8 Tho Canadian Champion. Wed. Jan. 24, 1979 .00 --ut JIM AND DAVE DILLS, former pub- they had spent many years of work. Bob lishera of The Canadian Champion, Acton McArthur (centre). who was employed Free Press and Georgetown lndepen- by the Dilîs family for 52 years. was dent, were honored aI a dinner and dance master of ceremonies. The three Dills organized by former employeca Saturday papers and Acton printîng plant were in Acton Legion. Each received a framed sold to Inland Publishîng Co, Limited on color photograph of the buildings where Nov. 13. March 11 date set for DIA business%., seminar Zelta Ronîn said ! e held ai the lptiimtnt dionon honnes,men;ndeîatrchltingort>eole Vto Centre. thedontceonnore The meeting illi ntfromtliaen une.ino ndil]The semnrsln cnhîtgieid hY tud lnîmti be bruken ntethree niaie ,-î, t ieîr ee Tns roro nto usne tiiit htI tri'.the kndot o-eh 'Flasher' delivers maktnavriogadsltcnqe Atlgl t attendat,- ede i r ilrk hedna doubIe#p erforniance l vtesascrs i. i itte'îîît]>erý,in ,ile h Hlton Regional Polte girl- and dropped is me ntonhsnse ýiltedý1ha vs n tf re on the lookut i n iocnn sThee., offllIçi1 s,tillthn'ttltî'ttlttîi'rtit flashei'*asenthesînt of ASepeit pcilîicmace nerchants as w'el as olhîe btieîeinî the doo %%s i'.înn30 minutes coe'.ch as henke, pntlesittllloffieandII'T morning ater ai the ear ofl1l1I auranis Accordingtopitlice t' he tîd' (e ee first incidentt ok l sidr-eîîn tir en se -A' ai 1025 iihen a hîgh aeppreaehî'd schol 'tdenl - oap poached hy a mari eon Lecriptions of the Commercial and P('me nn noied in th MLT NLIN SS. tn1.Ieiisdic' an te iliiot Police sad., teien n îi,- sain e uit. sau siepped nnnt etihi' piien ALCDHOLICS ANONYMOUS MEETS EVERY TUESDAY 8:3 pm B THE OLS IRE HALL '(tt' 30etehB IN G O MAIN ST m MILTON Dnop n AL-ANON I ALATEEN D. vOn o e, Wt' ,, eetiC Au mt ad ,,,ln7:30 ptmitLions'Hall pobaTi IM-e Wi,ý. Il arihIHlloving I9emories x l LEAIN C RS.,' il 9 - WaIIet Sizes Total Package $9m95 FULL PACKAGE ORDERS ON LY CompenSatisf, touao Depcsit Reftindedn SttingFi ee 91.00 per peson ZELLERS Mhon Mail 878-8178 Tuesday, Jan. 3th through Saturday. Feb. 3rd TuesdaytoFrîday iDo ..9p.mn Saturday 10 2.m.530 p.m. Lawyers surprise chairman Mr. Sciseives celesied lawyecreç Heial.ai Mus 15w il goes," Mr. and allawed Mr. EstrIin la toa, saidieblca. 9ScIUivelied. rceed aithaugh lhe sait. He said il wau anfale Ais OntaioaMunicipal "in ail my years, 1lie ihai the cîisisan' lasepecaBoard msember sase sadnlt sean anyllsing lise mece laking mare usas iaisethlag new at ltse Slte il1 one crackalithis wilaeis. F isearissg ai Ballais Cea. Edgor feston, the "WcIllMr. Seulon, we'IIl tsaial ManiieMusiday. W. T St'hrines, 'Vaientin lunch icmoiiof the heaing, Valentielunchmessed one tawyer for Harmony Ct. totleoathr Harmsay Coart Tes- tisaaked those wha sent itil cCcred dacng lise ants' Assaciationabeei lhe hier cardsanad fiaseers alleessaa naian. mntlily meeting Friday. and came ta visit mEule On1 lie wilaess stand Jas. I9 mith Mes. Mar- sie was a patientîia hoa- ean isydcsfealast Grant shall presidiag and 20sin pitl, and thasked 5frs.Aadersan af Oarlaec Lee aitendauce. Tise meeting El lac orfliag in far Assaciaies Lld.. a upeued mils a pliemt by bec un Use lunch fac the Torcan usimg 11cm. Mae Sheman and Mes- meeting. Ccnseasifisg biai Mocshll io recid a Il was agceed the seat seas Slaves Gaccad, a iaw piece. meeting will be a pot lacis studeal an the emplay af lunchun os e aar ~Ste Tremaiae-Brilaasia Miss Loagheed Valealine's Day. Feb. 14. Csiies'uap. s Wises Mc. Gaecad g linlisedlhta ceuss-exam- S ite* . . .inaîian.he tucaed il avec s~t tals tuluc asd emplayer (Cosîisaed sin Pale 1) Mr D. Estin Jau. 16, David Estcia, la hegia las the cegion. n to secS t97n' the appirupeiale crsâa.esamaluaa. oppronol of the ltMB lue application In Use Toma Mr. Ocheives ahjecled acquhsition nf these of Milton loe oppronal tu bal was inteceapîrd in londs. ocquire lands ohaoutîlie ~mid-sealaace hy bis 0MB Mr. Estin, wo h hasmodall tit aller Mitua's calleague A.J.C. Cisap- f mine deleated the rego u fficial plan has beesi mas aho whispered on Site F moîaliegibeon ameuded ta permit the advice an bis ear. heoe estoblishment ut a land- the Ontoarno Supreene tl site ai Site F." Court. soîd iftheOc egion TOecarnsyue decided lie oct un Me. Mhss omithrecly M I Y[ Pecius' rcommeuda- id dt' roety M O tiaus. "The cegion would cesuited in au amend- MAbIb bceacting ilcgally aud its meut dealiag spectîically actins oul bc ubjct ith hec: tîu u mustd e ube n rt "'riiot urtiier tliis OFFERS SHOPPERS ti udiiot apeniectu u riilw setu indîcate ACRAES f CE quooîsilptbctiu c o intsIen tio fdis- 0FCO M N Ackuowlcdging Me. ptociug Miss Beusie Esteinssuccesi ogoînat Smith or hec bruther FE A KN the regioti, Me. Pectîn frum their lands untesa REPA kN prnpused an meudimeat.îhry so wish." 55OssaalaoSt.South Il salit, -Thot e anoîd This omeadimeat mus possibleîcourt actiun os oppeuved utuug mîth the ..uggested hy 1the tetter ut uthees. 1 pkmy ffowOefrm lit FLOWER Et GIFT SHOP 2» Main St Lai our designers c e an arrangement a st fan r~ ELECTRICAL *INDUSTRIAL CONTRACTING MAINTENANCE POLE LINE AERIAL CONSTRUCTION LIGHTING 878-2048 583AMAINST.E. MILTONONT. L9T3J2 Help coeate student jobs,. And we'l helpyou. 't R , t t 'P[ t o , 1'l. Siaaiaed eaduaa ... . . .....L....e .......... fG.5as~s ok i ~ s f h BadI ucmaDenue aICSmiu2h iel.ThdEieCa.5i5111ai. 878-1 aa 100etu ISB las196 5.s 1imu5 idan tr EeaeCeailtaol ra 1pCa /4àe ta lia n &erV aadl Velicateiien PIZZA, PASTRIES, CAKES FOR AIL OCCASIONS OROCERIES Er COTERING, ETC, Vay ura ende iapoem ith aaad eeaieeauiiaaffeO TlAKE OUT OUR DELICIOUS ROTFOOD WHITE OAKC PLAZAý 7DAvs AseEEK 327 honte St. S. nseon * 0IJ 1 I EA END- SALE cOTNE SHOES and BOOTS and Slippers and Luggage and Every thing toreWide UP TO SAVINGS ALL SALES FINAL Robert Shoes 184 Main 878-907 CHIRGfEx CARS TRUCKS