Ontario Community Newspapers

Milton Weekly Tribune (Milton, ON), 22 Dec 1980, p. 3

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j White the majorlty of Milt are relaxing and enjoying Yul morne Miltonians empioyed 1 lobe wll be elttlng behlnd d p.091 ln need of hal p. Saine belong ta ftla Vic Nurtemn orgenlzatlon 1 sowuy for tfhe purpose of unabl e ta fmnd for themeve Olmtrntam te a vs<y bumy. tibundatfon, ahicli priafmm rsfWWa, avallabie force rme The Mlitôn Tribune, Mondmy, b»eerber 22,19W0 î Nur ses, Children Vs Aid work holidays tielp any who are tnflrmd durtng the holiday There are over 800 nurses ln Canada and services for foster chlidran and their familles. on's inhabitanta season. Multon's district director, Margeae many of them wlll be visitlng the eldarly, tfhe Some foster chidren will be able f0 oisif etide festivif les, MacLeod says Christmas is the busiest fime lot irmed and the dying this year, flot much of their natural parents this season, providing n social service of year for the nurses. a way f0 spend Xrnas, but the rewards are the circumstances suIrroundlng the cases sita or caing art "This year wa have nine nursea worfcfng on worth tbe trouble. wltl ailow that. Chritms dlay. Just 6.caue If la a holday Mr&. MmcLeod maym mêeiflg a patient torlan Ordier oi season, doe"n't mean,.* et people ali recover la gratlfying and gîves the nurses Mr. Barfy Heathi, supeviisory manager for orma4e ln 1807 lrnmedlatoly racover fréém thelr illneamea. proof fhey are au rnuch needed now ns tfiey the alternative care departrnent maya that Ithe amlatlng people eh@eexplalned. were wfen the order began acenturyaego. ChItdren's Aid Society alti be open aIl a. . The nurm do not gaIt ruua e oe,-ff tge Everybody knowm Christmnas Inrea and Chrismas meamon excapt for Christmas Day tîme of year for $pend wlih fbrnfiy and. frle**4Tle order- feetîvîf as were dealgned vvltl children In and Boxlng Day. "We ahil ba oparating If meif on bsng a doemoompensate tliar ogotbttmm e durtng mind. That la wliy the Chlldrcn'm Aid Society regutar services and regular houra for ail en d allllng ta, th* scar'but if la not quît. the marn. ahil be worklftg around the clock providtng farnilles," ha notes. New Brownues Tlhe Flfth Mhsview BrownIo Paskt weaomed Meredith Allen, end Lima Hossefeidt. seven n»w ghs tc weekl the11 beok r@w Chistine Thibodemu wamui fot Proent for at N1i11e011 CiuhUM, Mar iDamutti, and te pioture. Luit Parrot At th1e f mot am Sarah Brouter, tp.ople'happy to be here; h liwa".apcc nealn for mparmely decormted but "awr eylcyt ht- t~ 0f- fi Intdochinae refuges comtortabia apartrnent. get much good sponsors -011 te Cr fft I oni rarly foOll.hiliChilni. Clistmas decorattona they are very nice ta us " changea. lélitotans Lanmon Tran end hlm wlth a noficeabie hint of We are vary happyfthatwvi .ge4thalr day vlmtlng young alla, Dung, arrlved Eastern Influence hang tîve ln Canada and thet ai filendsamnd relativea, ln Canada tramt ar-tamn frornthiedoormaend wmlla. ahI be spending ekChaigng osepensive Vietnarn test Aprîl. Sînca A amatI round coffea Christmas togellier,"t nid iloffli, &" fQUIstlng1 On thon thay hav giéduatly table ace as a Makeahlît Mr. Tran. ~5~lX**4lnners. - atarfsd ta place together stand for a calourful, The Tran'm have a new ~o Ma afop and -alfite, miniature Christmas trea. addition ta their home, a geitr bo4 ho aia Cfrlatnm for the Trane Greetlng carde are pretty baby daughteu ~f91~be meniig thlr l not onty mark a mcattered haphazardly narned Kirn, who wns borr fWt hlaalm lia onal celebrafon-it &round It'a lower In Mîlltat hospîtal lami armng foreln laid and ahI be a finie of branches. July. Hthunfaiulliwtown. reflaction, aid a chance The Tranm are reedy for "We wa Cary glad anc the Canadien ta look a~e to a briglt, Chistmas, and thay are praud that Kim wns borr . Christmas cuaforna aa 00 new future. glad thay now live ln a ln Canada and not ln the ~fm taea for amined ahI Thev Ilve ln a smehal. mafe. hiappy envIronment. camtpe or ln Vietnarn. Wî Nqw arrivais ta Canada, Ky month aid Ly, are iooking Lamn, Dung Lam and their new forvard to Chrimsmmas end a addition ta the famliy, 2 better way of lits. all hia a good tary ta tell her when mlie la aider," addsd Mre. Tran. Tha Iraie plan f0 make Chistrnaa a apeciai avant. Tfleyý ai mpend Christmas day glvlng carda and premente f0 their nea loejnd Irlande, -aid ft terjgitt.r. The oniy eïnt.that all dîffer dreatloaily frorn the tradiînal Canadien Cliatmne all be the food. The Trenm haven t quite gai us"d ta Weatar foada, althougli Mrm. Tran maya mlie h»a trled aarne 100dm and mnjoyad tiern. The Trana admit thaf fliey hava had smre rough times in 1he paat fea montha iearning the language. but lhey balleve Canada has opportunIties whicli tliay cen use .10 baffer themmalves. Whan asked what prasenfa tlicy wanlad for Chiristmas, Mr. Tran said their happinesa was present enougli. Thia Christmnas, the Lamn farnily wiii be ,celcbrating flic senson in Kitty noiaay Tdlb wi toiks her Chsm vacainwtth fmly ai one of our staff. $ho'@ toklng nme time off end olomlng the newtffl for Que wmek of ODe. 22-26. 8h.' ordered us ail bock to W* brlght end smrly on Die. 29. What the boom mlays lo opeful for future full western styla. The Lama hava been In Canada aInce Septembar 1979, aid are doing wveli. Mr. Thuan Larn, livas avit h hie two dauglifera May and Lai. His son, daughter-in.laa, aid f heir two mont h aid baby Ilva In a large. pleamant toanhoue. This ynar, the Lama ai enjoy a full furkcy dinner. Thcy wll have a colourfully dccorated Christmns frac and fate of premanfa. At the preacnt finie Mr. Lam le flic only permon in tlie houelOld aarklng. Ho proudiy dimplaym lis cap lie aears cf the Boif end Nuf Supply Lt d. May, Lci and Ky ail attend achool. Since flicy have been expomad ta ftli achool mytern flic demnand for apecific gifla hem increaed. AIl of flic Lame woufd llkm fa flnd a car in f licr cirIvaway on Clirisftmas mornlng. Mr. Lam fravele lo Cambridge everY day and It la a long and firlng îourney by bus. May, 16, ha a atudent cf E.C. Drury Higli Scliool. She nid sha would really likm a ian Jacket. Mr. Lam nIdI alîhougli fthe family seerna weaternizad tliay ara mot going f0 $pend a lot of monay et Chiristmnas. The famlly. aponeored by Knos Preabyferian Ohurch. cama f0 Canada n stages. Mr. Lamas son, Jauglifer.in.law and ;randchuid Carne oner 3niy e 1mw mont ha ego. Lamas alfa and 13-vear- Dldi son terrain in a Camp. Althaugli Christmas Nli ba spent wifhout fao ,nambera of flair famiiy lie Lae plan f0 :elebraf e the Christmas tenson ta if's fulleat. 'if wa couid write a Noal card fa Canadiais, t think Iliat aie would aay lhank you Canada for îelping us make a nea sfart, tfiank you Canada for ltfing us corne liera, Christmas wiii be very different for Lemmion Train, Dun Tran and their baby daughter, Kim. Il wiil b. their lirai Christmas In Canada. r

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