be some 'fsurprhN Oy IreCle eedhby women." ashaîd The Bil nelsus tmns The Bible mentisons 00me wascrate i Go'simgei vroas cstests, depend- bu ibis ieaaes u suO ove lafao hth part of the book questionvlbalo'îiicontinue ta yoa examine. Somen taire a vag ai oars piriuai coa- hae settetheilas his- ,,citons.taries and staries ai horrles Is woa,î creatrd sn Gads and hîsgs in tue O)d iagae" Testament, Depending as the transla- "The asîhors sho woae the tias ar version ai the Bie books ai the 014 Testament yuread and hoa yaa suter- dais t waete ceeothivg. but prel i. aieas as ibis suhieci mereiy. shal lhey ihoughî ail) aey. saîd Rev, Mary Oere the impeetant lhi,î Lacas, a prestof ite she said. 'Thny rrgaeded iAnglican iIhueeh ai Canada wames as peaperty oir oe aaoservsg al St Jade's thnglaheec eguiatediand Aaglican Charvh in i)ahaile. praîeaied. Luess Oas speakîso ai -Womes weee ailes Sheridan Calioge Tharsday. lhaaght ai as vas persool in Ihird speaker sn the Hericos eariy reiîgioas law hecauve lectureeseresvspesedylhey eecodered un- the Sheridan Ceole- (or eleas,- shte said. Women, S0e spoie, as Lucas saîd Ruth and - ilames and Religion. Esther. 100 afteI tone Travîlalinf the Bie is aamenof th1e aid Testament, difiîltîi hecase vn Greek or ari osed their lestaîve arbres, the sard child vas iles ta gl shal they wn be snterpreird as ,s and the led. tiard persos is the Euglish la the Epîsiies ai the Newa waed mansire epliaîed Teotavîesi. womev er -W0ev a religion is luased refarded as aIses and on abkeshoald al leasl mortier,.partialiy hecaasrîin gel the sards rîghl., site the Greek lavgoafe sîte and said. moher are the same ward iSe hase la desîde Sames iceee tld la beep whether la go 0,10 what the sîleol on the ahurches, be insu soya, or aihat il reaits sahmîssîve la theie hnshssds meam.- and keep beîr heads caaered Llaoes lis mess that a vn shame. aeeordîsg lat pres muslbesamanwth a ceetain leulees an the Nea J esivh background and Testament. usdee 30?' Shal happens The munssîr said eses the whes 0e loess 33--do yoo Bible is votalaoya cans ceocîto hîm?" Loess asked. patible sîlO itseli. Pool sas 'Asa.lthe book of Reeaaoheesvsions of women in lion says in the end osiy surie ar hîs letters, but Oc 144,00 pepe wi bcsaved îsasn'îvcosistent in hîs and ittorns oultbtirrOsesesare srlisg eithee. aviymaoie vîegina,thoseonot On the orner hud.Luas Pierre Cardis Boutique dînas shîri. 80% poioester/20% cotoos. White stin stcîpe sen hiue, tannal gray. Single houasn cufIs. Taper- ed fit. Neck: 14d/2,.5, 185, 16, 16'/2. Average siean lengihs. $23. Rotary speaker Body: 'edifice' ANGLICAN MINISTER Mary Lucas (centre) ing bier tatk on Wome aa aettgtoo. Sos gsesi speaker at Sheridan College's Herios (Photo by Lorre Calder). Serico last week. She chats witb students folios- Woman minis ter predicts therae'1 mGR 2 noFrALO wîoo 4 BUt'FALO COLT 5 TOsROT CKGN 6 GLOBAL WKBW 7 BUFFALO CFTC 9 TORONTO Feedrlck s gift boxed, of course. F. aT Chist.-oShripph 7. A$6.0 Eae Parking IMANST 17-M3302 Moodoo tuoFrdeytill 9~/ ~es in heavenl' vaîd t0e Gospels tell oas 10e esîlo chorch reflecled shat Jnsus sas like. -Jesos old totO la womev and eves roi haaretos sames w00 sens despised twîce oser-00,00 sorprised bis disciples. They "eafraidhesawoud become usalean, site saîd. * He related tri hem sîmosi as homas heisgs." Loess said Jcons rejecteil motheehodaas re'0ssio idestîty tHr aecepted somea as disciples and made no prosoancemeats about the e and place of omen. Os 10e îneompalihiiy af the Bible sîth ilseli, she ssîd aithoogh t0e Bible sas (Continuaiton Page CIi1) ,Machnsade ofiaad, Plastie or nierai and the buildings of steel or brick, boneser comptes, do sut féal puis, tuugb or cr play or nteep and sut ane is asin tricate or bard tai udecotaad an your body or mise," Dr. John Pansell, professoir of Romsan t<lnetics ai Univer- sity of Guelpb nsarned tiotarians lusi week. "Perhapu Osai is mby me hase besai s ngligent and mhy we resiiy dont apprise- laie mhut a piendidaedifice w Dr. Powelpointer! ot Ose homan body la the mnst magnificent of ail muchiones ever tohaeeen conceived devisedland sed. But biemarned mosihave ailowed il ts become a ghantly ecompie, " We costr, mvil tie esercise to ltte. " "Since Ose sheel mas i.n vented Man hasattempted tu sohauitote muchines for Ose mork our bodieas ecrelated usi de* Today, many duilp activitien common tc, sur parents are performed iOs minimal effort hy os thrnsgh maches." tir. Powell noted "We don't watk, but ride; se don't ciimh saira,' bot se eleoutora; se don't liii seights. se don't mow lans bot hase a machine us do tl and s on. For one sho sonto 10 "fret hetter" without the regimen or discipline of regulue phynîcai actisty of the more formai type Dr. Powell suggested: " Lear the carat home-waih toandifrontsthe ofice I op ta two miles each way lasreasoaahe); redoeI ail fried foods, reduce ail 4--f V n sisrchy foods, particuiuriy 'n a i .1 bread, potatoes andde macaroni; est mare proteha, an' 'n tn a fres b fruits, vegetablesa n sudI drink muter; do the SBX ii; set no ut progrn ai haome daily." elos b Otiser suggestions were toi Peter tireeup bicyciog, soins daiiY, M CuB1 jain a titueus prograir, estsbiish su eaercise centre ai work for regour, daily, It'sa fact: vigorouu. uweatv y ork, o orcmpesisr 'Tttere n aso ressotannc ed lvee ba daubi OBai a 40-year-otd ascrlisbune, persooct oivautiy i- ofcmeca I a prove pesant physicutdpn nu frpatc1 coodition, ulttoogh il la ac outos cepted ti ti n disgusling la A shape'."s "Se cunit irade ose hodies in-if sae ha heuita, hveyla gel bas itn(-o helt--veytin esela 208 Main Street Milton 878-2894 $1 000 in GI.FTS being, given away Remember: i Each timne Yt - DOWNTOWN MILTON make a purchase, fili out a lucky draw Be sure to watch coupon a t ony of the"' for the after partictpattng stores, 6:00 p.m. Christmas and you could win. Shoppers Specials! The more you shop downtown, the SHOP DOWNTOWN greater your chances are for winning. MILTON AND SA VE I Corne in and see sac 1-- " ai wallnaper selectsono ail and l ~ ~ qfl aeadmo~î,ooce wiotetr handbaos in J , - wi t01,11 sheot vini Giddn Psin, ht leathers, 015(115 and dm11 saedes. jet tePO BEL VEDERE F@@TWEAR FLXOR IALL f OPERPOta _._h es .f Robert Newman Shos ros 50 ~ 220 MAIN STREET 7860341 0.1'AV A wEaEcOMPLETE LINEOF: "Is C îî, a,o, PrtyîGriotsGlltWoIP Ve -1 Ch,,sîsas T-c O,îaes POINSETTIAS ilill umel Oaaîcs by Gachal Mîîarstm99as2,0 e CLEMENT'S O'..0 1. '"0 FLOWER, GI5 89 SKOP PAINT - WALL COVERINGB aisasi M Il S 15 87 501 197 Main St. 878n9232 Miltas U OBO COMPUTER SYSTEM COMBAT G8ME MEN WSR ct MILTON TV & STEREO 'e ~ ~ ~ TIE asnîo oMI5Philiahaver AWMMerdit S Del-a Rechargeloable 17MAIN STE64"ILO .a78-1a303 111555151052055005535 For po esarvice DAILYTILL a FresdirCsek. 20% OFF CHRISTMAS HT'Y 25% Off iA5ttI5 Bsooon Wattetu Daaîîîas L.gaou CfSMoor fia- Devesho, 1311 5% Off n seFIOISTMS î0eember 20th Smitlh fir aaa HARSSTATION ERY 182 Main Street Shop Eeenings & Save! 2(OD 456 diaste, pednts tableil îh tyya 12" OS tusa fr tslo sistmss ch.I. ou eca, eafect tl the nd ofsec Radîe St. Joan miltas) Ost (416) 878-8952 OOOîtNltt -ailcs SO o -. 01, a 4m5r, , 500 Mîll, Osîl- -h Wn otyeve fort rtleertigo Wrvae you /-fapy thist Christmasl V. our Frio.îdlyDowntown Marchants. CHCH 11 HAMILTON CKCO 13 KITCENERn CICA 19 TOONTsO CBLFT25 TOONOs CITY 79 sassasO COMMUN (TV TH EINAL MUNICIPALITY 0F HALTON PULCNOTICE To Reconsinuci and Atour Reglusat Road Na. 7 Itierto Roadi from Regionai Road No. 22 (Trentaine Road) ta Regiosal Road No. 1 (Guelph Lise) Milton, Natico is herehy giaea thal the Regiosal Masaipality of Hoiton havis0 adoor- tised pusaanl ta Sections 443 and 446 of The Municipal Act, heing Chaptet 284 of the Oevised Statules oi Osioris 1970, the Coascîl of the Regiosal Musîcîpalîtyof ai ona, ai usa meetbng us he held in the Regionai Heoguarters Building, 11h1 Bomase Road, Oakaîlie, Ontario au 1:30 p.ns os Wednesday, Jas. 17, 1979 will pass a kv 10w toalster, widesi and recoostrut Regîssa Road No. 7 Itierry Roadi tuons Regiosai Road Na. 22 (Trentaine Roodi ta Regiosai Raad Na. t (Guelph Lise) Miltan. A plan showîag the lands cegaîteil fou ihis posecu asd the proposed hp 10w usay ho tees anche Regiasal Pabic Works Depaulimesi Offiaes, 1151 Bcoste Raad, Oakaille, Ontario. Os Wedcesday, Jan. 10, 1979 ai 1:30 p ns , Oegiosal Cossa,), hy uis Pablic Wotks Cansnsttee, wil) 000, sn poussa or ho has Coasse) any persos who dlaims that bis lasds wiii he puejudîciaiiy ofected hp the said hy-)aw snd who appiies ta he heaud. Ano such peusos who mvishes us he heard shos)d, as s005 as possie, moke application to: Mr. Garfield Bron Regioae Cterb The Regianat Municipatîty of Hatton 1151 Brunie Rnad Oukeitte. Ontario LBJ 4Z3 Dated ut Oukoitis ibis Bob. day ut Nos. 1978 BurtingonGsitdBon Hattos Hittu 827-2151 Grfgiet Brown Oakvitte Rgoa lr Savo $1800 Basic Cable Service TV Channels 241 EXTNRA CKVRZ 3e BFLOARtanEs TV £CUANNES rCFEX2 eNO nu (CON VERTER) 'wNE17;:FA: Phone 877-0181 HALONArBLESSE S 1 É%lè IU- r --- -- Wý n- 1 Q 10W