Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Jan 1979, p. 6

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6 TheCanadlnCbaepion Wed. Jan.31, 197 Real estate board honors Mike Ledwith Jý M, 'Mike'Lelvitit ,iMitonl salesninando ,îppci:cîca'1Mitchell CRleal sais, oas loorel ai aie Dobsîtte Rel EsSuIe Bourdas annaul linner meeting at o-cci, for is iitstanling cotribrution t i te om- munity. Mc. Lelviit eceised a plaque. pesested by II)REBs elucatios direc- 1r Kallrtn Tomm, siticit eciignioedflis service 10 te bus ai Sllon oneanaoae ha eaI esate yack Ollie Dgard. mnaager aftie Mitcbel clice is Mlon, eilail iesiter offices o ORES sen in nominations for te oard. Seseual Milon organi- zatiios havececeised lie iereitaof Mr Lelviits rgaiationalOcl itlîlî d afltoi lhii 1s,10>: ia cs seletedas Mlois Ciozeno tbe ear in 1964. He came 10 Milton in 19U and ao a umal grocery store, visicis oas lter slI lu Super Sse Ce enlee eal lstate - workin 1969. ia lrst pblic sericei in Mlton vas ils tiec Milton Public Scisool( Bord as a member nI lter chiarmun. Ce vus mupor o Milton i1957 ald euledup lie ons succesfult cenleesiat celeiseutoos. In 1964 ie vus elecel (laeroor othtie Rotary ,Clubsie sîsiberta Ontario ood apper Ncv Yont Sate. MIKE LEDWITH of Milton wan honored for his outstanding commumity service, during the unnual meeting of 0nkvjlle Rosi Estato Board lat week. Kathryo Tcomm presents thse plaque. Mr. Ledwith is a sales representative and appriser wltis Mitchell Roai Estate in Milton and active in many community endeavors. 16 Mountainview Road S. GEORGETOWN 877-6984 BALLINAFAS. ONTAaiO 7Mies North uo Gorgetome 'January Specials 20 % offai HSIIId %off ail ow 30 vets andackets A grsHoua np aI ipg... for the K ISERl carefreeauyo . Enhnesayho-cldor ve Nvrnrs lpasntng 20 cear gooraa .diio ooursonrrlssrs LOW FACTORY PRICES ON OTHER ALUMINUM PROOLJCIS e Aluminum Doors BUGE Ceombination Windows VLBLEL e Car Parts 0 Aluminium Awnings FEDERAL INDUSTRIES SCANADA F ., tIFoiytira e. Oairo9Ir asi OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTOMERS PHON E COLLECT Ceiras aisbacs presi- dent oiftise Ciamiter o itonioscptl Boacrd, director oftCalonTB and Cealtis Association, os tie alsisory board ut Calton and Pool Trust lsuv Canla Trust), president of Milon Saty Couscil, a member ofthlit ov's industrial commission, ciairman o te Milon Commanity Simmisg Pool Irise, and member of tie tovo's parking aulirity nI commile ot aljulmesl. In tie post 10 pears ie ias regularty gies lis services t1, Irise cancer patients 10 area iospitals toc treatmeser. Ce vus aIs a lirector of OREB on 1977. Hevas once acandi- date oc tie elecal Lib- eraI nomination oc Raison rîing. At te saime meeting, tie Dabsille Bourd rerogoioel Joey Cram aI Jonc Wurser lRcal Estate, Milton, s lise rookie slesperson oc tbe monlb of December, 1978. Sie joned tie ires in Jue 197. Seserat Miton reallons and agens atulesled te lisser aIis e Roliday Inn Oakville. Gun owners respond to amnesty period An extension f tise ted- unI 38 rous o f arn- Novemiser van ogiciatiy guistams, futiy autnisatic weapoia, tlau gaa blose ral gon aisuty pro- munitions mre tunel in leclare as lise amnaaty weapore aucis as ma- gios. ansd Mica. gruam In Miton resrated for destruction. perlIodvisereisy citiznro sne ne cr5 andseed oft Effective tise tirat of in n turliser 131 vespons Tise yesr 1978, wus tise were encisraged to sisoguisa or ussy rifle vite .lanuary lisn yesr, local brougisiin for refira- frsitoctise amsesly pro- register veupoos unI a barrot leso lisun 10 residenta viissiisf ta ion or diapoai 10 the gram Tite colhsiaslic surresîe prohiiteld iscisos long or wilis an iorrow, prcisase or Nilo OPP 'lclo ilsponse btu te idca guos ind î,lher o-apons oserall lenglisioless lias ecciange a lîrearm mast Accochn odil a police proiptnîplcl>ficiaiîlls \lîlboii GPl' cporlcd a 196incites are prolibiled, ctnoaFîeacos Acil spokesolan. C3 veapos tu eteîd te pcoecom bity tl ci 252 o-apocs o-ee Also lorbilden are sillon Certîicae lcom ocre receise toc regia- oe mout.sucederel avilcisistade bises, RaltiosRegionat Police. trulion unI ose veapon The munis O Goder Canadu's new mony martial arts Acordiof 10 local Y registrations Up - dancing popular Registrationss toc Milton YMCA programa tor tise iscreasod registra- vus onty u teesporary inconsonionce violer progrunss hove iscreased l ion0. and tise Y wan isappy lo ba operuing ita greatly oser letnt er, according tu 00e iave lois of solunleers and programs 0out lie nov Centre. Iirectsr Brenda Coburs itais good its gool 10 base lots nf Siso said tise disco and sociul dancing Close to0300 people are egistered in communiy paricipation and avare- prograess are aesong tee mosi popuar, 22 proframu. ness.1 ils lise esooing ftleos prograrn ais i on. rovo awaemeolousls sud Tise YMCA las tuai movt 1tlie isving good atendance. "Tiseesorning isya Cr o Ils avouttheoiler ion ecesly-opeoed Optimisi Centre uoo tmns clas sol ' doing aswvolt, aledî14 prageama lasi ointer. and al omrilS.tog, h ad -ont> a ev' participunts. lite buioingliofsoiotal>compleled Tiere are oteer classes for esoliers Sise ceeiiel un iscrease in com- yel, adtise sousîs o iammering cao aod lieir pre-scbaol aged ciilres musîly avareneos othlie YMCA and la ostlltbecieard. but Miss Coburs said il visicis are aIs oinc volt, sie suid. Heart Fund February Campaign goal: $5,OOO0 Milosa 1979 Cort Fund campuigo. viricirln seeking $5000 in a bosse to-bouse biSînotihomes lie o-cci of Feir. Il t1017, bus nov peope ai the iselm tiis yeur. Ciarles Conter, retirel Mlon District Rgb Scisol principul vbo Brownies hit s S On Jus. 20, Brovn Dvi Diana CiristensOO ad 15 Brovo es tram lise I Milos Packt enjoyel a monn oflistructon andl[un ai Mîintsbrg; boa poassing tIlicr Snoo- 6' Sltoeisg Badge'. A ie reglar meeting Jas. 5 Mciselle Colle> rcccied e Gales LaIder 6 -à Al Guide Companîca JOEYCRAM anlScout Pacits prt- Rorkie of Motiuiiicipatel is a tuns asini ALCOHOUCSANONYMOUS MEETS EVERY TUESDAY 830 p.on, THE0010 F180 HALL Hcoîsg a prohlem MAIN ST, MILTON Drop in AL-ANON I ALATEEN -tha.dmkaO I b,he,,ny.,' p,,bIes, Mees Wedneday MtsThcndacs 8000p triae Chcsh 900p- G,a:cCh.,:h Porsh Hall ortr ooaiossta0ci Fenu y 1h 'a Or 1 .0 r otgaheori:.t W 0d. 104.tir.S10 4 uîls a, roo, r adIduLa accaee aiebypher ar uria the pani 1ev yeucs.lias a.rned oser tise ceins 10 Bacrbara Richaurdson af Biisop Ct. unI Pisyttis Garman of Chaurles St. Bot base esperience us cunvsuers and captuins in euctier coumpaigos. Lant yeur lte Ceurt sIopes aol races ai Pt C.Drury As pari il tere Tirift Badge 10 ie ils ftram tbe 201 Goide Company and Captuon Mary Jase Stepliens bourdlte Bankr ofi Nasa Scotia Jus. 24. te top. coteciof a total1 oI 9556, tise oairmen Cuplains cbosen o10 ituolle lise sariaun accus include Sieitu Surît, Janice Syer, Murîba Doyle, Jean Pislips, Peg Mccos. Eioor Ksitrbu. Barbara Canard. Maitys Etaley. ElizabthlbDigouo, Lis Titomso, PuesMcLeun. Betty Piillips nI Joan Roiterts. Alîbouhtit tie main cumpifs oili ha bell Feb.it I 17, o-iicb is St. Vlaetinens Weeit, some convasseca vilI hae ,cokng thiceronls visole monte s hating de-1 clared Cort Monte in 1 Mitont unI the eCort1 Fund flag viii ha lying aI Town Cati from Feb. 110o 28 as a ymbat of tirei campoign. Organizers bope 10 buse people aut sellîng brigitrl ed plastic roses unI reI jars viii ha placed in stores and busl- nsanoafices urosol lovo tac entra donaios of ouse chanoge. Mrs. Richardson suil Tiece inno-ose oda> vhois nsotat ffected by prabteons of ierat liseuse, in one voy or anateer. Moues fom tie PROCLAMATION We hereby procam thse month of February, 1979 as "National Herilage Mont', thse web of Febraary iBis îirough to Febrsary 241h, 1979 as "National Heritage Weeir" and Fabraary l9th, 1979 as "National Heritage Day' in thse Toms of Milton.1 Donald F. Gordon, Mayor. THE CORPORATION IOF THE TOWN OF MILTON Applications are requested for appointment to the folloon- ing Committee: Haton Regional Safety Council-1 required Ali applications must be in oriting, preferably setting oui your qualifications for the Committee.1 C. Thompson, Clerk. :1 anI eductional programa. " Tise lovn bus been disi- led in1 13 mas, vils a captais in charge of oucis district. napportel by a bot o cansassors. More cuosassers are stll needed, lise> sil. police ma-cm thse certif - deieirre if tiseperaun lu cite cavera rifler, silab)ela bhave a gais asolgnraa edjm aid police. A ~ yfrtt Aplcnacneapect ce prkelto recl -V. ele.rpermit ap as any local police williio four dsys of station but citizens miust makisif Ileir application. go te lie police unit1in Sallf itrgeaoi Eric their accu o resilooce. 001100k of the Mlton Certificat.es o 0061 $5 Regional detacirmeni asd are valil anyvisere raid lise station ias giveis in Canada for fine peanS. est 10 applicatioss n&is e Miltaisreidenta may fint vepi of January. pick up liseir application Tire certificate ia sot tomeaaitise Milton neceusary for gnonr precinot station. already osnel by indlvi- As investigation sla uals or ta purcise made ofthtie Individua] toaummunition. NOTICE 0F DISSOLUTION Breen. Carter Et Associtea Barristers Ps Solicitors wouldtlike to announce the diasolution ai pacterarho» effective lmmedlatellc Chînstopher C. Breen & Nicholan N. Far milI continue the practice of law aoder the namne CHRISTOPHER C. BREEN Et ASSOCIATE et 3M00 aleviera Street. Buringon between tise hoars of 9 am. andi 5 p. Wedsesday là Thursluy eveningn by appoiniment Richard R. Carter wl#I continrue the practico oflawaet i8 Ontario st. S., Mlton, Ont. You donI have 10 daan p tb slim downo OntlieWelghlWatchers' Programyoulearto open your mind-andyour moth-tocheesc borgers, spaghietti, poiatoes, even desserts and snacks, within lhmis You nevrhe oghuryt ose meight Andcoui unque Belavior Modfcai vrnt will help you o-hon you're aI lv ywenetigou or whlen you'ie undei stress Solonu wOr insulta speak for themselves oi ih - GEORGETOWN MILTON GUELPH4 Si. Gorges Coly Rosary Paiis alChas titanOined Churo Hall AnglooeCh-h 139llManrin Set (Sait tranccl 60 Gulph Street Tomers. :0a. m. 50oaeîSt. Tues. 730 p. Er730 p. - Tison 1pv .and 730p, ACTON MSISI5AOOA GUELPH4 St. Alians PriS Hall MEADOWVALE Oti YWCA oilon Street muisisi WarchnHaOice on 400 Seadons Orsias TisTh. :0p.mv 6610Ture OmIIV as nd Mon.730 p. Mon 730P. o-gos9:30 a.ni-730 P.m Trs. l2.ooo FOR CLASt INFORMATION4 CALLl1416-5-SM MR îamirarle r- NOLL AT ANYCLASS..7-]. il raros.ua.ra::~~tS :hr a15.r,is5aS 1 h tl ti E f 1 ý dto-4.1"49% ýlý, - -1 il

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