Prisoners treated in sadistic manner, court told By PeteMille etiaperatore and tl ie l oegreal ar e akng n t e Flo bt 'vtt v-i-aiii, , vll , l il r>,t -- îîthrcnditins A bad situatonvinaa nomer ofmenvînstde ilCvstables Arnold lest dsofl te iar, gi titi helear soition l'a ,o - i î W î i pl a , *î'.îîa ailîin hevan as atuftyand plice van was made wold have bren terribly Vancliel, 35 and Annesly est îmoyidicated. vhere te prisoersvierra opnlisv iîiliai r g .tv He li.tde b ita ,d hta astheimen tiva phî s uli ctltvl wrne by the acionnsof 12 unomîrtabte. Rai Sewamînathan, 39 Dr. Alan, ehe special- seeled. une mev îhrvegh 'The roof apavaîg a.t '1'lid -itvdmvperd wovld oird [l haempereatre active. Hrsvh as ainmad the men eilib it, aHallon The hearng le haîmg Vanlie l bha n h a ir es n engine and a liding windee aonc vmallrrthonan ey of ihe emavait tua v, ive -ira îvde the var iv he aver Prevîvs estvitmeny privenern were yelig t Regenal Fauvýe learlg haid le a Milonecoranmd poicbeman fr 12 year, thermedynamien, tet neting the van rab ih ihlrsGiven the peed uletitan", vhich auid in- 40 durence He besed aven indcaed the mrn ere Venclief, driver af the wan taid. snems n ram chargea and Sîamnathan han lfied he enamined the the rearpertioen. The otfte van end the ine of areae eas the specul af the sladies dyne previvvviy. quite active in the van. van. and Swamlmathan, Dr. Alexander AMIm, made by the primemerl i been wtlt Hallye Hallen Reginnal Pnlice other wav tlrnegh a noir-the prinonere vmpeel van vareerd 'A vtonery man Deibert Hesch, vne onI eithe mImpamaieger an ammcate pralemer f the van lhey mre mie- Reginnal Police for the vanonn Jan. 9, 1979, and mai ventilation fan mhimh ment and the sizenf the givra aoffa4a0IBritish the prisvners. tentiihed h evaI, im an attempl langml machaical engneering raled darlmg a ride le pat mnl yearm. aid lie lennd the enly meeid bloc air iea he rvvf epening, yvu vniy "Il gvt ta the pint Thermal Unis BTtJ va and everel cf the prinon- them oletn dawm thm at Ibm Uniersity nf Teo- Ibe Meleapalilan Trante Jadge William E. neurce nI ventilation in cemparîment. gel ehbott ise te ix aherc the hody mes vao te 12 mecntvvvid he ershad trîrd ta ich the heat te the van. (Severai civl tld Ibm hearing West Dalanian Cntre Cller ia preiding oer the van eas adrniler Previeus trvtîmony changes oclair par have "langer ehab le ls oeil n gieg offI clvse ta 3001 hach docrs vpen tu aIe pinenere had mll sil Friday ha aeimad rem MilonecorncIne Ibehearimg. vent ne the roof. It meut d indcaird the vtîdîeg Dr. Alen evpteînrd e heet.The lcnger po TU s.That ai iftey werre more aieriv the san. the heater in Ibm van was conditiams wihin Ibm van Augeal 14, 978. The nuside tam- he primarîly verd -fr mîndem as cieved. change vI air" is the werre iteit.the carne it sttiverl Anv entiati em rnningt "musl hava bl vieilary Chargad ith di- peralare Ibat day an alieing air tlesrcape. Dr. Atlas paîntrd out lime it faies 1r the etc te gct Asit glt mrne. the Under qoevtvontg, Dr. ccuid hase had mas Henel said!Ibm palica ld With Ibmhelmuida craditahbl e ndeel and meaearad aI 32 dagreen, Dr.Allen aine naîd the cvndtions in the van te sec et a gîsen monm-men tevîde cvvid gel Allen ned the henralcd aoned odl he aid. (Continuait an page6) VOLUME 118 - NUMBER 39 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1979 2 PAGES - 20 CENTS Chairmnan's announcemnent blows open Site F case Enpandlng Ibe oeaoaIinnafir raîîing a a reean HIl ien lo e heard. Litche' cemes-evamine- the Onario Mnicipal and dcmning Ibm Thie learieg bail rlg- ien nf Grant Andersn.n Board Hearing oneSila F maller wilb 0MB inaîtlimee ceeined te Me. Lrtlrh is the mmm appravmd by ceîlaagae A. J. C. Cap- lite F. Hecever, lacyereepreentîne the clairman W. T. chrives man. evidece on etner site tome. Tharsday. A spabeeman fr the can repmatmdly breegli Me. Anderson iv an Faîînwing dabale wiIb cîizane grnep ai Me. Iv Ibm atention nf Ibe bydregelgivt rom the lega] repremenlativmm Serinan decinien an- baring Ireugl Ibm tat censelttng fhem cf ram Haîgan, Milan andl pandse Ibm neofatnI Ibm mny nI winesnrn. Garteer Lee Annciten tha Tremaime-Brilannia earimg inca il alowe Te vent trîggearing Ltd. Cien' Grnep, Mr. avidamne n bmhelliher Mr. tebrivesn dacieton Pe intha tarth itees Bebrivsa made Ibm darne- prnpnnad anilery landl- came drne Fred te ha calad by Edgar preenig tergin Ber se Mr.Ltc Town must hustie e d wno n I a toM.Sxoroet Il wliirequiremfast taban mml nI Ibm BIAn daiery le ave a mini- remaîn trac ta its par- atoontepart aI Ibm budget, bati l d aemmsanad yl Mr. Saiven decideul lam, bt a $a,aa0 an e rapregamnî al hal alfth era Imthe wn ileligibla deate shoud he attoed iii ha avalable ra Ibme grupe amennai budgt, 1er Ibm mn. and gave Me. Adersnn pravincal gavremel la M. Lkaaajac aid. Coijiiellr Grd ranîz permissione tavit dame. ha usd aithaatil> Ibm fibe monemy raehsimd aid ha belimed lima cas te letctre v la ny md ab eha I Im menc l thae at te es l'h ma - tabu lnd laidtebe th lama applicaiones Agmnn ealm anemal imlereal raIe ln poses. wr hlg nadma a cm Mr.laen, Mr. aly oear entmI vr a M a iraI-rama, llenl-arved Lilcb and David Evîcîn, 19.ymr perieal. M. Hendarman laId haia, md Ibm daadina e ilithecyer representîne Baray anarmn, iencif Ibm miA greap Jan. 31. lbe citizenn' graep chairma n d b ilersnwmm'l mpellng an lea- Mr. akanajar aîd tbe Debate centred an the Charan ofthamima Oe -madialea ammer one thm Minimry ban a ttl etquestion f weher the Cente Bsines I' fanebulianted la advisea 8,011W tle la ned out hearîngvshnvld rapanul ta pravemmanlAres, spiahmla cunecîl ebal mmm avail-taleqaalilying cmm- etîve ridece on titer cameicil Monady elining alla. Ha ai Ibm greep mnile. If arli mm- sites. Ihmgraap'mpcopapne-. cnld crama acb ata omenîy erra teanb teeor Me.Saton cas op- Aiea in attendace ai latrmemetiglnodieennn il Ibe maximum ($t150,00lB.psed wmite Mi. Leutai Ibm meeting wra amnral lriliar. jeal 33 mon applications and Me. Evrînwerre te aI Ibm BIA mmînharanmd Me. Hndreen aime wneid ha apprnved hera lavnir mmmbarm of Ibm Milon nainfmd oat il lan-m e- bmoneevrait nul. "TH~E GREAT ONE"' hmd penty of cause ta feel great Saturdmy nmgt, me more titan 15o frienda and eiected officiais ttended m banquet in bonor of Multons Citizen of ltna Year, George Swnn. Mayor Don Gardon, Me. Selrîses cetird a The OMB memera rrcrnn tacnfer with Mr. hase avhrd Itor restreint Chepman. When theanadao-cperetian etarra hearing rrnomdhrnaid te tirer temyeres.On te heringv hbave cvetd Thurede>, Jan.tt1lite ha enpended bhaese aifiterîvg edjrnerd earty te imprtance ofîtvcrdrr tua atliote ttMi ventery andîit in III cairetnes vi pro- Hetan. ardare vit the tirer Hacese. he aidliltte iwe orîghtccaildhaegisentIo Te egions caste- v wtesson matters ai havrd on te premîve c wcht hey are ignrant. scellera tandit tloatiov Spahesmea ram te is needed andlte hast cewn and atîteens neîd locatonvtvbSteF. Me Sairises' an- Me. Setan ient celird nonee te prases Mre Moore an a ins treithaes, and te Hubert Tititzen dntoavt haceqar. a fre -ai tendît> vcr mn dn-te--regtcnidengimeer -*pec-- nachestcrer oftialiivg ini antary Tremaine and Irtevnîa tadîit lda eand te tvi, dienet Bth have bren cross- cent iti il ton.a raittird >r. SIc hine Ilte itarîng iv newantd NSteLeitait iliîng ta catsîder other Wativ Wels, e enila vte.- for leaifiti asnviatvette cn locatons.adecîvtvn may autingltirmoftM M. Dilt he made ta loao i tontnch ctthecrrgîon as lemlirlonmand citt rtoinrd toa dvine it one zens' pabnme naîd. tendfitli. wsste third Tbrdays irgel e-cîtfnrnv change htweente tirer heauoa iadeathin lampersaned thte 0MB teettmiy. Ste Welsmas membere s cun aea ae ct appeaceTheen- ecstualoite hrarîvg. do>. Jan. 18 Il hagan wer Messrsn Router thon iave hua Etruv and Leitait iega rvseaitonner rotsramietng the licnt ropîrd by hia alternce, eîtvevn, Haton PubieMr Stehiats ashed Mr. Wache Diertor Rhert eeuiiutlvcatithe rrgicnvs Mare. catird hy lite vex nt c regionthe fist we. tehisIs r Anderson. Sa Wllsis us cpeted lueaite te mît- vessad loIers ibis [le iteaonidered a hep %is he tcivtîcens an on beceone bc mas untuena n pre- paigthe Ste F recoar medtiens fteeHalerve Theiearng gaenion orh eb Mvedap t Thrde> rm 1îaam. l 1 e.n nd 21 u 4lit01 H iv inte auditorium a allen (eneneîet Mancrin Mitoan, the haig is in ils thîrd wevvaertar ad adr .cfia lavecte AItetrta i tr aml are t M' egt erit rcrerdac fce hn edtceal eiard evtinthetatamivt. ova arrientha nitternce G a Mandey ci ae arr la re nge istaltat alorhomsaete v ede lia Caten'Gou DW, Minister of Trans- nunication and Milone ~Publia chauuta hase a kerce President Marie pralennuîueei deselvp thone ceiehrating te ment day hiday !is Feulay. nectincîth therprvpcsed senitIer> landîtit hile F..itelaeds iof sIagil Proertias and te lande nI Eneal and Mcaliel ta- grîbar eiîh the lande aI Beeme Smith,"- Pleever,bhasgr- cived lnagaine erd- back, flie sid il appeared as il Ibm ragien van pro- panîng expropriaton. Conmqentty, he amedmil hie propsais. The amendment deat- lag wiIb Imthe psed acquiiion cas amrndad un se> the regian caaid ha wilieg tut acqaîre the bhee prapertuen etfter planning. inavciead envrnmantat appenneis are reeivd. This ameedmneet ta the iret ameedment mas turIber amended b> reenril cilli the para- geapb, "And lether that viefl prepere a repart tut munit as ta chmre thara are eny edditinnai adjacent prepecties Ihat mmy ha delcimmntmlly aflarlail b>Ithe ita F IT LOOKS MESSY, but tasteti great. Plat Perham, a grade six teacher, et WlI. Dick Middle Sehool was one of the fortunale staff are 10 gt involved with the annual Village wiIl wait for snow removal ( itttiaivc-iloit lita ýt rloi Pul- g(î,rha J--v Pltuitho pre- act l tarport to ui tail loa tc;tî eavttm ta amp- tite hecavser eeîtîvg iqipet waa teduptin thpr aras and aitidit t Ire parrd li ce MIe Camnphait ille'a deveclpmnuî Te ast amcndcent cas prapasedl aller aonn ci aulman ivîmedhe re gian anet sure chat landsv erre ellecîrd ha bte F Citen regmnai chair- man Jack Ratîs etd ap e map cf tha Site F pro- petirs, utlcee te crong viap Hecladaaonluerd it cth the labvilmie dump map. Qippad Gabvile Ceencleor Tare> Mme- naît, *Dnt yeu bne SIa giota aunadersauun rr-ai tilt regioaa mi ni ttCambliillir a toc priticil itIent ( îîîîîîîil dd lit tativg ti titi t e titi nietailtte Sîethers saaid t hei- atIt g eqoîp ment culdl hase ta do. and l iftae liputtevi dîdv t getlt Campbel sitle ostîl 'tîr das ar 011cr a vanositren, 1ha1 va- al tiglil Site F perpretators 'should be shot'i, says Planche Mc, Peetne ameed- cents ta is propasais weeaine a eeit et a lettere acer David Es- trie mete te councri Mc. hyrne, eha iv Ibm solctar representîng the Tramaine-Bieenia Cmi- 0ev 'Genep, seil"Il mnetd ha iltegal teerenert cillao mabe application te te TowmnIfMiltoen forthe acquiione ofethbam tends."- Il ennld ha iegalfola (Camîlaumil an Page 8) cream pie-eating contest Wdneady afternoon an part of the Dick Winterfemt. More photoonoi Community page, Ci. ( Champion photo by Peter MCumker) VaaM M 3Regionai News 4Editoriain, columns. 5-Letters; MitIons houaing ta baom in 1979. 9-Meritorious Service award. i SECOND SECTION Bt to B4-Sports oewn. B5-Crosn-counlry ekiing at African Lion Safari, where the "fellow" on the other ide of the fence may hema hon or B6 to B9-Classîf irde, reai estate. Ct-Wildcat Winlerfeat et Wl. Dick. C2-Focua Ihis week looks in on Harold Penaon, firefighter. C3-Famiiy page. jC4-Farm newn. Ce-Rural deveiopment seminar. C7-Colimnists Robinson, Bymrm. A4 -4&À WHERE 18 EVERYBOD U mNGuuu 1BS« Page C-t j- ielriraf Society, eha aisa haard aI Ibm prepa- atlaoIbmhe irsmîima. Mr e Hmdrmone lelm- durad itresa speakers, Bah Polock aI Ibm Mbaes- lry aI Induslcy andl Touniem, Mieha Laknei- fac of Ibm Mlelery aI Haualeg, md Paît> Ccig af Ibm Onaria Heriage Faundatone. Mr. Palaock ahawmd a lide pmeamatiom dmmlilg iIb problae imsfced hy aIbr lamma in Ontari, moaly Tret, Barrie, Ottawa, Kichamer, Si. Thamas, and Biner 9. le Etahicake. Il hmmd vacyimg solution te Ibir particular prohlem M.Paolock smlemmeai ach of Ibana temma recel- vd excellmmt c-apaca- ion frant municipa cem- cl inle lyleg teimproe Ibm damtwn area, liaI Ibm dawmlamn cmmunily gaI Ibm al rling y gatlimg lagellie md cemmilBmng Ibar mmm- gies la impcavlng Ibm dewmlamn rare mnd mmk- leg il an mjyahim place la, do buiessan. Mr. Lmoaeimac tlil mcelitIbm mmm mut ha paid hmcb avec a 1Inyme perlaI aI n imeet nI one par cent par imnm The maximam lamen Bi15o,,mhich would maka Ibemamximum anai papnt $ 1,50 The money cmuid ha thm Hon. James So portation and Core ehmber of Comm( Reit wre emongt occasion. Sbnting Ibm peape .-mpnmible 1r inllllrlg j Site F anatIon mmm mg-1 Oakvellie Caunecilaor Ban Pace mid, «Tha peplaebha ualinla Ii Site Fmmeu ahnei ha Thma remrh mmm made aflr Hallan Blcioc Demmla Pecla ameil cammei la o, apprava recomeanmatima te ebare ap Ibm raglam came hfaca Ibm Omtara Muncipal Bard IOMBI bmming an Site F t Hl- tee Canîmanial Manne. Tha recommendatiema sait Ibm regien toexpmept mliingnenm le acqira lande adjacent te laF, iciding the ppet> of a-year-oid BaimithI. Misa BmiIbm maoictor Peter McWfillammofIMil- tee appearail heface caunemil, eba damesnt mmml la ber l1e. Hr grandather Ireed the land in laa." Ha saîd sha le appoemi le tctig a caginnat imedfll ldsmp t lita F aroned ber proerl>. BShdeee't cent te ha enrnunded, ba msaid. Thea gina propoaia daeira rane Miltomas caprmetmtives. Mayor Dem Grdon mmd, "I amm haglning te 1mai pecanal> epamsibl.' "me IMim Smaih) daaMatdu.,. la ha Site han dene ne bacc.- Cunecltar BillJJohnne drarribmd M. Pruens propoaisle an more skeîdeggary b> thIba gionen engineering remsuiting ire M. M. Dilon. Iame aginel Iis, ha nid. Me. Parlin bmd ap- proaclimilcaummü i mithIb recemmandaian le pply la Milton lac ap- F a0m1 te acqafra Ibm tand".requied ein n