîn Adam scored imice. Plyers bad 10 gel offth 1emark mîtb 100 shorihandeil goals by Marty VennermîithCourt1 assistng on thefirst and1 MilIeut on 16e second. Todd Inouye cinched another Biade marbre bofore Venner's second. Biades *umped ail 00cr Flyees in 16e secosd period scorîg six goals mîlb inooye ncttîng bis second. Adam Campbell notched Imo. Briav Mar- cci, Mike McElroy and Mark Speers addîng singles. FIyers scored hibrr Io goals early in the period mih Todd Sheppard scoeîng trom Joho MacKay and McCaviu frontCourt and Venver, Grant Gîlihais scorrd the love goal i he f1nai perod. Flyers open bere Fni day. racci 10 Oak Rîdgms Satarday and Monday and houl Oak Rîdges Fet- day Feh 21 On Saturday 24 thry icacel 18 Oak Rtdges. are ai home Sunday for gaune six aod if a sevenib gamne necessarymtil travet to Oak Rîdges Monday or Tocsdayecvnng. k M Legion atoms forced into fourth contest Tri- -l'o y hockey gaine'2014lisfo'c vritt and s0011-u p drlrvcc league major alors limeit lih eslld inamîvn Legionnaîces iii have to 'Milton tdîîînoted plot lite the vîsîttrs Saturday facr a foucth gamin i ut'vîtilmîedtt in c Sîituiti Memocuai their bsi of-fîve secies 32 secods recololoig. Arena. iIh Sirecissîie Thors- Sham aondlHcrnecinm neadDeP day, due to soprrb goal- îocd t sel 050 hodteîgh licio rPp lendîvg trom Sead Dyke- tirtihe inler oece lhe'ooly onrs able 10 manvavd Ken Brace. Theclhtdgaîii-uts dtl ndtoeiremachk mith Mlton tob 16he oprvîog Srcelsville thc'î 0001011 romsTîm Rainer, gaine mibouî mocb pavd wth more cotîii odenvual asd Cud- trouble,muinvng 5-i.Seav dcce and heodo 2 leîgh Davidson mas Mtio's hoc koy. foloîed ho dît Gamne lime in Sîreets- besi shooter. pîckgaup a lor's lack (if hitkchcck-vilte Tbucsday 1 i n liatic im 10pace the eam's scoîug. Eric Cbudlrigb. Mîke Dri. Papa and Gceg Nemeti heiped mith singles mîlh assis 10 oDoug Beamusb, Tmdd Horne, Don Van- denHeoval. Darren Sham muo and Bruce Cameron. Milton came out strosg inStreetsvîlle andl tnok shot afler sbot ai 1the net, bat ail were unable 10 boal 16e bol Strertsville velmînder. Sean Davidoon scoreil laie in the Ibil ih heIp from flou Rayser andl Vandenheosal. Sîreets- ville came hock juI over a minute later 10 ie the Springers hop to fund raise Mmmbors ofi the Miltoun Bcisy Horn said. Sprîngers Gymnastc Thr clubbopesto reacb Club ii ne boppîng Ibrîr goal of 01,880 0486 durisg 16e vesi imo 16e food venture. Moiaey macho as Ibey start lheîc mili n tam gu tswards fund-raîsîxg campoies 10 acquiring a $bOot Win- cause money for new club tsrîo grant, uhe sald. facilies. The organisation in The 200-membor nom amaiiing word froen organization ix seliîng tomn officiais on the pois- McDonald coupons and sibiiy of the club milI receive 40 per cent of gaining 11e promisesc0 al] sales, club president (Cotsaad ou Psaga84) Milton FIyers meet Oak Ridges Dynes to opeon CenftmlJra "B" IFplayOffs CENTRAI ' ONTARII)JUNIOR HOCKEY LIOAGUE STAND3INGS FINAXL TEAM W L TF AP Streetsvi lie Derbys 4() 4 0 354 120 80 Burlington Cougars 38 O 2 277 124 78 Oakville Stades 31 14 0 288 204 6j Oak Ridges Dynes 20 17 7 2306 29 47 Orillia Travehcoys 20 19 5 234 242 45 Brampton Chevys 20 20 4 211 204 44 Mlton Flyers 16 23 5 215 277 37 Thornhill 14 22 8 180 233 36 Dxie Beehivrs 14 24 6 2055227 34 Barrie Colis 15 27 2 192 257 32 ACton Sabres 9 31 3 170 286 21 Georgetoon rmîii 5:i62 149 309 12 04474INTEI4NIEDI.TE E HOC KEY LEAGLE STANDINGS TEAM G WILT P Milton 29 24 4 i 49 Paris 32 23 7 2 48 St.Marys 32 17 14 1 35 Ayr 31 17 14 0 34 Plattoville 32 13 17 2 28 Newsrtamburg 30 11 17 2 24 CENTRXL DIVISION TEAM GW LT P Dunnville 28 20 6 2 42 SmithlleII 28 20 7 1 41 Rocktoio 28 17 1081I.35 Watrrdown 28 4 24 S 8 58)UTHERN' DIVISION TEAM G W LT P Dorchester 32 20 9 3 43 Tillsonburg 32 17 14 1 35 Port Dorer 22 16 15 I 33 Delhi 32 12 18 2 26 N4orwich 32 4 238 0 18 Aylmer 32 4 28 S 8 1

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