Pro gram plans made by-ACW ' oh yr 97 gt fft spakr t h le Chîlif 'Torono, îhrough the a 0'y " a '0mse tS esAdScey niaCancer Scety, and for An ta"Chori orn de tan1k t today's tise Unitarian Services o of St. uiehbrchta sopmg faciities canada. Palersýoomet recently for tirotigistise eyen nf a Memiers mre c- tise first meeting of th is totr frontishe ad- mindeti of Uhe annoal Nem Year and made mintstrative office nf the Veoiey Meeting ta ise bei ettititti and tinlaitlg Bringlon MoU mwas akia on Jan. 21 ioiining tise pianoPrforiortiscornlng Boated on tise program rnoring service and tise gatierngo. pan for tise year, ta- 1ev. W .S. Noble, misa Tise International getier mus tie as a ecame viitar f0 Yearaoftie Chld" mii a mnisiiy fb faitoeet- tiemeeting, ald tiat tise tise tlmeiy tieme for tise igo ts _usi Cn- annai pot-mais lonciseon Feisrsary meeting anti noeu' tet". woipofee ie nn tie Cnmmiooinn'n logo, AnZd tie, ta bring tie meeting. Tise Ras. Noblie "Corne, sare mitis me", nid adage of "ait ork urged ait prenant to maite mtsch as prodoceti iy ad no pay" inita f c, a a point ni attending ibis etementary stclcisid- commetir detontratian pecini yeariy gaUering. Eb men, mi hai enargeti mon ptaoneti. The During tie dinhomne- of apon iy Ue meanhams. memer i can toUe ment nifonda memhars en Januaaey s e monUsn to Janoaey meeting mîUs deidedti f0 adiopt" a lae recogntae "Tise Cistit" as prgai n~gin n tl chisd tiseogisUe "Con aperson, thcnisUe a moshwie agenda frSaeCisitrens Fanti". a final monUs niftise year tise year's meetings as terdniao mr - a-han tise chilt, tise trow p O dnatimde0ns NI, ea famiiy, the commiitty The meeting, sobisma on theo , i sP- anti themor itimsono p as opoteti miUs a tevot- mate's neiti Reliai anti tise monty temes. limani parit anti M. M. Deveiopment Ftittt. tis. (Co Tise Feiroary meeting Fint giving tise Buste AUins, an treasurer, miie hadevotedtoif0tie readisg, at peeitietiaauct stalAW f sisning ai a film in oeriy the prenidant, nomrnîte that ald is faE connectiono itis "Tise tar. R. Crippo. Met. R. cmtinit thar isusi-h Hoiy Carponter Ciuri" Caan fnenishe the tise ul.Ohrbui a in Hongf Kong. Other mitsswitsoUsMs. G. At- sess pertaîning f0 tie no intriging piano incindeti kilo Usig te eiareeni ACW as dis- tf gstg canset asti a isy prioti a fane ni tise new Royal tanoerns report. Ms. as anjoyeti as tise liotanicai Garden Headi- flint peentedth ie mernhrs plannedth ie quantes andi a tais miicis orrespondance asdthUe toto pegam. sotît tend f0 ring tise memes mre ankedt f Dicase ni Atiabasca place tie date ni Aprit 26 Folioing Ue cimsin nearer fu tise living 0otieir calendees for tie prayers, tea wan seeveti ithîn tie Dîcsme oe Dioese ni Niagara liy Usa ostes n ront ni Niafara, and, in prtiel, A.C.W. annual meeting in a cosy ire, anti New tar. ftie Pariainiof . Hamilton. ears oises mre ex- Loes io Patarmo . TS Ms. E Ingleisat, as riangeti among tise itt ha gitan ly a reetnt Social Seatrvice anti members. Tie peeident sommer visitor to Ue Snpply Secretary, iat an flianisetiMes Afhios foe Dioreeni Atiabllca. asantment nifisitteti lier hopitality anti an- A joint meeting ofitis gonds to tisptay anti onancedatitisiUe net tise Unitedi Circti n contributionss mre meeting otiha hetti on Palermo is alto itici- planneti for tisa Prîncean Fai. 7tisaiatie home o polet itis a marciai Margaret Hospital in Me. M. Flint. Hillcrest UCW elects new siate of officers Htîcreet Unitedi A meeting iat been Ms. H. Rolson gave Cisrcls Woee mt Jan. hedttif0pan annveesary tise treasrers report. 9 sn Usa FeiYwisitp tonm services on Aprit 2. Ms Beomniiga witis 1 laies prescrt. Memes signet a card reporfeti on upply. two Prenitient Mits. Francis for a ronvatscini ladiy.hates hati ieen Sent to Thsompat oponeti tisa Ms Claude Pichet anti Scot t Mission. meeting t; snging Love Ms. C. Wigglsmorth Ms. R Wisni Divine a Loves Excel' ere inscharge ni tie pro- raportadth ie ladiem si ing. Ms Versos Pichet gam ils Mms. Pichet rataretifoe i7 aventst in as ai tle piano gises tisa tevotionat, anti f070mUinnforeenta Tise minutes ni tie readini ieom 0ue Daily sciedaied s50 fr in 1lot pevî oqi meeting mre Breadi anti A Cap ni Ms. Tom Blackett reati lfMs. Tom Bons- Sgar. Neiglibor. Ms reported on reairs f0 tise field,, nd rolt mît ms Wrigglesmortli reaiaatane. "my pet pojaci for mottfo. 'Be sot inegaifot An appeat as matie 1979". Treasree's reporitotuctertain strangees, for useti items sorts as as gises by Ms. H. tsr tlereey sote bave Cristmas carda. tamps Robsono anti MsR Wil- rofetaineti angels or eyegtases, as mlt as son reporfeti n soial soaares." nittini yarn. onctions. Vrarty reporta mre 1ev. Joisn Grîttîn A workshop wmut ha hettigises on tie flloisg' condurteti the etertons ni af ifatton Uitedi tiuecli Communif yriasdasip nficees.Tise state as on lalivîle Jan. 24 by Ms J. Rid, 31 carda presesteti by Ms. Committees on had bren sent, eighf Ctayfov Witson. They are banquets Jan. 19 asti boes otooien andnea asfiltos: Fel. 2 mre format.Ili poisettia plant, Pat Presîdeof. Ms. as dcid ta 5re for a Ms Vrnon Pichet Fancis ThompsonO. Grt Guide banquet in reporteti onstearhip. Prasitiant, Ms Tom Marcb. Commitame for MsT. Bousialti gave Backtt; Recrding flic Daffodit Lnciseon lia yearty screarys Secetary. Ms. Tom Api 19 ocra discusseti report. Bousietti; Correson' diog lecretaey. Mes.L. Discuss changes Sampoon; Teassrerr, Mes. H. Rolson. Comn manily Friedahîp anti in governmeflt laws Visitation Ms. J. Rid. Ms. J. Neetanda, Ms. Tlie Januaey meeting ablie resoltfon mouid oet R. Cnninghsam. Ms ai Nasoagameya b h taglt ni for tueflier- Gordion Wingietti. Women's Institute maes ance f0 fthe District Re Slrmartisiip. Ms. V. hld iti Ms. C. Nicisot soutions Commit tee. Pichet, MsL. Samp- sons home. Pesidant Foltoisg ftli prngramt son; Pengram, MsJ. Ms K. Andrson oponati a dliglitot tondis as Rutdaît. Ms C. itie meeting wis a pem serveti Wrgglesmoetli. "Wliat is a Nom ear" Tie Felruaey meeting lupply anti Social Tlie rt olt al Changes mlIliecbatti Feb. 14 ai o Assistance. Ms. J, yosmwis to seregartiiog p.m. ai Ms.G. Pearce's Bettbddy. Ms. L. ans psseti by munir-asti interesteti ladies of MeLaugllin. Steards ipat, regionat. provincial tle comrnmanity are in- reresentîng UCW, Mes, or ederat govrcmasts" vtedti f attend. J. MNabb, Mes. J. Reid, as ansoeet by 12 - OCW epeasantaiives on memlirs. DONTfIBLE flic Manne Commit tees. A discussion maes tlien Ms.W. Bird andiMes F. hlet on flic annuat ecire Dont gambla mîit your Tiompsono. f0 bchalelti Tlusday. lite. Ignrîng the rioli MsF. Wcksns as Aprît 19 ai Beobvlte factoes o liaat attarli pianit for flie tant bymn Hall. and strolei reatty tais- Ms V. Pichet gave Ms Adterso ponet ing a chac.Free in-couetcies and MrsT. lie pograrn 'Re- formation fromt youe Blackett asti Mrs. J, Rid soutions" witis a pemt Ontarioi Heat Foanda- seeveti lundi, inîtometi by entiftid'Today' ,A sift- ionomili ttellyou mby. a social bouc. IPHILHARMONIC Musin Dî,nicoa od tîol Great Concert Series Sponsarati iv Sielco BORIS BROTr, Canductor LANCE ELBECK, Viotînît JACK MENDELSOHN, Celitsi 1 Twol o PO tifvOOand onoitsinbte tlimsoublehiConseto Wiliasmal artetandtptoialiiocommissioood tr tie PO heogthe O .eforsln Counonîf Sondey & Monday, January 28 &29 - 8:30 p. $6.00 *8.00 10.00 BoxOFFICE NOWOPEN - a 'rml MHMLO F Tisa Canaditan Champion, Weti Jao. 24,1979 C3 Banquet, band concert for Bruce seniors A deigistiol PaetY mon tle tablseme cienreti joisatiin o f0gise Mes. also vment f0 ftle bond Before fîspomsing for givas in Usa Comman anti raroveti in record Htenry a reroandini thanis Ttey finislied tise evevinfthflisglif. scocrat tables Rom-ofUsheBruce Apart- tirna andte t isa oir Citi- 700. mîtis some deflihffai of 'rds sera anjoyeti by Moto TUettay Jan. 9. zns' Bnd tank oser Ue Aisarty vote offianlin musîc.oreothertenants. As sba bas dose earis entertaisment niistn e-______________________________ Janoary, Mes Anna fappîvo. land-lappivo * CG F BGÇO NR fIaer o,,ted ia bnut nse K LFsBGcfYFI'P zNGAGED: Mr. and Mms. Ronald Hoblay )fMilton are pleased to annowscî the egagemnent of their daughter Sosan Kath- ,n, to Jeffrey Owen, son of Mr. and Mrs. las Snaw tof R.R. 2, Georgetown. ighting fires.. Conlinoati from page C2) 'Fiee can't lappen to ma. t base a smose dtietoîn ise alaem. Sometîmes anti a tire roI ingoisiar. fey areaiolier, liai id fn safe. t don't neeti to itisr go to a cal] anti sOe wory. otiini. iban nec smr "wctt. l'il frît yoo Fie thig. can bappen f0 any- "A lot of people say body..even me." happîty anti if tisey dîda't rernareal Use norda. Usay bommedth Ue fane. Bois Laiig ioornet bnp- puly on a baan instru- ment(?) UatSpike Jns moutti bave cliarisiset snon bis flion tenants isnm nisat keepo Bois Lakisg lanhtng s0 spry misen ha goas ouf in bis yellom jacket asti jansty blacs han fie milli a merry Iminkie is bis oye.i A bîrtlîtioy song mas restiaretifor Mes. 11tf Kopar. niso mas celalirat- îsg ber sMts lirtistay Jas. 10. FranksJonmspresestei Mes. Henrymwitisa smat gift t. ianhati ber for flic many Usîsgs ssa bati dose foe the tseanta antiex presseti regret fliat olie mas eetieing fenm tise ver,/ active may slie lati morbeti Tise goosîs -Are yoa gafting useti f0 mrifîng 1079 yet? loveselilO. assorted covers ............. colonial Boston Rockers. $4486 5Pce. Colonial Omettes maple finish ........................S 1d o c n tu in Table lsmps. coloif e:,$396 3 fI0S d i wood tfoe modern or rsditionlil Each 7-pce. 65P.modemr 8 27 bromn. Slurdy homespun dnettes $1388"dînettes $98 Ces Mrro frsc 39 nch quilttoP$78 table tops 36"x48" table continental beds complete............$7 6 open to 60" wi1h four Saivel rockers ................. 1 1 2 81 1 machngmapechars. Traditionsl$97 tub chairs-----------................. 3-pce. oletin covers $496 $1,,94 corner sectionals-................$ 7 S i tooi ise spot pick-uîp, delivear's oextraio sîi 18 Ittîrs \ 3167 North Service Road. Btirlington . NCAq ~< at Q.E.W. and Guelphi Line Interehange ~~ ___ ~ OPEN Daily 9 to 6 p.m. "Csfa,,c' sii' Thursday and Friday to 9 pani. 3/2 million eu. ft. furniture-appliance warehouse and showroom foaturing THEKENDALS 'n ~ros JîstA Sm Away' a THE BILL ANDERSON SHOW aMINNIE PEARL " Red SoMma *- Wiîiarn Brothers * Denisa Simpson - Oestiny n JeanoShepard * Tise Stoneesans * RogeClirS taTise Rainboano " Davidi Houston - Litle JirmY Dickenos- Haief Hcosfey " Tise I-osey Wastt So senioes buidng at 40Ont- ario St. 1 Coiriol paty bats1 mre bantiedtif0 clit garni by Ms. Hnry as tisey entereti, atintioO Usa festive feeling asdthUs tieligtfi a amas comiso irnm Ue iitches misttati everynes apptite.' Tbe 1 o guesta etttati Usam- nefvesalafng Usa Oson long tabls runnisg Ue ful tasgtb ni Usa ranm andthie cateeing people, beatiat isy Mr. anti Mes.Bus Nor- einton astinaitresses Ms. Hlamilton anti daugiter Carol, hagan f0 serve deirinus rbirbeo dinsees. Grace as Use "Our Fatbe,- reifti by W. J. Haler, tbe selyaeetid presitient niflice Tenants' Association. Me. astiMes Terni Canmin tanli photo- gapturing thieeves' fing.Ms. Canrnbs is Mes. Henrys geantitangliter. Dessert as iomamade pumpiin pie asti mlipped Excellent Tickets AMailable! $6-SO-$1O *ActonMui Stp - Nitt.MasýCereO Govîvi m - Unle PolsMilton Mail, Mdi- o Mai Ctqator MnetOddilh Sef dd,OncoSveopiOcTe KTCENERaAnItlOeIOM om40fEesîA-,. N2 ~fHlf C