Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Dec 1978, p. 4

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4 Tire Canadien Champion, Wed. Dec. 6, 1978 Estaiaied 1961 HERB CROWTHER ROY DOWNS Publisher PAUL BELANGER Ire Editor Adveetiring Manager 191 Main St. East, Milton, Ontario L9T 1 N7 Phone 878-2341 Em RA s E " ET r S .r nsr r m ,, P-r r .. ., N- r... r. n.r n Li. r ,rrr5, ., , rll -1 R. l . 1 , r h,ý r NM rrr a uNS e srr.rE,r 5 - d- - - R- 6.r.10 , - r.r O . M- M-1 Hél rý .n r. r. r. N rr r, r. r rrrr.rr - 1 -d ý- 1 , S- r-t ,a. , II. a , 0-n r S lN T.hr rrrr.r r r r rrrr.~ ~ ~ C rL-, 9-.5rr .1 0efr.O.r. n.rrrr.rrr.rr .~r rrr .., . 0... .r r. u A cruel blov Someone rubu buugbt a bouse in thse Campbell Heigbta Subdivision Usougbt be ruas guing to puy 10w tire insurunce premiUmr. Witb bydranhu scattured tbrougb. out the subdivision and buing earily accessible to the Campbullville rubstution of Use Milton Fire Depuntment, plus baving plenty of eruter nrarby us the result of Use Hal ton Region Conservation Authority s dam, the pruud hume- uruner would bave tbuugbt bis investment erar o safe une. Perbups,' noru, bu irn't tue sure, Hir inrurance cumpuny ir pro- bably cbarging bim o betty dollar for tire protection. They bave rug- gested be iouLait umuke detectors. And the reusun ir the tire bydrants. -they simply dont have sutticient pressure bubiîîd tbem tu bu ot use if a tire breaks out. Wuter presrure us estimated to bu a muximumo 60 gallons a minute, one-teotb uf the minimum 6010 gal- tons a coinute wbicb firetigbhrs kor tbey con gui out ofta fireplug un Milton. Ar Ibis serurpoper eus informed, tl would bu butter if Use tire by- drants ruerenit thure, bucausu of Use taIse sense ut recurity Usey bu. storu. The low pressure is due tu the tact the pipe leading orut Uste ruelI rubicb, feeds the subdivision, ir tue umall. There us a lbrec-incb diameter pipe going int an inch and un boIt diameter muter. Sucb un arrange- ment is ridiculous, A tlsree-inch pipe iu innufficient in the first place. But Su then feed it into a meter half the sire, burders on the insane. Yet ti war dune and no-une noticed until the region touk over five yearu ugo. Campbell Heigbts Subdivision or Flamburough Estates as it is also culled, ruas approved during the days of Nassagaweya Townrhip. Obviously, the counicil ut that time was eager for additiunal tam asseaument and a neer subdivision ruas earily approved. There appeared tu be none of the stringent regulations which develupers bave tu abide by today. The shurtcomings of the by- drants; bave been inberited by tbe region. Altbougb recent impruve- ments are going to impruve ruater pressure for dumestic use, tbey fail lu meet tbe requiremenis for fire protection. Tbe reason is cost. A 35-borne subdiviuion dues flot menit spend- i06 bundreds otf tbousands of dollars to bring tbe f ire bydrants up to a sufficient ruater pressure. Current bomeuruners cbhoe to byve Usure because of Use ad- vantages of rural living. One of Use drawbacks lu rucb a lifestyle is bigb f ire insurance pre- miums. Tbat bar alwayr been a fact of lite in tbe country. Horuever, tu sumeone whbulbas paid mure tban $10,000 for tbe bouse otf bis dreamu, tu be intormed tbe bydrant in front ut bis place is useless, is a cruel bloru. Gas starts ffreS It neyer ceuses tu, amuie us huer working un a car in the gurage in foolisb peuple car bu erben il cumes pruximity tu a ruuod-burning stuve. tu bandling gasuline. The cor ruas jacked up us blocks. Nu motter huer utten tbey are The jack slipped and the gos tank marned and cautioned, peuple war ruptured. The fumes, utter inrirt un taking rirks eritb it. cuming into contact witb the stove Ther hae ben tO reent set thse gar uligbt. Ther bav brn teu reent Botb tires could bave been examples ut this stuttidity. prevented if the peuple invulvrd Botb ruere tirer wbicb started as bad used commun senre. the resuit of garuline being used Guroline rbouid unty bu expomed ruithin a confired area. in Wuel ventilated ureas, uway frunt In une instance, a man ruas open flames. cleuning auto parts in the Until people leurn thir musi busement erben ire fumes from, the fundamental ot precuutiuns, tires gos ruere îgnited by thse furnace, ruilI continue to break out, causing The second instance ruar a man damage and mirery. Exclusive neighborhood Wr note witb inturest the new Huruever, the lots are nut for the subdivision whbicblbas cume on average man on the street. If be Streamo in Campbullville. can caddy up the necesuary $56,ti00t, bu ruilI bu able tu buy a lot-but lse Cumpbullville Ertates ir rituatud sbould bave money left uver to east ut the village on wbat used to build a bouse, tue. bu the McLaren farm. Many ut the humer are guing tu it ruili suer bu the hume of 37 new bu ot a plusb nature and con- bomeoruners as the 95-acre sidering the lot pricer. the pruperty is guing tu be divided loto ueigburood is certainly going tu tero-acre, ertate residential lots, bu exclusive, Commenting brie fly NITPICKING ALREADY Regional Councillors baven't yet homo serors into office, but lasi rusuk ait a pru-inauguiral briefing session, Usuy gave an indication it's going to bu Ifunnyl "rbusinsessas5 usual" in the 1B719-9 terra. AlrsadY Usuy are nitpicking ovur Whoa Bila rubure in the regronal cbambura. ALL COfstMITIEES Halton lkegional Council bas four comosittes, ansd Miltons ba nly tbrue counceil representatives to Use 24-seat council, The teru neru local memburs. Gus Goutauski and Bill Johnsonr boUs expresaud concerni Usis weuk tIsat Milton must bu rupireountud on all four council cornmittsee-. Someonu io going to bave to oit un two u ut Usu, for sure, or Milton uont bu gutting a fuir representotion. Thusu rugional comittes do maku s lot of decldsum affecUssg sur arma and wu muet have a voiceuonuacb one. Sugar and Spire By 8111 Smiley Cancel my two minutes on the boob tube Cra p erunir tr dr r. tleerrîon rhrrtie great playr as Paddy Cirayelsiryr Marty. r hout ue. t bac mec drrir ahrut agreriof. t crmpae Ihut rnalrty and pathos murh tire aedeep suspierrors ahrrrt Ihut paetreular rlimrirng, sugarerieurledriatfi lise Tire medium,.and ary lorOOegardforlthe vrrl Wasiar Compare rboaliog, lcecrng ralrity eogaged in ils machrinations. Lrrecne and Shirley. r tire lte unlumenred Mrrdemritirthreatcoics eof FiretrofatllTVrr one ofhemoslper- the erly dryr Art Creyand Jabie ri os fuencer or the imagroatirns and Glereru, Sid Crasar and Imogeor Cocu. r.rer.iulaierrofte yuur, towrr1r.amr. y0irrarlThrei no ompaison. .eyrg otlcrhe scutletierrandheuties and lurtrer nf the Eogtîrh langoage. Pcrbuaps is hecanar tire big poobhir rf leleririon irave teeated ibeje massire Theeerrulmrtrrothrrglu rthlthe auine ihmr cnerp hna r.rrd, tu triltate tire rorrer, 10 imprure lire othue medium. bar rien dos, lituie tire lunguage. Mort telerirrur deama n oone- Hotlywood ut the hrg studio drmeîional. It'lraidrutltly leoe yi. The Iruguage rs irrrulred. Ssrpense rs And tirore appearing rn tlvso chrîdîirh Artrng ru rurenirre. rerpnd lise tamnrng puppeir. Hockrey rîryrer gel in10 orediers tigrr rr lirai tbey Aid il, rue in o hre errer. lre r nan eau display tire brig macho or the sree. rntelligent. rurpeoretri. renritrre and Pooirait players don't i ont score a mouer- imaginative peeeoflrcirrrrtheeveeo. dumr any moe, and leae il al tiat Tey lire mord rr erurlaullu rirrlered iry rrrry du r drnce, or lhey houe tire hall irard rit udr, ordrrttul roinrmcerrtrl ahuut ring rireground and run ueuundmwitirthiriaeolr urourd lire entlr or underrer deodurtupnel-ogalatrion. r.S pIty Teleororro. ir lire rgiri bandr, Lcened and intellrgent pruterruer atioru rould irerome tire mnort wr.umrof, thmevst i md iiuos errligirlcuiog. entrrgiog erprece ru ther~ helueirat questios eom, ignorant ir- tirer ut mary yeople, arrde ler.m lhir tervrierers Polrîrriars allum iiremrelver to persona] erice urih olire iumau bccive yculs eotrjs u berrgr. gel lireir images ou lire rouir tube. But 9rpercent ofri rrr.ed aherin Talentrd people in sowm businessmil tellrgcofnarslou riu-ycar-ld, Tire lrrry, appear ou tire sreen r.itir an upc or an artrîrerul "apptruue -Tire erre rucrrofi alligator, and ulloru ticmretvcr lu hu inr rerual ronuerdu Tire corstant riroîruti o rultldiry a ltl-nightrirow MC, iunt lu gel ro-erlird ermediror. Tire duit and inlthe petore derratîre dancerutirer, Tire ilattrof and snaelîn rck irupr And peraprrruert Only ocry ueeariunatty dors romerre oftul teiruenranefceedy gamershows.tIl mti real pamerof artieulation ardua rrîlrl li rullta t e an riaeerinurom cetain inhuen arrogance, romeote tube liromrug op mirer 1 come rcors une of Malcolm Maggeeidge, manage lui breakr Ibure. mrh lire hullummng martr ut tireougir lire iranatity ut tire typieut eeemonir,îiretumunin contestantr, and teeiinitriwr nyrrl usa tire idure audieces. inteviewer, sreme lire Poirier Wuatson, irreair irrougb tire îaetuty gaarded Yru bom, mirer lelevîrron hugar, il irad a porridge ut tire iterniere gond muny flirre. but mouit oftirm er. c techirurel At lire vr.mc lime il bad r vitality Wrtir vry 1cm ereptionr dors a nw and eealîly 1h01 rmcyi ait uture tirm. reporter depari lrom, a detinery ar moooosara metronone. Tire National, Drmarur. durec r.v, nd cirradrsuch Canadars1 oreriknews, 11.0n Nemiie, r Off beat By Rod Lamb ýRegion Iacks comforts : People are gcltiug mneurlumrd lu Hattun Itegion's uer. reudquurler At one ntatter told me, -ýtIr ire uumcmr un you franc. il gerurs ou yor.' He naid be ru longer ruticer tire birgit green cririor mires ire arrves. Tire roitding's eotor mabr. tl une ut tire rreri n Canada. Iu iis eupanîty, il ir uniqlue. The tructue rs paid tue. Cuslrrg $2.6 million, tere arr nu furBher eosts Sjtuated on Brunte Rd. irrl uorib ut tire QEw, il ir a modemn, hur-tibe formatron dirtingainiet iy rîrclo Theinrior is brigbt and airy, but roi- ject tu eriremes of temperuture. litien the soir riniof, tire g eneruus une of gtana mindumr flerds cnerytiig murh tigirt and braI. Wben lire eloutir doruroate, teiratIsgrsystem, barttrouble rebiof tbe wirco oneil beld an informa] meeting lart mecir, tire cirulation rysier. hrdt brorer domu. Encryunrbad tu seat ilout. fibniooly, tire bugr bave yrt lu te es- ienoinated. Derignof uthUt irtror olloon att rotfing srcts and pipise to tie erprod.' Car.- manrill on tire uglirena, Mayor Don dayr. - A sen ofe rncrr.pnriýsertherrtoring. Beroure lire earpettng n rnem, ait siatters -re .-equireditaite theircofferibreakus i lire cafeteria for Icar of rpdiuig ror.rtirg. Coornittors bure bren asbed to do Bhe same jr tire rant cirar.er. Tirey banc a cori. erbuir r off timits tu cneryose rire. Whebes on tbe Abtey Lite boilding rourilloer, press asti npeituior. iruld erirglc aithreeuffee macinie inanaleoneat tbe cea.- ut tire ebambr, Bhe seru prlicy rrgeegairriouneillOr trni Bhe people. Nu unr irnorur Ibis huîtr tiras Anse Stsiur Por Anse. sire mandered Bhrougir Bhe ,inti ebamber. and tire rettouttBe buitding anti rould tird no ose miro mold fine ber ther tue ot dey. If une of Burtington's top mayuralty cardidotes ranit goi attention, Bhe cirances Ot you and t are not muiorll er. Tire puic us dirroragoi ai Bhe rois buiding. spectatur scoig in Bhe coorcit ibamber. are rouir-bard, rorerete bescires esrouflageti by a Bhis layer of carpeting. If yo plan ru rit insta corniti meeting, ire miro. Bring yor caisinosn. radrsmaemy Lloyd Rrobertson mith tire riled .onrrtr, r-cuding thre reor asrtougi jr ore the phrre bookr. Thrn rue biadt roteoptuouu Peter Kent, Wuho gare tihe impession tirat ru as dring or a tavre. Tberr dayr wc hare dit rd sotjd, stoljd Gerge MracLean, airu detivres tire news au iirough il mcme a marmedorer pal ruarI. Wiii il ir, on mort 1. Short, TV is doit, duli, doi, t have grea Srotpaiby fnr two grup in ore rociety. fisc jr tire ottintorsard rirai-jus, miro hune anltile lfo in e thir ier, and ey on ielerisirn luer adiversion. ermethine tu taire the mind amay frount tire airer and pains and lire lonetîners. Wiral tbey gel jr a romirination nf tire ulmori pap and rrap tirai Orly a radint rond devine: rbeap, anceno, Grade C morjes; Smp operar: srrbenrrg grime shuws rceptionr, surir as Ssame Strent, atl titey hure tr. mat,,5 jr pirtoriat paifo, limai., aptittirgerpirr tube Tire Flintriorer, or riolent and btrody munier. Wirat o puty, ruher rhe mredium. îor.d edacate tiroir r.rudr, rtr thir. serrer witr colon and mourre, ond rend thnir irnaginationrs Ardy Warhol, a New York poponrtiri, raid eeryrnerrventuattY wil e clrety for 15 minu.tes. if riraIs tire rare, jortade mre est. Tire TV rirap tudrire it wmuudtake OtdY trouirOofo ruy irme tr r.r.e a trur-mnute eplic abPtt me and mry ioi.mn. 1 irave ru Particula desre lu took liber a rkcY for tro mnoies and sperd tire uert trur dayr feeling titre Turning the Pages of the Past Prur. tire hier ut Theo Canaieon Crampion One year ago Fra. rire Ere,. 7,lO77 Isrre Milton mas strciby aparayzingrormw rtuem miîr torird many bosirerrer to serti employers busme carty Mosday nigiri. otîbers wru c nul as torby and erded up rperding lire rigbt ai Bher plaie ut munr. fiPP raid Bhrr mere a numter ot ahuri donedcarandralliaidents. A Woraga Bechi man ereuPed frr.m tire Maptebrr Adlt Training Centre, musre iatoe, monedtri Milton Juil, and eraefrom, tirere. Milton Counci ont onecord asteing 'n opparition tu tire building ut a 203-aire indurtrial parir iry Halluon Hîtîr. Tire main easun tue tire objection mat Staltor Huis would be inoompetiiion for industriesrmith Mitton muir plans a rimrlar 1,400-aire indurtriat parsr immcdjatety adjacent tu tire proprueti Ballon Hîtîr parir. A srery condated byrstudetr atJ. firoyer Shmai on tire televirior-mmtciirnf babils ut riodeots indiraird 38 per cent ut th.or srnyrd matir tire boums of trie- vision afterribhort A large percentageutf lirtre srvreyed (44per cent)iaidtreytctt tetevisios violence irad no etient os tirer, but a srpriringly bigb omier (9 pier rest) erprerreti oriertainly ahut uis cf- lecin on Bher. cduiation Ministr Tuom Welts mas on bard to oftirially open tire orru Ânon anti itrict Higir SeraIl 20 years ago Front rire De00,4.1%8rOissue Elovn geadraler of Milton Higr 5iiool mccc bonored Fridoy enenirg ai Bhe erirortr 37iir commenceesnt progrrmt. Diplomar and rortitirater mort tu, 32 grade 12 geado and or grade 10 riadensr. A rom rstcpayer orgaiatior mas for- meditest meir mires 45 reridens ut sur- Bhers Borlirgior forr.od the Upper sac- lingros Citiortis' Fanes. G. F. tlar.ir.s r preridesi. Stes Hall, Mpp, oltiriated ut Bhe cibboe raîring mici opeed Stemarfhumr's nom fine-ror siboci Iant me. Multon's eleniios Murdoy dreru 786 noter., or 2e per cent uft Bore etigile. R. C. Cueintiar. mas retorsoti as renne, do- feeling Ait Derfardire 3M tu 300; Williamn oney mos te irydro commrission race 402.2l2 over Normes Peace mite Franir Jousr palid 143t noter. Brin Bort 'vas olected ei rts, degoatirs Mis. M. Kernigirar t95-145. Or Bhe question of a A grand jury mas nameeti thie gereral rouet sessions tari menir and iord tire rorols tarjijiies. Tire juore cattedl tire Oid lait "antîquated" and renororerdod reneral impronemenir. Tbry atr, oatd tire masirroom facititir. jr tihe Halton Couty Healtr Unit bimlding uuauitairte. Renne Juin A. Mûrie mou returord tu oftice in ylssagamcya Morday. Ho recerncd 258 roter to Uhc 75 potlid for Arthuor Padirury. Ait otirer townshtip Offices ere ilîrd iry acclamation. Milton ares jr tihe resure of tihe roori- emom-geouring indusry in Canada,' Bob Rerd, preident ut Targerere Musircoss Co., told Milton Ithriars ait tiroir regrilar Turrday meeting. fthrie tino mriion pounir ut murirrorers gcown rn Canada, nearly Imo million are gomn jr Btallor, ire raid. Milto' nem Main St. tire huit mes of- tîeially opencd Sardsy nigirt mirer Mon Phillipr. rhirrman ut tihe Miton Aries Fiue Committen, prerenird tire beys of te building lu Ciet A. c. Cireront. h iaa tormer humling altey 75 years ago Fro5 tire Dr. 3 1» tIse There mas namething Rite a bizziard in a renen-mîle huit jr tihe relgirhuod of fiel- ville yerierday. Tirere mas tresserdona wdasnd thre snom frit an tjciy tiret the mer un tire raîtmay usaina coutdl rat me 50 tent abead. Trairs mer. deiayed se miroirs. There mas ru ror ai Toronhu. crirug som tolt in Ibis ne*ibuorod te gine us tairly gond sirigming hum tire wind mur rot partiralaety strosg. Wr are morry tu roy George Coaitila in reryrcritiral cordition as a rasit of iis reiert accident reparted in Thre Cirampin 100 meehu ugo. Ho hudl hes doing moItirai symptuers ut blord poisoSiOg deneloPod Tuesday. Mitr rpendirg ahut Bhre o tsa ins Milton ai tire bome of iris parerts, Sarnuel Molystoto oda nhsrtr a iris borne ai Lardon's Lasding, B.C. Mes. Thumpros of te First Lise. Tratalgar, frit and bruite irer leg steve tse bsec os Wedresday of lest meoir. Tire rame timir mar traetored ahut tu yoarsi ago. 9lrs ir doisti meli, ronaiderisg irr sas. Tire rni wiii ire oposoti for the sse as suas as ire cor te made ready. Tisese oit tie siratise os Tsday and atsrday &fier- mous sdi ovnigs and prsirehly Tisirsli. eenirgs. a h t

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