Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Jan 1979, p. 11

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The Coadlen Champion, Wed. Jan. 31,1979 Il Omagh Fire destroys Sixth Line couple's home by Mes. Cedi Paleersea inere sympathy la extended tSatsband Homard Wnct and daaghters Linda and Louise on lhe recenu death of Mns. lrllce Winch. The amily tad liveil Cr eyeral years au te Ffth LUne betare moving ta Boltan. Sineere symjaatlay la alan extended 5inte am ily ofthlle laCe Norman Worrad, misa paaaed away Jan. 24 ai Miltan Ditrict Hospital after a brief illness. Mr. Wrrad la sarvived ty hla wiCe, son Nichlas, and daaghter Brenda. Tise Cunily recently rnaved la Steir new hte an te Faurt Line. Local leadersaofte Hernby Sout4H Club have attendeli leaders' trabning ucheal and are preparlng te spring pra- ject. Assessaries the Final Taucb. Classes will te held in Omagh Pres- bylerian Chrct bal at- urday, Feis. 3 rama 9ar. la nues. The mernters wl stady clar and clatling, and may mate a scarl, KUB KAR RALLY CHAMPS were the top of 116 entries in the Milton Kub Kar ry held Friday eveming and Saturday mor- nrg at Use Scout Hall at Milton Fair grounds. Cars with Use beit design were made by lan Bennett (Ueft front) of M5 pack, Torben Jensen und Tlsomas Jensen of M3 pack. The apeedatera in Use bock rose are Ian Copelund of M5 who camne second, Howeard Beeler Use champion from first Campbellville pack and Cameron Hurray of M3 who corne Usrd. Complaints spark thought to adding more amusements Direclors otIhe Millaos ramte public. N Fuir milS te caassdering Ttc initiation of a f mare attractions or te maaor graadalaad t-' publicCr te 179taltrartion,te reopeaiag i Cir. ol dsplay buildings on % AS teunnual meeting alurduy evealag andit ai te Milton Fir Bord longeraopertiogtnars on OSaurday l is e OGario Suaday ere uggessed Miislry of Agriculture Ilamas agreed lu keep tise N and Fard building on displey buildings opena Main SI., suggestions sotlS 9 p.m. Saturday. c camrontstlie geoerut An earlier date milI body Sa improve te a- alsa te considered, ruclivenesuaofte tair in movig te Cir atead order toSaisfy persoal Smo eets ia rder la camplusala recesved aperuse under btler Food commissior explores problerr Setere Cndu's tord Mite Crr, a stafft ndusryis cxncersed, member. bold te meet-s Mlîaanianu sec lise iag iSmuld lay te grealeul pratlemx us graunudmris Cor dis-c ctemicul additives, lard cxssioa imed au camîne use, impration ram apit soluions and ter countries. price in- ecammendulioas. t ing cartels andte cuel af A slide presenatlsa f tayîag asîd prrduciag tega te meeting. Ia il.f food. te commisin was set2 Tisese concerna mere os( as tesag independeas enprcssed lunI Tuesday xl goveramneol. sar ass ai a meeting aof te asrncd aS goverameat l 1 Peoples Fard Com- mas. aeverteless, crii' mission t Millan Lit' cal af gaversmea'st rary. starS eren policies t50 A crxstd of 12 peaple slecfordp'xtlemts. 5 allcîded'te meeting, Tte averaîl quextion ofc idenlîlyisg temnelves fond, sad te presenla-i Cr te mass par, as iaa, is "Sus imporanlta Crmers cxseerned saist e eftS xgversment:." t easl xne aspect aftie Tise meting as in tard îaduslry. preparasian Cr a ulS Tte cammssixn's pr tearangty te commis- pose ia 10 ry la iran out sion, scteduleil Cr protlems in tiselard "Ys Marct 30 and 31. Tte le.Il sees toauvoidua controntatioa tetmmea locations bannIt een lise turîxus istoreul detided yet. tut a grxups ante xyslem ay pas iiilily is Sherida iadisg camman interesla Coleges Gubville and sxrtiiig rntliere campus. l te pratlerns esci 'We lelI gaverassenl grusp tas. mating te musaot acting on muny ater graupu amre o protlemu, and me dîde S tem. masS loaist aroaad and Strike fails to curtail camnpus Thc strie of support lacs tuad teca set upua staaISaa commua ly col- cumpuses is ate le, leges ta Gnario is isvine Brampton andl Credil Sitle eltecu oa ateridun Valley. College. 'We're tuaciosiag Cllegc presideal Johno exccpioaally mel," te Porter suil clases are sail. "Al dulsses are goiag an juIuas tisey are caatiauing, andil mare lise t te Milon campus. night classes. Mmnd you, Mr. Porter sid tre il n oly lise tondis day.' wer n piceslat te A press relcuse tram Milton campus,ater- te cllege sait!las meci ixe inoma as te Heavy te muinissbue is tenul- Equspmcnt ctuelfinitariues of secrelurses. te tacwofxl.but pickel lectascians, clericul and asitmtce saff, libr- rhieves grab ar aessistantsan seuiy guarde. snowmobiles Represetingtemtl h Otario Public Service uSaowtoile tiieves Employeeu Union made xft itsmo IIIPSEU). machins Ttursay, Neliationu btleen Hulasn Regionul Police teunion andte provin- mail. cal Couneid o Regenla Police suid the smoSose. have broisen oC, and Me. Jela ere inke tram te Parier uid te did't rearatfte residence outhSin te strie wmndd te kari Colgan, 37 Commer- a shore one. cial S. Frak Marpisy. ad- Tise machines mre minitralar othSe Milles stolea tetmeen 1.30 and camspus, bad no commnt 5.30 ar. on te sise. metter conditions. Ttc tair is teld aonully tram Sept . 22 Sa 24, ose steet ater Actoas Cuair and a eet tetore George. lam's. A six-mus commîllee milS t e lang aSte date chsage. Heuded ty presi- deat Bat Marsalal, il consust fLloyd Ctts- tolrn. Henry Stanley, Cameran Marstuli. Rth Fard and Evelys ates. AliStour top attîcers mere relurned lu office as Robtert Marshsalre. maineil as presidens, Dot Heatirat vice.premi- dent Alla Parsons second vice.presideat and Mca H. Hall serre. tary-reasurer. Lloyd Stokes repurSed te grounds nammilîra spevl $1,600 ia repairs Sx te rasdstand and $1.200 tx replace a ire tydruel. ChangesSute gcrad- stand are alxa brise con- sidrcd ty tedirertors. aoggcsScd ocre plans Sa eoclose te structure and inild a stage on teater sîdeutfte tract. Thc amusement com- mttee r epucled an un- successCsSl dance sith t mais Suc item Su do xx.' profitas ofiny $3a. suid Mir.Carry Eolcîes ante steep CîScism was alsoanad guet tateguries ace direcleil aS pivaSc culer- Clline utS and te luct xl prise. prise muaey wsa lmed. Tte meeting sas 5ud Mcmterxsixîs te ram te case il ecaîxtue muSer cilnd high prize prices in tarue vscinery muney aS Atertuyle ad equipment, wo lesale ater taics as te main ad retailiag of food mas ceasun. due in part ix tte mono- Ttc teuvy andl light pulissic pracricca utaa test txrse pulls pruved Su te a privule lirons lan te crustil pîser and Don tusiness. Ttc presenla- thSi repurlcd a sactess iaa suidtese ligopelies ia publie acceptace ut stere drivusg xp prices. te tampelitioas. yet net Socm iucumc tad The must succeustul dropped 3saper cent ixnteecvcuSs ucrete pel tso perird bteen 1974 aod and dsplays tram te 1077 Hato4-H cdot j SHOPPING S IN MILTrON (4it) M7952 ~I¶MOSTLY PINE'~ P'0î Mode FJxuu, s q gd, St.Joh 91iM" S.. fflo.Ont 105100 COMFY EtCOSY QUILTS AT bella r a causal bat or ta- que. Girls ever 12 are in- vited tu attend. Ttere will te seven regular meetiags and an aciieve- metday May 2 Nesaers xiii mxcv ht Sa relacrad select sisees, basdbaga, glaves, and jewellecy and ta buld a mardoe a und a basic cler. 4-H Harnemaking clate are intended fr lama girls nu well au cauntry girls and pravide as op- pertusity Cr girls ta warb togellser andSera by disg. local leaders are Mrs. Fera Bruce and Mes. C. Pattersua. Sacry ta repert Mr. and Mrs Gardon Perry leSt teir htens te Omt Line ty ire Bueday maraiag. Ttey had ne insurance on te coateats af te reated boause and escuped la sight attire anly. Tley andteir Iia iveyeur-old smns are staying ut their parensa toena Derry Rd. Auyaae wisiag talbelli ibis youeg amily can contact Mes. C. Patter- son, 015-500 or Mes. Playboy attracts thieves Tlirly issues ut "Play- Regianal Police, te boy" maganine mere maganines mere laten umog te valuebles along it a Niluko stolea tram a Fise Side- olarea, Smo audio re- rued residence aStoerct speakers and a Ttarsday eveniag ater black andiste lele- tieves ticked opeante vison sel. tact dur aCfte tusse. ToalIvalue o te alolen gaods is estimaled Accordîng toSa lIon ua$t~ DLU foloUgiUL VIUJ _Pa Iiq0e -talian £akerg and lDelicale4en 878-5995 Specials Cooked Hom $3.19 5t Virginie Ham 13.69 1b Drled Black Olives '1.69 lu, Homemade Bread 2 fo, 991 ' Speciai On Buns SpOclala on Cakes Et Pestries Hot Pizza 250 l& 504 Good Espreso & Cappuccino Cotte. OPEN 7 Deys A wank sa 'I'sandy &Fridy9-9 SERVICE BATS OPEN BXUERY TILL MILTON MIDMIONT SUNOCO SERVICE TO SERVE STATION YOU BM ER CORNER OF 24 Hour STEELES & Towing ONTARIO ST.9 w-_sumco- 878-3154 jINTERNATIONAL * HARVESTER PRESMNTS TUIl ANNUAL PANCAKE DAY Bring Your Family To YOUNG'S FARM EQIUSPMENT LTD. on Thursday, February 8th from 10 tili 5:00p.m. ALSO BE SURE AMC SE! TME Al. NEW 2 I12 TRACTOR AT ,SFAAM EQUIPMENT YOUNG'S LTO. Omile ansof Clappisons Cornera an No. 5 Hghseey Ralpa Feateston, Ste. Birslsday greetlags go oul la Grant MacKinnaa, Loane MacKiaaan and Drîssar Ford Meibr, f(hliato Fary, SaSety Cuacil acre gacsl utfte PeeS coueil Manday, Jaa. 22 ai Hlarrisan Cisuret, Bramptoa. G. M. ICrauter of te Ontaria Maapewer services spabe aa Em- ployer-Emplayee Relu- tians on teCarm. Mr. Krauter said Carm- iag caa te a teaurdans accupatian, and emplay- ers sisuld emsure teir telpees uadersaad te suCe stays af aperatiag Carm mactlaery. Ted Wtitwartt, saCely represenaaive ftram Graneeville, stamed a film aad spoe n te dangers ot silo gas. Tihe protlem la sincreaamng te- canneaofte popularily oC nitrate Certliller. A long draugt, rain jualt etare puttine an silo, and a lact of suastine cause the Caal, calarless, and odar- Sens gan 10 Carm. ueveral Carmera bave died mteatey eatered silos and wcre usable la gel anSt elare saltacal- iag. Il is advisatle la use te blamer and apea in Mr. Whtwath alnu gave same saty peint- crs sncb as noS mearing lause clthing aroond mavine rnactinery parus, ELECTRICITY IsODixBusinms sDoS t e a Tikerern wît elecuricîly. CalS au expera Sor Additionat ulet % %FEATHERST0NE, ELECTRIC % 878-6378 avoid nuIt shounlders on public roade, sever let ctildrea ride on a tract- ar, almairs bacb ap vamps or steep tilla, and alloxa the' ractor Scoo litlxnnrefling. Aller lunch, CapS. MaSS McGoman of Peel Fire DepI. demontrated and spote an curdian pl' monury resuecilalion, a nesa may oftlreallag sic- lima o teart attack, or stock. CapS. McGowan demaatratedte et- nique usng Annie, a plastic dummy. H4e s curreally teaciag te tecnique ta dactars, lîremenanad ambulance personnel. Hc nid 75,000 people btleen te ages of 45 and 65 ssdter teart aS- lacta eacy year, and talC af tem die lante Cml Smo taars teCare tespilal attentionn. e said Sa te sure te air passage ns clear teCore slarliag moalb S u mntresus- citatio and ctenl mani- pulation. pas to AIle any urraycmpeilsnru e ide , c sdMurray Wireo un ng a cea ack s ngtia c a a ucks adMr av ea neda af e m a g pb cw b u defînî te aus el u ofte cPark He Iuku uwadaueu b aycuumr n r e ilsonied au~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h hapouatu sitYouu are uledsu algaer, 256 Jack6395 s 60 e sale s n mngmet45einc oh6 e TEE ICE DOZ,17-345e47 Tise lest speaker was a cycled torcocrdiasardte Pnel ca uror ' ood tard eusued Car speke ongarbage r- ertilizer, andte melal cyclisug, noollg a re tusile te re.used. cyclng plant willtbetbuslt Tte 20mentbersaofte iMaSSxn ix landîr 560 yen Ilîsroxucontingent store cevt oSf5'ee's carlage. ascîaaed byths speech ail is a irnely sobjeel. Garbage mili te nepar- Ttey mre laterested in uleil ty marlasecy oitseting up an opecatlue in te glunu barned andtis raglan. used Cr ruade and fluer Tiants wu exeprenaed coveragu, te paper m- Crte fine peogram. UOnAeiSt.37-81

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