Adoptai98 671<7<9686 BR.ît 64678.9177<8796 Antiqu9es 471l 0<14.68704fr968n 06716966Sales C O <i 6 8 8 1 1 3 9 0Su Et8, hm Suai.- Oppou6ur8i884 696448718871'en - Every week is thrift week, when you use classified ads CLASSIFIFO RATES 1.I.<76... Th. Canadien 18188. St. 878 2341 Champon MItt. t.ti 010705, DEATHS, MARRIAGES, ENGAGEMENTS, FO<TiHCOMING MANNRIAGES -No Oharge DEADLINE IS 12 NOON TUESOAY FOR SALE. FOR FIENT, ETC. - 8. 20 minimum7,chrge8for127<6148-I 7par wo4 th 4oý,e6at 86te ttopohîg8 $ 196 minimumt charge for 12 tt4.-70 par woî4 COMINS EVENTS, CARSO0F THANES 8 2.20 foi is r N MEMORIAM -$220, for 8 tirir5 fne, verte 118 or <11<8 pu CLASSIFIED DISPLAY, REAL ESTATE- DEAGLINE THIS CLASSIFICATION -i P.M. MONDAY REAL ESTATE MARKET PLACE AND WHO ODES IT DIRECTORY DEAGLINE THIS CLASSIFICATION -FRIDAY 3P.M. The Caîadîan Champion, Thurs. D«c 28,1978 9 4570776-8671 &<8col W96711651-Ron & F<î(fo 1986 Mantille1 68 818188 Si., 0819671871 Of 64320<1181Ll,8 I 5egy 51 MitnRiti t O ,98ist f6<618818 18. A 1 site 06< 36198 048886 L 8730071984 6 6<60 1 6618 08116E18<0 7<84î8166 cl<8<91 09867141, a6168787for 8<6.761<6818<6of<ht6r Micael 3088ni Diane 71148<,d0868ll661 348 29. K.8Andersen6<6137886 j 218 Citaent <6 800 00181 BR 718< 716 83E- . 1and 77AI 6 684796,ry Milton. <08R 40Lawrnce 9111Ral <888 6o6 307811, Gr10 876a e 1886 8<t. Mito 0fe 7<8647<767 Richard 967968Banonc the 61<87 8817<17 -A A76 c4<E8716.48188 of3867878 Lt 6 6i 168 089n6 5107<60 <6tnnr Hospial <o W1i lem6< 11186.11 01,811t F<îdIy, 7871671 7<4' 1<9lis CARTBER Y-087 8114 an<8d81 &yn 8<67<1 Pete .80o Srna 5181r87<8 6< 5716 87<to <S116N869 11. 111681 ione Mi Iton are pl<961878te an of8Sc68881.u6<6<78 t9e87o 1978. ' s ll<71618969a6R"The18988 0886401461460 Kingston Rd1. (rieu I Clai nus8 14' 08888 «<I Mlto 1718,ic 61< t6061. 696<8 19<78 04 13.e' 1978ion t1<8 t<6e 487 1671 6 L61880 067 614 Furod <6.1608469837<64d b g78114<7048815118 ~ h 7. j.607r4888<9<8 681 Leis o<71f89 365711416Drve 1SOT , 11881îMay-At1th Me.776 18l Hospital on 21 81978, lT<78Scott,1'08907 6eebr1,17. 068648Sctt, 114878886077f6<6rs HanL 51 d or 78r. 7877768k TaoEF iLT 667<8188gran of86Brampton. 6<38. en 51118611 a68< the 71786p1 3<12 Mc188 Karsts16 878ra Home,98888 6 114 HARRIS-Mr 54.16 n 66s 88ro Main80St.1Milton.1678<18 51,186 0î8<771968<118 89 neret Ev, Charles,48718 669 lit.81189zs Mi 00on1fi01 osialo .71786488198719<0,6F616<7 0rA0G706L07for Mr & 4<1 . 1976LTAKSt ani 1966t Burke,7 seon 671 a 086<4 l and7 the871081«<7988778 71414so 0<887 Mr. 848 si 4 M 8677<1877 7876<.ito omun 8973406<7 and < 88876.8 787dao Nursery 1148 Scelfrte8 vl 48437<617<9<8L8778.1168.~e 781h641881168 f8 tour 89 W Harris. ,,871< <8-7668 ron m b h lf d 90871<31~~~~~~at <9n Db2M8e 3L818<7781074N<81 4,7,198 767198786 3072-M 3070<r. eryo F MIY o te fr A A A T S -NW Inmmr o oe trend,<1 7Met1 Ag1 n, 08<6 61687<8 7<77a 2,1 <7<87 !me16Mat76<I<67and8fade1<88y 086t 618m 71671778<8 488F '<EEMA-lî l«viîg 71871<1 If1847<7, voocefL<77<la, John «48871e 27,89197.1y 68 6967<t 7<7ght 9a<8 F88nt1 Kft< 84748 71781y 88e de871,. 306777<88<78 FR4 191<8967< 7107<9 737. 48977<8 <1 79.69 G1d7<71vaut<<1894869807413 71<08<8<176 ,9816704<78m,« f a6816 «49 77 < 17 ,<7 71 81t6sa606 inth77 e T784î3lw49 fiel <98,8 7 679878 in the 44î88n ay And in the gntl f8ln 77<377, A<16<66go7k671718167 1<68 <7lu Mîll< of4at1vi<Leitro4Fy in 66h9 pure <76 whit <78 sow And<0 <7611 Lî68F 8<47<uwe ui haire 7880 And788047<6t68ait8us193 Al 1 36 68 1<<7 8961340d b <171te Maryîî 70ne, so in7 87<71 Dic a7118d8 88<1181 Ca 0777 011< 81,787 0311971<67747,<4 7<65 Mon 66me Bîgo deep regret, 87<8 THE î934<9 403 183. 8J803n WANEcem868. riton 36 p 8.,e 600<8 8a198 1h0 Bruc 81<r orints 40OnaioS 64nfu e r i <9 66 r' KINGLEA STABLES Lt! SALL! pianos, f1<6< 1704<6.48716< <39<1711 48978<hlJana 20<7. se of Pianos PIANOS -SA atteints, «04671788s e. Sig sav Van (eeot Hout 145071< 1 Waterdown 4EMLOCK, 3<x666374h10- 6p<oial:.29 a Ionisaiofit. 39666N FINE. 1" 3t $320.00 par 1M664841 b., 818hdp2"t370.00 o<îlM6<8147f. «477p 8088E 1" and 2' at a<ir 0< 4< TAXES extra<8< <7711appliable 70080 8<0746< t Fri«h 8 12 aîd 1 5, 0817î4308 12. KR. 1, GUELPH '519) 824-3619 *<bi bago -Oûcenîsq <15 lb. bago 81.10 018<0417800. Lange 0hris< Phone for <'<k u< B.ESOUNLJ T.V. Sales là Service 539 Main Street Fast Milton 878-7295 CASH o For your USED F0 RN ITU RE CRINA -10015 8005 b [NOS 0478<1 7787<48S 8275305 SCOTT'S WOODSTOOES CR0155OPPLOE CENTRE 8/O85228 76<.71<88, ersorsa89o111ta Phne878 69624660<16 I 3081 or<86181oe. al< ug 7 87 DFIR70717.41 7<7o. 8<11 Sale1. 8 22118 8<7 P,181 usPrvicil. 616 . 81 Janet380 H971180 Ri.R. 1. Ho716L0On Colonel 8f 786<188, Trafalgar <îd merc0687714088ffthe401I BOARDINS 0<66<17 768110684 668,4113 Clippin36E<0071<3gb7 42 -«10980800of068678 Av RT8NDHAOEN Ils kwssd 5198568886 <166<7748, C4117 7<11,8<8e, fol8 more Wî«7.i<r 08<7<77746. Miniature8 Foo64i« savon). R64î<- 036amg62 Sales Representative Fl<EWOOD-dry<Split 874 Wi77<87i81<867-6î484. Goai Ve <78195, 798778, bracelets,8etc. 88771788tha refat0177.877460. 71367 <71 207016.110781 76671, 018648.z 178x18, Stree, Milton. <711< & 7761 8 27 878<5593li fore Bliv nes Hei tagd yen .01<877<7 006196 Raon îlspa15101 853li851 &777 fier$27717 78793 39 00<770493 3069 80<07 FpIrsE 110.77 N8dt 04848<<0«8,06<8 1615<181<38634 3 MILTON - -lý EARN $$$$ Canscienoious boy or girl for delîvery of: THE CANADIAN CHAMPION in tbe 4104 sE Resosp Rsad ard 30 Hvsop Rd (White Oak CoHU I Please caîl: R ti S The8070p8îo<î88a174î7-li76î7<7<87 o87o,7737771a7full range0lof87139<81104777<lhTs t mlgîo7«gonsumerîT6846 7700176<6. Ah 881<7806e trainin 710913< is 710<6<d and We sor 8 competîlsve OIaTIT i41o 4Ta ad IralTiTg aII77<aTi71 8 Compno Car suppîîed 8 8HIP prvmm fulo laid. 6 Dîsg plan, <A 80701045 peTsin plaT. 8 Dîosp le 17001000< 8 DppsoruToîo o Crtt jojo1h1 specîalîsed 0r 50p7101051y Please wrilo glOîTg fll 17000010ic Mrs. Rood 33 City Contre Or., MISSISSAUOA, ONT 042g-572 MANUFACTURING MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNIFY Wol are0 aajr moiti-national manageme4nt lîrm oblc bas reoenîip completed a major phase nI expansion in Knoxville, Tennessee. We are naea oeatcbîng lot top-level produe lion management personnel ta take oser permanent management respansbîlpt lut 087 product. lrum Cur otafl up team. Woe base a need for une soperienced assembîp line pruducttîn manager, prelerabîp Itl expetienos nr omrait scale, hîgb volume, elecîru-mecbanca autumutîve Our standards are bîgb. We reqoîre aI leasl three oears of experience, a pt000T iîack recnrd, stronq analotîoal okîlis and preferabp an engineering deqtee. 1he ouccesolul candîdane vil openid s00n0 lime in Cour 70140 plant in Canada for intensive training. belote ansminq the key manolacîurng management pusîtion wvon clear oppetuonilies lot continued growtb Woe oller an unparaiieiied ombînation aI gruwtb and stabily, excellent benelîts, and a startîng salarp în the0 20,000-23,000 tango. Il pour background qualîfies pou lortrIis unique0 upporlunîtp, please send a deîaîled resumne in strict confidence lu' Box No. 578, Th. lurlingIon Post, 2321 Fairviow St.. huiqiotn 178 2E3. PRODUCTION ENGINEER 7<13718 requins0 an6î1< <73,786, F9078717314roin Povn an 811yo9<1184677178îay of8879391<7187h .< <8l, rag of8 <6736 n pai 70717877 <814 din a681.04 OMARO CANADA [TO. 505 Edînbutgb Rd. N. Guelph, Ontori. NîR 6L4 042m52 78a-694047186 Finance .94<8.9 For8Rom, Fol69 Sale 66881 0.896.88 Garer E L< d-i8 Suplie L0886 611898f6rSoi 88880988de 16 Ras Estera 32 5844866<71<1o771811 <86 Tuit 0 73 Voh000886 fo 80al 34 Wol7146699886 DIRECTORY 0F CLASSIFICATIONS 89-833 021lorrI3 042ml Requîtes Class A mechasîc 87 839316<46t7 042mgat<l Experîenced Plastics Soperoîsor EpdgCopay ca7d Mlton h«s hh<771g I a as wt, h t t h.oc m< <T t h 9 l h f 7t<t h . m< u l7mh h h hT honfi 171,647,7t 1. h mode,. pln, 77 t, , -Il hoi a hu o .,p.h undh 747îhlt .,,hh n147 . mowo teth,.qh Roliance Pîndocis Li Milton 878 8826 Senior Invenoory Control Clark Oe,,e Accurh7 t, Ih fiq h h 7<7<67 F.,77nni.,le. Ttl<ohhh< 14161078021 M,<îî. TRANS UNION FOSTENERS P C RORERTSON DIVISION MILTON 042717<72 PRODUCTION SOPERVISOR 007<07171 8<8118816 in <7 Plasti Ch «7<7<8e F17477177 e'Mltn al - 7 0<ptooo, -.h «761777<. h,0 t<lhlh ght'<< P'0171h 70<7<37 te Frida 818-8203. and61h<7< lh<177h1h17 3M62 211, Aolh 7nt,î<.L7J 2M3 COLL 77Th79<2008<87an" No 042.71952 170IC 1-76711, c,ýty Superinnendent <Ill 878 3181 33 ohlSjobhmhhlt,107 unita441< Y. ThCh4ldF4îll and 7,7 07<vBo 69 VEVRN TV DRIVE Th@ 0anad7l, Ch47,,7h TRACTDOR TROILERS 1918Main0S Mlton Cai C1 77T7TL0 042,52 T7,7m., 071a17 cc71<1 <7<0479<77<1e ru RADIO-TV h camera81, tyeeti, A NONE pet lance and 1117 a 71 <l e mi .d 7< en the 3, on mar7<g8 tpel<7Excellent1< 7177177h' F., 6771484d MîIl<î Tribune, 152 M<31 5< St. 7 ph-, 71171< 921 2420, Milton 8<8 8185 6<177n,1 <11f1 71017...68117 70705 046g.71 6o<NIN 77 ADA 7<3I7 7 CO71 01 [N OTCNR arts7,72 11111,771or17qh ,,, A M I U 7<p <018 7 < 8 < 1 7 0 plu1<71a .Cas7h<1 < 0<t O ,1 <07771h<0 n «7Fî8 f0707<7172eWh c'p 20<7 1<818 Calot ing17< <7t Eîlîî<î48sole, 8<8n 186 P71 70 440803.31 7cr70,Sý.mR mi 410 C73I<6î6C <î CE1TR a113 Mî<376,< 23< H, iobimo o Roeepr WEAVEMAN 300212 77,7 7t16,777î< 1<7<1<4117711<17177177h742011 20845. 818da t08 8< -0113<161 878 66743 306130700 Mrs. Marion Hill The Canadian Champion 878-2341 076 1.76777 «7470.., Catadian Tîre Corporation MILTON, ONTARIOI