êIuinfiou SECOND SECTION WEDNESDAN' JANUARY 31, 1979 SPORTS AND CLASSIFIEOS Sabres dil Acton handled easily in spirited performance St as an ecitisg Gergetown eeini. spectacle of timire and Caeh Dsag Vaghan talent Friday eening aI as confident going ito Milton Memneil a ena the match andl reesains hen te Milton Jr. "S" soOas the Flyes continue Fîpers defeateil 1he to hstIe andlgo "aS ot" Actas Sabres 7-3. in search of more pointa Penalty-kiSling playeti andl the elsise shtot a maor rote in thte isas game'The teans ent 48a defenceman Seeti minutes itiiosi allowing Patterson was ot a goal Friday. standing boeing The tough contet for namerona shalus ilO hia Milon iis eekend iSl body. Todi Siepprd and lie in te Dixie arena Rail oding mre atsSsnday. standoust in the penalty Ftyers starteil trosg tillisg iepartesent. as Jim Court and Rail Sbepparil as sidelineil Gooding set ap Pool ater being speareti and McCann's f irs goal ai mioaed 1the second haIt nI 10.30ofo the first perloil the gome. bt heit 0e mie Sabre Kelly bart in the lneop for Fn -MArthr as in the sin day's action ithbibn Cairns' hat trick Ieads Chrysiers Halton Hogs t tbeîr Assists ere garnereil by second game in as many Blakte Anthony, Art meeks edging the Raers Broos tms. Rob Dasey Edge 4-3 in Sunday Nigt and Clarence Haringa. Indstriat Hcitey Rsckeitel monitrs Leagae action. Tan ere tltieti by Peter Torse oins toppeti te Gsmol from Sob Roekmel Raders by 1he Evereti. Eti Wetls roso same talty ant ilMîton Nirit (atambos anti Bob Ciryser-Doilge mode Ferrier anti Gaambos shtort ork outhtie Fre sette ne betmeen tbe ighters 52. pipes In thte frst game Grant tn the tiird rontesi Wikinson anti Steve Marty Carns eseelteil Amis ireil Imo goals netisg a iat trickt in Mit- eacb t pore te Hogs' ton Cirysers' in oser in. Jet Duharmee Art hireigiters Dan Zan- Godard tmn ant i Vnce ata anti Gary Nayler Crrigan nabbed assistso eaeit scoreil once for the Scoring for the Raeers, inners. Ses Nyhot nettedt tas ato sssedo an nsrues Bauseflit -ten PaoassateiGaon lied the singe. Anista Hunt goni Mrty Fary were amarileil 5 Rab rt loMryPr McKee ith tmo. anti . 1,antiGordl Aams Sousefielil. Mite Neios, anis tise. Dace McSee anti Ricb- Rantiy Coulsos nolcitei ard Mrray itit sîngles a ingle for the ire' Ray Deegarile as the lîgitiers mit Wayne M- sharpsooter for Tans as Cotisett assîllîne andth1e Peter Water anti Anrt tier as slaleil iy Rick Brooks contrbste Serafini om Deug singles for the m nners. Timseon. E.J. Millett, wi bail an aggreosi% foresance. combin MeCana to set sl Katapocas goalt seconda remaininI trame. 7he second spetedth 1e nietx Milton andtih1e lona for Sabres in ton Mrena ibis mt Flyers beli goals. Tbe tirst came when McCana third point of th anti mi10 Mise Mi the point. ted Gou the cont. Marty Venner bis tiret of a pi Pallerson ant i assisting als9.02i tireil bis goal i 3t Venner. "a aise Captais Dose Turner se pr- as aideti by reiabte ed ih inemate Gooding. p Mite Fiyere managed te > ih 28 score onty once in the g in the final perioti aller SabresA tiefiated teir iopes o a perioti shstout in. tory for Don Patitep srored for second Sabres mhite Tom Citant' 10e Mi- macb as in the bon bt sessos Marty Vener repied 10 isg four 1at gnal mith Ses Allen e i1.0anti Cort assisting a th obbs10.12 mrt. se nigt Drem Gareas anti rati iurry ai Bchanan both monaged sbgfrpenid and ti l as otbdMeArthur mbo set three ir mtlt assista for Sabres. es Alies lyers tanleti Sabre I)OWN AND OUT of playoff contention, caves of tise 65 sisote Milton ad Milen goaler Robt Bremner it thtie Acton Sabres felI to tise Milton Flyero muy. Ftyer Mike Tisompoon 3.17 froes 58 shots mite RBd Sachs 73 Friday evening t Milton Memoriat drag Bremner to tise corner. laced 44. Arena. Goatender Rois Bremner coude 58 Ail points critic%.al at the wire Tridents must win to stay tops Only Imo games remaîn n the Milton Tridients' season sebedle foloing Taestiap esenîng's jcon- test mith New Hamburg. Tridents cao il afforti to dreop asp poinsu ith Paris 'Sers breatbing tiomn Ieir necbs in the OHA Souters Counies Intermediate 'B" stand' ings. Paris sita a tes pointa bock antiase foar games remainise. tSaetenlng ta averiake the locais il they sooslt stambie. Paris eiminateti Tri- dients from tbe piayofts in the pot Imo years anti il olti 0e tiseartenisg to Tridents andt 1eir sup porters iltey sbnatti 0e tetirosdc by Paris afler their mosl suceessil ses- son in tOecloat club'! history. Tridents coonleti a 7- sîctory rîday esening ii Piaitssilte anti capture( te Tuestay esening con test ith Recons Rea McCoys 8-3in a batg fooght, bîgh fyog batIle. Srati Esans anti nemi acquireti Mono MeDon aid sharedth 1e nelmind isg durites, Evans goit isa disitance mî10 sbtou goalendng andi McDo aid getting bis feet ws it tmo ]ate goalsin th thlnd prod. Tridents bell a 2-0 loi ater tbe irt penid t Bill Sheroîs soreti ru Jies Robrtson antiDo, Hearns from Jim Cole Ituwas a four poinlese ing for Cote mito as be bot o laIe. scorng o c' ant i cîclng oen 10c Suntiay astdieing an 2 impresse leur goas anti in one assist on Teestay. il Keilt MeKîcnn itanti tn cd te Isealc a 3-0ctge go- l tng inlolthesecodipcic rd tith Cote assîstîng aI . t244 andtimil5.3s2 goee y on the lset, Cote stureti m itlt Robertson asti Jse id Perrîn hetp. g Sertset'n secondi goal aI inreasetite lseos' lead )- 5-o aI 1.7,.settig ite Fet stage for the final rame he Captain Lorne Leset nolceetis bic îct poit1oe id te eveoîog 359 nie tise as bhird asnîsteti iy Cole aod mi MeGltoway in Combines' Bill Oel broite teTrident suteet en at17.42 but Desnhiarns -en reptielss as in( ne lae r oe rriad iD " RoeurvsnFred Gutes pushet inoa last dttî' effo t 5143 tut' latte Ai humefaes werref trealedt t a htgh lyîng exi hbtion ot hoceye as Iriens'. iîdted tise îdtyscatly bruietet bOuc t loe MeCov'. fini Robtert ,onenoclisd tue tititeand tue assiel.v bui the'str asjîm Cuir Rolbertson tîrted bttth onthce peroingpeieti, assisteonbth courts hi Bil'th"etue'itThe cort- sitiedTr tideet', uttisIl saes '. il' ii tirsnFay soer a iret petted gual asi.'ci.ed by litchardsone anti t ec Co'ec eredttour inCt tise mitle rime eith Puy, Mite Fesuardîe. Marty Seetie. SughiOt tam'.ted Robertcon 'tnatuintg assîctc. Rîichardson tîredth ie tutu third pertiodSeat teum Sil Sherseit asti Robert sos thse tist andt imîesinte ibiasted Bis attempts to secendiperititi Tridents itI iotc Piailuellte Cembinaes ai Milles Memectul Arena Tuesday in titeir isal tome game ofthlie season anti clese oui tieschiedule te Ayr on Tbucsday. Pcb. Atoms drop Fia 8t 1 ïtiiave advaoeedtte Drenoan pieketi up Ime pie Streetsilte. The accits uhîle Justins %neut l t,,u te seVarga, Elimeut. isWayne t'it ladus ters anti AtreuWttil tt,.it Foîtes puttetitisesesnielpedti e s ingle lue r ýt togeails pots. antd ,ta'ttt eely iati a Mite Seveeson Lid tîtultwlu, uei'tstuppeti a situteut front ,ltt,'e Stliunsce.ererestair Lesîsarti astiDave t,,isistie'isonu. Dowt usa geai lte ts Sct iti'.o Stuart tise thirtiperioti Sport g. WITH PETER MCCUSKER Champion Sports Editor Only two days remtain to purcisase rour tickets for tihe Milton OptimiSta ClUb's Eddie Shack celebrity roast. Milton resident Peter Maher, "Voice of thse Leafs" on CKO-FM will act as thse master of cerenoies and bielp contrai tise antica of King Clancy who lseads the roaating panel. Bruce Hood will meli rememtber the stick awinging incident Sisack was involved in Marcis 7, 1968 at Maple Leaf Gardens when Sisack engaged Philadeiphia Flyers' for- word Larry Zeidel. Botis players, wiso bad carried on tise duel for tise past fût years, went at eacis other a good 30 seconds mitis tieir sticks before Hood and other officiais broke tsem Up. Anotiser Maple Leaf scrapper, Dave "Tiger" Williams will be on bond as weil as Hood's sidekick, linesmtan Leon Stickle. Tise two moat dangerous on tise panel will ha Paul Rîmstead of thse Toronto Sun and King Clancy. it'Il be iseld at the Optîmist Youtis Centre on Commercial St., and tickets are $25 per person. Cocktails are at 6.30 p.m. Milton Minor Hokey motisers are hsolding tiseir annual Valentine's fund raising dance attse Lions Hall Saturday evening. Music la by disc jockey and tise proceeds go ta iselp tise lads in thse MMHA. AIl local figure skating fans have their hopes pinned on Kevin Parker miso ils out to the Canadian Championships tisis comteS weekend. I heard that hie picked up a minor virus and is flot feeling too melI. Ilisope it clears and he is in peak condition to bring the title home It's his last sisot attse Jr. crown. mrboro Sabres in Streetsvvtle or, Sus-itreetsc'ille poppeti ose day alleessu tise Dses in lte second but betore anti Dents came op sis the perioti entiet Milton their fines( gumr or the toseht lsack %altO Wayne season tusisg tu lthe Hivers seoring feues Sut- strong Streetsvile clui-ler. ei tise lusi minuteoiithe Milton camne sut Olying îivertime periodtiin the ihieti as Geoff Aller tise fîrsi perieti Pellen anti Seoit Ellmooti streesvile led 2-1suis lired iaekteboek goals liuug Dr ensun sceurîng ieum Jasson Nemby andl lise Dues und Dents goul BSetit ervaîs. Thsost- lesmn PaButBlier, (Continued os Page aS) *4 KATHY YELLAND, 10, is one tof many o tiseiard working youug girls in tise Milton Figure Skating Club who is invoived in ongnîng competitions. Tise MFSC will lie putting oiit tieir unnuat coisn tise spring. A DISPLAY O F STYLE froc tise MFSC'c captured tise open dance, senior ladies, Heidi Brooks wio place first in four events open ladies and senior itrrtv n tise clubs competition recenlly. Sise cutegories.1 Four first placings for Brooks Te Milton Fguree antiMis hel llonfrt uci ia Jveers . , Anna- peieaelalKnud- Senio Stang Club etdilts Eeese ý . trc. eco d ad ladn astis Sta, iaenese os, haeoe Tyas anti Boosts annal cubcompeioss Marts 'n au ist i he Tasad Tsatsenne- Shely Lasecque. andTac on Tuestiay, Jan. t3 anti Homthore iid o ne ump bSe Bys Isterpreie, Ladties te aarti anti badge Scunelle. Dacer IL Anee Nvce Girls. Judy Antrem Cbamsbes, Tony Brooits,. w inners are as Ioiioms. Basie. hi e aur- Richartisoin tît. Aotraehoh, Lita Silcos. Zita. ant im ie Seginnert Sooy Jamie- mont. Erns ','tiitham. Ileatiser 'Iscornti aond Sylvia Mofttit Girls Itereeiate Boys Fr son, Nicole Brown anti Aodrea Long aid Sarah Fresti'. Sarahs Junior Dancee, Monique ftnterpreiive, Sylvia Zita antij Kercie MeAiter thlnd. Hsbrger ien SuInte Satiley. Alîson MeLjeoti. Moffal, Lina Silcos bore. Strnting, lrati Noice 1, Tract Rescille et tise senior undi Shannon Fraser. Sesior Girls tterpre- Senior I DonîonsliritI,Chantai Larucqoe lîrel tJanine eutmpetitielti Tîtrs- tniermetiate Dance, tise, Heitit BesoitsCeia Nasht. Gnay, Lina Marins anti Crtmell serres'1 day ,tar e sttlttue Asoa-Marie Zita. Tony Russell, Tracey Wilso. ad Trace ndintO A ieiTeIN ias Sreico, , w e cod s at nvie irs rintaBDavitE rn 5 Dnse t. at tie. Fre îr.Stailstand Zita asti u CyaJmnir rs, elyBl rokTNOASTSINoni o,9,wsuodi ot oOpenSKrsaDvdo id n Dne1 ýriDe r-ueflSaio ia n uy Jno Grs oi oe aLotih ete ure Nvc 1 eticia Sheri Gataeti Junior Girls Inter- anti Janice Smeelo. asti Karer girls, teidi Kim Patcheson, ey Wilson. sOpen, ielidi Traeey Wilson nPatcheon. Free Style, Tony dAndrew Chams- Dance, Barbara tanice Selko, ey Wilson. Dance, Heidi Mary lLou It rnViekery. 'I j