U2 The CanadieanChamison, WalaJan. 24197 GameandF* BV ARN COULSON i . Ice fisblng fever bas attacked a lot ef Haton Oudoorameis including Yomor truly, wbo ntends to go to Pt. Boiter tis Frlday for Percb and Herrln. Most f sb but operators are in ful sngow on Lake Smcoe. 1 bave a flnsofoperators and their Phone numbers t bave many members of te HSA club wbo get Ue Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters magazine. Do flot be afraid to pbone me or a member of Ue club as we are alsesys wiffing tobelp. The fish are fair t Simcoe and Lake Nppaaalng but Uere la flot much action anlUs Pickerel yet. They abould start itting in about two wveeks, Lake Erie la always a gond apot te go for jumbo poeb.Tbey report Ue surface la frznbut people are advlsed not te go on Ue lake wlUout Use belp of a local guide or word from Ue MnstrY of Use Envronmient. Tbis la good advice te follow con- cerning any frozen surface in Ue pro- vince. There are s few pickerel froan Lake Scugoq but again be careful of Use ice conditions. Five cars went Urougb Use ice a cou ple of weeks ag o. Lake Temagami, lke Nlppissing, bas bad slusb conditions at present, so walt s few more days. Tbe OFAH la stilI doing a tremen- doua job for Ue outdoorsman in Ont- ario despite rislng costa and sonne- times dwndling enUusasm. Tbe officers, dreclcrs and zone cbairman bave a tremendous work load and are juat as busy as you and 1 Uink Uey are. Tbey spend t least two weekends s month away from Ueir familles te attend meetings and meet wiUs govern- ment officiaIs. At every meeting t- tended, Ue y bave your internasset beart wbeUser you're a flabemman, bunter, naturslist bird wtcber or s 0 ydwe all not offer to belp5more? George Cook, a long time membor and cbaimman from zone five, summed it up wben be wrote, "I wonder wbat it .iltake to get clubs and people more active. Wben Ue lsst deer bas been abot and Use test deer bunting area closed, wben Use test flab is caugt te our lakes and strnams, we wil ail wake up wiUs a bang! You Usnk perbaps Uis will neyer bappen Well we bave news for you. It could bappen if everyone doesn't get active. It may take a few years to complete but it could bappen sooner Uan we Uink. " Tbst eounds like donm and gloom but it certainly was not meant to bo just s wsrniasg. Remnember wbat bappened to the tons of beautiful Lake Trout from Lake Ontaro and do not bîsme it ail on Ue lamprey. CertamnlyUshey made sbort work of wbt was left after man commercîally flabed Uean to desth. The sane Uing bappened tobhundreds of tons of beauti- fu lue pickerel frOo Lake Erie. The second largest body of fresb water n Ue world, Lake Superior, received Ue saine treatanent. Your federation members are work- ing to ses it does not bappen again. Wil you belp One of Ue biggest events of Use year at Use HSA is Ushe annual awards nlgt and aildife dinner Uis Saturday. Jerome Knapp, well-known outdonr sports ariter and author of sonne fine books on our outdonrs will bo our guest speaker. Plesse try and be Uere by 6 p.m. instead of 6.30 as stated in your newsletter. Members. please bo at Ue club bouse early as itîIl bo a big nigbt. KASRHousang aaing.for the Enonsces o. ,-Id .,ne *Ni,,,nieas paieting 20 Va&, quamntie io L0W FACTORY PRICES ON OTHER ALUMINUM PROOUCTS e Alilminilm Doors BD ET Combination Windows AvlIABE a Car Ports e Aluimnilm Awnnqs FEDERAL INDUSTRIES 0,CcANADA Fmieofpusvtet, otaiS. Mmea OUT-OF-TOWN CUSToMEAS PHlONE COLLICT Hamilton odges Major atome in Slver Stick consol. final TAKING THE RIGHT STANCE la ex-Cacadian champion Jackie Duggsn of Oakviile at Use Milton Jiu-Jitsu Club Saturday af- terneon. Duggsn and anoUser ex-national cbampion, Gene Clay Bonner anre on band te belp Stan Calard of Milton gettiog a box- ing club an operation bere. Grues back on throne defeat Janitors 5-2 Gruec atesclieeti teck lasoteir Usour ont top oCte Wtite aisF Hockey League stand-i ins we a 5-2 win over Je anti i Janitoriat Bresnst Rssells Tsaine gaveM Grues e toot as Uey1 teocted oaffte tempar- ary first place SctroetierF Cnstrection ty an 11-4r tally. Brian Watson led te way for Gre helith aq par oi geais anti an oasit BetBaker ted ao geai anti asoînt, île Gir- arti anti Hon Sjetrom singes. Mite Hoimes anti Gary MacDonald tadt ar avits eci Santiy MacDonald anti Bot tee scoreti or J andt1 i rales and t ieNeson1 anti rierteBurton tati snge assists. Reseti's Tvaing reaiiy oniontieti te perlalto Sctroeters net 11-4 as Dave Kely ed tte aay wtt a htstricktand ttree assista. Rei Neson ireti one anti coontea tour smo geals anti assiste anti Rai. Ctiitoim anti Gien Austin tadti tree anaisto eachtno nasne a few oC teir scorers. Rict Court tadti Oo geais Cor Octrontiers. Dose Homnacter anti KeiUs Doyle tat i sngle geais anti Rmty Ctap- man aitt Gave Heipei tadt assists eact. Clut Claire tieCeateti Ctarles Hotet 4-3 tiespise Neet ledtee y wît e geaI andt tree asiste. Guy McGinnis htot oa geais and en assiat ait Front Hewtie scorlaf ion Widis toti a goal yod an oesist to teadthSe Hoteliers aît Pael McGrat anti Rint ODonneil notang single geais Pool Kit- cien, Steve Hannon anti Rct MeTrct tati as- sists. Wildcats declawed Acton tourney_. tastetai team feu n a toeroamenS in Actonr Fritiay. imsing ta Pine-1 anti 2315 andt 5 George- towrn Censcnal 34-30. Agasnst Centenniaite1 score vas an even 30-30 aitt Il seconsis re-1 maining n te gamte. Santiy More anti Ctar- tene Hymers o'ere te top Witicats, btstneing nine poins Ceteneai et 16-14 ai Ste taiC in a cose coniesi. In teir irst game Mi ion te1S iv a ougt ine- andt Oam 23-25 anti aere tetinti 05-4 aS the tall Dame Hatman, Jeanne Auger antivaetiy More eart setticti our points each for Dick. MILTON TRIDENTS vs NO NWHAMBURG HANNS Tuesdy., Januwy 3»t Milton Meomi kAre.. Thompson Roud Garni Time: 8.00 p... This ad complimenmts of ROCKWLL INTERNA TIONAL momnsmade it tate consoltion finalsote iver vtict North Amerleaechampions- tIpsinteSarnio a ite eek- aid tut eaI te lomilton Hsklies4-S inte efinal. Seteg oecoClaie eimlleet cenires te the "AA" ctegsr, the Le- glas items modefil kosana Uat Uey ars soc cf the strongeat "A" centres aoesd evai touhthlby acregvn 1111e chance agaolso clubs frem lrger cs suct a Port Hures, Soult Londo, Hamilon, Cbicao, Lnsing Misf- goen, DwniSeundad Newarket. lanlaie epeslog coalait lais locate acre plted sgainal Lnsiteg aid te- Cre te tulterfli slllld, Lasng lied tepped losin40lead. seaixDovîdson cored inte aieCelminute of lae firni perist te stowe MiI- tes tiedhto a fo me- teck. Lansiteg eslcted anola inte secoend frome ani tetestolpar- ced Miltlon wailedt ailaIe te sartsoriagad roc eut of tise. fbelclas couldaSt overcome the ourUs goal Lasteg seltled te Ste irsI perlod aid te tresg and Cosskating tam wnt on te sin Use piaf thee tocala 6-3.Lan- sng tet avatLvdon 4- o ie thefinal. Third perieti geais fr Miloaseere fired by Dar- rai Shase Ccem Deug Beamiat and Davidien sella bis second of Use garms, blieUe aaulste Pelaseais put Uhe pSSlk behsi dlocal nelsaleder steve Heagle lanlais firet miutsef pulate se- cesd gsmne, beseever Mil- tee airiset fr lisees9", tlaklsa 2-1 leaiter ose perlsd of play. Peeseais rame ouS llyteg inte selard peried, sorlag talcs te lobke Use lied, btithe [agfios- noires kepe up SChe prese- sure aad scered Cane fer Ue vclery. Shaw and Lee Johnseon sceret inteaiiSperlad weihDavids o stig and linlaie finaslrame, 1Erie Chudlelgle acered weit te el p ef Bruce Ceaerse,e(bai David- soea steleiei is Isards eC te t Soramesi un- assisteti. 1 Wit teir acrvai settlei, te lCaas gel tank te lassr tougls i chenking stylc or laie alirtigamne anitPore t Huresnati compltelY 1 demteatedte P18Y le anas 4-1 wath las ely lm Rayser. Eric Ctedlelgh, Steve OScaeilland s tig geaI ty Dose Beanolat, Legioneaires fCocettt conolation insagainst e tigtly raeetiHemilton squod. Hiltoneacoreti mals ite iseaio pev- loti aid osoibsr iaise - cbnd oethUe middle frime te taesa 3-o lsad. Mltes sterted User aimen1.25in tei iscosd perlotionai baeasl play ty Sean- naïf sebo Ced Ilsyner, atone. CHamitoscred once more in the second anedi 5.55 rematesg, end- ing laer scerno for the day alUs o 4-i laid. MUltes rame eut fnyeeg te lasefinal rame te boys mrtemos Ctudlslgb sme las geais alUs Tedd Hrse, Davidson. Show and Mike Del Papa asoMUg. Ttc lest hbNof tChUe tirti perioti ses alil I- tot tut tney cvsdn'i con- nec eooegtooverteke the HamsltOon nanan. L'egloslares eelsbsl the TIse aoms wall i t l- ail te servIces of Seve brokai orm inteisfinal gaies Tey wlliopensTrl- ceuely pteyofts iborly. Minor atoms win OMHA Duaid Dnte miser minutes Cter Steort Cols, Geof Pol atema outait Guelph e-0 Tiiorn dca te gome on fliorne. in ai exibttinconepapsses Irom Wayne inte UstUirti Sterdoy aid drepped ivers and Travla Cols. SenttI Hlaioorapg Flambernugb Sabrai 5-i Dais Dreenai aid aoPat Buler retc la Use first round DMHA Cuvera completed tla is atlitle over1 qualifier. scorlag ilatte second per- let te Use gae AgotSGueiphi, Scott led wseleassstat goteg ta Rivers acored hi 1, CreoNur iy -uras a raw boys ocored btwin .......ington Butler eacb odded tano assistealdhle Brett Gcr- vais, Juten Vrsoaid Mojor pecance Trafal- ted ttc equelize Rottie Wilson pickdU gar Ferd Tlionterbertis T-Birds a.tt D single palins. t u ad Se setle or a i-i roie Grsg De Sunday fteracanin dran selUsBurltegtee Rint SereCii. Matesnte Dncs ed Fridsy evening ilansa Tte dra DeteSnts o o as ne ctio-packed thriller l Ti detn d laid ie Use test of Ou Tri-County hockey lai- recortiof 22 aiei Seast reund quolliCler alUs gusection. andt wo desi.T Famtorougb. ACer e Dose Conaoly ptteti outecord Use scoreleso fisI perlod, srBegeesgeai ,te iebtio ot2-2 Jason Bird ocored for CIreS perit ool to ee suous Flomteroogbeairly inte lend Noros Kea- fl5y aait scn.Ttis oemett otes omfah Sresilei st i e detVernon s rao he ne- play. lIai aid Mwtiome boaid aid e a niute e, Wayne tes secoed . zer Cor Use ssistance Drewanod gave Use a, ose Ceon lIssy bave teir oppo- snd lave Uste ail- Ancaster- sn OMHA GRANDÔOPENING Hello!NOW OPEN UN MILTON Mihton and 1arn truly proud to have isst become a part of yout community. To celebtate my opening, 1 would like Io meet yoa, and gian you a ftee ice scrapet, a free maad 4 test, and a free muhti-check for yoar driving safety. 1 also feel a pide rn sharmngin a company that has dedicated itself ns seraisg csmmanities nation wide. Quaaity wonkmansfnp and teasonable costs have afforded the Misses Tansmission famifY ivs S weII deserved grnwtn 120 shsps. if 1 car help ouin n en way with ynoir trans- mission problem and show yos hsw I cansuspplY y ou with a hifetime watrantY honored trtsghout r Canada and the United States just let me know, it w ailI he a pleasare lo serve you. GRA4ND OPENING SPECIALS FREE e FREE le FREE ICE SCRAPER ROAD TEST MULT-CHECK CALL-878-8426 i.l 1We e m C( a M ti ic ci fi b