'OUR RIADIRS- WRITI: 0MB hearing ironic Dear Sir: herogi re lusded ilir tau dolars; Ttlere is ir-05y i0 the recent 0MB oi-l^ chs payig those lust dollars should lngsllllto litevening sessions drme noolhave lîîsacrîlîce îîsî'leîîît:grk the' expecled tht-e' îoîîth gar-hrge , Le more- dlîllarsi f o ilîre noitlh dump bear-îogs ut Miton. ryiog to suse Iheir land? In almosl Alice in Woderlasd logic, Appareslty the esenig sessions are te Bord decided hal te hearig;- se repugnasl thot lire 0MB rejecteli wtdcb la a public arbitratias Os esi- haisg ases ose pr weeb. desce preetedl tar asd 0900101 Ils ns wosder lihe OMB isot elecleli destooylsg prime farmlasd tttttsd bie - lirey dont play fair wilh those wtro trel wtten it la 10001 iscosveiesl for pay lire ilts! lise public affeted ta atend! Yoor-s lculy, Surety, whes ondy tws members of Jili Bales tIhe 0MB are inolved asd tlrey (Rite 2010 igiges Dr. esery slirer ogescy atesdisg aI lihe Burlingtos Find other ways Dear Sir, decomposilioo in the sommer and Wtrlile t applaud lire leller of Mos. lhrom lime oser the top 10 eliminale Dixns in lire Jas. 17 ediios of yor odors.I papur. in wicb sbe deplorea lire Site F Arnd Ibes Ibm-e ar-n the neases tbol fiasco, il seems o 1ie0010lbe higb ime 10 eilher gel barneli or pul out 10 the make a mre procticol appual 10 lire garbage pick-up, by omners who lheo public cocerslng te garbage issue. g0o0 ouand boy qick nitrogeS fecllioer Th may imprnssthlie 'pro-Site-F for the toms or garden. poliiciass" more and esen gise Illem e's slarl'"doing" conservation and an "out". the politicians may heliese Ihal me are Rom masy of us recycle ail jars, cons ready 10 lobte some of 1he brdes of r-e- asd rewspaprs? (Andl bow abot cycting Rlong mîlb lbem. Whal coaldli6e collectisg yosr neigbbooco"l) Do we morè c055l5r-lO9 10 lhem Ihan a solider mabe a pistlof refuoirog the bag; offered decrease in the flamber of green bago ai lire grocers, lire drsg-slore? Hase lef I oulside eachbhomse? Thon garbage we gase bacb lai the old-fasbiond colteclors costil starl collecling ce- "sbopping baske" yel? Do me phonse up cyclables inslead. Amity or the Salsalion Ao-my insead of There ar-e co-operaises in Hamilton, levsng thal aowand furniture in lire Guelph and Torosto, mhere you pay teor domp? Thal old farso fencing wll builli foc fresher food and lobte your w op yoa drisewoy net ime yo're don packaging. Coldolt Milloians hegir for grasai. Comptamn 10 the mono- one toc? The obole concept o musîr facurer about oser-pacboged goodo' bas lo be rnlhooghl hy each rodisidoal, the ime la rpu-they wil listes. Site F is merely t6e nighlmare fr-ar the DosOt bsy disposable cons; brt if yoo tarI tem dncodeo of dceamiog that base 1, then sase lbem toc yoor lilîle unmanled oasIe wilt jusl dirappear 011o solor-bnaling project, they are slo' thîo air if me pal il out of sighl. abe, t oodrstond. ie a bote Imo teel t dont 16mbk me cas eolicely lamr deep in the gardes and pt 16e vegel- thoce mho solse 16e prohlem their omr able mote in il. Il wili decompose moy unteso me show milingnrns Il ihosl air despile mhat al 16e change oc oms ways to00 magazines day, and coo be cosered and Yors sîscecety, rnmahn unnoiceahle while il taons 010o Jas Wathins, orgasic fertilizer-. tWaler il for qicher R.R.2, Milton Smley.. Police sqt (Cotlosed fror. l'. Fonr) We cOti it in comforl and eoli a book underage fr-sm among lhouraods sn a librar-y iseAcrcdonnode minutes away.Or w cn listento music or age drink ers mas lat dr-ora frem hundrelis of miles amay. Or ce hnme y1 me cas alcb 16e samne, or the noms af t6e Mlton Precincl of Hallor day, from lhosasds o mites amay. By Regionat Poice and oni merely lisiog a dial. icenseli eslahtishmer Hom did they stand il, Ihose slordy fore- laces thons charges t beoro of oras? Woldnt you lhink thal sersing iqoor- 10 ooder they'd hase gone star-ers ander- 16e oge patrons. bordes nf seser-ending toi, neser-esding Police ut Mîltît C old andi sno, oeser-ending mosoony preciset raid lhey il and tonlins. in inIer-? coninue to check fo Not a bit of il. They Iriseli and mlli- yoolhlul dctnber-s./ plied. conviction meaos a fis Mosy aI lhem didalt surise, o course. Cildrnn doni in itsancy. Womeo mer-e ni ai B0. Bol il mas a litelong lest course in sarsisal, and the tosgh oses made il. WhaI a lot of complainlng, complacenl slobs mn ar-e 1-day!1 No1U.S.A. US.A, m ut.s30Luttco b.590 Florde U.S.A. Red Dllcous Oruffl d.o990 APpOs lb 39* P.El1 1016Bat g White Canada EiOa Foncy .Uu LGoden nlîoos Csd rd A M lb.590 Mclnto5h 25 Bionche n eli5oe 611 Ps mt l6.13 Ab " dslt r7 The MILTON PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PUBLIC SWIMIMING os Monday evenings Whera: Ernest C. Drury Indoar Pool, Sparts Building, 155 Ontario St. S., Miton Whan: Monday Eveniogs - Beginning January 29/79 ta, April 9/79. (canCellanian date of Mon. Mach, 19/79) Tima: 8:305a9:30p.m. Cist 75/persan aacherveening (poal capacity 75 persans) NB. - PMase suppart this Camrnunity activity as a minimum number of participants ara required to warrant the continuation of thia prsgram. House deatroyed Family homeless Fie of yel unhnoom origîs deslr-oyed a trame home and is contents Itasîîgîàliîîîîly oftor tomelesSunday mr Thich smobe bamper-ed Milton irefigbîers' ef- fortoton gel ai1the lire and il loch clone 10 Imo boucs befoce 16e lames mer-e fisolly out, oaid Miltas Fire Chief Jim Cochson. AI one point, ficefigblec Don Clache had reacbed 6fe centre of the blaze, 16a te hasemeol otoir-- may, and mus gelling snecontroi oser- the tir-e Bol Mr. Cloche dand teIt, sufterisg a c esproined hocb lu 16e tat s andwmb e tettom fIre- s figh ers Bob Kerr and drMPP Cc about la ;s The Otario gosers- e- ment bas a plan tu pro- mot e resource recosery nîte pr-ovnce andthere so ocreuson mhy such a enplus couldo't be in- i tiuted inStaiton suid teJutian Reed, MPP toc l Halton-Bur-tingtos. le Mc. Rend said Thurs- stday the Ministry tof toEsergy îMOE i s puyiog hall of 16e cont of a ce- -esource recosecy plant n erNortlh Buy. Allemplu 10 bescea y, sîmîtur plant toc Huttos Shavbereslited in stthing )n but proîmises mîth strings ueeze 1patrons e fut o$10,1000 for 16e n- jusesiteuand coatdmeas he a uesen-day suspoension n of the tiqaor licence and a ne lise of 05 10 $25,0600toc il uuy estahlishment sers- of îngrmnocs.îbheyooîid. r- The emptoyee uer-bing mioscn also be sn char-gel mîth sapptying Il liqaor10o apor-sos under 16 te uge of 18, mhich cor- A r-ienua fine or consiction e of up ta500. Pal Ryao dcagged 1he injuceli mas tcom 16e bulding, he fhumes O ut h -llgall Mr.Clache. , 3, a rushe 1to Miton Hospitl by ambulance and mas celeasedl ter- Ibat day. He especlu lo be off mor-b for- about a meeh. The home mas oc- copinli by Mc. and Mos. Gordon Per-ry and tio sues Keilh and Andy, . Att four- escapod in 16eir- srghl cloîbes mbeo the hcb urnoke mas ficul dis- covered about 10 a.m. Allemplu 10 re-enler- the home to cuti 16e ire deartment mer-e ons-r- ceurfut hecause of umohe, Mc. Fer-r-y s so he ranto a eighbor borne 10 cutI the brîga >ncern andf ill said, oring oade. ttoobed. Ste said neither- the province soc 16e regios are "doiog unytbing 10 help- gel auresoarce re- cosery plant. Mc. Rend saîl 6e as concecoed esidence mîght 1e itlodcel ai the lOntarioMunicipal Boarditeacingu os a suni- tacy tundtuit site in Mit- Ion suyiog the province consdero resoarce r- cosery plants anteusibte. Il (bal mas Icue mhy msithe provtoce contri- haiogfinunctutty tu sucb a plao( onNNorth Bay, 11e aohed. Mr. Rend said 6e ce- ceisel 11e infor-mation froot a nems retease tr-om the MOE und udmitted the mîistry is primacily conceroed mîlh Site F. "bol sur-do1the twomut luth 1u euch other. AROUND TDE HOUSE wiab _ cDoM,% s1,00k a0wa11so badly if 000 pu1t thmbtack osn1the loe duo of the osdosîde of th. ftîuieKes I l Ait., duiitg . mîe lob p.nod inîubbng a0150501 GlasmilbentlleO bright. .0 .b00 al. O 1 t a t10500010 T . nP . ' nP nti T, N. let o soleb voillr-losb b rus ooîiî am ae o -d oflnaîstiotonor tissue1 Hte suffer-elia tcul bond hreahing ito th1e eigh- lorshorne, 0011111 .00 -Tnip a(lihe lall, îo w iuîolsoî Said. The home s omed hy Dr. Corner-on MoArîhur- Fire officiais soili iere is ioourance os the buidg but nase on the contents. Mc. Per-ry said hOUte cas be salsogeli from t6e home. Neighbecs bave estah- lished a depotltoc donations of cthing toc the famity. Mrs. C. Pullerson (878-5964) is ont of the orgooloors. Chief Coulson said t6e cause is tili under-is- vstigation. Fir-efigbler-s combeli 16e debrin sn an attempt 10 eslohtish a camse, bol 10 dote basent isand an unsmer-. The ire upparety begos in the hasement teset of 06e home and bur-ned tbrough the ceiing mich supportsu thn main f1cr- ut the bouse. There mer-efI litoe- fighter-s on the scene aod another st-st-Ilreîoaisrd hail reI.îîîg bo---1" air Chiot Coulsos said the mes used about N0 tanks of air- duing the mocnn. The pomper- und lasrr teuck, mhich cacry a total of 2000 gallons of mater-, mer-e emplîed in the fîrsi hall bouc und 16e ose truck mas sent in0 oeachy cr-eeh 1 purnp muler 10 the scese. The Perrys became the third local tumiy 1n he hurned ouloftheir- honte in the pasi rnth.On Chrstmas day the Bill maumell turnîiy Of Spey- sidet-elurned home trom visitlisg 0tî nd theto home gutteli by a lir-e, un on Jus. 10 the William Mlnecoy iamiy of Thompoco Rd. losi their- mohile home asd possessions on a pr- dams ire. YEAR END SALE SHOES and BOOTS and Slippers and Luggage and Everything store wide UP TO 5O0/ Savings! AIL SALES FINAL W No Exdaiga or Rofunds Robert Newman Shoes 184 Main St. 878-9877 weoeisok smpciadea1s on'78"s North End Datsunli needs more room for 79s Great deals on all new 78s and some demos... save hundreds Sand hundreds of dollars while stocks last! Th 7 b , ,,S-OS 0 I., Weredeoling. Hsry'HurrylHur-cy Wth thedeals were nalollg, tlsey ne gobe last.S o ene in today, misie stock bots. DASUN88-17 I I Àmf e I. . IN The Canadien Champion, Wad. Jan. 31, 19»9 E1~ ~ O~@ ~[~L TAKE NOIC M pêurs i 1, apea Sals Only fo otrusan=ga o, s oisWod. ICI MM &copae eu pics Sot. 6RtrM Fn oo s el FreshrTesnr Tosa SLrCD t-" 5 oPORK LIVER l BREAD 2. FeshL.an IF.hDayPORK HOCKS ALb ITALIAN orSLICED WHITE BREAD 2 ... a59PORK CMHPSlb B UNls nsa o LOIN" $ Unic AssnedPORK CHOPS lbý BEANS 2,9oc teîSS<'o K SHOULDER IVEGETABLE DIL "3. 7» ROASTS 19 Lanci AilShas l2b-W SPAGHETII a s * or MACARONI 7Y o Donands o Fodlad PPLES Frst Gad McINTOBO bushel basket * ,l CREAMERY Lsrl ~- R D 'ERUTrcnPCusomor$ - D7IMcINTO5M 5 1b.basog~ Hostess AIl Vosietal Regulo9W 225 g RDD CGS OR 5l.bg POTATO CHIPS pkg 9,R ORELCSU 1610..9 eý WÀ1 Pînno RUSSETS O3 l. asfl RAVIOLI'S lb. pkg. 94 D'AàVAMS ýb CHICKEN LEGS iii ES= b orBAST l.95<yoAVOCADOS Ch wthokAtobdNo.1US.A Sits..TOMATOES b COTTAGE ~NoAUS.A. FCis ROL AE lb LARGE LETTUCE ha pORits . S-o kd No1US.A. PICNIC CMENOL "Ch SHOULDERS lb.$1.2. C 1U.S.A.Rl an CUCUMBERS 0052l SPARRIBS 129 MUSHROÔMS -.Uigo Colonel Sanders' DELICLOUS- DINNER SPECIAL fMA complete dinner for just l, h - i K-îîîîok l- I.Iokî îîîî r , Ii .gl î l,-11 i îîoI îîo A complete dinner 1 7 1 foust Kontucky FWd6kCWÀ,. CU riI S 5i o Y CInkeI iie Cn (d IMAIN& COMMERCIAL 776A GUELPH4 ST. MILTON GEORGETOWNI 1 978-4171 877- 461-- - - - - - - - - - - - -1 1978 Brand New Ford CarslTrucks 79 00 Over Factory Invoice Save Even More On Demo's Get Yours Todayl -Avalli"Wmw sbccbi Trafalgar MMotors 409 MAIN ST. 878-72531