BlO The Canadien Cheampion, Wei. ,Dec. 20,1978 Dufferin geI job Mosvfers sn Heten boeabeds je tise eity ridieg, deduetiblty, and 64 ercenst t s-bic 12 per cent rei the, cet rrjectad A hurfier 15 Par A 916,40 esrtfr Tiem ret us ee ceettiiet po lîgbtya pe cent s-err usdecided. sns- clearance et Tereeto Nec t5, te7e te Jece 30. 1901, t?.eseceete lo ddt ihythree pet cnt nei cait yes, 20 per cent ne getietters stieuti be tier i se -a byfe r eeeteet Acet bs ei ntdscc ee Jeline poilipeci iig "e"totkn wyteAkdwa he elae ItrainlAror a n nldss eoa O 1e Jtinkeprsee cdie ye' e tbifi s-y tseCapital pueess-est for biref the suss imcpertaet nsase bren as-ardent te Defferie andit te centret tee the etr- T a e a 07 * * (Htgt Park-Humber Vallry) rigbt te sttribue, whbite 12 per os ceestîtutioeet ebanges, degree seurderers fessdi affectisg Canadias today Cestrtseruet Comspany rraft apree aces as tet as etc a à ril fethlIe rlgbt te sInise siseut crut s-err set in taeor and sa per cent fanoed cbanges faner s-lUi 8s per cet ofel he sespoesdsiasuts iutr, Qatle. readways asnd parbing areas br f"en amie freontise U se r mmpr cerf s-rr sde- s-bile 52 per cent ure sellan wespdsfa. Ts-rlne pscrlcent tits erder: Inflations, genrs- Dr. Fruit Pisilisci, thse aressd tise terminat bislding.Toa eorbug en essentiel sernices, rident, faner. Wagr asd prie ie-~ sre agiant it mts speusdteg, smpley- NF for HaItos made tise Tisrcsetrart doe set caserTre tot strike -voteirs :cnrlitf te e peil tise isP lis seeu-part peUi aise ies sisseld motette fa be noacmn nbhl f ra en ntern 7 teni rrcently. sali if people faner tise PC enftacadiseti soci tire au Cfest vote s-as sesn la mue, sinise and waufa, i seiciets siaf5 is eea els u-oe Jellaris satd be rrceicrd party proipesaies erngage Inflatten lu isreugbt seder abectiSsem drmaud, s-lil4Ul satiesi uity, imiigration, Traspert mistaer Otto says. Tisa s-ens a carrird 2,000 refasse fres- lise 35,060 itetaire and preperly fas esetrel, si 79 per cent, par munt faniold and 41 par and faws and erder. Lang. out isy Trasport Canada- BIR B8(I3LOM~ ld8UfI I ~~CTORY BRAL' tVNL Nli- Elecoric cONE - BOCHESfil nrie a CRLICATIonSuS F MULN MILTON APPLIA E FIODRING Ceninirial GLASSI 87-41 orM2I22RUSNESOR wuaE55Hro ohd I isarniat INJINUIALI ORo WDnia 5TATIOsenT WA E 1HHR sra AS N Y Sbiir o av A A I Prdindae ervice RAeNGES *Cristnevie . 876-411 uti einro GSes ces FeesecSace MASON aauisjZo. id W T MtcaweE0c~ Caîanves îsneresee sa CStoreeie Frnt 876-2341 THE WAY IT I CO AEO N Co784779 I eee eWs Fwelîsce *ai ot 313 Bu Lne Sd * eeceGSCTeRs Fmrs- aucrînimenî Mill.. Flastenepaios Milton SHOsWD BE c0IJ 75OMAX * eî5eWA~~S5 dut eaber Str dsîs S I.1IxmurSOUL B s ij ANDi CLLURA AIR ,N5ceniRS h Caainie Tablean TOP 1 isoDie795 Scsnd Cri Chng our 60 amp ecceîatiîeeeîBck andiCiecce *a" ea if naa Suc tato M su& amp.g Cl.r.,s ax!. ecn The C Cocii of Main St-eet Mîttanu service uc10 m.No te Gas GEORGE B. Co. Lîmtted _ _ 878 7251 di t 870 1908 310 atf A - 12ea a 878ni8ce6 THORNBORROW 191 Main i. Milte A -N BaonMitnr nase it Fre ee ef mcM i 1368MAINST. E. se nana A Dsinof Freeuiseinsiusiess Wessea. ie ecee Hîî n .-l-I Acolisoce 1stCaOteS 678-7500 Fui DitAnd' Service I GEORETOW CUTM Cal! 4 -8 2TFmc laig 9a2 u fSmc eu A c A ~ " ' '~'CAR SONO eEETMAE aîley Heassng deCsa 7-58 ins CA ESTE .ates 878-8002 77242 jUDF FaillN Salesc FRE Sett Cfivr 111 AIorI * Se ~ ~ ~ ~ df i ekis ,Csc eee . Pue ieCeie MLTN08 ia HOUSE 81-81S Pisse COOK 1,1 dGoreto CegicneCee 87833378782 M.~~P'- M i" aog nsCnu-~ __________ ii 0 181 MOLL STREET 844-8781 riras IUS JoTs CenY New -Mochanicol letd SPETACMLES eBih Mcfthealdt p. Hi Joe'sS 00 Chimnv c'n -seF ILI21 anStbree MILTer Muinss rauttD sinL RtoS 827-4266 .~RR DEca WaLD ho wleacSss eacsenaueea ne tm i lciciiie hilOyS e ieelle ena l ia ln _ld Tesq sce ab 9 Io 6.ceci t C oitU.icSiliC ~~~~~FARM BUILDING ceecll a pnSci e bii i ea, a hhm e Pnpc. B Celd Reci andaepaiîs ainceicc*cii c o a in P ar e nscr pi ii DeGAF 878.l 2721n ni 3211i ..ieiiciiciieseîa i CaOl 878-5823 id ce e de cli se i artne - A l 878-1194 PHONEFEVENIN5CPLOACC Cîcciý icin, ii insuiiFre Estmaisi- 5ci acie-nts 3 878-1344 or s PRO EXPERT M Harris' tecee RE MN rNiT Sev MEN WEARg Ecilîsic Scîn9-06 îcen 1-38640 KN TSi M e s V E ces B ice i d eicielicsic A.r72 16 Ol Arthua A. JhSi MILTON0544 nia cciiliutilcee ci _A.J.___ McCarthy 2ein Suai OieAL EWN <44 Mitn neeiie nnie etC L 88O 95 O O 09 placetsc hc -.c cc d Pea sectine i- 2,IM/XnSTR IGHT LINE Constuto Co Bt AVES 878-3673 Mervîs soin GaiIrM i w£id FcL dieo RVMNSst 370 OTEELES AVE. EIecissncs12 l LMNMLarr Hornes *sccetnloliia Mocr Dei - n 707770 Rob AtWlo v. 853 1547or pcci inettalsicii S LcscI.d alint-eoiec lniscsw ce 8770551 dî1sîencaibeieenai c wi "dsda fi CecnSe ý-kel 1.c NclesbaeîRK Fo___________ Callyouaineting etlnc ccif Oci I i .,k 676-6617 dtf BORT'S HOME FREc ESTIMATES Ca IVNOLN iacîi i MILTON TV Dan- Ece24 1niiX ACTONo P8CS 532726 PAINTING Nciosncc ACeO ni c-ce iMPROVEMENTS dari_______Ai__ aCnic c ,nle , n di Sion r ead e is CONCRCTE B SUPPLI EsPr e-~l5~Mii aCaiîcTaes C0N 0TMiC (îciiiiîlcci o i nee Rail Away Fac ClnseEslina.sss STERES CENTRE rn V scov nacks INSuT t 5fIDNTIAL a, Au i qceîelua Msl 5 s1 îîcî c Siml' A ient c-uitCLEARANCEiiici Garage Deats INionise oXToEIae RAICO ENTEýRPRISES ZENITH EtJe Othe lin Weu i d Pr ERDt CStANECeel anduooienctici 7883 EETRHM pinFcePc IPEPLACES Suppl Ccnia niai 8663 - ~ ~ PIý. S ~ie..,cc C nne nix 11ni. estMiton dont Wosîan 74556470 et ALUMINUM 853-1529_____ 078l80 sales______ EEsrvc clee 05 170 F.,înin ANTRIM INTERIORS 81M5 719 ManS17VEii -à878-2001 __________ tnic doCi isc h5i mi- s (ns iS Stn MUIU11S PsULLANNA dtPaisntng PaperhasgTng C)ýnD.Y 6is asisseci Et"' Scie 9 iJ 655 McIN STAECA5E CENiEi tourV nome Istertar Esterr s Mr. 55 AN SREE Nnîneii)ýcssoCcrinniac scia w i KSiII LIMIiED 406 EISH800N So W KSKho ,,,i ic i nie 2l &ic Minc Ftc4c- ree Estimates - M LESNGOe -weccbci II1SUlaidEU R009 NS ht NSOIO ON im i TD 7942 A I McKERSIE ch-cieont seîcî 705977 878 1704 ansul ese- s i fue l WAYNE'S OPHDLSTERY HL 58MMECAS f ngy rý.ea Homee sl sh Ucci cd4 cels. h s d ie. 55e e u abili.g, Mo ne, osci-< MMin t ons HÂVE-N Fe a ETIAc TE as - i -CARS h TRUCK m'Io F'TpecMis FEO AO LONG ORSOe u 2611n1ea cf tic pfuc DIVIIPPN ALBERT POIRIER 83091 Pir Ced ds.., cKc M i -TE5M LEASINO PAC= eaenne ti5PIIIET Acilitn TON? /21Pnauwsaenei_______ i --reof i sI5 Isseriar Decerala O 3 A DesU S8, emu 4452 QuLIic WS5IIMANHI5P vnn 8815 A REPIR ELiimsi7te5n87-78tiC Sewîng Machines Kin CatUiOlir 3 -878-2883 ireRmoa ti 87-78 ohMS .eo .E SAESSRVC ne, a et i.,ssg 8îa26c1eii ies moicc 601_____ MitTMn Si.ic -. -i Sinsnnsa rPIl aiSALSFieeIC lie i ncii Lsiei 'in.a 6)- 692 4421 snîîcîsnn RYNý 878-8452 of- RENTAL 87F48ee i escicics NoJ 29C1ic TNU ________ MILTON 878-74HO291080 M LicE M N i Y ea5 i ER V I n c -i t o F a b r C e n t re s e f l i.dgn Aliin sM 12~I tMadin Street MsS Asi AiII r: 0i îî.uîacl MILTON 0 APERIEN 878 7X4 liiardwmr 67.#n~ __________ AE UTNRc - j n ic - Co" sci ade cfamines, dren M oFsCOC net SLS ci Ac 878-3316 SALTîîcacîc I9sS 0ft 070 2107 No 89 SII Compit, Jan a aceice Lins.nici -- n AUVR STR ci isets 068 24-Hour Service ai M 0.Brnn n Cmýcid ese l Je M, n. ~9 ois ieso BRUSH 8 Ec 877E 1 Potraphy CESNeFo 8782391 n9 Parlya Ti Couin rs lFr i Ed - 677-7389 ________ 385 STEELESAV MILON CENTRAL 04085RAR F 38ll M UvE ELE TRI a S t. e dci5O _____84266Comecil aieues el87 27 SNOWPLOWING o doni - Indu__ stre a i . si a tIlle uiS 878-9222 Modi12oi5s0P-i Milton, 7-3121 sos eaaa iae sr huîî CAGAPPANE 8542566a _______________X_/ C EN 248HEv.c evc Bruce tcsll Il ci s arci0pm Bell iltpe 3 itoOt ALLPRO E Foa 3 m51( SPECIALIZING IN 878-7634 - 87Ann82 67870 aLS Sîi 3 i n *HomeiPortraits MILTON WELDING RBel ni OS2 MaS J L. Nielsen ____________ PR ~Ij3CHI-TeMAS SPECIALC 87852L ditnte 854-2202 ic1~45 NIPISSINU 0080, Customn McPHI HUDSON GENERAL Cecniciaa "B,, Cc$¶ef UNST c Carpenhiy ELECTRIC CONTROCATINS a neacîd nins Massnry Coat acsr acren y8738 n slCr. , O ld W o dL IM IT E S n o A C c N ce L P C EC , F R E a m i nî pe~ ? - t MHîc î cs ~Cr$atu mhessiecb a INaUSTsIAL pCTtAi. a .m ec o lacc nîceks coleC snbok M>~C ano RUiîîîî Coemasresign a COMMERCIAL solîibCciacensns iiiisuiSeJSDILT/- cuTES S tiiîni ic tciiîîi APPLIANCE AID Var cnCeapaiancse a FAI5MS&siIMES.c UTI Feris and s Ine a',et nac * cîueaeu Esti a ian ,ea tata ELECT5IC seATîIa inca iceîccrcisi Table Teesu -Sma s-cati nsni INSTALLandATtataSsi Claude -878-3240 TO PLACE M iIOnlll îîî snîîî ns,.rla t Moti l i and aitaic Paining Ysc1 Cal, , ACLAUIPIEDAD (34NWaEt aCcsMoi Cui fe: elOh Mai Si rone 8781-9I725 CaiaS round Calonscette BruCe-878-54Ssk851 ea ednc Fdc c B78 5228 878-9513-877-5795 632 4196 Osti lot foT i B78 5642 cfil uOe oda iC