V R ci("N. 1 ' THE CURRIES wieh you o merry Christmas, complete meuh four enomemen. Dramen by Heaiher Currne, 5,0of 590 Lord Simroe Ct. As his and volleys echo the wonderful sound of Christmais, they echo too, our sincere gratitude for y our worm and valued 7friendship. froin Management end Staff L.aiJe ZANATTA% CONSTRUCTION LTD. 15 STEELES AVENUE MILTON The Carmeiluan Champion, Weil, Dec. 2D, 1977 M 'Ounce of prevention' can mean safe holiday Avoid tire hasardea areni Once lithe ai e o th aue o ethn= mu time humne at Christasad- ul~ enil mimolilh nd beatonnera il meml ongt e- vise lime home emeomehla, h 'califat OU ihnes. Be mm aiehe home For 'eime Home Enoosmca Brancli, limat lie hm n t m i sach ety, use only ceaimer- hire i ofar etAgrt- accm o dmor afadaea ia prnatni equimtm labeieil cuntareil Feof calire. Kap ttacy 'Orootileore. Secnie must be lme nameartal maan tom. fria drapa aândi.etmc can cnme atfrnhasard if amcha ti:1 a oee=t ntotnnieil oeilseeteopatm mae andl inca. ocm. Select a iran limai i Iyen libet h , d eoaie'cl moist andlflextible ooidry aeil roainei pince dmimm ae britle. Store it oeiilmoutaielme caath emcelm , yoare reaily teirieg ii-or bloewn ovS eoeeon the aile. iras nsed muse me ada Standardse Assoceation (ChAI 'Chrismon' Trees commis oeil cnectim areil inr ni oiiia ogcl iehihaelm amis nehi bavl. M - e pho lb r noSenmab are f pose- bFerm eord a"mee te ti e deMerommema« ai h c e Paml 'he lme ac h yu br a" plarcoe ae wt ua tir hes ydear iiammir l ece. me, tdi meee lmee r ir ilmihro m meaon euh emblrm ileti reel oeut ton are eEoc chenet carr dmgbok tail rh eei ma ace nuec ahist- ater pet efrrttym l o nt hardwar Cim o res.tieay h-lm lopted -.u ie tec ga wlapmegi taulir theta wree i t la c a eele ahc et eleno- s ie th . l f i mmla a r measr as arime tricl mae - ieeme I i shpamod rs aveway hada obm pleaecrofervm En go mobr for t a lsi tarol a i are flam -ie bor dat xr oneo e d nim hc ... nal ht te uha rvnin aealr x Edtoa aiiyseem. tmo auonm r ie igihro ad E t Crisîm s CoedooaDo2e e E o Rl h red eheopecigthe plae fi i7 RE~K STOPAN ISOE- OE I1 E Chita ClsdSna fC 4l8PM Re-open ~ lco agi usIec 6t7a chc.t4M E