Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Dec 1978, p. 11

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- - - - - - - "'On Thin Ica" Jelinek book recails escape, victoryf Otto and Maria Jefineli aime ahatisag as vecy tii ite mIsen iley mas the Worid Fige llkaiag Champion- amp l Caelaaldha la Lo. Thiriar yeairs earier, maX , &lnaiaag thei isS faly, liwmapad frrat usai country, lleeiag the. iyraaay af thie Cammuait party t Bouillit ta impose lia aHI on the land. Hiatary recarda finat the birailler and aister tamt we.. the warld clampiaaahipa and Se se datrg a a maral victary for lIcsde ofeadesti- tracy, acrardiag Se ilseir yaaageat braiser Henry. 'lIt toialement il, the as- dertyithem lb...a a lisak Henry errata Se 1960 entitled, %ar Mey masugb, "os Aller iliree priatiaga ia Oie United States, On Thiaire re- celvedi lia lirai Caeadias sendeff Masday nlght in Oak- ville. 'TIse aettlag as aise appropriale becaaae Oahliie la thueadopted home towaof "Os Tia Ica", pahllahedi by PaperJacks Ltd., af Mark- hani, talla the siary ai tie tamily's satteriaa aider tirai the isazi Snadera and laSter the Caaaasa iprans. But as meti as beisg a staey et attferIng aid luiesonr, the. book, Henry admrits, reflets the esperlesces af haadreda ofthouaadsaof immigrants ta Canada tram Ait paria of Oie warid. Jelineh said he siarted Se miriehabhoklien he massa8 yeara aid, firatiuntrsdleg it simpiy ai a gi te fls. lamily, a chrasicie af ibeir struggie ta ecape Oieir liameiaad and esiahilli Oiemseives in Canada. "i jaai staried aat an samethlgfilta1iasted ta give thetamly uasa1airaie aad %vrate and airai,, i reai- ized fli il hl siaried ta ga lieyasd my ami tamily, lie "Weliad ta retcape and rame liere and i realiaed fiaet a i rae, i vias refleisg Oie slug ansufaaferiag af im lga i mies." Jeelie aaid Oiehe oLo hM taia yearstcrS.T date, h he aid aaut o ta Oiree tiardeasver pristinga in. the UnitedStates and lias aise seid tiose ta ose milas tapies in Japan. Htenry admltied fia e t-the puhlic, Otto and Maria are Oie stars ofthOe adventure, lie- cause it aa ieir coarage Oiat mai shoutstasnOie ire of ihe Pragae arena dsrieg Oie shatisa triais, "liai Oiey're net rreiiy peinat stara,' lie adoaitied. "IL dida't marier whla lie- rame Oie chamspians, t caes a total tamiiy objective ta achlene Oiat. "'Tie lieaaty aifii arassiliot ea apedad by gaisg bath liradiveing, ve diawed ON THIN ICE je a biook detailing the Jelinek Canadian prieting of the liook seas atticially tamilys escape fram Cammunism ie Citecio- laaieched in Oakville Manday night and Maria elavea', aed Otto and Maria Jelinek's subse- and Otto were as hand to aigei capiea tar digni- quesI wineieg of the warld tigure skating taries. champioeships je that saine country. The tiraI Liait deisotracy cast the carrupt satris filiat Oie Camuniais ted fier people ta bliiene," lie mid. Otto Jeeliek o satresatai builamsinas le fls ami riglit and amemlieeaofParliamtesi, ha arriedfilaeatofdema-, tracy aid lialeed ut Cais- isant aiSte, has paititai deaiagsaos viel. "We're nmi reatiy ierees," lie said, "aie itere juat aivn the apports.dty, Oiraagli spoet, ta liring o ite auli- statce uf treedoi to u Sermer hume. Tht people didat euhk et a. as aletes, ta Oieis w ce tre a titite lit ut treedais." Aller Oieir ais sn Oie carid rnupeitias, 0ftao asd Morio shated pratamsioaalty tue severa yearansd thenre- tarsed ta, Oahniiie. Beyasd aisply detoiisg the horror of iing under the Caisismiai regfive, Henry said! bis booklins aise de- sigsediu tau oith adeasi- agre efthOe fret titretyle en.- joyed inCanada. The Jelinseh arrived le Branle, settisg Oiere Se 1949 otter the Cammaufist goen- mnts ut Czechlivakia rastisroted thie taiiy rorl liusinss. FaOier Henry Se. set op a newce a nit, Jetiseli Carli, ctih ty a apeeaied liy bis an Henry Jr. Asaitn, Franki, siarted thie Jeliseli sparts equipisesi tirsa noc iocted ia Oaliciie. Richard, Oie Ouerd son, beada a computer rampasy ia Chicago, OiSe, chea lie retoned tramt pratessional slatisg, aiorled far Jeiel Sports and loter started Caaadias Skiate Isdustries, ctih lie mld lie- fore gtttisg isto polius. Caretty lie represeetu Torontoaurea eldi bat wiii carry Oie Cusseevative ho ssee ogais Lilierat sn caishost Franki Philirool inl tht neat tederai eteutios. "Thty have gretty tuetel- bated ta Oie hiataey. eulture and edatatios ufthOis tami ad ce're damsn glatd Oiey're liere," tammesled former mayar Allans Masses, durisg tht furmai part ufthOe buook launthiag hld ai the Country g! CF Poins Rois aquire Mosdoy nigbt. Euest thaugli Hesry siated finit ceitisi tht book ins a lahor ut lave, lie cas taeted tu admitfilet wi'iig aoot rela- tires cas sut as easy iasli. "Yau rani celite ahouta tamdly os clase as ours and sot ilt sussease. Ifthee o siugle big prohiete aitl lie booki ilials il, my efforts lur anaid insuffli; aayoae, be admitted. Evert toiugl Oie este message ai Oie Seit i.a, Hesrytsidti O ier tre soiinuggets ai lismar tai ho taaid Oiraaali ias pages Ose faitlit gem cner tamed sporiacriter Jim Prasdftmt, soa clos etatmiiy iriend. Wies Otta and Maria cliere jant startisa oui o Oieir riie tacorld acttaim, Penadfani hogas isttacisg theis, as a reparter, liai lie pruned himsetf ajisa. Wlieever lieues aatrhisg them perform,aone ofthemi wcud fait. Wbes Praudfant wasn't in Oie audience, the perfor- mance caoud ho letter per- fmit. That tisa couard ane leuts ai Oie corld champiaon slips, lierase utthaugb the seaisman had heem iryiag ait day sot tai looki ai tliem per- tarie, lie finaiiy Bave cay lu temptaiun asd tali a peel i u thern as the ire. The secaad lie dîd final, Maria feillinthe middle of a teirhy aerialmaouver. The tait didot preees theis trois iohieg top horion. liawevee. For ariau, tht bookla s chanreanoiostytfor others to share pari ut the fait file site bas ied, bat tue them toatn uameOhiis of the dunger ni Communn. t think people who avouti hees thraaîh Comisanism ctos eorsua lotirais ibis, lie- cause itbasafumiy gig thragh il- itha taies il lot mare isterestisg." 'srprisieg fortheisio ranimze jusi chat sonnt peuple fidita a oitraagi." Monoa adcstted Ohiî skul- isg virtary an 1962 cas a vie- tory for deiscracy -menitthe camimiât jaaenotistu sboced tlie feor ut leaders in refasuug to celte aouta the Canadien stars chu bad es- caped fronstthe Commists Bluc f3 yeoes before. "Tleyctere afraiit.and ley cere toldauio teite aout us heause tbey did ant tci l shiowthoanseuat coalds- cape and sil cubre a ucst ut theissetues aulsîde ot Cocisuaisis," she soîd. ibis diatliae of Coisisaisis and saapisionouf social'isi feeling finit hou otan ceepi sf0o Ottuas potitita cueli. lie adismi.d ulihoati lie stresatd lie isel Oie otrl- hang lonutîr sonn people beliece himiaho e "My viewsuae aaieul ibeye mlsi realiaia thedatgeruofsociulism finit s ceepiag minoueaortosand clo ailier ullis uf file liai crtaisly thelfeelinthui i ste a Comiitadeeueryrock is luaible and riditauaos, lie adttdat "This boukis esuentilly a iumîly siuey, liai it sireiclie beyund ibul litrause itll the uiaey ofiaul lamilias'- "Oc Thîs tue' retaîlu lue $2.25uand it suiluble ihenath cost bookstoes i,e 4d WEDNES5A. ECrMBer 13 6:nc Ontaroutduua B.b 0 i, 630 PhuioîonliuTua Y oiOnhcis non0 Magant Chritmas ai th, Hio, Mo ....m, sais. For Christmas nnossic ve a glft "ht lvea s IRISTMAS PLANTS ic etaMixee Pzans Nu. Tiatataîvhvasi e etis anes aoe Mumadsrgan hngswllb CUT FLOWERS O.ii Nos fur the catie Connani,,,n e - Carnations a Mums aChrijstmnas Table Arrangements HfENRY GORTER FLORIST S KILORIDE 335-6424 ~fuL Traltirea 'n Tht new breed of Deere Lua. center oS grauîty for atahîlîty. Lum-olluy-utool frome for lillitweiîlit ONt AI sidonCnt The Canadian Champion, Wed.. Dec. 13, 1978 11 ross braneieJNe'4Qtý,Ltd1 "Renowvned for Quality and Service" PRESENTS OUR NEW COLLECTION 0F DIAMOND RINGS You Benefit 'rom our Good Planning and aur Buying Power! GUARANTEED SAVINGS RANGE FROM 25%/o t 30%/ Certified Appraisal At Manufacturers Replacement Value OUR DIAMOND RINGS PR/CED FROM $19500 220 MAIN ST., MILTON 878-6341 Beautiful Bodyguardsr Clothing Thortusan en 011109 settctinn f Jolie Dente un omCbile Sauhnu Ibis season LI i Choose f rum ont-, tco. ne theee-piece styles for auats. Ont- or tien-piece styles for chîldeen. We alun boa ali line cf hlmets. bonts, sonouteru;, cays, and huodweor. Boots, Gloves, Mittens We have John Doute nylon-top boots fcr the entîte famil. und lenihet top boots for mon Cotoîlul soçks. ton Hiandwear lingot mîttens, and g loves Spitfire5 " W John Deete compact aluminum stîne-tal weinhs o-st 275 po0005 si.upension disc yai leaturvu a 340 cc biake .dittct drive strevgth Fav-conied tien-ait rîlgîve stotage cnmyari- 340 or 440ecc angine ment and mute, Puddad seat, Ad1ust- ablt handlebats Stîde-yg w 4 ± rail suspevsion Lawn & Gardon Equipment Centre tISIMAS- 4IFT IdE-AS "tvm if yuliye never had a musickssonin your llfe.you can play the BakdWvânFtMdl "Vaaua u~ a.th Baldint ,hythms. An.d th. ialdy'. amy, F.nM.hliithe. finitiersa u aan. Sa if Yea v.oi a nai.. ty. Wah luet a.. fins.. Ail musac at.he au.. fntlie. or tn, Zi dos 5. paria lo, eam se ,ey friands.et Baldwin.. An.d akay, .i y..'. eaP-i.ni-Y a vy t.h.aentats Baldwin ai. .17 dise...... Fa.M.ataa Fino.hine. Cames complete weithilearmng pragromt Siegalang books & full Baldwin Guarantea "A Perfect Gif t ior the Whole Family" Maesfactarar's Spormal Christmsas List PriSa Guft *zoesl *1,695 Pianos M!! Organe 752 Guelph Lina Milton Mail Ose. BufilniaetMaii 55 Ontario St. S, 632-5131 878-8202 TOWN 0F MILTON MUNICIPAL GARBAGE COLLECTION OVER THE CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR HOLIDAY SEBafASON CHRIS TMA S COL LEC TION NO GARBAGE COLLECTION MONDAY. DEC. 25 or TUESDAY. DEC. 26 Collections normally mode on Monday. December 25th wiii lie made an Friday. December 22nd aiang wiih the asuol Friday area. Collections normally made oo Tuesdoy. December 26th wiii be mode oo Wadaadoay, Darambar 27th aionq with the "sua Wednesdlay orea. NEW YEAR'S COLLECTION NO GARBAGE COLLECTION MONDAY, JANUARY 1 Callections normally mode on Manday, Jaeuary ian mili lia mode on Tuesday, Janaary 2nd alaeg wiih the titilai Taasday arie.. Due to the necessary rearrangement of garbage routes, p/ise have ait garbage out by 7 a. m. Bruce McKerr, Direcoar of Public marks. Cornef of 1-1vvv 25 and Derr v Rd south of Millori 8788121

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