Don Wilson's farm Home of prize-winning birds By csnnlferfBarr Agricultocal Collegr sosn 100 Awervcao shows and six Trc 10 tbe tradition of ayyîeciale hîs birdssoeill ii 1a0e home cf fine yesrs agu. Canadien showc ioclsdisg the Illr breetlers ccotry as sorse be poid 1cr, chirbens. SUlbasyncggs Royal, C.N.E., breed shows wideDon Wilsonsttuas to bat Nec long ce advîcc and Many , renier passllry Wihson nsw bas rsaghiy 80 and to local faie, Milton a youagster isterestcd en asistance beaosa. "Wa braeae lina i sue sighor bleds on bis quiet tread two- and Brampton. bil eN dueln gisa bis bavea l he Iba ncy bmd, among 10cm Don acre prspcrty north ?f 10005l Don lobtes about 60 bl In bleds aealu so ycunstea. gcisg Wilson who linon on laine wherebc lines wihfilswfe, tbe Ea each yaar but limita but wllsell qoite ccaply 10 And tbe Iancy li in good Sidataad lont sortho f Mlthin. Willy. Ne bas worhed wc10 bis Royal essaies heurame of gel bies slorted. Na facIs c bsndn witb Dos Wilson, ose of Don Oas shows poils P.L. Roberton as too05aher the lesgh cf the show. Bleds ysasg lad rtceivicg sone- the people abo ctli appec- since 1948, hoe Ilsis, (Il for 29 yeas hi support hi e ut1eEafu av a ing for notbing oll ncl iotes s good cbioken. %apaysn 1 reeonesxtory.s u ressbeo dates some- limes escape himan. AI the 1978 Royal Winter Fair, Don showed 12 bledis, walked off w110 two breed champiosmhil, 10 finit places and tvre fixatifs. ln past yeans ha had beat standard biled of show aI the Royal, andhbeathanlam.' Hes also won the sasse awards et the Canadian National Ex- hibition. Chickesswlsb bats Aller expelimesllng wllh a variety of types, Don o breeda white cresterd Poland hauteums, black rsecomb bofans, modern gare hanteras and old English standard gamne le vorios He oIns breeds a fiew elagple pigeos foc fan. The polands are plsesp, friendly birda wit aesmassive circuler ruff of feslbers coverg teir tny hesds. Black rosecombe luh ]lits blackhird vil peoales an theirltopaosa. Thegarnesfowl cesesable everyone's image cf on faidl fashioed chiches and are the descendants af lomous Iiglting cocks. Thc lds Ihemasivea are long- leggeil, colarfol ood salle bigbly straag. Wilh Ihase esalli-cbsrmed birdo Don Wilson adds lu is vont tropby dlsplay evary yca r. Il tlbes quitte a bitlof fina- how ta hread saperior ,bîcheas, il afnIt ila a bit- aend-miss projet. Don startent before ha west to nebool, 0e soya, wbca as oncle wit a fancy for fawl startad hies off with a Iel lairds. At 1hi1 bale, Dos lived ie Milton and oaloaya bod cbichasa. Ne spensi bma wilb Al Waldia, tbe local blacksmith, obos becs o lancier for a la January, eggs are coliecterd fromt layiag hes and Dan starlo incubatlsg. Toc resultiag châihi umber 200 ia as avcrage yesr. Young birda are ted o spatial msixture cf- wbest. solo, sors andl barley. Toey ail recelae geees, ham- burger and dag food. I the laying session, bl are f0d laylsg caseshles, o h1gb proli geais mixture, bal Dan lohes 10cmt off his wben he bas esaagb eggs lac the chicha be wans. Mont of the ysar Willy Wilson boys egga lassa tbe store, wbicb fil7 sclaodd for sasasae wbo bas on cbicbans sn tbe back yard. Oleds are worsaed oca month and inoculated yearly as watt os receivng saedicaled faad snth baesl saostbs. So atty Wilaos-ralsed birds bave a bealthy shirt. The best bleds are shows ai sloy aI the Royal searly two wacbs, wbicb escl hese riast of dissase bigbac, ha soys. Roisisg and abcesisg eabib-, ilion pooltry is the osa bobby wbare as esîbaciast cas traibe esougb esoney tai support bi& isterst Dos soya. You'l secer gel rich but y0u cas esoba morfal at il if yoa sloy sesîl," ha aspIains. As oeil as sscsey f ros sbow primes, Dos bas iscomne froso soles cf leds. A pusre- bred ebiches will al for $5 ta $150, cccoatbsg ta Dos, de- pcsdisg os ils qonlity and show record. Most gsad hleds sali fcr $1010o $25, be adds, go areousuolly wiîbis the range of most faniers. Ha keapa bis top leds, sella bais second hast aI bandscme prices andconsignectberest ta varions braed soles of liva- stock haras ac ha heaps bis wister stock lia esanageabla n izne. CHICKS ON TIPTOE, tisase Old EnglisIt bontarn bobies pase fer tisc cornera at Don Wilsons poultry farrn. In another yaar tiscy Ilay ie wisning prises like the rcst of the ectablisisment. The Canadten Chapion, Wed Dec. 6.,1978 CS li % m '" 0 ý .4 . ELECTRICAi, INDUSTRIAL CONTRACTING MAINTENANCE POLE LINE AERIAL CONSTRUCTION LIGH-TING 878-2048 583A MAIN ST. E. MILTON, ONT. LOT 3J2 Denture Theropy Clinic Gabriel Szocs 878-1100 155 Main Street, Milton The Milton Downtown Marchants DECEMBER 1978 CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HOURS À Monday Tuesday Wsdnesday Tç3iursday Friday Saturday 4 5m 6 7 89 9 . 9 P.m. 9.M. 9 PM ..6p.m. The Above Schodule WiII Continue Through Till Christmas -Only afcw echarosai t osaopteetaCrsmssopnhat.Yuwl idiofsPr ndapye serve co and hclp you wihîccenenvlsoscooogif nappcc(if nqetald cllheclhngslta se Chrstmas shopinsacleasua CHHS M4-4'#AS "'PIrTUBE PERFECT"y WITH TERRIFIC SEASONAL SAVINGS Portable Modal rail ON I l o oue CctsH l5> I 8821 FEEDING TOME for Dos Wiison's Engiish garne birds, part ai0i1rie __ USE OUR CONVENIENCE Wisming poultry fsrr n orts of Milton. Fceaturing Oid English, creste AT MILTON MAIL Poiands and Black Rosccornbs, the Wilson birds wio tropis ail uver tihe Il p Pt 24n ý -1t4il-~4 TENDERSPURE FOOD BAKERY The Haloi Bcard cf ' 254 Main St. E. 878-9713 Educat on il 900 ivo tenders iOr supplies for flOdUCàll Owffaw Addn'm the cîorscetary andl secondary schoola. ""CAKE DECORATINOà CENTRE" Tenders for eacb classi- ,o fication iall close at T' st IN TOWN 4:00 pas. EST. cen Wedaesday, December ~Co e in and take a look at our new line of home baking 27, 1978. ConsuaeSupplis decorator needs. Everything you would need to Duplinatleg Supplias decorate your Christmas baking. a Duplicatlng Papsa Tacine Cupplie e sure tosee our reguIar fresh bae 'g"ods Audio Visuel Supplias as well as our:, CHRISTMAS GOGOS: Detailed tender liste e" andl cîbol porticulars FANCY CHRISTMAS COOKIES AND SHORTBREAD for the abave clasoifica- -MNE7RS&PE tisas esay ha obtaiseil e IC AT tPE eI the Central Admini- - AND OUR DELICIQUS CHRISTMAS CAKE stration Office, 20M 81EIIITWTHR MTT' GulhUne, Burîing- " EIIIT-TESIUAE sas, Ontario. L7It 3n2 The Iowest or any ten- .nr-.I.m Meb oth der il sot necessariîy 1tm e I Mebroth a be anssePt M.0 ess5ssa fft sslssowne Centre Ilsso Chebess D.Mro Bout Quliy Coloer silSandard Frissss Sylovani 10% sold stasl Choc sis .solccso Auto cl, oc botter, fenil muvedes prop, clerfin asd AFC .Sl ... l ssiorsand ICccî Pl- il -cwadsfo o, c -- l c'se* Tacsîolc d Vcc F loop J ntnn Reîecccd .oshog hssd h.1ds MAN. LIST *4M.00 EXCELLENT QUALITY-TOP LINE CONSOLE COLOR T.V. r= 07lG-Maic"*Cals, Tuneg Sy.tem o!_,Tlo l ngv p~ey ft, _ v dg 0, fn f -l n ýt Mot, a S f100 y-, T CoS te.0 pf,,,ee I 17ardl . h BUakbl TM T,,1 gyos. h ptr aoey uoarRYuonaial SALE PRIl SAVE $39900HURRY IALE$ Lu- 00