The Canadien Champion, Wed., Dec. 20, 1977 G21 Buy Freeh Tree; Keep lit Freeh tf Yeu bey a freth Christmas itene ktheehe.eyece Culehe boet aia agen Ce'ean tht o sa o the bae oe- l ct c te et cotaier of ..ter fortrcg aceetatene et tateead teeery ta A e Ch ttmie, 7doetec eccydeyAb SIAO'SOE1IS Chet . .tnor mote, ofi ni e -h dv n leeemoeo RE DA BOWO Mo CIIILDREN LOVE TO WýATCH Arnold Uhlin in action beceuse his creations arc just plain fu. Arnold is a woodworker at Black Creek Pionce Village who terne his attention to toymaking at Christmas season .. Black Creek style Tie Metcepehita Tontot ted lingien Censervation Autleecety invites yete te enje prepartne fen Chrintmast. prCn-edetto styte, ie ntack Cccne Pioeer Vittage. Frene Nev. 25teflnc. 31, Vtttage staff deeonnlttes hec settye ceepaeee and etcccecd th,> NVue Tt, %eiege hneuse eisptay the seimpte dneceteee et the benie aod pepcer. Christmast tnet-, no.d nooge et ecnegmnec oghst The kAtchent etc ttlted otith tie etaso tnentety hthod teecy bnedt.ckt-eemice- neat. etad puddtngs. Whtle teetefn Btanik Cen aed Dcc.2 nI edatey Imem Dcc t6 te 3t. cîniteen eheeld PROTECTOROAMENTS Fragile gtten Chtmas eeee tiguri ene the crche con ho ceetncind agatet beakae and detep ienee whiten e tecO0o by cctppengehem in aoetten te surec tt tacete wgon ride tt the Datzel Barn, chiet htuescthe Percy BanToty Cettcctcee, the tegnest ccttt o 9th tttey toys inCanada. Atee.Santa Claust haeteup hint.rhpnte Daeie! Batrn and weictotot all tece(o Atethe et- tA h, chietece etl he a Saettee Medhecx 'Me Villagce e pen wecnh eteyc rott9:30 a.m tu 4 ptt andeoneenhndccemm ta am *1 jý*- Chnttmas. Hcrc he demonstrates the worktngs of a dancing mon to a crowd of fascinated school children. It ia one way of remennbering thoee Chriotenases of long ego. -CheenY Ctoototae ttghle lo bightnnog up tie coin. mtoity MILTON BLUE CAR 175 Mary Street Milton 878-780 27Rt4 tue4:30p.m. lt ttlbe cled Chrcistmasn Dey Adoissiee te le ten adut, 75 Cente toc studnt tee chiltice $6 teeetly eteteetete and $1.t0 ttc tsen ctiens. Btack Cnt-ci Pieneer Viltage, tecated et Jette ctreett ted Steetl- Aveen" en nenittecel Mntc, Terente. cs .decieetcd hy Tte Mctrepolhtte Ternto ted tiegice Conetone Atity. A.n yoo galher ecilh your dcar one@ around the Chritmas tirer. annep Our hfenfeli iîhen forna cooderful holiday. FROM STAFF & MANAGEMENT â,-%Miton Pro Hardware W Milton Mail 878-5040 Weendecfol wiselen corne la lovable bondies. A joyoun holiday cei evecyone. And, truc gratitude foc yooe loyali Kati~FLOWER À@ eemi MILTON MALL * A 4 5idà;lr& u HARRIS STATIONERY LTD.