14 ThM UsduMus .bv1 Multiculturai pub!ishing WMSHNGVIA The Miriistry 0 f Educalion heu lsuued a guide to authors and I publishera ta asslst them bleu or racîam in material from they prepare for use in Ontarlo's school. The Kotaopoulos FamIIy Educetion Minieter Dr. nand Mamie Bridgeman Bette Stephenson said t hat ift wee lesued in responae ta the31 M lo ls concerna of a number of M ito1n i groupe about the ways le which learning materiels A race, religion and culture.R ta i Titled Race, Religion and Culture ln Ontario 175 Main St. Scfool Materlalu, the Milton guide lu lnfed ta « ji referentee for peruo ne 8 8 o preparîng îearnîng L materialu. If has been deusgned ta asulat authoru and publiaheru ta improve the quallty and broaden the perspective C) of learning meferiels by 0 helping them to Ident ify end avoid racial, religlous and culturel blas and prejudice. Dr. Stephenson uaid that isaulng the guide indicaten that the Minisfry lu fully aware of 0 if e reuponuibility fa ail t<> ail .. .and to ail a good year! Ontario utudentu ta enaure that t ha learning maferialu uued lu theof provincens uchoolu reft cf h 8,&j fairly the reallty of Canada'n multicultural Sacity. CAN TRAVEL> Milton Mail 878-568 0 SUREAU~ aII TE JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS GIFT GIVING POLARIS FACTORY SALE N Toqe NW½ N SnrambiI. Bo.a NÔ 1/ g $3796 ~ $795prie ~OW ~~ I ~~Ony $0997 j4 ~f . L~RACERS EDOE- 327 BRONTE ST. MULTON, ONT. 878-4212: *...*.. mmmmnm*mkmmgaz. Li. Li. Lu m M - «0. 14t* et Ih-0ft.m. MMron di.. Frank et -Milton OlussA Mfrr@u Weore tvoInw la eV y esoat ofO if « MILTON GOLABI -MiUR- Beat of the Holiday Seasonfrom, them frieid1y afid management of- Milton Mil «, r M.